Wednesday: Family Life is for Sharing
In the following verses, trace the New Testament uses of the words “follow” (KJV) or “imitate” (NIV). What do they tell us about the process of becoming and growing as a Christian? What do you think they suggest about the relationship between modeling and witnessing? 1 Cor. 4:16, Eph. 5:1, 1 Thess. 1:6, Heb. 6:12, Heb. 13:7, 3 John 11.
The New Testament emphasis on imitation acknowledges the important role of modeling in the learning process. People tend to become like whom or what they watch. This principle applies to relationships generally and especially in the home, where imitation is common. There children imitate their parents and siblings; married partners often imitate one another. This concept provides an important clue to how couples and families can bear Christian witness to other couples and families.
The power of social influence. We witness from our homes when we provide opportunities for others to observe us and to share in our home experience in some way. Many simply have no good example of marriage or family relationships to follow. In our homes they may see how the spirit of Jesus makes a difference. “Social influence”, wrote Ellen White, “is a wonderful power. We can use it if we will as a means of helping those about us”. – The Ministry of Healing, p. 354.
As married couples invite other couples for meals, fellowship, or Bible study, or when they attend a marital growth program together, the visitors see a model. The display of mutuality, affirmation, communication, conflict resolution, and accommodation of differences testifies of family life in Christ.
In this context, however, of what must we always be careful? Jer. 17:9, John 2:25, Rom. 3:23.
Follow believers who follow Christ. All human examples are flawed; however, the witness of the Christian home is not about modeling absolute perfection. The New Testament notion of imitation is a call for individuals to follow believers who follow Christ. The idea is that individuals will grasp Christian faith as they see it demonstrated in the lives of others who are as human and fallible as they are.
What could you do to make your home a better model for Christian witnessing? |

When Ellen White came to Australia and New Zealand in the 1890s, she settled in the little village called Cooranbong and among other things, helped establish Avondale College. She purchased some land and for a time lived in a tent on this land. Later, a house was built, "Sunnyside", and she developed orchards and farmlands, and made it into her home. It was here that she wrote "Desire of Ages". Ellen White was known throughout the district as someone who was always willing to help those in need.
I first came to Cooranbong as a student of Avondale College in the 1960s and in our Denominational History classes, our teacher was a man who had been a child growing up in Cooranbong at the time. He recounted several instances of Ellen White interacting with local people who were in need. There are several families still living in Cooranbong who can trace their interest in Adventism back to the time where Ellen White was living and interacting with the local community. Her work with the community left a lasting impression and an example for us to follow.
Arthur White, her grandson, documented her Cooranbong years in "Ellen G. White: The Australian Years, 1891-1900 (vol. 4)" and it is worth reading the chapters on her work in Cooranbong.
I still live in Cooranbong, and the most visible reminder of Ellen White's time here is her house, "Sunnyside". But the invisible heritage of her interaction, sharing, and social contact with local people must be kept alive by us following her example here over 120 years later.
The essential element in sharing our faith is having the right message. But what is the right message? Paul wrote: “For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).
Contrary to what some people think, you do not have to know philosophy or theology to share Christ. You do not need a degree. Paul said you should know that Jesus died on your behalf, bore your sins, and paid your penalty of death. As a result, you can receive the gift of eternal life from the Father.
When you talk with unbelievers, center your conversation on the person of Jesus Christ. It’s His claims and His life that you are sharing. Paul clearly understood this truth. That is why the message of the cross was the focus of his preaching.
Salvation is not complicated. An eight-year-old can know Jesus as his Savior as readily as an eighty-year-old. All that is necessary is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning work on Calvary.
A personal testimony is a mighty tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit. As long as it focuses on Christ, it can be a significant factor in drawing others to Jesus. I know of many people who came to know Christ because they heard what He had done for someone else.
Others can relate to a personal testimony. They can identify with our doubts, fears, mistakes, and ignorance. They can see the difference Christ has made in our lives.
They understand when we share our feelings of hopelessness and meaninglessness. Deep within, they share the same sense of guilt over sin, the same fear of death, and the same questions about the purpose of our existence.
Never hesitate to tell your family and others what Christ has done for you. It is a story of supernatural significance—even if it happened without drama or fanfare.