Wednesday: Sending the Seventy
Read Luke 10:1-24. What does this account, of the sending out of the 70, teach us about the work of soul winning amid the reality of the great controversy?
During His ministry, more than 12 disciples followed Jesus.
When Peter addressed the believers leading to the selection of a substitute for Judas, the group consisted of at least 120 disciples (Acts 1:15). Paul tells us that Jesus had not less than 500 followers at His ascension (1 Cor. 15:6). So, the sending of the 70 does not limit the number of disciples that Jesus had but only suggests His choice of a special group on a limited mission to go before Him into the towns of Galilee and prepare the way for His subsequent visits.
Only the Gospel of Luke records the account of the 70, very typical of the missionary-minded Luke. The number 70 is symbolic in Scripture, as well as in Jewish history. Genesis 10 lists 70 nations of the world as descendants of Noah, and Luke was a writer with a universal worldview. Moses appointed 70 elders to assist him in his work (Num. 11:16-17, 24-25). The Sanhedrin was made up of 70 members. Whether all these have any significance in Jesus’ calling of the 70 is not mentioned in the Scripture and need not detain us in speculation. But what is important is that Jesus, as a trainer of leaders for the church, has left a strategy not to concentrate power and responsibility in a few but to spread it across the spectrum of disciples.
Joy and fulfillment marked the return of the 70. They reported to Jesus: Even the demons are subject to us in Your name
(Luke 10:17, NKJV). Success in soul winning is never the work of the evangelist. The evangelist is only a medium. The success comes through Your name.
The name and power of Jesus is at the heart of every successful gospel mission.
But note three remarkable reactions of Jesus to the success of the mission of the 70. First, in the success of evangelism, Jesus sees a defeat of Satan (Luke 10:18). Second, the more involved one is in gospel work, the more authority is promised (Luke 10:19). Third, the evangelist’s joy should be not in what has been accomplished on earth but because his/her name is written in heaven (Luke 10:20). Heaven rejoices and takes note of every person won from the clutches of Satan. Every soul won to the kingdom is a blow to Satan’s schemes.
Read again Luke 10:24. What are some of the things that we have seen that prophets and kings wanted to see but didn’t? What should that mean to us?

There is an agent call for both of us to go out there and evangelize,in a speed and emergency with the power of the Holy spirit..The harvest waits both of us!
What about the last question in today's lesson regarding Luke 10:24?
Can anyone elaborate on this?
Thank you.
May be the things they saw that kings and prophets desired to see were Jesus in the flesh and the knowledge that He is God. Also, the powerful ministry of the Holy Spirit in bringing healing and transformation to many lives.
The Kings and prophets in the old testament wanted to see Jesus as the savior, the messiah, the redeemer, and the King but Jesus did not came that time. They all waited and died not seen Jesus. But You and I have seen Jesus in the Bible and experience him daily in our lives.
First to the twelve and then to the seventy Jesus said "I give you authority to heal the sick and cast out evil spirits"
I have read/heard people saying "you have the power over Satan, use it"
I am concerned that some might get the wrong impression and think that they are able to cast out evil spirits or heal people.
I note the 70's report - we cast out demons in YOUR NAME. I believe it is important that we understand that we don't have any power in and of ourselves, we are just the messengers or representatives of the Mighty and All Powerful LORD. He is the one who decides who is healed.
Even Jesus while he was on earth said I only speak the words and do the will of the Father.
Trying to answer your concern Josiah. 1Peter 1:10-11 says, Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the suffering of Christ and the glories that would follow.
Hope this has eased your concern.
we have experienced the saviour and the power He has, this is the priviledge of this age. lets go out with full vigour to preach bearing his name.
May someone please amplify the last part of Luke 10:4. Which say do not greet any one in the street!
Hi Venance,
I believe what he meant was don't get distracted by anyone or anything, focus on your mission. He said something similar previously when he called them to follow him.
Jesus has to teach us to be humble and how to talk about His mission and to be prepared when the Holy Spirit touch your heart and share his gospel.
Luke 10:4 references the "speed and focus" emphasis of the mission Christ was giving to his disciples. "Don't fiddle around stay focused on the task at hand as I have given it to you." Don't be distracted.
Time is not on our side. Let's work for the night is coming.
Whenever numbers are mentioned in the Bible, students need to be aware that they may have symbolic meanings behind them. 3, 4, 7, 10, 40 are common ones.
70 is also one of those numbers being a multiple of 7 and 10.
7 represents creation, renewal, rest, restoration, completion
10 represents law, judgment, redemption
Interestingly, Jesus sends out the 70, two by two or rather (2x2) perhaps giving a clue to the multiplicity of numbers. However, a more important theme is that you\'re not supposed to do this type of work alone. You should be going out with Jesus + You combining the knowledge + wisdom.
An added component is work. To obtain this knowledge is not to be complacent but to continue to strive to be all Jesus wants you to be. This means continue to ask, seek and knock for greater truth. A formula could be something that looks like this:
Jesus + You + Work = Ministry
Of course, there are various forms of work, like Bible Study or actual labor, but combining them with Jesus always results in Joy.
May the Holy Spirit continue to guide your studies and be joyful evermore.
Teacher Andy
Many thanks guys for the contributions. I suggest the prophets here and kings, what they did not see is the Kingdom of God. If you read carefully 1 Peter1:10-13 it explains the whole idea here.