Wednesday: The Law of Christ
(Gal. 6:2-5)
Paul connects burden bearing with fulfilling the law of Christ. What does he mean by “the law of Christ”? Gal. 5:14, Gal. 6:2, John 13:34, Matt. 22:34-40.
Paul’s use of the phrase “the law of Christ” (ton nomon tou Christou) occurs nowhere else in the Bible, though he uses a similar expression in 1 Corinthians 9:21 (ennomos Christou).
The uniqueness of this phrase has resulted in a number of different interpretations. Some mistakenly argue that this is evidence that the law of God given at Sinai has been replaced by a different law, the law of Christ. Others claim the word law simply means a general “principle” (see Rom. 7:21), meaning that in bearing the burdens of others, we are following the example of Jesus. While the latter interpretation has some merit, the context and similar terminology with Galatians 5:14 suggest that “fulfilling the law of Christ” is another reference to fulfilling the moral law through love. Paul showed earlier in his letter that the moral law was not annulled with the coming of Christ. Instead, the moral law interpreted by love continues to play an important role in the Christian life. This is the epitome of what Jesus taught during His earthly ministry and also practiced throughout His life and even in His death. In bearing the burdens of others, we are not only following in the footsteps of Jesus, we are also fulfilling the law.
Another issue arises in these texts, the apparent contradiction between Galatians 6:2 and Galatians 6:5. This problem, however, is easily resolved when one realizes that Paul is using two different words to describe two different situations. As we have already seen, the word for burden in verse 2 (baros) refers to a heavy load that has to be carried for a long distance. The word phortion in verse 5, however, refers to a ship’s cargo, a soldier’s backpack, or even a child in the womb. Whereas the former burdens can be laid aside, the latter cannot. A pregnant mother must carry her own child. As this example suggests, there are some burdens that people can help us bear but others that no human can bear for us, such as the burden of a guilty conscience, suffering, and death. For these, we must rely on God’s help alone (Matt. 11:28-30).
While some burdens you can get help with from other people, some you have to take to the Lord alone. How can you learn to give to the Lord the things that you, yourself, just can’t bear? |

What is your understanding of what the lesson means by the term, “moral law”? Is it the 10 commandments? What do you think of the logic and explanation of the “law of Christ” and the “moral law”? So, what is the law of Christ? Is it the law of love? And the 10 Commandments are an expression of the law of love, specifically adapted for humans in sin – for loving purposes. Can the law of love be annulled? Why or why not?
How would you describe the law of love? How would you apply the law of love in relationship to others and their burdens? Why is it okay for a mother to brush the teeth of their 18 month old, but not okay for the same mother to brush the teeth of her 18 year old? Love seeks to build up and bless others, to help others develop their full potential, which means we don’t habitually do for others that which they are capable of doing for themselves.
In the physical world strength increases as we exercise or stress our muscles against burdens or weights. No other person can exercise our muscles for us, if someone else lifts the weight they get the strength. Likewise, when it comes to character no one else can lift life’s individual responsibilities for you and you get the strengthening of character. No, if someone else lifts your burdens, that you are responsible for and capable of fulfilling, they get stronger and you get weaker.
Amen brother amen God is a wonderful God.
While I agree that we shouldn't create in others complete dependency on us, thus robbing them of their own growth, our much greater task it to teach others to completely depend on Jesus. This is why Paul says "all" in Galatians 6:10 (Strongs "pas": each, every, any, all, everyone).
The Law of Gods Love: I believe the great principles of God's law are embodied in the Ten Commandments and exemplified in the life of Christ. They express God's love, will, and purposes concerning human conduct and relationships and are binding upon all people in every age. These precepts are the basis of God's covenant with His people and the standard in God's judgment. Through the agency of the Holy Spirit they point out sin and awaken a sense of need for a Saviour. Salvation is all of grace and not of works, but its fruitage is obedience to the Commandments. This obedience develops Christian character and results in a sense of well-being. It is an evidence of our love for the Lord and our concern for our fellow men. The obedience of faith demonstrates the power of Christ to transform lives, and therefore strengthens Christian witness. I believe the great principles of God's law of love are embodied in the Ten Commandments. While the ceremonial and sacrificial laws of the Old Testament were fulfilled by the death of Jesus Christ, the 10 commandments are held to remain in force for Christian believers. Matthew 5:17-20.
The law of love can only be actuated by the Holy Spirit, because we as a human race are naturally stratified in dealing with LOVE.
I like to look at it another way. The law of love or the law of Christ if practiced under the influence of the Spirit, fulfills the law. The Ten Commandments are the schoolmaster that reminds us what that law of love should look like. Always keep God first and only and treat our fellow man as we would want to be treated while staying alert for opportunities to help them out and console when needed.
This is great...I believe it is important to help others in need. Like being a Boy Scout, to help an older person cross the street, or if it is snowing and you have a snow machine but your neighbor only has a shovel, why not clear their path. But there are events that I need to deal with on my own, like a bad habit or reckless behavior. If we were to put these things into practice, what type of a world would we live in?
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you... (Ps 55:22)
Blessed be the Lord! Day after day he bears our burdens (Ps 68:19)
We may have afflictions, but in Christ we find peace, so we can help others in their afflictions too (2 Cor 1:5)
God so loved the world to the point of giving His own Son for it... including myself...
He is able to give us plenty of love, so we can distribute it!
How can I give anything that I myself do not have!
Love God with all heart and mind...
Stephen & Dave have the right idea on this. It's like the parents who consistently bail out their kids. Love and help all people but not at the expense of enabling them to keep repeating the same mistakes in which they will never grow...
Well that's my two cents worth. :0) Blessings
Christ Object Lessons page 128 "No man can rightly present the law of God without the Gospel, or the gospel without the law. The law is the gospel embodied, and the gospel is the law unfolded. The law is the root, the gospel is the fragrant blossom and fruit which it bears."
Love God supremely and your neighbor, including your enemies, as yourself. Jesus demonstrated this in His earthly life.then He said,"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another." Matt 13:34
The bible clearly states that we should bear one another's burden and so fulfilled the law of Christ . There are limits, for instance it's only so much that we can do for another's but they need to ask God to help them where human beings or they themselves fails.
The law of Christ is an expression of his character and that is love