Thursday: Watch and Be Ready
Why is it crucial for us always to watch and be ready for Jesus’ coming? See Matt. 24:42, 44.
The keynote of Jesus’ prophetic sermon is the imperative to watch, to be on alert. It doesn’t mean to wait idly but to be actively vigilant, as is the owner of a house who remains diligent against any potential thief (Matt. 24:43). While watchfully waiting, we have a work to do, as did the faithful servant who carries out the tasks his master entrusted to him during the master’s absence (Matt. 24:45, Mark 13:34-37).
What attitude would be fatal for us who claim to believe in the second advent of Jesus? See Matt. 24:48-51; Luke 21:34-35. How can we avoid falling into that attitude? Why is the error so easy to do if we are not careful?
The parable of the evil servant is very sobering, especially for us as Seventh-day Adventists. This servant represents those who profess to believe that Christ will come again, but not immediately. Believing that the Lord is delayed, they think they still have time to live selfishly and indulge in sinful pleasures because, surely, there will be plenty of time to prepare for the Second Coming. Unfortunately, this idea is a deadly trap, because no one knows when Jesus will come. Moreover, even if Christ doesn’t come yet, any one of us could be called to rest unexpectedly, suddenly ending our opportunity to make things right with God. But above all, repeated indulgence in sin gradually hardens and desensitizes the conscience so that it becomes more difficult to repent. The devil doesn’t care that we believe theoretically in the second coming of Jesus, as long as he can make us postpone our preparation for it.
How can we be ready today? By repenting and by confessing our unconfessed sin to Jesus, by renewing our faith in His expiatory death on the cross for us, and by surrendering our wills totally to Him. Walking in communion with Him, we can enjoy the deep peace of being covered by His robe of righteousness.
How much do you think about the Second Coming? How much of its reality impacts your life? How do we strike the right balance in going about our daily work and yet living in anticipation of Christ’s return?

I am really looking forward to the 2nd coming because then there will be no more evil and the Great Controversy will be finally settled and our LORD will have been shown to the Universe as being righteous, being just and the justifier of those who believe in Jesus.
In the meantime I will continue my daily walk with Jesus, follow the map - meditation and prayer, loving Jesus, spending time getting to know Him better, sharing what I have learned about his character with others.
The 2nd coming is not the goal of my relationship with Jesus, it is another event in our walk together. A very good event, but not the beginng or end of our relationship.
What I have to watch out for is letting the daily cares of life interfering with my relationship with Jesus. How can I be ready? Between now and the 2nd coming there will be tough testing times so I must learn now to trust Jesus to care for me, I must know His Word and character. So I will be ready and no matter what happens be it physical or spiritual nothing will make me doubt or reject my LORD,
The coming of Christ is nearer than when we first believed. The great controversy is nearing its end. The judgments of God are in the land. They speak in solemn warning, saying: “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 24:44. – {CCh 356.1}
But there are many, many in our churches who know little of the real meaning of the truth for this time. I appeal to them not to disregard the fulfilling of the signs of the times, which says so plainly that the end is near. Oh, how many who have not sought their souls’ salvation will soon make the bitter lamentation: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved”! – {CCh 356.2}
I am coming again to say that the second coming of The Lord does not hang on our readiness even though The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. He will come when He must come regardless of whether we are ready or not.
It should therefore be our priority in life to pray always to Him to prepare and make us ready as we also in concerted effort and support from the Holy Spirit live in readiness for His coming
I trust that I am not going to tread on some theological toes with something I feel the Holy Spirit impressed on me today! What was Jesus really saying about the Second Coming? When He spoke to his disciples in private about the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem He also added the signs of His Second Coming. It's as if to say to them and to all who lived after them, "these things are going to happen, but I promise you, Satan's been given time to prove to the universe that he can do things better than God. There will be an end to Satan's reign on earth, so just keep faithful and I promise that I will come and fetch you to myself when Satan's allotted time runs out". The signs of His coming are Satan's last desperate efforts to take as many souls with him because that is how he can hurt God most. God can, and will, recreate a new heaven and a new earth to replace the one destroyed by Satan and his followers, but He will not create a new mankind to inhabit it. It will be the home of His children who have chosen to follow Him and believe his Promise .... that He WILL come again to take His children home.
Thanks for today's lesson and yesterday's lesson. Both are driving an important point into our minds- Christ's second advent and our readiness to meet Him. We should be perpetually ready. After all if we are truely christians, then we must be walking in the footsteps of our Master Jesus Christ. All we need to do is to wake up the world which is deep asleep in worldly pleasures and indulgences. This way, we shall be diligently alert as we wait.
I think that the most important thing is not that we be ready for the second coming, but that we have the character of Christ. If this is our goal, selfishness in not likely to be our motivation. We must be motivated by the Holy Spirit to be like Christ.
Whereas if we are just wanting to "be ready" to go to heaven selfishness can very easily be our motivation. Even working for the church can be selfishly motivated. Watching and praying that we be like Jesus in every issue will bring love and balance into our life more than just working hard.
The side effects of this formula of Jesus ("watch and pray lest ye fall") is a very happy life even with trial and persecution. Marriages are more likely to succeed and we will be a part of the solution involving every part of our life--instead of being part of the problem.
Its' hard to think that Christ's Second Coming will be unexpected and "like a thief in the night" when so much cataclysmic disasters precedes it. A read trough the book of Revelation tells of the 7 Last plagues and such signs. How could anyone then miss these signs. Leads me to think that Jesus' warning relates to death more than His actual coming OR to the close of probation which occurs before the Second Coming. Your thoughts?
Ray, I think it might be easier to miss than we think. I am reminded of the experience of the children of Israel at Sinai and realize that they went through the unmistakable signs of the 10 plagues of Egypt, crossed the sea on dry land because of a miracle of God, and had the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night and yet they fell back to worshipping the golden calf when Moses delayed his return. I think such things are in the Bible as a warning to us that we need to be aware that we too are prone to do the same things. Maybe it was because they really didn’t see those events as being that unusual in the first place, just extended natural occurrences of nature that just happen to have taken place at the right time, I don’t know but what I do know is that they didn’t hold on to those experiences and because of that they ended up doing the unthinkable.
There are a couple of other things that I think we need to keep in mind as well. When the seven last plagues start all decisions are done – no one changes his/her mind after that time so recognizing them is really quite meaningless. Secondly those plagues to my way of thinking won’t be drastic changes but rather we will all enter into them as though they were just a little more of the same that we currently experience so I really doubt that anyone will recognize them at first.
Now is the time to see God working in our lives and in the world around us! It is that experience that we need to have so desperately. Such things are real faith builders and I feel that many of us are not gaining faith in Him through those experiences and that will be one of the things that will undo us in the end.
I think one of the worst things our denomination did was to give up on "investment projects." I realize that they really weren't big revenue sources but they did give people a view of God working miracles in their lives and to me that is an absolute necessity. We need faith and the closer we get to the end the more we are going to need it (Jn 6:29).
However we imagine the seven last plagues something to remember is they will be distinguished by the fact that the faithful will escape them, while others suffer serious effects. Then as the rigtheous are blamed for this the fury of the unsealed is turned upon God's elect. Those who take time to study prophecy now and heed counsel will probably be alert to some of these things and be encouraged.
See excerpt from Last Day Events p. 245 below:
I saw that the four angels would hold the four winds until Jesus’ work was done in the sanctuary, and then will come the seven last plagues. These plagues enraged the wicked against the righteous; they thought that we had brought the judgments of God upon them and that if they could rid the earth of us the plagues would then be stayed. A decree went forth to slay the saints, which caused them to cry day and night for deliverance.—Early Writings, 36, 37 (1851).
Hugh, if I were to use Ellen White in this case I think I would prefer to use the entirety of “Chapter 39—The Time of Trouble” in the Great Controversy primarily because it is more complete and was last revised in 1911 from the 1888 edition by Ellen White so that her theology is what she had at the end of her life rather than her understanding of things 50 years earlier. That chapter gives a lot of information about that period of time including exactly what the people of God will be facing and as I read it, it is apparent that the threats of violence, even though a definite part, is really only a prop in the whole play. The real problem will be a matter of faith in God’s promises which Satan will try to destroy just like he attempted to do with so many in the past. The only difference will be that Satan will be allowed to exercise a lot more power than God has allowed in the past and even though he cannot directly touch the righteous he will be allowed to attack them mentally and do to them what he did to Christ while on the cross such that Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Mat 27:46 NKJV).
When the Bible says His coming is "like a thief in the night" I think it is only referring to the exact day and time of Jesus' coming where like the thief no one knows when he will attack.
However, Jesus is not like a thief because not like a thief, He gave us list of events that will take place before He comes.
To be watchful means to be watchful of these signs as they are being fulfilled everyday because every time we see signs come, the more we become excited and the more we long to see our Savior therefore, the more we strive to have Him more in our lives. Through this, we are made "prepared" (assured of salvation in His coming).
If fortunately we are still alive during the 7 last plagues, this is not a time to be watchful because our case has already been decided. Even if we are sleeping when Jesus comes, He will translate us if that is our destiny.
What exactly was changed between the specific chapter 39 of 1911 and chapter 39 of the 1888 version of the Great Controversy?
As well is it that EGW got some things theologically wrong earlier which she had to correct later?
Clarification is important if only for the reason EGW is heavily quoted in the lessons.
Hugh, thank you for challenging me, I needed it.
First, to be very direct about it there is no difference between the 1888 edition and the 1911 edition in that chapter titled “The Time of Trouble” that I can see but then that was not the point I was making. You used a quote that came from Early Writings that was written about 50 years earlier than the 1911 edition of the Great Controversy. My point was that I would have chosen to use the most recent writings rather than the earliest ones because even prophets change their ideas and concepts throughout their lives. If that were not true then why did Ellen White feel it necessary the revise what she previously wrote? Was it just a matter of some wording or punctuation? No, I think it involved more than that; so much so that the General Conference put a stop to the whole thing so that she was not able to complete what she wanted to do.
Does it matter, well, yes I think it does. For one thing I believe that it can be easily shown that the Bible involves progressive revelation and if it is found there it most likely can also be found in a person’s life. To my understanding there have been studies done along that line with Ellen White (I believe Alden Thompson did one of them) that show that she in fact changed her concept of God significantly by the end of her life. There are also a number of scholars that have recognized that the Bible writers didn’t always agree, in fact, few doctrines seem to be presented in scripture univocally where there is 100% agreement. A few simple examples that I have presented before should show that there are indeed differences of opinion.
For example, look at all four quotations that the gospels give for the inscription posted on the cross (Mat 27:37; Mk 15:26; Lk 23:38; Jn 19:19). For sure the differences are not enormous but they are different.
There are also major differences between the gospels of Matthew and Luke. I will mention two of the most outstanding.
The genealogies are entirely different. While a lot of scholars feel that Matthew used the paternal side (husband) and Luke used the maternal side (wife) I don’t think that has been conclusively proven and even if it is there is difference in the number of generations. As Matthew stated that his list is made, “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations” (Mat 1:17 NKJV). That’s 42 total generations but Luke lists 52 generations for the same period. Obviously, there is something wrong. Furthermore one can easily question Matthew’s neat groups of 14 generations and besides it is widely known that Jewish genealogical lists often skip generations and sometimes count relatives as part of genealogical lists. That is just the way they did things back then.
The second example of the differences between Matthew and Luke is the difference concerning the social and spatial environment of the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew says, “And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him” (Mat 5:1 NKJV) while Luke says, “And He came down with them and stood on a level place with a crowd of His disciples . . .” (Lk 6:17 NKJV). Both of these statements precede the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew says that Jesus went up on the mountain and sat down; Luke says that Jesus came down from the mountain and stood up. Which one is the truth? Ah, they both are!
This is only three such examples but there are many more. The point is that as a denomination we really don’t have a very good understanding of what inspiration is. We, like so many other denominations think that God dictated and the prophet mechanically wrote but Ellen White puts the kibosh to that idea. The fact is that God gave His prophets a lot more freedom in their writing than we generally believe but that doesn't lessen their importance or authority because the base of their knowledge comes from God. So that only says that there is less absoluteness involved than we once thought. This means that there are differences in understanding among prophets and over time.
Very insightful observation you make. Interestingly in the days of Noah the people were witnesses to the remarkable sign of animals lining up orderly and in two distinctly defined number groups (twos and sevens). Yet the hardening of the heart as the Spirit withdrew from the rejectors of truth left the masses insensible to anything godly. To them it was just another "viral video moment on youtube" or something "trending on twitter" for a moment.
The signs are probably more to rally the already committed, and call their attention to the next move God requires them to make. Those who followed the signs ahead of the destruction of Jerusalem were spared.
EGW commented:
“Just before us is a time of trouble such as never was, and those who are weaving the principles of truth into their practical life will soon understand what the wrath of the dragon means. Every soul who loves God will be tested in regard to his sacred law. Christians must stand on the elevated and holy ground which advanced truth has given them. The light shining forth from the Scriptures for these last days, will qualify those who walk in it, to stand before magistrates and rulers, and will enable them to lift up the true standard of religion by their intelligent knowledge of the word of God.
When Jerusalem was to be destroyed, the followers of Christ were warned of its impending doom. Christ had told his disciples what they were to do when certain things should come to pass. He said, “When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.” All who believed in the warning of Christ, escaped from the city, and not one perished when Jerusalem was overthrown. By the destruction of Jerusalem is symbolized the last great judgment of God that is to come upon the world.” (RH November 5, 1899)
When we read the statement of Jesus in Rev. 16:15 about watching, He is also speaking of our garments, lest we walk naked and our shame is revealed. His robe of righteousness is is what I believe He is talking about here not His second coming. True it is in the context of last day events but the clothing (righteousness of Christ) is the issue.
Ray, a thief in the night doesn't always come unnoticed just unexpected, think home invasion type of thief. See 2 Peter 3:10 Pete describes 2nd Coming as a thief but goes on to say heavens passing away with a great noise, elements melting in great heat etc.
1 Thessalonians 5:1 But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.
2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
3 For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.
5 You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
If I'm reading this correctly, the "thief in the night" illustration applies to those who are not watching, those who are "in darkness". But, according to verse 4, those who walk in the light will not be surprised.
@Shirley "The 2nd coming is not the goal of my relationship with Jesus, it is another event in our walk together. A very good event, but not the beginning or end of our relationship."
How true Shirley that is. At times I wonder if there was no heaven, judgment or any second coming, how many people would still follow Jesus. Could it be possible that people just run into the hands of Jesus in the process of running away from hell. Since hell doesn't sound inviting and so the only other alternative they have is Jesus, after all he has a heaven to look forward to.
What if those in heaven and those in hell could have the same benefits and live the same lives eternally and you just had to choose which of the two places you would like to spend eternity in? How many would still choose Jesus? How many would still willingly want to be under his heavenly government?
Jesus sees the motives even of our discipleship. We need to be in a growing relationship with him, because we want to, not because we have to. We should want to follow Jesus for who he is (Our creator, Redeemer and Lord), not for what he has(heaven and salvation from hell). We long to be with him because we love him and he loves us. His second coming should not send us into panic mode and we start running around doing good deeds so that we will not be left out when he comes.
We should be doing good deeds as a natural response to his love. Let us watch and be ready. Instead of just watching signs of the end times, let us watch our heart to be constantly connected to our maker so that we would be glad to meet him when he comes; for we have made it our natural choice and our joy to be where he is for eternity.
Thank you Jesus for coming to take us!!!
Hi Patience,
I agree Jesus' love is the key.
Even now we see in the lives of the rich and famous when they can have and do what they want they spiral out of control and they keep searching for fulfilment and love but never finding it.
Only in the selfless love of Jesus kingdom will people find true peace + happiness.
Jesus' love is the key to the future
Patience Phiri, I want to share my thoughts on the 3rd paragraph in your comment;
"What if those in heaven and those in hell could have the same benefits and live the same lives eternally and you just had to choose which of the two places you would like to spend eternity in? How many will still choose Jesus? How many would still willingly want to be under his heavenly government?"
It is vaguely dangerous for us to refer to HELL as a real place, after we exhaustively gain the knowledge from the Word of God of the truth about HELL, as it is just a term to describe an eternal disappearance of Satan and his angels and all of the wicked. Hell is only a term that describes a total eradication of Satan, his angels and all the wicked. Hell, although is metaphorically used here, its reflecting a false sense of belief, that hell is a real place that will exist through out eternity.
I believe that our merciful God will not have any place in His entire sinless universe for sin. And i know my merciful God will not allow sin to exist again a second time. May the love of God be our only motivation as we remain ready daily for our entrance into His Kingdom at death or when we see Him in the clouds of Glory. Cheers!!!
it is realy true, we may not knw that tommorow is not for us to see and if we cling to our evil ways we may lose the chance to reconcile ourselves to the Lord. lets just be prepaired coz we know not the hour. God help us all
To me the parable of the servants in Mat 24:45-51 is by far the most terrifying of all Christ’s parables. It’s not that the wicked servant lost faith in the Second Advent because I think we all have that tendency at times but rather that he stopped giving those under his charge “food in due season” (Mat 24:45 NKJV) and instead, “begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards” (Mat 24:49 NKJV). It is the classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sort of thing – once a good faithful Christian but now one who doesn't care.
First what does it mean “to give them food in due season” (Mat 24:45 NKJV)? Was Jesus speaking only of physical food (Jn 4:31-34; Jn 6:27; Mat 16:5-12; Jn 6:48-66; etc.)? And what does he mean by beating his fellow servants? How can we end up beating one another? And finally what does it mean “to eat and drink with the drunkards?” Can we be drunk without physically consuming an intoxicating beverage (Isa 29:9; Isa 51:21; Rev 17:1-2,6)?
Doing today's lesson,I was reminded of a conversation with my early teen daughter years back, we had just finished studying the Daniel and the Revelation series, when one night while the family was discussing the coming of Jesus, she blurted out "that is not fair, that is not fair, How can He come and I did not get the opportunity to grow-up, get married and have a family of my own".
We all looked at her in amazement, and I am not ashamed to say that worship ended abruptly and took on a whole new dimension. She is now a senior in college, with a brighter perspective. I say, this to say that, even though we were born and raised in church, or newly baptized members, sometimes the Second Coming, takes on a personal meaning that we have to earnestly talk to God about. Therefore, in imparting God's commission to tell others about Him, we must be prepared to answer questions (or curved balls like the one my daughter threw at the family), because sometimes the very body language that we display, will suggests a whole new meaning to the words we uttered, defeating the purpose in mind.
With this in mind our goal is to reflect Jesus's love in our daily lives, while He prepares answers before they are asked, to those who earnestly seek Him.
Bev, what was your answer to your daughter?
I told her that her future is in God's hands, and whatever He thought best for her would be provided for her. But most of all she should remember that God thought that she was so important that He sent His only Son to die for her.
Hi Bev, I have thought about not getting time here on earth to do certain things, what I think is when we get to heaven and the new earth there are going to be so many much more exciting things to do.