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We Are Not Left Alone to Fight in the Cosmic Battle — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you William for your excellent illustration of seeing beyond the surface of people. If only we would take the time to look beyond the behavior or the mask so many wear to hide their inferiority, insecurity, or pain, we would be more patient, understanding, and compassionate with people.

    Your post reminds me of a couple Christian songs from my past. "People Need the Lord", by Steve Green.

    The second one by a different Steve, Steve Camp, titled, "Do You Feel Their Pain". Part of the lyrics are very sobering.

    "Have we failed again
    Talking about the love of God
    But judging those who need it most?
    Oh, these afflicted ones
    I feel their lives just fade away
    Left to face the end alone
    So we say a prayer for their need
    Afraid to touch, to hurt, to bleed

    Do you feel their pain
    Has it touched your life
    Can you taste the salt
    In the tears they cry
    Will you love them more
    Than the hate that's been
    Will you love them back
    To life again?...Oh, empty eyes and lonely souls
    Starving for love and crying for hope
    And Jesus said, "bring them unto Me
    I will make them whole, I can set them free!"

    Thankfully God doesn't discard us when we fall, neither should we discard others for their fall. It's not like God loves us when we're good and doesn't when we aren't. No God has made a way to be reconciled and has given us the role of ambassadors of reconciliation.


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