HomeDailyTuesday: The More Sure Word of Prophecy    


Tuesday: The More Sure Word of Prophecy — 5 Comments

  1. I recently finished reading the Bible straight through for the first time. I noticed that many times there are chapters or sections that are packed with well-known verses or passages that are usually cited separately. One example is several of the chapters in Romans (my favorite is 8). Another is this lesson's chapter.

    I love the "ladder" of Christian of development (2 Peter 1:5-8). It is not hard to see how important all of these fruits are. What I really like is verse 9. "For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

    I've always appreciated the double negative as a literary device. It is a great way to bring nuance to an idea. Notice the double negative in this text. "Neither", then "barren" ("useless" or "ineffective") and "unfruitful". Peter could have encouraged his audience to *be* useful and fruitful, but instead he warned them to *not be* use*less* and *un*fruitful. See the difference? The next verse (v. 9) continues with the warning, that to lack these things means you are not heading in the right direction.

    I remember back when I was memorizing this passage, thinking, "Come on, Peter. Now you are just showing off." I no longer think so.

  2. Today's lesson reminds us again of a very powerful point from the word of God. One very important feature in this great controversy is that the whole universe must see the evidence of lives transformed by the Holy Spirit. This is the only rebuff to the claims made by Satan against God. Satan is still reeling from the evidence of God's awesome love towards me and you in that He gave all He had to save us in the sinless life, suffering and death of his precious son. Oh what love. While we were yet sinners God commended His love towards us. Peter of all Jesus disciples must have finally understood and embraced that love after he received forgiveness from God and witnessed the miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit in his life. This experience is available to all of this human creation. The evidence will be manifested by the fruit of the Spirit in our lives with power and boldness for God.

  3. This world is God’s workshop, and every stone that can be used in the heavenly temple must be hewed and polished, until it is a tried and precious stone, fitted for its place in the Lord’s building. But if we refuse to be trained and disciplined, we shall be as stones that will not be hewed and polished, and that are cast aside at last as useless.
    It may be that much work needs to be done in your character building, that you are a rough stone which must be squared and polished before it can fill a place in God’s temple. You need not be surprised if with hammer and chisel God cuts away the sharp corners of your character, until you are prepared to fill the place He has for you. No human being can accomplish this work. Only by God can it be done. And be assured that He will not strike one useless blow. His every blow is struck in love, for your eternal happiness. He knows your infirmities, and works to restore, not to destroy.—Child Guidance, p. 168.

  4. Peter describes prophecy as “more sure” since he has personally witnessed the fulfillment of it. He is saying Christ is the living, breathing manifestation of all the prophets foretold concerning Him. As told to John on Patmos, “the testimony[living example] of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. Spirit meaning living, breathing, alive. In Jesus, prophecy was made alive by His life of fulfilling every promise for sinners.

    Peter also counsels the faithful to take heed to these prophecies as a light in a dark place, the result being Christ dwelling in their heart by faith. Prophecy has therefore a moral purpose, being a vital part of the Truth found in God's Word that Jesus said would sanctify God's people. We can only be sanctified if Christ lives within.

    This world is the dark place and God's Word alone is the true lamp for our feet and light for our path, and this Word testifies of Jesus.

  5. Ohhh Lord,
    Help us to hear, listen and obey. Help us to be willing to give up our views to Your Truth. Help us to learn from the fact that one disciple denied You under peer pressure and one betrayed You for money. These are men that were Your friends/students/roommates for 31/2 years. These were men who saw Your personal miracles and performed miracles in Your name. Not to mention that many of Your followers hid themselves for protection after Chris's death on the cross. These men walked with God.
    Help us to examine our thoughts/actions daily that we might be forgiven and grow. Thank you for so many 'second chances.' Help us to stand.
    In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.


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