Tuesday: James and the Gospel
Unfortunately, perhaps because of Luther’s influence, many Christians have been unable to see the important message James’s epistle contains. Without diminishing the contribution Luther made for the church of his day, we must remember that the Reformation did not . . . end with Luther. It is to be continued to the close of this world’s history,
because grave errors
were perpetuated by the Reformers and many important truths were still to be revealed.-Ellen G. White, The Story of Redemption, p. 353.
Thus, the need for the Great Awakening with Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield-and the Wesley brothers who gave birth to the Methodist movement and its emphasis on the vital role of holiness in the Christian life. The work of reform continued with the Second Awakening, through which God raised up Seventh-day Adventists to proclaim the third angel’s message.
This worldwide proclamation culminates with the Spirit-filled witness of a people who keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus
(Rev. 14:12).
Read James 1:3, James 2:5, James 2:22-23, James 5:15. How does faith function in these passages? What do they tell us about what it means to live by faith? How do they show us that faith is more than just an intellectual assent to various propositional truths?
It may come as a surprise to some that James refers to believing and faith 19 times in this short letter, more than his references to works and justification combined! In fact, the importance of faith is stressed right at the beginning of the first chapter in connection with trials and asking for wisdom (vss. 3, 6). This shows that James was not only writing to believers but that he expects them to have a certain quality of faith. As we will see, the act of believing, in itself, is of little avail; true faith carries certain recognizable credentials. That is, true faith will be revealed in the life and character of the believer.
What things do you do on a daily basis that reveal the quality and reality of your faith? How can you show the reality of your faith even in the small

Before we discuss how faith works we need to discuss what is faith?
Heb 11:1-6
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
By faith we believe God created the worlds.
Faith means we believe that God is who he says he is and that he rewards those who seek him.
To me faith means we accept God as our Ruler, Provider,Protector.
We ask him to change our hearts/characters to be like his character. It means that we trust him and that when he tells us to do something or to go somewhere (like Abraham) even though we don't really understand why we do it no matter what it is.
Because we are now a new creation what we do will be different, we act and react the way Jesus would because we are different.
What do I do daily? To begin with I spend time in the Word, I share what I learn, I ask Jesus to change me to be like him. Then through the day I try to stay connected. It doesn't always work and I say things that are hurtful and I have to repent and to submit again. I don't give up and every day I trust and submit more and more.
Eph 2:8-10 tells us: we are saved by grace through to do good works.
We are saved by grace through faith to do good works.
Hi Sis. Shirley, I go through the same problems like you more over I like what
you said about faith, with faith in Christ,I pray for the things that I do not like to, but since I have faith in Christ, I do it anyway and the results is great! when I get good results, my faith increases. thank God for my faith in Him.
Truly, James summed up the gospel in his writing. Yes he referred most to believing and faith but believing and faith comes about because of the gospel (good news). Faith comes from believing in what Jesus has done for us. (All of us, i think did not witnessed Jesus' birth, baptism, death & resurrection) but because of believing, we have faith in Him. Having believe and faith in Jesus will make us act or do the things Jesus would like us to do (good changes that will be revealed in our character.
Thank you James for your letter!
Martin Luther might have treated James letter with little regard because a little understanding he had or even a different light that was shed to it by his opposers. Yet when I read this letter and what Luther did I don't see a contradiction. Martin preached against moral degeneracy in the Roman Catholic church and this was because of the faith he had which resulted to this kind of work. In other word he treated James' letter with little regard but did more readily the things he advocated for in his letter- faith with works.
Faith in the AWESOME power of God that HE is able to change and transform our ugly hearts into caring hearts of a servant so that His Spirit and Love and be seen by others as evidence that God is real!
The lesson for today says, “Without diminishing the contribution Luther made for the church of his day, we must remember that ‘the Reformation did not . . . end with Luther. It is to be continued to the close of this world’s history,’ because ‘grave errors’ were perpetuated by the Reformers and many important truths were still to be revealed.”
This statement seems to imply that Martin Luther was knowingly perpetuating error which I will most certainly disagree with. A more contextual quote from the same source is this:
Furthermore “The Story of Redemption” is a compilation and the quote used in that work originated in “The Spirit of Prophesy” volume 4, p 180 which was the forerunner to “The Great Controversy” in which the phrase “grave errors” cannot be found.
There has never been a single person who has lived on earth that had all the truth and we still don’t have it all. That is the legacy that we have inherited since the fall in Eden. In fact, even Ellen White did not embrace the Sabbath at first but had to have it proven to her before she accepted it. So it was with Martin Luther who drank beer and used language fitting only for a gruff sailor. Knowledge is progressive and will continue to be so to the end of eternity.
Faith seems like a multifaceted mechanism, like a diamond that can cut through the hardest of stone, the hardest of heart.
Will faith bring us into agape love, the multiple dimensions of Gods love. Where we may co-operate letting the world see His nature.#light#salt. I find this to be most testing.
Oh! Faith, be a signpost to me, pointing to the foot of the cross and beyond, to the Most Holy place where Christ stands at the right hand of God as my intercessor.
Does faith bring spiritual sight, opening the eye deep within where I have accepted Jesus Christ as personal savior. To see at that level beyond selfish thought/action, how do I surrender all. Who owes me...whom do I owe? Can I ask in faith for God to give me Jesus yoke, take this heaviness from my soul, give me Christ burden of lightness. His unbearable lightness of being...where is my faith.
“I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.”
Matthew 11:25
Faith is a non tangible conviction in my mind that there is a Supreme Power Jesus Christ working to accomplish something in and for me ..... I express that belief through a deliberate action. i.e. 1) I have faith my brakes will work but unless I put my foot on the pedal to stop my vehicle, I will never be sure. 2) Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac was a clear test of his faith.
My action shows that my mind has clearly come to understand what Faith in God means. Thus the testing of my faith increases my faith. That is why I must not try and act for God but rather wait upon Him to strengthen my faith.
And now that I have taken the time to think and write this out, it makes me realize I need more exercise is faith.
Amen! My thoughts exactly. How can I say I have faith when I don't put that faith in action?
I firmly believe that it is not our obedience to the law of God that gains us acceptance of God. It is by looking to Jesus, and believing that He saves us solely through His grace, that we are saved. Wait but there is more. We must humble ourselves(by the power of Christ, with Paul we can say, I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13. As the publican prayer portrayed . Luke 18:9-14, we must have the attitude that Christ is the door and the way to life. John 10:1,2,7,9. We must realize that : “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. “ Acts 4:12.
Through faith we receive the grace of God. But faith does not save us. It earns us nothing. It is the hand by which we lay hold upon Christ, and put His merits into practice in our lives, there in do we find the remedy to sin. Wait, there is more, we cannot repeat without the aid of the Spirit of God. Pray that the Holy Spirit will take hold of our lives. I am reminded of the song “Live out they life within me O Jesus, King of Kings."
Live out Thy life within me,
O Jesus, King of kings!
Be Thou Thyself the answer
To all my questionings;
Live out Thy life within me,
In all things have Thy way!
I, the transparent medium
Thy glory to display.
Verse 2
The temple has been yielded,
And purified of sin;
Let Thy Shekinah glory
Now shine forth from within,
And all the earth keep silence,
The body henceforth be
Thy silent, gentle servant,
Moved only as by Thee.
Verse 3
Its members every moment
Held subject to Thy call,
Ready to have Thee use them,
Or not be used at all;
Held without restless longing,
Or strain, or stress, or fret
Or chafing’s at Thy dealings,
Or thoughts of vain regret.
Verse 4
But restful, calm, and pliant,
From bend and bias free,
Awaiting Thy decision,
When Thou hast need of me.
Live out Thy life within me,
O Jesus, King of kings!
Be Thou the glorious answer
To all my questionings.
Yes, I believe there is more to salvation than just faith, just believe, or just grace. We must take hold of the hand of Christ and let His transforming love permeate through us.
The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God to us. His love draws us to Himself. If we do not resist this drawing, we shall be led to the foot of the cross in repentance for our sins that have crucified our Savior. Then the Spirit of God through faith produces a new life in our soul. Our thoughts and desires are brought into obedience to the will of Christ. Our heart, our mind, is created anew in the image of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself. Then the law of God is written in the our minds and hearts, and we can say with Christ, "We delight to do Thy will, O our God." Ps. 40:8. Thank-you, Jesus. “ Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.” Jeremiah 17:14. Amen!
Faith is what justifies. Faith is evidenced by works. This suggests faith comes first then works (even works of faith). Therefore justification precedes all works. Is it therefore correct to say that one is justified by works and not faith alone -James 2:24 ?