Wednesday: The Babylonian Threat
The background to the political events that shaped the ministry of Jeremiah are, to some degree, lost to history. That is, many of the details are not available. But we do have in the Bible (with the help of archaeological finds) more than enough information to have a general picture of what took place.
Though from a human perspective it probably seemed that no one was in control as these nations battled it out for land, power, and hegemony, the Bible teaches us differently.
Read Jeremiah 27:6. What are we to make of this?
The little kingdom of Judah had, in the early years of Jeremiah’s ministry, found itself caught up in the military battles between Babylon, Egypt, and the waning power of Assyria. With the decline of the Assyrian empire in the late seventh century b.c., Egypt sought to regain power and dominance in the region. However, at the battle of Carchemish in 605 b.c., Egypt was crushed and Babylon became the new world power.
This new power made Judah its vassal state. Jehoiakim, king of Judah, could stabilize the country only by swearing allegiance to the Babylonian king. Many in the country, however, didn’t want to do that; they wanted to fight and free themselves from the Babylonians, even though that wasn’t what the Lord intended for them to do. On the contrary, God was using Babylon specifically as a vehicle to punish the nation for its apostasy.
Read Jeremiah 25:8-12. What was Jeremiah’s message to the people of Judah?
Over and over Jeremiah warned the people about what would happen because of their sin, and time and again many of the political and religious leaders refused to heed the warnings, believing instead what they wanted to believe, which is that the Lord would spare them. After all, were they not God’s specially called people?
When was the last time you believed what you wanted to believe, no matter how obviously wrong that belief turned out to be? What lessons have you learned so that the same thing doesn’t happen again?

Scriptures plainly provide us history and plainly provide us what is to come. Our Saviour graciously educates us concerning two groups; those that keep His Commandments and those that do not. We are given specific guidance as to our talents to share this beautiful message of love, and that Jesus Christ is soon to return. Our resources are vast, let us wake up and testify of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
In all of our waking up and testifying let's remember that to keep the commandments is more about cherishing them! Are they my passion? Am I excited by their principals? Inspired to be agape to God and His kingdom?
On occasions in scripture Jehovah used heathen nations as a means to execute corrective judgment on His people (Jeremiah 27:6). At other times He used natural hazards to do the job (Numbers 21:5-6; Jeremiah 8:17). Of course there are times when God acts through angels (1 Chronicles 21:14-15). His direct actions though seem to be generally reserved for final judgments such as at the flood, an event which scared even the devil (Genesis 6:17).
For some reason though many Christians today do not seem to make a connection between calamity and conduct. Whenever there is a major catastrophe a natural explanation is offered and the matter ends there. Could it be God is a lot more involved in what happens in the world than even believers realize?
Had it not been that angels under the Creator’s instruction were acting to shield and protect life and property the earth would have long ago laid waste through the criminal acts of mankind, violent forces of nature and the malice of evil spirits.
God at times withdraws His protection and allows devastation to send a warning message to survivors. Sadly some people of faith may not even recognize it and simply settle for a scientific explanation, which may be valid but does not tell the whole story.
Those who just carry on their unholy deeds in spite of the testimony of scripture and signs (disasters) in the world effectively insulate themselves from the reach of the merciful Savior and so they are soon left to themselves (Romans 1:22-32).
Soon the angels will be given the command to release the winds of strife, which will initiate the final series of devastation. By then it will be too late, for the people of God would have already been sealed (Revelation 7:1-4). Unless the saints do not really believe same the urgency of the last day warnings ought not to be downplayed. It is late enough that even career alarmists might begin to get some things right.
Yes Hugh. Hasn't God made it clear how He would work to "reprove, correct and instruct" His erring people in Lev 26, Deut 28, Habakkuk and other passages?
I believe we must understand His meaning when it comes to cursings since He needs only to withdraw His protection and the results of our own actions will bring their dire results. (i.e. You smoke, you will probably get cancer)
We also must understand that even when following in perfect obedience, we live in a world ruled by the powers of darkness and as with the early church, terrible persecutions will come, just as Jesus faced Himself, and taught us to expect it. Either way, God is in control and will have "all things work together for good" in regards to His faithful servants.
Earlier this year I visited the quiet little town of Port Vila in Vanuatu. The folk there are trying to cope with the complex issue of stepping out of the Stone Age into the 21st Century. Two weeks later they were struck with a hurricane that either destroyed or seriously damaged just about every building in the town. They are still struggling to cope with the damage. At around the same time in Sydney they ran the Mardi Gras parade with is portrayal of sexual debauchery and overt criticism of Christianity and its values. The weather was next to perfect for the parade and for a long time after. I am not sure that the Vanuatu folk deserved the "punishment" of a hurricane.
I am loath to attribute bad events to God. I believe that God uses bad events to draw us closer to God, but I think that bad events come from a rebellious entity who seeks to destroy our view of God's character.
Maurice, doesn't Amos 3:7 tell us what is of God and what is not? Does God work in secret or without warning? Outside of the 7 trumpets and 7 last plagues, has God said He would bring such "judgments" upon the earth?
Yes, an enemy has done this, yet not without God's allowance.
One thing these disasters do, they reveal those who serve God and those who serve Him not, through the sympathy or indifference shown to the victims.
I absolutely agree. The things in the Bible that show this are many including Job. Besides, God sends rain on both the good and the bad alike and if a situation exists where "sin caused it" usually the bad comes because God had little choice but to leave and turn someone over to the devil (Rom 1, etc.).
If we were to make comparisons between the times of Jeremiah, Its equally the same as what is happening in our very eyes. With a big contrast that a few of us will be able to withstand the circumstances that Jeremiah faced during his period as a prophet, we actually fall under most of the people that Jeremiah was warning. Look at what is going in our churches these days, Church leaders are misleading God's people, world leaders have hidden agendas about God's people. And now see what is going on with Christians allover the world. "A THREAT" from radical Islam to Christians and even getting support from leaders you can't believe will do that. Why are Christians threatened? Because we are just Identifying ourselves as Christians whereby in the real sense we're not abiding as per commandments. And now the punishment is coming to us. The question is, will this punishment that has already started ever going to teach us a lesson or we're all going to perish? God help us.
God's Word describes only two classes in the end, as Malachi tells us; "Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not." (Notice how the difference is not defined as denominational, national or doctrinal, though each of these can make a difference in some regard)
Israel was not serving God but Nebuchadnezzar was, though it was a process that took time; "first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear."
God saw this heathen king would respond to truth, and since Israel was not exhibiting this truth so as to invite closer investigation, God took His faithful ones to this heathen king's court where Truth would be glorified in ways that would influence this heathen's heart, resulting in his sanctification(see Dan 4:1-3,37).
To understand Jeremiah, we are helped with a knowledge of Israel/Judah's history, Daniel 4, and the book of Habakkuk, to name just a few of the references that could be studied.
It reminds me of God's ruling on divorce. He said that He hated divorce and would only allow divorce due to infidelity but ONLY because of their stiff-necked demands. Now, as people contemplate that option, God's Word is twisted or disregarded. Our families and entire country are in ruin because we choose to follow our desires rather than the desires of the Lord. I know, from personal experience, the devastation and havoc wreaked on the our family and our entire church because of this choice. This is why God hates divorce! It is utterly destructive. We do not have the capability of understanding the future and all the consequences that are sure to come BUT we've been given much advise in His Word that if we follow His will, we will be blessed!!!
Sometime as Seventh day we think that because we are Adventist that the grace that god extents to us that we are able to get away with not doing his will, let us not be deceived we will get our just reward whether it will be good for good or evil for evil, God is keep record and this will in no wise acquit the guilty.