Wednesday: Eating the Scroll
Read Revelation 10:8-11. Eating in the Bible is used to describe the acceptance of a message from God in order to proclaim it to the people (see Ezek. 2:8-3:11, Jer. 15:16). When received, the message is good news; but when it is proclaimed, it sometimes results in bitterness as it is resisted and rejected by many.
John’s bittersweet experience in eating the scroll (representing the book of Daniel) is related to the unsealing of Daniel’s end-time prophecies. John here represents God’s end-time remnant church that is commissioned to proclaim the everlasting gospel (Rev. 14:6-7)at the close of Daniel’s time prophecy (Dan. 7:25) or 1,260 days/years.
The context indicates that John’s vision points to another bittersweet experience at the conclusion of the prophetic 2,300-year period. When, on the basis of Daniel’s prophecies, the Millerites thought that Christ would return in 1844, that message was sweet to them. However, when Christ did not appear as expected, they experienced a bitter disappointment and searched the Scriptures for a clearer understanding.
John’s commission to “prophesy again” to the world points to Sabbath-keeping Adventists, raised up to proclaim the message of the Second Coming in connection with the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
Read Revelation 11:1-2. What is John ordered to do?
This passage continues the scene of Revelation chapter 10. John was commanded to measure the temple, the altar, and the worshipers. The concept of measuring in the Bible refers figuratively to judgment (Matt. 7:2). The temple that was to be measured is in heaven, where Jesus ministers for us. The reference to the temple, the altar, and the worshipers points to the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:16-19). This day was a day of “measuring” as God judged His people. Thus, Revelation 11:1 refers to the judgment that takes place prior to the Second Coming. This judgment concerns exclusively God’s people – the worshipers in the temple.
Revelation 11:1 shows that the heavenly-sanctuary message lies at the heart of the final gospel proclamation, which includes the vindication of God’s character. As such, it gives the full dimension of the gospel message regarding the atoning work of Christ and His righteousness as the only means of salvation for human beings.
Keeping in mind how central blood was to the Day of Atonement ritual (see Leviticus 16), how can we always keep before us the reality that the judgment is good news? Why is this truth so important? |

The incident of the sweet/bitter scroll has always been applied by historicists to the great disappointment of 1844. And that is certainly an application that we should consider. But we are now living 175 years after that event. it is easy to relegate a prophecy to the past, especially when we use it to justify our position, but perhaps there is a sweet-bitter experience that we are currently facing.
For 175 years we have been comfortable in our thought that Jesus is coming soon and still he has not come. Is that not a greater disappointment? We thought we would be on the grand celestial holiday long before this if we are honest with ourselves.
Perhaps Ezekiel's experience with the sweet book in Ezekiel 2 and 3 has a message for us. The bitterness in his case was going to the house of Israel with a message that they did not want to hear. How can we apply that to our situation today in the 21st century? Is it possible that the great disappointment is learning that we still have a lot of work to do? Are we prepared to be in it for the long haul?
Thank you Maurice. I just read Ezekiel 2-3. It is quite clear from the end of chapter 3 that God expects us to play a part in proclaiming His coming. How they receive it is their responsibility.
1. The sweet part
The people of God thought Christ would return on 22 October 1844. This was good news to them.
Joseph Bates - The Granite Hills of New Hampshire were ringing with the mighty cry: Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him.
James white- The brethren and sisters calmly consecrated themselves and their all to the lord and his course, and with humble prayers and tears sought His pardon and favor.
Ellen White - This was the happiest year of my life : after all, Jesus was coming! What a joy! What a hope! What expectation!
Tuesday 22 October 1844.
The great day was finally here? The entire universe paused and waited, even the wicked scoffers stood mute that day. But the day passed and Jesus did not return.
2. The bitter part
Hiram Edison - we looked for our coming lord till the clock tolled 12 at midnight. The day had passed and our disappointment became a certainty. Our fondest hopes and expectations were blasted,and such a spirit of weeping came over us as never experienced before. We wept and wept till the dawn.
William Miller- the next day it seemed as though all the demons from the bottomless pit were let loose upon us. The same ones who were crying for mercy were now mocking, scoffing and threatening in a most blasphemous manner. Some are tauntingly inquiring, 'have you not gone up?' even little children in the streets are shouting continually to the passersby ' have you a ticket to go up?'
3. From great disappointment to great appointment, from great confusion to great commission.
Those who proclaimed that the sanctuary should be cleansed in 1844 understood the time correctly. There was no mistake in their reckoning of the beginning or the end of the 2300 years. But what they did not understand was the true meaning of the event.
They soon learned the reason for their disappointment : the sanctuary to be cleansed was not this earth being destroyed by fire but the sanctuary in heaven where Christ had entered the second apartment to complete the final phase of his work as High Priest.
A serious thought do I, do you, have a special message to share with the world while the forces of apostasy, secularism and spiritualism are gathering together for the battle of Armageddon? Yes we do! The message is that Jesus Christ sacrifice on the cross was sufficient Atonement for all but He has an additional function in the process of Atonement- of investigating before the Universe who of those who claim to be His followers have truly allowed Him to cleanse their hearts on a daily basis. Is this a easy message to share? What does it mean to me, is it scary? How does it affect my life? Where is my focus?
My focus is on getting to know Jesus Christ better every day and submitting my will to Him 24/7 and trusting Him to be my Advocate before the Judgement throne.
Is judgment good news? The word is described as "the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions." Thus, judgment is essential before this earth's end. We need to go through it before our final destination is come. Whether in life or dead, we are all going to be judged! And thank God for that, Justice is finally proven right. As clear às crystal, nothing done will be hidden!
There are a few things that I find difficult to see why we are to conclude that God's Temple referred to in Revelation 11:1,2 is supposed to be in heaven. 1. who are the worshippers that are there in heaven, 2. if the court is left out and not measured then this part of the temple must not be in heaven either, right? So then there is a Temple in heaven with only the altar and the worshippers but without the court?
Pete I think that is a problem with a literalistic interpretation of a highly symbolic vision. It is not really about heavenly maps and more to do with describing the process of judgment and vindication in a symbolic way. Let the symbols of the temple and the court represent what is happening more than where it is happening.
I look at what the author said. This judgement of Revelation 11:1, refers to the judgement of God’s people, thus leaving out the outer court. The outer court is about coming to Christ. Drawn to the foot of the Cross, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be baptized. A good example of the outer court is found in Acts 16:28-34. The inner court is the judgement of God’s people. Which since the jailer and his family passed the inner court by becoming God’s people they are judged in the inner court. Both Shirley and JC said in one form or another, we are all judged. JC—-“Whether dead or alive,(and non believers or believers) we all are judged.” Shirley—-“and trusting Him to be my Advocate before the Judgement throne.” So as Maurice implyed: the temple in Revelation 11:1-2 is not complete because it is not literal. As symbolic it conveys the message, better than literal. The message being God’s people are judged also. Thank God, we are presented to God as pure as snow. Psalms 51:7. Zachariah 3. With all our iniquity taken away in one day
I must express my appreciation to those who have contributed to the research work,and presentation of the'bitter Sweet explanation of Revelation 10:9 etc. I find it very educative and informative. I am in a better position to share this knowledge with persons who were struggling with this prophecy, and the Spirit of Prophecy. Thanks a lot, and please continue to research and share, as you are led by the Holy Spirit