HomeSSLessons2018a Stewardship: Motives of the Heart2018a Teaching HelpsSinging with Inspiration – Lesson 1: The Influence of Materialism    


Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 1: The Influence of Materialism — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks Corrine, My male cousins play in church, none of them could read music. The older one died about 3 years ago, but then the younger one - after playing piano for my mother on her one hundredth birthday last October; died that night and shocked us all. The remaining brothers are a little lost without him as even though they know nearly all the hymns in the hymn book and lots more, it was the younger brother who led the tempo. So I have found that your selection helps the other brothers tremendously as they are able to pick from your selection which relates to the lesson to be taught, and they are now a lot more comfortable in playing what they are able to recall easily and relax and enjoy themselves. This is catching, and we love to listen while we sing.
    Godbless today, Mrs A Stolz

  2. Hi Mrs Stolz
    Thank you for the family background on the wonderful musical gifts your family have been able to share in the Norfolk Church for such a long time.
    As long as the Good Lord says to keep this little spot of music on the internet, I will be willing.
    I can't wait to get to Heaven and see all these amazing musicians who have loved sharing their faith in Jesus through music. Such a God-given talent that can be shared with so many others, just as much as preaching is a wonderful God-given talent.
    God's blessings to you all on Norfolk for 2018


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