HomeSSLessons2018a Stewardship: Motives of the Heart2018a Teaching Helps1 The Influence of Materialism- Discussion Starters    


1 The Influence of Materialism- Discussion Starters — 3 Comments

  1. Job's yacht was demolished and by Gods grace he moved on. God gave us true stories like Job, to show us that we move on, by putting, or continuing to put our trust in Him. Our greatist example is Christ when we accept that He was tempted in all that we are. Then there is the opposite. Sampsons life, he had a shipwreck caused by self love, yet the Lord heard his prayer and he was given the power to again abide under His wings, though much until the roll is called up younder.

    • What is the "will of God" and how do we "abide in Him"? When you have finished reading your Bible and have arisen from your knees in prayer, what's the next thing we need to do?


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