Wednesday: When the Battle Gets Nasty
As we have already seen, the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:12, however deep, do reveal the fact that the kingdom of God isn’t going to be established without a struggle, or without a fight. That fight, we understand, is the great controversy, and it has been and still is raging. It will until the final destruction of sin, Satan, and the lost. And, at times, it can and does get very nasty along the way.
We can see the reality of the great controversy, and just how nasty it can become, in the context in which Jesus Himself said what He did in Matthew 11:12.
Read Matthew 11:1-12. How do we see the reality of the great controversy here being played out on a number of levels? That is, how does the great controversy help us to make sense of what is happening here?
For starters, who do we think inspired the leaders to put John in jail? We can see here Satan’s attempt to not only stop John but to discourage faith in Jesus. After all, if John, Jesus’ forerunner, met such a fate, what could one hope for Jesus Himself?
Then, too, there’s no question that Satan could have made the followers of Jesus and John ask themselves the question: If this Jesus of Nazareth can do so many wonderful things, and has so much power, then why is He letting such a faithful and good man as John, His cousin, rot in jail?
Also, who do we think was putting the doubts in John’s head? Why am I here? Why doesn’t He free me? Hence, no wonder he asked, “‘Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?’” (Matt. 11:3, NKJV). Remember, this is the same John who baptized Jesus, who saw the “‘Spirit of God
descending like a dove and alighting upon Him’” (Matt. 3:16, NKJV) and who heard the voice from heaven declare: “‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased’” (Matt. 3:17, NKJV). Now, though, with all that had happened, he becomes filled with doubts? Of course, as bad as John’s situation was, it was (at least for the short term) going to get worse, which could only continue to feed more doubt (Mark 6:25-28).
If anything is causing you to doubt now, what can you focus on, dwell on, and pray about that will push the doubt away and help you to realize all the wonderful reasons you have to trust in the goodness of God? |

Oh right now (thinking like John di' Baptist) I am not feeling You Jesus because I lost the two cars that I owned. I don't have a job for the past year (because the powers that be refuses to hire me 'cause I refuse to work on Sabbath), I owe some bills, I cant even get credit to start over again. Since moving here it's like the worst decision I've made, I am praying and it's seems like am praying to a iron ceiling. And because I know what I know about I want to let go but I wont. Are you still there or should I look for another?
Ronald, I am so sorry to hear about the serious challenges you are facing. You ask if you should look for another. When Jesus asked the disciples if they were going to leave Him (to look for another), Peter replied, "Lord, to whom shall we go?" (John 6:67,68). Don't look for another; there is nothing there but death. You ask if God is still there? Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you alway (my emphasis), even unto the end of the world." Matt. 28:20. Also, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isa. 41:10
Don't listen to the lies of the enemy, brother. No matter how dire your situation seems now, know that God is on His throne and He loves you more than any of us can imagine. (John 16:27)
I really overwhelmed for the support all my family members on this forum has share with me. I am so grateful to God a for bringing you guys in my life, one thing for sure tho I'll ever give up. I like john the baptist has my ups and down in fact more down and had it not been for the Word I would have died but God! What I notice most of all by all who responded was none of you has condemned me in my demise (I was not look for it) Thank you all plz pray for me I'll do pray for you.
I been where you are now....
Dead marriage ,broken relationship with siblings and kids ,my parents death
overwhelming debt...and another death youngest sister
can't pay my income isn't enough ...
But God" just like when Joseph' situation .... But God
He is faithful ....His promise it will come into past
Above all your character God's more concern of....
He is The ressurection, He can rebuild,He can restore.. Above all
The more we face struggle the more He will reveal,Himself faithful
Be still and know that I Am God.".trust in Him
There's only one God and that is the Trinity
The Father The son and The Holy Spirit
Hi Ron,
I'm not going to give you an answer you cannot use. In terms of work, have you done ALL that you can possibly do? What should be done during this period of time is to keep busy. The first thing that should be done when you wake up, are your prayers to God (if you are not doing that already, remember ..."seek ye first the kingdom of God...") even if it is just to thank him for allowing you to see another day.
Your day right now, should be in sharping the skills that are associated with what you do for a living. Have you done ALL that you can do, in terms of networking? Have you gone to companies/corporations in person? Have you used your State's Employment services (resume writing, resume refining, One Stop sessions, etc.) Have you Googled upcoming job fairs in your area? How about
the private employment agencies(standard, contracting, etc.)? Also, the best time when things are not going well for you, is to do something for someone else or others (feeding the homeless, going to the store for someone who has trouble making it there, etc.)Exercise your body. This will help to keep depression away.
The devil will try to allow you to become bitter. Thwart him by trying to stay positive. Yeah, you lost those cars and things that are valuable to you, but always remember, that you can regain all that you lost. If you keep these things in mind, and keep the faith, these bad times will vanish.
My prayers will be for you, Ron. Please however, keep yourself busy, and keep the faith!!!
P.S.: Ron, there are Sabbath Keeping Jews in many workplaces. Seek out those workplaces that contain Sabbath keepers, or operate from Mondays to Fridays (Law offices/companies, etc.) joe.
May I give you some advice friend? Look at your list of things that you've listed above as "things God hasn't done for me..."
Now, make yourself a list of things you know that He has... I promise you, if you do this sincerely you will find that the things unanswered pail in comparison to the things answered... your life, water, air, food, the sun... these are a braud stroke, but, consider something more personal as well... a mother, son, or even your dog... the bible says in Philippians 4:8:
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
Are you following the council of this verse or are you focusing on that which discourages you?
Your allowed to notice the "unanswered prayers" in your life, there's nothing wrong with fact, it's part of being human, but don't sell yourself short by claiming that God has NOT answered your other prayers... for, how would you know? have yougiven Him time to?
Wait on the LORD my friend, He will give you your needs as you need them. If you are truely following Him you cant be denied "for God cannot deny Himself"
If your truely His, you ought to be able to trust His ability to answer, and when your busy pointing out what He hasn't done in stead of praising Him for what He has, you are, in a sence, denying Him and He can not call you His own!
To receive a answer, you must be sincere... God is not our tool, He's our friend...even when it's bad! Consider Job; although he was stripped of all his possessions and family, he refused to give up on God... this is a lesson we must all learn if we are to truely call ourselves "Gods"
Are you His? Then prove it with your thanks for His blessings rather than cuse Him for (what you may see as) unanswered prayers, after all, we can never know what He has been putting together for us behind the scenes, could it be that just when God was about to deliver...we made the mistake of cursing Him for not delivering??? may we never stop our own blessings by pointing them out as unfulfilled, it may just be God's way of waiting to see if we really love and trust Him... do that today wont you?
By the way...I was abused by family from birth untill I was put into a state hospital at age seven... I then became state property and was shuffled around all my life until I was released (with no family) to the streets of Pontiac.. no money, no friends, no skills...all I knew was neglect and abuse...
I then fell Iinto a biker club thinking that these men and women loved me... they tought me selfishness and disloyalty...
One party after another, and not one person stopped to tell me about Jesus and His planto save me... not one!
One party became my last as I was accused of a misconduct with a young lady... I found my next home prison where I was to serve a few years...I turned Iit into 8! my conduct kept me there longer...
That is when I meet Jesus...oh how I was longing to know Him! I never knew just how thirsty I was until I met "the living water"
My life changed... I no longer saw my past, but rather saw my future! God had a plan all along, but the Devil had tried to distroy me and discourage me from realizing it! (John 10:10)
I had been abused, abandoned, hit, ignored, and even those of my own household had forsaken me... but... I discovered this: so was Jesus. Why? Why did He have my exact infirmities? wasn't He ALL POWERFUL? didn't He build this universe? then why?
I found the answer in the Bible...
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)"
Jesus suffered ALL of the same grief as I did, -not because He had to- but because to save me (and all of those who have ever hurt me) He chose too.
Ive lost more, seen more, been hurt more than almost anyone I've ever meet... but the beauty of it all is that through my sufferings,I better equequipped to understand what Jesus had to face just to save us...(me).
Theres no single thing I can give Him back except for exactly what He
I encourage you to remember what is REALLY going on whenever you can't get a job...or you loose your cars...or any other painful issue that may face you here on this earth... SATAIN IS TRYING TO DESTROY YOUR CONFIDENCE IN THAT WHICH SAVES YOU! HE IS TO BLAME FOR YOUR PAIN, NOT GOD! NEVER, EVER GIVE GOD CREDIT FOR SATAN'S WORK!
Lastly, let me tell you abusive parrents...both SDA fact, my step mother (the harshest of all) was an SDA school teacher!
Denomination does not save us, Jesus does. I almost rejected the SDA message when it came to me at age 29 do to my terrible encounter with abusive people who claimed the same faith. I was dead set against this message because -to me- the faith had let me down... But, thank God for grace... He gave me the gift of reason and that reasoning is the only way I found my way back home...
I struggle every day with how I was tries to effect my self esteem, it tries to rob me of my happiness, and it even tries to convince me that my pain was my fault. im unlovable...
BUT, in faith, I've come to realize just what and who I am... my favorite author has put it this way:
"you are no less valuable than the price paid for you" (paraphrase) E. G. White
In closing, I want to say this... Im now out of the state's institutions...I am married to a wonderful SDA woman (and nurse), I have a loving family...(all inlaws), I have 3 paid for vehicles...I own a 3200 square home in the country...I have wonderful pets, a bunch of toys, and most of all, because of Jesus, I have my identity back.
I want to say this: I do not tell my story to give glory to my pain... I dont want the focus on me... my goal in sharing is to encourage anyone who has ever felt abandoned by God to just trust Him and wait... God knows where you are...don't deny Him by forgetting where He is, and I promise, He promises you:
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God...and all...will be added to you"
One more thing: in prison, I wrote a very humble book (11 chapters) on how much God loves us. it deals with every question in our faith such as: death, sabbath, alcohol, angels roles in our lives and many more... this book is in complete harmony with the bible and the SDA message and is free to anyone who may be asking questions about their faith... please feel free to request your copy at AdventistRestorationKeep(at symbol) and I will do my best to see that you receive one... may God continue to give you back that which was stolen by the enemy.
How ever you may paint a picture of Doom and gloom and all the negativism that can be established in a human mind,
I turn to a text that we have grown up learning. It is still applicable although often overlooked. It goes like this. The Lord is my shepherd. Psalms 23:1-4,5,6. I would recommend the new KJV.
The situation of John is indeed difficult to understand more especially at point when death was smelling just behind bars and we all remember what John asked is this the messiah I have been preaching about and if He is why has He not come to my rescue mmmmmmmmmm.Many are time we have found our selves in such situation but above all God is in control.He's God.
We are command to "Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10 regardless of the struggle that we may be facing. Also, when in doubts let's remember how the Lord has deliver his people in the pass; he will not only deliver us at his right time, but he will strengthen our faith. Amen!
Hello Brother,
I know it is a very difficult time. I share your pain as I do not walk at all as before I did. My hope and trust is in Christ no matter what. You are doing the correct thing by continuing to keep the Sabbath. Look for another job as your does not understand. Keep hope in Jesus alive. He will see you through!
Greetings and salutations for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ--per Paul
Brother Ron-
I have traveled as similar road in my life--fired for Sabbath observance...Be faith full ---now I am going to pray with you until I hear different from you-----are there any SDAs that with join me on Ron's behalf????
Let's pray now--God will hear and answer---see you on the cloud of Jesus Christ---Dick
Thanks Bro Neuharth I'm encouraged by your support I decided that I am not leaving and you will hear my praise report
Bro Ronald, I know the situation you are in. It's very painful and not easy - its as if one is caught up in a ship thats is tossed on a stormy sea. You sink into the desperate situation of the disciples, "Lord, carest Thou not that we perish?" Yet the Bible exhorts us to free ourselves from the external turbulence when it says "Be still and know that He is God" in order to hear the still small voice of the Lord. I believe God is reaching out to you. He is trying to awaken you to His presence. Yes the waves of the sea may continue to rage but God may be assuring you that He is besides you and assuring you of victory.
You are correct in taking a resolute stand for the Lord. Continue to cast your burdens on the Lord and wait upon Him. God always wants to talk to us. We have to be ready and available to listen. This verse in Scripture is not just a wild statement, it is a state of mind. It shows our trust in God's ability to rescue us. Remember, the great controversy is intensifying and we are participants in that fight. But we are never alone, never left unaided and God never forgets us. "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust Him." The Bible further states that "The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who know Him, in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them." (Nahum 1:7; Ps 145:18, 19). When God has pulled you through do not forget to tell satan what Joseph told his brothers in Gen 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good..." God always undertakes for His children.
Dear Ron, I too have faced similar troubles,and still do to some extent, and have had similar thoughts to yours about the apparent silence of God when petitioned, but the answer that Peter gave to Jesus "to whom shall I go?" is challenging all other religious leaders, doctrines, philosophies, but none of them can gainsay the final answer that Peter gave "...You have the words of eternal life John 6:67-68. I would also quote Matt.10:22, "And you will be hated by all for MY name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved". Remember that He who started a good work in you will finish it. Paul also prayed for his eyesight to be healed But Jesus told him "My grace is sufficient for you", Jesus will also give you strength to endure your trouble and save you in the end. As Jeffery Carl (above) said "there is nothing but death and darkness outside" Bless you dear Ron, there are better days ahead I'm sure. We shall pray for you.
There are many who become restless when they cannot know the definite outcome of affairs. They cannot endure uncertainty, and in their impatience they refuse to wait to see the salvation of God. Apprehended evils drive them nearly distracted. They give way to their rebellious feelings, and run hither and thither in passionate grief, seeking intelligence concerning that which has not been revealed. If they would but trust in God, and watch unto prayer, they would find divine consolation. Their spirit would be calmed by communion with God. The weary and the heavy-laden would find rest unto their souls if they would only go to Jesus; but when they neglect the means that God has ordained for their comfort, and resort to other sources, hoping to learn what God has withheld, they commit the error of Saul, and thereby gain only a knowledge of evil.—Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 687.
Doubt is not only about loosing physical possessions but all over the place in most of our lives. I have heard and seen couples complain and say, this is not the man/woman I should have married! Where were Lord when I made this mistake! Yet I even prayed about getting the right partner! Scenarios such as these are so common that the only way to understand them is to get back and listen to Jesus' answer to John. Ideally God still works and knows why! May be, its better to John did...rather than make many other mistakes or even tamper with the work of the gospel and may be get many to loose their faith!
Often when we read scripture we tend to interpret according to our understanding. We have to remember that there were no modern conveniences as we have in our day. John couldn't see Jesus on TV and identify him as the man he been inspired by the Holy Spirit to identify as the Lamb of God. He had seen the Holy Spirit descent on Jesus and heard the voice from heaven, but now we have to take into consideration that they never met again. Jesus started his ministry after John was put in prison. In those days 'false prophets' were as prevalent as they are today. John wasn't thinking of himself and his dire circumstances. He needed assurance that the man 'out there' was indeed the same one as he had seen the Holy Spirit descend on.
As he couldn't go see for himself, or see a picture on TV, he sent his disciples to check out Jesus. They didn't only go and ask; they must have spent time following Jesus and so they could testify to what Jesus was doing. Their testimony would have banished all doubt of an impostor from John's mind. He didn't doubt God - he wanted to know that his work had been accomplished and that the Messiah, for Whom he had 'made straight the way' was at work.
My dear Bro. Ronald,
I know exactly how you feel. I can identify with your life as it now is because I am going through similar times. Life seems to be tending towards a deep lonely pit and just when you think it couldn't get any worse... It does! There are so many needs and so little means, there seems to be no way out!
Well I have learnt that God is right there with you in these times! Sometimes it is difficult to see Him but He is right there. Look for Him in the snippets of goodness that come your way. Look for Him in the kindness of others ( sometimes total strangers); look for Him in the peace and contentment You experience, the sanity you enjoy when you should be reeling and disturbed to the point of madness because of what you are going through. Most importantly my brother, look for Him in His Word. You will find Him because He is also looking for, and looking out for you. Believe you me when I tell you that He sends just the thing you need, just when you need it!
I know this because I live this!
So until He has accomplished His work in and for you and He brings you into another sphere of your experience, just trust His hand to bring you through it.
We as a people who choose to keep the commandments of God& have the faith of Jesus are going to go through hardships in this last days.Bro. Ron you might be "in prison" right now , just like John the Baptist & some questions regarding God's presence in your life but dion't be discouraged he will take care of you.
I often wonder how we as a church community can help? brother there is help.Please seek out your church community. We should help each other to get back up when they are down.Keep the faith & trust God.
I was waiting for a response such as yours Sis Audrey. Thank you.
The beautiful thing about Jesus was, and I love Him for this, He tended to the temporal needs before He started His sermons. We live in a real world, with real issues; quoting scriptures or Sister White in and of itself, won't make a difference until we as a community of faith reach members who lack.
I recall one Treasurer lamenting that the money piles up in the bank while the members suffer. He was so grieved by this. Members die leaving all to the church/organization; land and houses get sold with cash placed into bank accounts, while members who lost all for the gospel's sake become homeless, or place themselves and their children in harms way or sinful situations due to lack.
Jesus, our example along with the early church left a template on how we should take care of each other. We need to take a second and third look, we need to revisit the care Jesus gave to those who gathered to hear Him each day.
The church would be such a loving place, blessings would flow, the word would spread, and Jesus could make His appearance.
RON Remember God loves you and knows your problems, Trust God HE will bring you through. I spent 3 weeks in confinement, while in the service, during basic. The issues Sabbath and Conscientious objector, that was 1952, but God saw me through. Even though I was cursed at in front of a battalion of men, some of whom, I grew up with, played ball and etc. Belittled, God overruled. End results Blessings! Trust God!
Ronald I share your pain you ask if God is there don't listen to the enemy 1 pet 4:12+13.Beloved do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though something strange happen to you. But rejoice to the extent that you partake of christ sufferings that when His glory is revealed you may be glad with exceeding joy. Praise the Lord. Keep trusting Him. I had similar experience being abused by my husband physical abuse financial abuse emotional abuse sexual abuse and eventually deserted. No one could explain no answer was forthcoming. No family support friends disappeared. In My search for answers I question God and discover 1pet4,12+13.God is great He always make a way I am happy in the Lord despite the struggles amen.
I love this community of believer of the overwhelming out pouring of genuine love and support that all has poured out to me and reading some of these responses I've seen some that when i compared them with my small experience, I realized that my temp setback is just a tip of the Iceberg. mine is nothing in comparison to what I've seen. Thank you for your support. thank you all for been so open God is good
The devil tries to bring more temptations on us just to discourage us oh God have mercy and give us the spirit of perseverance til we see your Glory amen.
How is it that the same God which created the galaxies in perfect order, allows my life to be thrown into utter chaos? Why would he allow us to be pushed to the brink of total destruction?....mmm! God does not change because of this or that....He is God always!
Ronald, Its indeed a trying moment yo are passing thru. Who knows,may be God is purifying you for His Kingdom. Remember that God wants us pruned of earthly attachments and focus our mind and thoughts heaven-ward. He wants to be gold tried in fire for our approval. He will not allow a situation beyond your capability. He always brings a way of escape for His own. Continue to cling on to His promises. Read also Job 22:23-30.
May you find comfort and strength in the Lord
I have never thought of this, but I can't help thinking. Matthew 11:11 states that "....he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than him."
Does this imply that John the Baptist might fail to enjoy with Christ in His kingdom?
If my fears are true, then I see a painful scenario here.
Please help me with your ideas.
No Cephas, it's not painful at all. John the Baptist was the forerunner. He ushered in Jesus Christ which is a blessed privilege, but John only had a partial picture. Think of it, he didn't see the crucifixion, but we know that Jesus died for us so we can have eternal life, so in a sense we have a full picture. Therefore we are assured if we live for Him, we will live again when He comes the 2nd time. What a blessed hope, amen
Cephas, it was Jesus who called John the Baptist great but John said I am not worthy to tie his shoes, He must increase and I must decrease.
Jesus said he was the greatest on earth but when we are changed at His Second Coming even the least of us will be greater than any man on earth even John.
I believe that John the Baptist will have a special place with Jesus in heaven.