HomeBeliefs About LivingChristian Behavior - Fundamental Belief 22Waiting for the Big One    


Waiting for the Big One — 20 Comments

  1. It is a deceiving thought to think that we have 'tomorrow' to make our decision. Jesus' warning is so solemn, 'watch ye therefore, for you know not the hour...'. Although Satan constantly feeds our subconcious minds with many harmful subliminal messages, thank God there is a permanent 'subliminal' imbedded in our minds that has a huge potential to superimpose all other - 'the enmity that God put between us and Satan! This is what gives us the slightest conscience of the sinfulness of sin. But the sad thing is that the pleadings of the Holy Spirit are always pushed to the back of our minds. Habit-forming is mechanical - it goes from harder to easier with practice. Whether it's studying the Bible or learning to smoke! This is also true for the de-forming. It's hard to decide to quit a bad habit by just going without and not replacing something in it's place because temptations to fall back will be all around. For success, develop another wholly different habit that will widen the gap between the adopted and the former habits. (My own experience gives me confidence to say this). Victory over sin comes in no other way than to purposefully choose Jesus purposefully cultivate the relationship by starting and maintaining the right habits - Bible study and cherishing the sweet hour of prayer!

    • This devotional is so inspiring to me because I know that there are a few areas in my life that need to change. Breaking bad habits is extremely hard. I understand now that they can only be overcome with prayer and studying God's word. I have chosen recently to really serve God and that in itself is a challenge with everything that goes on from day to day. Sometimes it is hard to stay focused but I completely agree with the fact that in order to truly let go of bad habits, you have to replace them with good ones. It is so important to work on breaking bad habits because, we as Christians don't really understand the effect (long term and short term) that they have on us as individuals. The bad habits we develop don't just effect us, they effect others around us as well. Have you ever noticed that the people closest to you start to also pick up on your bad habits? I feel so bad when I see that a sibling or a child or friend starts to mimic the habit I am trying to break. I see things for what they are now and those habits need to be broken in order for me to be able to witness for God and to serve him whole heartedly.

  2. Yah it is heart breaking to realise that the things dont want to do i find myself doing. i sometimes feel im far away from God and i need to be rewed. i need to be closer to God.

  3. I met an old acquaintance yesterday, he has diabetes and only few days ago lost one of his leg. I thought this to be really tragic yet after a few moments sympathizing with him another person came on the scene with a cigarette and first request from my now one legged friend, was can I have one? I tried the tell him that's the last thing he needs at this time- even tell the other person, "dont kill him off now with this." His reply was "don't deny the man what he wants, it could be his last wish."

    I wish I could get us to understand that we are killing each other when we give support to the bad habits of each other. I must keep this in my prayer always. Please help me to pray that as the people of God we will strive to make a difference before it's too late. Thank you Miss Lillianne.

  4. What a message for me this morning! I too want to hear His still small voice and be ready when He comes. Let's pray for each other. Happy Sabbath.

  5. This is very well expressed...God be praised Sr. Lopez! The choices we make don't match the knowledge that God has given us! Let's pray so that the Holy Spirit would compel us to stop procrastinating and make the first step in obeying God's law and principles. May this verse "Don't just be hearers but doers of the Word" never be addressed to any committed child of God...Thank you Sister Lopez for this eye-opening devotion! God bless!

  6. Most interesting part in this text is about what is preached from pulpits. E.W. in qotation said, "only words from Bible!" She said that, "Bible is robbed from its power." That is truth. That happened. Stories and themes are given and even personal thoughts. Reform the Pulpit and there is promised power in the Word.

    • I think one of the most refreshing aspects of worship for me is when people share their personal experiences. It's inspiring to hear how God's been leading in the lives of my church family.

      I wholeheartedly agree we need the Bible and the Bible only, however I believe it's a principle that needs to find expression in a variety of creative expressions. I like to think of the media we use as windows that allow God's Spirit to shine into our hearts - when we allow the power of his Word to 'keep the windows clean', Jesus will be seen clearly, and the windows will be invisible.

  7. It seems to me that what we need most are two things: to know our own weaknesses and deficiencies and to understand where the source of our power to do really comes from. As I read the Bible the lack of those two things seem to be the reason why Israel failed as much as they did.

    I keep coming back to the difference between the old and new covenants and the realization that they never went beyond their original promise to God, "All that the LORD has said we will do, and be obedient" (Exod. 24:7 NKJV) with a big emphasis on "WE." They never fulfilled that promise because they relied on themselves rather than God and never understood that, "He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing" (Jn. 15:5 NKJV).

    The new covenant is different because the emphasis is on God not us. He is the one who does everything through us. So it is by faith in God's promises of power through the working of the Holy Spirit that we are able to do what we are commanded to do (2 Pet 1:4). All we need to do, then, is to make a firm decision as far as direction goes for God will not override what we decide which is what the devil works on most. He cringes when God's people cling to the Lord for power and help for he well knows that, "with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:26 NKJV) but only if you really believe (Mk 9:23) and only if you really want to do things according to the principles of God's government.

    • The beautiful New Covenant: Matthew 11:28-30

      Israel's (and our) failure is unbelief. Every soul is convicted of "sin, righteousness and judgment", but few act in faith upon it. The clear choice for most is; "my will be done!" Jesus' yoke will bring a different response to the convictions of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8) as we surrender fully and receive the power promised to fill every empty vessel. Empty of self, as was Jesus. (Philippians 2:5-8)

    • Amen and well said Mr. Tyler Cluthe! Amazing!! Thank you for posting that. I needed to read it today. Happy Sabbath to you and your family.

  8. Laodiceans!! Lets stop fulfillimg prophecy on the wrong side, because whether we want or not,this current earth will be closed. The Scriptures have been handed over for milleniums now,some have died to save it, the Lord Himself protected them from being extinct,but today we formalise their context, quote for our own benefit and even misquoting, take for granted what warnings are there, I write this mostly to the Youth, do you know that not even a single vowel is there by mistake but by God's intention for our benefit?.. Wisdom comes from God, and only the wise will be delivered. It was the gospel to the other churches, but now its frightful that most of our own fellow members are worse than infidels and unbelievers. Reminder: God is fair, just and true.

    • Ruzane,

      I have no problem with the idea that we are often Laodicean in attitude, but I rejoice in the enormous dedication of our youth who have taken the Gospel to heart and are spreading it in ways that I have not even dreamed of. There is much to be proud of (in a spiritual sense) of what our dedicated young people are doing. They set us older folk an example! I would hesitate to characterise most of my fellow church members as worse than infidels and unbelievers. In fact I have a great deal of respect for my fellow believers and while recognising that we all fall short of God's ideal for us, I turn to my community of believers for support and understanding. In return I hope that I give that support and understanding to others in the church as well. The church is the object of God's love.

      On another issue: Your comments about the Bible seem to indicate verbal inspiration "that not even a single vowel is there by mistake". This has never been the position of the church. We rely on the Bible alone for our understanding of salvation but have never claimed verbal inspiration.

  9. Beloved - Glorify God in your body!

    Our bodies were made in the image of the Almighty God. We were formed by his powerful and Holy hands and are filled with his life giving breath passed down from Adam and Eve. God chose our bodies as His temple, that he might dwell with us all of our days, and we should be good stewards of what we have been given from The Creator.

    The Gospel, or good news, isn't just that Jesus was born, lived, ministered and then Died for our sins (Praise God for Jesus!). The Gospel is also health reform, healthy living, how to worship God, how to pray and communicate with God, and how to walk in His Spirit. We need only choose to OBEY The Word, which is God, and He will direct us:

    : If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. http://bible.cc/1_john/1-9.htm

    1 Corinthians 6: 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

  10. [Moderator's note: Please remember to use your full name]

    We need to ask God to give us hearts that will not harden when He calls us, so that even in the midst of crises we may see His hand and hear the small still voice calling us to be reconciled with His divine will.

  11. I am so impressed by this commentary and what has struck me the most is the fact that the pulpit has lost it's power. I see in my church were speakers have used the pulpit to state their own grouses and the precious word of God has not been emphasized enough. Oh that we would wake out of our slumber and realize what time it is. We are way too casual. We must realize our mandate and it should never be out of our minds and our hearts. The passion must be felt and we are to realize that everything we do is a witness. Lord please help us!


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