Wednesday: The New Covenant Has Better Promises
We may be tempted to think that the new covenant has “better promises” in the sense that it has greater rewards than the old covenant had (a heavenly homeland, eternal life, etc.). The truth is that God offered the same rewards to Old Testament believers as He has offered us (read Hebrews 11:10, Hebrews 11:13-16). In Hebrews 8:6, the “better promises” is talking about different kinds of promises.
The covenant between God and Israel was a formal exchange of promises between God and Israel. God took the initiative and delivered Israel from Egypt and promised to lead them into the Promised Land.
Compare Exodus 24:1-8 and Hebrews 10:5-10. What are the similarities and differences between these two promises?
The covenant between God and Israel was ratified with blood. This blood was sprinkled both over and beneath the altar. The people of Israel promised to obey all that the Lord had spoken.
“The condition of eternal life is now just what it always has been, — just what it was in Paradise before the fall of our first parents, — perfect obedience to the law of God, perfect righteousness. If eternal life were granted on any condition short of this, then the happiness of the whole universe would be imperiled. The way would be open for sin, with all its train of woe and misery, to be immortalized.” — Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ, p. 62.
God satisfies the absolute demands of the new covenant for us because He gave His own Son to come and live a perfect life so that the promises of the covenant might be fulfilled in Him, and then offered to us, by faith in Jesus. Jesus’ obedience guarantees the covenant promises (Hebrews 7:22). It requires that God gives Him the blessings of the covenant, which are then given to us. Indeed, those who are “in Christ” will enjoy those promises with Him. Secondly, God gives us His Holy Spirit to empower us to fulfill His law.
Christ has satisfied the demands of the covenant; therefore, the fulfillment of God’s promises to us is not in doubt. How does this help you understand the meaning of 2 Corinthians 1:20-22? What wonderful hope is found here for us? |

I think that the idea of rewards and promises means that it is time to discuss mathematics, again!
There are two attitudes that students have towards mathematics. There are those who study maths because they want to pass their examinations and receive a grade. They work hard and follow the rules. Then there are those who study maths because they find it interesting. Their reward is that they look forward to new and interesting problems and cannot wait to find applications for what they have learned. The first kind of students, study mathematics until it is no longer a required subject and then leave it forever. They are the ones that say, "What on earth was the use of learning about quadratic equations?"
The second kind of student develops a love for mathematics. Passing examinations is ok, but for them, the real reward is the opportunity to understand and apply their mathematics in interesting ways.
My son is a mathematician and so far in his life he has developed algorithms for stitching machines to turn photographs into stitching patterns; developed image processing software for in-camera digital photo processing; mapped investment algorithms for futures funds management; and worked on sonar image processing for submarines. All of these jobs are heavily mathematical. You don't get to do those sorts of jobs if the only reward you seek is to pass examinations.
There is one thing that I would like to add to the illustration. The move from rule/reward-based learning, to a "love of the discipline" learning is partly a maturity thing.
I could embark on a long spiritual application discussion about this illustration but I am sure that most of you can work it out for yourselves. Hebrews is not all that difficult to understand.
This is true. If we love the word of God and look forward to learning what new insights we can glean therefrom, we will come as close to perfecting our knowledge of God as it is humanly possible to do!
Today's lesson contains a quote from Steps to Christ. I would suggest clicking the link at the end of the quote and reading carefully the wider context. There is a lot packed into those pages (59-63) if you take the time to carefully notice what is being said. I have taken the liberty of constructing an 'interview' with Ellen White based on the information in those pages.
Phil: Ellen, what do you mean when you talk about obedience? Are you talking about compliance to rules, regulations and mandates like we experience under our governments and local authorities?
Ellen: "(It is vitally important to) notice here that obedience is not a mere outward compliance, but the service of love."
Phil: What do you mean that obedience is "the service of love"?
Ellen: "The law of God is an expression of His very nature; it is an embodiment of the great principle of love, and hence is the foundation of His government in heaven and earth."
Phil: I remember you taking quite some effort in the first chapter of Desire of Ages* to help us understand that God's "law" is fundamentally a single principle that underpins life both on earth and in heaven and that as such, it is different to how we are used to thinking about law and laws. So, keeping that explanation of law in mind, how do we get this kind of obedience that is based on the service of love rather than mere compliance?
Ellen: "If our hearts are renewed in the likeness of God, if the divine love is implanted in the soul, will not the law of God be carried out in the life?"
Phil: Are you saying that if we focus on having our hearts renewed in the likeness of God, meaning that our hearts are motivated by how we can benefit others, then obedience is something that will naturally flow from that?
Ellen: "When the principle of love is implanted in the heart, when man is renewed after the image of Him that created him, the new-covenant promise is fulfilled, “I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them.” Hebrews 10:16. And if the law is written in the heart, will it not shape the life?"
Phil: Do we see this principle of being obedient because we want to - rather than because we have to - being displayed in Jesus life while He was here on earth?
Ellen: "Jesus said of Himself before He came to earth, “I delight to do Thy will, O My God: yea, Thy law is within My heart.” Psalm 40:8."
Phil: Is there anything else we should know so we don't misunderstand the kind of obedience that is part of God's higher ways by confusing it with the kind of obedience our world trains us in?
Ellen: "...obedience is the fruit of faith."
Phil: Can you unpack that a little more so I can better understand what you are saying? What is the faith you are talking about that naturally and inherently produces the kind of obedience we have been talking about - obedience that is our "delight"?
Ellen: "When we speak of faith, there is a distinction that should be borne in mind. There is a kind of belief that is wholly distinct from faith. The existence and power of God, the truth of His word, are facts that even Satan and his hosts cannot at heart deny. The Bible says that “the devils also believe, and tremble;” but this is not faith. James 2:19. Where there is not only a belief in God’s word, but a submission of the will to Him; where the heart is yielded to Him, the affections fixed upon Him, there is faith—faith that works by love and purifies the soul. Through this faith the heart is renewed in the image of God. And the heart that in its unrenewed state is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be, now delights in its holy precepts, exclaiming with the psalmist, “O how love I Thy law! it is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97."
Phil: So, if I am understanding you correctly and keeping in mind how you have explained the key terms you use, it seems you are saying that:
* true obedience is the inherent outcome of having our hearts renewed back to being in harmony with the law/principle that is the foundation of life - other-benefiting love?
* that this type of obedience is doing something because we "delight" to do it - because we only want to do that which benefits others rather than that which is self-seeking?
* that this type of obedience comes from - and can only come from - God renewing our hearts in response to our surrendering to Him as an ongoing process that keeps us connected to Him? And that this ongoing surrender and connection with God is what true faith is?
Ellen: I will leave it to readers decide for themselves whether this is what I have been saying or not...
* Ellen White unpacks what God's "law of self-renouncing love... the law of life for earth and heaven" fundamentally is in Desire of Ages p 19-21 (or to the end of the chapter if you have the time). This understanding of God's law is a critical to keep in mind to help 'accurately handling' scripture (2 Timothy 2:15).
I love how you did this Phil. Thanks for taking the time, it was very engaging. I would love to do something like this with my students. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a great day.
Thank you, Phil - so much essential Truth conveyed in such an easy to follow format, an interview - the genius of precise communication! I am sure that those who have a chance to talk with you will be able to understand you. God blessed you with an extraordinary gift as you demonstrate patience in your communication with others; a gift revealed showing that you love your fellow man.
Thanks Tammy and Brigitte for your effort to make a comment. I have taken your comments and offered them as a gift of praise to God.
What wonderful promises the LORD makes to me (and you), not only does He blot out my sinful past, He offers to change my heart to be like His heart.
EG White explains the Word of the LORD better than I can.
Steps to Christ
Thanks phil am always blessed by your insights i thank God for all you guys.My love for God is now devoid of fear for God is love and He is love to the end.He has made an oath with Himself to save all humanity if we only choose the guarantor of the new covenant.
Hi Omar
I am so glad you are experiencing the reality of 1 John 4:18! I join with you in praising "the guarantor of the new covenant" because He is, indeed, "love to the end".
Part of today’s quote from Ellen White: “The condition of eternal life is now just what it always has been, - just what it was in Paradise before the fall of our first parents, - perfect obedience to the law of God, perfect righteousness", brought the following thoughts to mind.
If perfect works based on the Law could not establish this ‘perfect obedience to the law of God’, what has been offered in its place? What has the Father’s Son, who became our Lord and Savior, demonstrated to us – works based on 'heartless' obedience, or works based on a heart filled with Love for the Father and total Trust in that doing the Father’s Will can sustain us in all circumstances?
I do not think that the New covenant holds any demands on anyone – it is a Free Gift, offered freely by the Creator for all who choose to believe that He loves them.
With this 'New' Covenant He now takes us by the hand and leads us along this Way especially designed to unite us with Him. He revealed in Christ Jesus His miraculous ‘Way of Life through Love and Faith’, embodied in and exemplified by His Son – our Creator’s Covenant offer for all who believe!
2Cor.1:20-22KJV - ”For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Now He which establisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.”
What is the ‘Earnest of the Spirit’ that produces ‘perfect obedience’ in us; how does the Spirit accomplish that? Is it not this same Spirit which guided our Lord and Savior to do the Will of the Father? Did He not demonstrate to all who saw Him and listened to His teaching that it was His Love of the Father, and Faith in Him as He submitted himself to do His Will, that this will lead those who believe Him to ‘Eternal Life’?
I believe that the renewed and clarified revelation of the promise of the New Covenant holds that:
‘All who believe that Christ Jesus embodied and demonstrated the New Covenant's Way - ‘Love, Trust and Faithfulness in the Father as we do His Will -, are not going to be disappointed’.
Christ Jesus is and exemplifies the Covenant, the Way - Love and Faith.
Jeremiah 31:31-33 contains the basic elements of both covenants and also offers the clues for understanding their differences. It even provides the essential technical and legal details of the covenants.
The Old Covenant
Time: (when) I took them out of Egypt - Sinai
Partners: I..with house of Israel, & Judah - God and Israel
Objective: I...will be their God & they my people - Sonship
Condition: My Law - Obedience.
Using the same passage which is repeated in Hebrews 8:8-10 the same elements are found in the New Testament, except the difference in time.
Time: The days to come - a prophetic point of time.
Partners: I...Israel and...Judah - God & His people
Objectives: I will be to them a God & they My people
Conditions: My Laws - Obedience
For the present, therefore, except for the time element, there is no apparent difference between the two covenants; 1) the partners are the same, 2) the objective is the same, and 3) the conditions are the same.
The writer of Hebrews state that God did not consider the first covenant to be faulteness - Hebrews 8:7. It could not be God Himself for He is perfect - Deut 32:4.
The two covenants the same, yes. But covenant of the old testament collapsed because because of the moral weakness of man. We should realize that this factor continues through the whole history of mankind.
No covenant based on the promise of perfect obedience of man as was the case at Sinai - Ex. 19:8, "All that the Lord has spoken we will do"—could produce better results than the first one. The solution had to be found by God Himself without compromising the principles of His eternal justice.
Christians usually do not realize that sin, and with it salvation, created problems not only for mankind but for God as well.
Given all that is said, better promises or same promises. I see no difference and give thanks to God for being the same old and new testament.
There is a "progressive development that can be understood:
1) The original covenant - with Adam
2) It's ratification - with Abraham
3) Its fulfillment - in Christ