Tuesday: The Allure of Materialism
The advertising world is powerful. Companies spend billions putting images of their products before us. They almost always use beautiful and appealing people to promote what they are selling. We look at that ad and see ourselves, not just with the product but as actually being like the people in the ad.
Materialism would not be nearly as effective if it were not for the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) sensuality woven into the advertising. It is advertising’s most powerful technique, but it acts like poison to Christians who are struggling against the dangers of materialism, which is most of us.
Read Matthew 6:22-24. What does the eye represent according to Christian thought and action? How should we as Christians react to the subtle images that tempt us to consume what we really don’t need?
Advertising that attaches sensuality to retailers’ products can become a powerful tool. Retailers sell their merchandise by creating excitement in the minds of consumers. The experience is pure fantasy, but it works. It can be almost mystical, taking people, however fleetingly, to what seems like another realm of existence. It becomes a false religion that offers no knowledge and no spiritual truth, yet at the moment is so appealing and alluring that many people don’t resist it. We want it, and we feel that we deserve it, so why not get it? God alone knows the vast amounts that have been spent and will still be spent on things that advertisers have convinced us we need.
“I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16, NKJV). Though we tend to think of the “lust of the flesh” in only sexual terms, what other ways can we be in danger of fulfilling this lust?

The good eyes! When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word, what a glory He sheds on our way. While we do His good will, He abides with us still, with all who trust and obey.
Great text for the week, running my own business sometimes I want things that are materialistic although not really a need for business or home. although it would be nice and easy to buy them I am also keeping my goals in front of me to ensure my decisions are based on the immediate needs of my family.
Defiantly agree that when we place Him above all things and allow him to intervien in my everyday choice making to be rid of the need/feeling to want something is a challange. its like arguing with my wife about if I really need that PS4 game (for my son but not really) or if I need to upgrade my laptop or phone. in the end I know she's right, I don't really need it. 🙂 God Bless.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 John 2:16
Christ is soon to come and we cannot take anything from this firthy world to heaven, so may the Lord give us the power to be death to the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
Esther Moran
Matthew 6:
22 "Your eyes are windows into your mind. If your eyes are open wide and you are honest with the evidence, your mind will be filled with light and truth.
23 But if you view things through jaded eyes, tainted with selfishness, then you will distort the evidence and your mind will be darkened; then, even the light that enters will be warped into greater self-deception, and the darkness will be great!
24 "No one can be loyal and true to two antagonistic principles: If you embrace selfishness, you will hate selflessness; and if you love beneficence, you will hate greed. You cannot serve both the God of love and the god of money.
25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about how the future will turn out or where your next meal will come from, or about what you will wear. Life is not built to operate on the survival-of-the-fittest principle—constantly seeking to get food for yourself, or the latest clothes.
26 Look at the birds: they don't worry about planting, or harvest time, or storing food in barns, because your heavenly Father is constantly giving of himself to provide for them. Are you not much more valuable than the birds?
27 Who of you, by worrying, has improved their life or added even a single hour to it?
28 "Why waste energy worrying about your clothes? Look at the lilies of the field: they don't sew or weave,
29 yet I tell you that Solomon in his most magnificent robes was not dressed as one of these.
30 If that is how God clothes the grass in the field, which is here today and gone tomorrow, will he not do much more for you? Oh, how you trust him so little!
31 Stop worrying all the time, saying, 'Oh, where will we get groceries? What is there to drink? What will we wear?'
32 The pagans, who don't know God, are constantly preoccupied with getting for self, seeking to survive at all costs. But your heavenly Father knows all your needs and longs to provide them. He wants you to embrace his kingdom of giving,
33 so seek first to live in harmony with God's kingdom of giving and all its righteousness, and all your needs will be met as well.34 Stop worrying about how the future will turn out, don't weigh yourselves down with imaginary future problems that haven't even happened yet, and trust God with your future.
Seeing these things, not just on tv but in everyday life, not only makes us want to buy things we don't really need, but makes us want to do things we should not do! When we see a well built man or a voluptuous woman on tv or in person, we suddenly wish that was our spouse, we begin to think 'he/she does not care about their image'... (So we think) and we begin to desire someone else. This is a very subtle thing, because as we begin to think about these things more and more and see our spouse who does not look, exactly, like when we first met, satan plants traps for us. When a person (like on our job) comes along and compliments us, and wants to take us to lunch, and gives us gifts, we say wow, this is so much better than my husband/wife, we began on that downward spiral, and end up, only God knows where. I have asked God to help me appreciate my spouse more, even though I FEEL he could do a lot of things better, I can begin to appreciate the things he does do and grow from there, and see where I can also do a lot of things better. Believe me it has made such a change in my attitude and difference in my desires to want what I don't have. I need God to help me to stop desiring the things of the world and look to Him who works everything out for my good and His glory. I can't go wrong with that and I can become what He will have me to be.
There is a saying that "sex sells". It is as though it is a marketing fact. Although we may not be lead into actually committing any sexual acts, we do want to see ourselves as "sexy" and desirable, even for a moment. We have been so bombarded with these images that they have become a great part of our psyche on both a conscious and subconscious level. And so we must not be "conformed to this world", but must be constantly "renewing our minds" through the study of God's Word and staying connected with Him through prayer. May God continue to grant us His mercy and strength through the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we truly take God at his word .If we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,then all these things will be added unto us.We should not worry about anything because the promise is in his word.And whatever we need we will receive it. We can not get caught up with the things of this world. Pray to stay focus and have a greatful and thankful spirit.
When we turn our lives over to Christ we will not worry about the things of this world because we know Jesus will supply all our needs. It's a promise.
The question that I have is this: Are all "Lusts of the Flesh," sinful? For example, is hunger for food always sinful? And I do have an answer for that for myself and that is that "not all lusts of the flesh are sinful." So then I think that the scripture needs to read "Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the (sinful lusts) of the flesh." And this also goes for the scripture that says to not "Be conformed to this world," should read to "be not conformed to the sin of this world." Or the one that says to love not the world etc., for even God so loved the world that he gave ...
We need to stick with the common definitions of these words/phrases. Lust of the flesh is by definition a sin: dictionary: consumed with (sexual) desire for someone. Glutton, likewise is also a sin: dictionary: greedy overeater. Sexual desire and hunger are both God given biological functions, it's the misuse or lack of control that is sin.
Ephesians 2:3, 4:22; Colossians 3:5 and Titus 2:12 seem to indicate that there is a difference between evil and deceitful and worldy "Lusts," and otherwise. Why even indicate "Evil," and "Worldly," and "Deceitful" if all lust is sin?
Pete, it is a literary device known as a pleonasm, where two or more words or phrases with similar meanings are used together for emphasis. Example: "The wicked murderer...". The Bible writers use pleonasms among a number of "repeat devices" to provide emphasis. Their use does not imply a different meaning. Lust is sinful (see the dictionary), irrespective of the descriptors added to it. Try finding a verse in the Bible which says lust is not sinful.
Galatians 5:17. "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit [lusts] against the flesh." The Spirit lusting against the flesh is not sinful—it is a fundamental of righteousness. If one is being led by the Spirit in its lust against the flesh, then one is not under the law. (Galatians 5:18.)
Yes, I agree with your point, but you did raise the challenge of “finding a verse in the Bible which says lust is not sinful.”
Hehe! I will have to concede that one; although to be fair it is being used figuratively rather than literally.
Today's lesson shows me the importance of walking in the Spirit in order for materialism to grow dim in my mind .When I walk in the spirit , I choose the spirit's leading- I allow him to guide my steps and conform my will to his .
We cannot do it without you Lord . It therefore behooves us to develop our relationship with Jesus daily so that we can clearly know when and where he is leading us .
This lesson is an eye opener. I now know that satan is trying every means to ensure he prevent us from being part of God's kingdom. We have to strengthen our relationship with God by studying His word. if not, we won't know the desire of God for us. I pray the lord help us in this journey.