Tuesday: The Spirit is Leading
Reports of what happened in Caesarea with Cornelius soon reached the leaders of the Christian community in Jerusalem, and they asked Peter to give an account of what happened. They were offended by what Peter had done because, according to their Jewish understanding of the Law of Moses, faithful Jews were not allowed to eat with Gentiles (Acts 11:3).
Read Acts 11:4-18. What did Peter say to explain the work of the Holy Spirit and His leading in this event? What was the main point he was making by recounting what had happened?
Although some raised questions about the legitimacy of Peter’s actions and his decision to baptize these Gentiles, sufficient witnesses (Acts 11:12) certified that the Holy Spirit did indeed manifest His presence in the same way as at Pentecost. The guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit in this case is unassailable and the gift acknowledged. “When they heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, ‘Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life” (Acts 11:18, NKJV).
Read Acts 11:19-24. What happened next in the life of the early church?
Perhaps some in Jerusalem thought that what happened with Cornelius and his household would be an exception and that such an experience would not be repeated. But that’s not what the Holy Spirit intended. As the disciples of Jesus scattered beyond Jerusalem and Judea, because of the persecution that arose after Stephen’s death (Acts 8:1), and went to Samaria, Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, more and more Gentiles accepted Jesus as their Savior. This is what Jesus had predicted (Acts 1:8). As wonderful as this influx of Gentiles was, if we put ourselves in the place of these early Jewish believers it’s not hard to see how they weren’t quite sure how to react.
How might we ourselves be holding on to narrow views of the church and of our message that could hamper our witness? |

The author asks: How might we ourselves be holding on to narrow views of the church and of our message that could hamper our witness?
This question raises the issue of who is right and who is wrong? I have often had the situation where two different arguments both claim to be led by the Holy Spirit. Of course, we want to know which one is correct, but sometimes that cannot be decided easily or in a short time period.
The advice of Gamaliel is I think pertinent to this situation:
In today's world when we want a quick answer to our church issues, is it possible that we should wait and see? Is that the way the Holy Spirit works?
I believe it depends on the issue. If the issue is one that is strictly opinion based, such as music, then yes, time may be the answer. However, if it's an issue that threatens our biblical beliefs, the issue should be addressed swiftly.
Maurice, the men Gamaliel was speaking to were blind in unbelief, and thus unable to see God's will for the world, and what Gamaliel said was merely a band-aid which stayed for a brief time the severe persecution that would follow after Stephen's stoning, which allowed the church to "confirm the covenant with many" as prophecy foretold. Jesus has given His church a clear direction to follow and shown us by example "what the will of the Lord is". Without prompt action, a wrong idea or false teaching in our churches will subvert many, and often has, while everyone stood by to "wait and see". This isn't an endorsement for hasty reactions or taking a wrong course against anyone, but is a call to know " the things which [we] hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom [we] have learned them;", and acting promptly according to the will of God.
Imagine a shepherd, seeing a pack of wolves approach the sheep, and thinking to himself: "I'll just wait and see if these wolves are going to be nice before I chase them off".
Once he knows they are wolves, prompt action will make the difference between the safety of the sheep, or great loss.
Delay of any proper action is only the practice of unbelief, once the situation is understood. God will lead and promises to impart wisdom to all who ask in faith. Will we follow Him, asking in faith for what He has promised, or do we vacillate from being unwise concerning the will of God?
The advice that Gamaliel gave is good advice to committed Christians as well.
While I accept that we should not tolerate wolves, we should not fall into the trap of labeling everything that we disagree with as a wolf either. There are some ideas that we have to live with where the answers are not clear-cut and often our perception of them depends on our educational and or cultural background. We need to pray for the discernment so that we can sort out the issues that really matter and the ones where we can live with differences.
When the Holy Spirit leads, He is an unstoppable force. God's mission then and even now is His message to the world reaches each and every corner of Earth, giving a chance to all to chose whether or not to follow and He abides in all who wish to believe in Him. This message is so consistent in the Scripture told by the Prophet before and the Apostles too.Jesus had come to redeem all the nation (Luke 2:32), and he had given His disciples power to spread His Good news to all Nations (Luke 1:8) with the Holy Spirit guiding them.
Paul would expressly be given the duty to reach out to the Gentiles; Stephen's persecution would remove the disciples from their comfort zones and into the Gentile world to do their service. Peter would be compelled to reach out to the Gentiles. Regardless, the Jews would then have to contend to God's mission to the world.
1. Our solution to cultural or traditional bias then is clear that need to remind ourselves that we are to serve God's purpose and God alone. If we hold back, God doesn't lack people to do his work (1 Kings 19:18; Acts 18:9-11).
2. We need to share our experiences of God's work as a testimony as did Peter to the Jews when he returned after Cornelius.
3. We need to remind ourselves that with or without us, God will get a way to spread His Good news.
If we have communion with Jesus, we should be compelled to share that. Although we might be surrounded by people who do not believe, our actions might speak for themselves! Communion means sharing! It is hard to hide a light amidst darkness...
What did they mean when they said:
"Acts 11:18 saying, Then God has also granted repentance to life to the nations"
Jesus told Paul he was sending him to the Gentiles
"Act 26:18 in order to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the authority of Satan to God, so that they may receive remission of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me"
Peter tells us the inheritance is eternal life with the LORD.
"1Pe 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has regenerated us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and unfading, reserved in Heaven for you by the power of God, having been kept through faith to a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time"
Reports of what happened in Caesarea(NAD) with Cornelius (women being ordained to be pastors) soon reached the leaders of the Christian community (SDA) in Jerusalem (GC) and they asked Peter (the president of NAD) to give an account of what happened. They were offended by what Peter (president of NAD) had done because according to their Jewish understanding of the law of Moses (SDA) faithful jews were not allowed to eat with Gentiles.(women were not allowed to be ordained as pastors???)
Although some raised questions about the legitimacy of Peter's (president of NAD) actions and his decision to baptize these Gentiles (ordain women as pastors) sufficient witness (acts 11:12) certified that the Holy Spirit did indeed manifest His presence(in these women) in the same way as at Pentecost.
The guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit in this case (women ordination as pastors) is unassailable and the gift acknowledged.
When they (GC) heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, 'Then God has also granted to the Gentiles (ladies) repentance to life.
Perhaps some in Jerusalem(GC) thought that what happened with Cornelius (ordination of women as pastors) and his household (all other ladies) would be an exception and that such an experience would not be repeated. But that's NOT what the Holy Spirit intended.
Cyrus mwangi - There was not no theological debate in Acts 11 because the Spirit had acted expressly. We are having this theological debate because we do not have direct evidence from the Spirit. In cases like these, the decision is left to the church. Matthew 18:18 "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."