Wednesday: Unblemished and Wise
Daniel and his companions are chosen for royal service because they fit within the profile established by Nebuchadnezzar. According to the king, palace officers must have “no blemish” and be “good-looking” (Dan. 1:4, NKJV). Interestingly, sacrifices and people serving in the sanctuary should have no “blemish” (Lev. 22:17-25, Lev. 21:16-24). The Babylonian king seems to compare himself to the God of Israel insofar as he demands similar qualifications for those serving in his palace. On the other hand, such qualifications may inadvertently suggest that Daniel and his compatriots were living sacrifices for God as they faced the challenges of the Babylonian empire.
Read Galatians 2:19-20; Matthew 16:24-26; and 2 Corinthians 4:17. What do these verses tell us about how we can stay faithful amid whatever temptations we face?
God honors the loyalty of the four Hebrew captives, and at the end of their ten-day testing period they look healthier and better-nourished than the other students who have eaten from the royal table. So, God gives His four servants “knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom”, and to Daniel alone God gives “understanding in all visions and dreams” (Dan. 1:17, NKJV). This gift will play a significant role in Daniel’s prophetic ministry.
Just as God honors the faith of his servants in the Babylonian court, He gives us wisdom as we face the challenges of the world. From the experience of Daniel and his companions, we learn that it is indeed possible to remain untainted by the corrupting elements of our society. We also learn that we do not need to isolate ourselves from society and its cultural life in order to serve God. Daniel and his companions not only live amid a culture built on lies and errors and myths, but are schooled on those lies and errors and myths. And yet, they remain faithful.
No matter where we live, we face the challenge of staying faithful to what we believe amid cultural and social influences that are contrary to that belief. Identify the negative influences in your culture, and ask yourself: How well am I defying them? |

The sum-total of earthly wisdom never resides in one man - not even in a king. No mortal has a monopoly of goodness. Daniel and his companions, though young, had already learnt that self-restraint is the surest path to health and usefulness and joy. One part of our nature is to be cultivated; one part of our nature is to be crucified. Every inclination and tendency which has its terminus in self - in self-pleasing or self-elevation - is to be repressed and curbed. Every disposition and energy which has its terminus in others - especially in God - should be fostered. Besides, it is very likely that the food furnished by the king had, in some way, been associated with idol-worship. On this account, it may be, the royal viands were supposed to possess some special virtue. These loyal servants of Jehovah would not consent to sanction this idolatrous belief. They declined to be partakers in other men's sins. Moreover. God had taken the pains to give to Israel minute directions what animals they might eat, and what flesh they might not eat. The use of blood in food was prohibited. They were not to eat such animals as had been strangled. Hence Daniel and the others were bound by an earlier and a higher allegiance, which they had resolved not to violate. They had not the power of choice left. In religions duty they were bound to the King of heaven. "They were willing to render unto Caesar those things which were Caesar's, but they were determined also to render unto God the things which were God's." We may often obtain by a conciliatory request what we cannot obtain by an imperious demand. Modesty of deportment is a grace peculiarly befitting the young. It is a false estimate of dignity when men suppose they must be self-assertive, arrogant, and unyielding. Persuasive kindness wields the mightiest sceptre. "The meek shall inherit the earth." Sweet amiability in Daniel was blended with firm principle, as luscious dates adorn the stately palm. Very likely Daniel had tacitly resolved not to violate his conscience, whatever the prince of the eunuchs might urge. But he would try gentler measures at first. He would not defeat his own ends by precipitate speech. Words, once uttered, are not easily recalled. The excellences of Daniel had already gained for him a place in the heart of this chamberlain, and the influence over this officer which Daniel had virtuously gained was used for his companions as much as for himself. The fruits of our goodness, others share in. We cannot live wholly for ourselves. The human race is an organic body, the several parts of which are united by ligaments of mutual service and reciprocal interest.
[Personal note: I am back home again from my little episode in hospital. I had a growth on my eardrum called a tympanic Hemangioma. It is essentially one of those little red blood spots that most of us have on our bodies somewhere as we grow older. Mine just happened to be on my eardrum and was growing with the potential to cause hearing loss. My ENT specialist has been watching it for 10 years and decided that now was the time for it to come off, and rather than do the invasive scalpel cut through the bone and the middle ear, he sent me to a specialist in Sydney who gave it a 160mS pulse of 2W blue laser light that fried it. He then pulled the burnt bits out with rounded tweezers and sent them off to pathology. I have been in no pain and the only downside is that my ear is plugged up with cotton wool for the next couple of weeks and I have to hear everything with my left ear only. That is very disorientating.
Thank you, everybody, for your prayers and good wishes. I actually read them all and moderated them from my hospital bed this morning. Its at times like these that the Sabbath School Net is a great family to belong to.]
Here is something to think about for the current lesson. We have all appreciated the example and nerve of Daniel's friends on arrival at the court of Nebuchadnezzar in insisting on pretty ordinary food rather than party food. No doubt some will claim that God performed a miracle in ensuring that these young men were brighter than the local court intelligence. I take the stance that is was less of a miracle and more a reflection of upbringing where these young men developed a strong appreciation for study and its application, and what lifestyle supports clear thinking. Their lifestyle choices were not made in Babylon. It was part of their culture as they grew up. What happened in Babylon was the result of a lifetime of good decisions, no doubt instilled in them by their parents and families.
Further, I think that Daniel and his friends had had time to observe how the Babylonians operated. Nebuchadnezzar did not suddenly appear over the horizon. There had been a period of time (at least 3 years but possibly much longer - I need to do some more reading on that one) where the southern Kingdom of Israel had essentially been under Babylonian rule and were supposed to be paying tribute (taxes) into their coffers. The final destruction when Daniel and his friends were captured was Babylon's solution to the non-payment of taxes. I think that Daniel and his friends had a pretty good idea of what they were getting into. And I think that Ashpenaz knew pretty much the sort of men he was looking for. (It was the ancient form of what is called headhunting in the modern business world)
Rather than extolling the astonishing miracle of Daniel 1, or promoting the virtues of eating fruit and vegetables (both of which I have no argument with), perhaps the big-picture lesson is how do we prepare young Seventh-day Adventists to stand by principle and understanding today. All too often our spiritual development is a recitation of a cachetism, rather than a love and understanding of principle.
Preparation needs to be taken seriously before we can expect miracles.
You hit the hammer right on the nail brother
Maurice Ashton I just want to say that I am happy that you are doing better and that I always enjoy your post. Very thoght provoking.
I really enjoy studying here
The big lesson for me in today's lesson is humility. Daniel and his companions were humble and tactical in their actions in the foreign land. They were not confrontational to the suggestions that did not go well with their beliefs but rather they took time to take their decision.They might as well have prayed before taking actions. This is what true Christianity is about.
We need to pass such virtues to our generation also.
It’s the Holy Spirit that keeps us day by day. Holy Ghost, keep me today in my daily life.
Many people focus on the food eaten by the Hebrew young men as the sum total of their wisdom. I do not believe that. If I do, I will be throwing our health message under the bus. We used the ACRONYM- NEWSTART for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in Divine Power.
A young woman at my church was a vegetarian now a vegan but her problem is, she struggles with overweight and other health problem. She approached God several times and the Lord showed her, her problem is not about diet but a ‘ totality of the sum’.
Daniel and his friends experienced the totality of the sum. The NEWSTART message in their day. That message started at their home way back in Israel. As life progressed, they were settled in the truth and willing to stand for God.
For those that are not aware of the problem with fires that Maurice is dealing with, I know his prayers are greatly appreciated.
Thank you Paul. Just an update. As I have mentioned I spent last night in Sydney in hospital. From my room I was able to look out over the northern part of Sydney. This morning The smoke was so bad that you could only see across the road a distance of about 150metres. The trip home - about 100km - was through thick smoke. I was glad that my brother-in-law was driving the car. The fires causing the smoke are about 50km away from the centre of Sydney, but it is enough to kill people who are elderly or sick. The fires on the south coast of NSW and eastern Victoria have been ferocious and devastating. Large areas of forest and farm have been destroyed, about 1000 homes and countless farm building burned, Estimated initial cost is running into several billion dollars. Most of you are too far away to provide material support but your prayers and thoughts are both encouraging and greatly appreciated.
Maurice, I have been praying for Australia, it is so sad and devastating. Just getting to know you through your posts has given me the feeling that I now have a personal connection to Australia and someone specific to pray for. I love that about the family of God and the Adventist Church. Wherever we are in the world we have a special connection. Praying for healing of your ear as well.May God continue to bless and protect you.
Glad you are safe back home recovering Maurice! Praying for you all in Australia.
God is sovereign in all He does. His purpose is rescuing His lost children's hearts back to Him. For you and me, He created a path of salvation in the sea of sin.
At the heart of any story in the Bible, starting in the Garden of Eden, is the question each one of us answers God by our choices:
Do you believe I am who I say I am, who I reveal to you I am?
It is the question in the story of these four boys from Judah. They (and most likely their parents) knew from Isaiah's earlier prophesy (Isaiah 39:7) that Babylon would come and take away the noble boys of the royal house of Judah and make them eunuchs. They would have also been hearing and reading the words of Jeremiah for years. The boys must have known their fate if they believed their prophets. So I agree Maurice, that their preparation began long before their captivity.
They must have known they needed to seek the heart of God, memorize His Word (they wouldn't be able to carry it with them as captives), be filled with His Spirit for when they would be taken away as captives far from family, scripture, temple. They lived out an answer just like Job's at the end of his story where he basically said, "God, You are more wonderful than I can comprehend."
Job said this when he was sitting in the ash, sick, childless, poor and desolate. When Satan accused God that Job only loved Him because God was good to Job, God's answer repudiated that accusation. God told Satan, 'Job follows Me because he loves Me. He knows My heart and I know his. Take everything away that you say is what makes him My follower and trust Me, Job will still love Me.' God was right.
God lives out the truth of who He is: I am Immanuel, sovereign in love and mercy. I seek you. Be found by Me. Abide with Me.
This is the gospel truth we testify with our lives when we abide in His Spirit just like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. The boys said "yes" wholeheartedly to Jesus, were covered in His righteousness and found "unblemished" and "wise." They knew God was sovereign, that in all He did, He was bringing the hearts of His children back to the safe shelter of His love. So we get to read about how they lived in the shelter of the Almighty in faith, hope and love this quarter.
I pray we embrace Jesus in our lives the way they did. I pray we embrace the Holy Spirit's transforming of our hearts into Jesus' heart of love for others like they did. I pray we overflow with the joy and peace of Jesus in the midst of a dark, imploding world like they did so Jesus shines bright in the darkness.
We all go through trials in life. Without them, there would be no spiritual growing! Unfortunately, as human beings, we learn more with pain than with pleasure. Trials can strenghten our faith! This past year I had to thank the bunch of problems I had gone through, because they made me more dependent of my Creator. Painful, but rewarding. I thought sometimes that I was going to faint, but God kept me alive and active. How did I resist all? Miracle, only by His love and care I survived! I can say that once you are in the Way, you have no choice but to learn to trust in God every day! He never abandon us!
We must dare to be a Daniel as we stand by a purpose true heeding the Commands of God Almighty. When we stand for God He will sure stand for us. The youths were determined to stand for right even if the heavens were to fall. They had an unflinching faith and trust in their Maker. How many of us *talk big* but when the rubber hits the road we doubt, fear or even give up. We trade in our alliance to Give for temporal gains and benefits. God says what He means and means what He says. He does not waste words. He says He will be in our corner if we are faithful and obedient. He will keep His word. He cannot lie.
Let me just admit that I've been a keen silent follower of the comments section of the sabbath school lessons and am glad that i always get Mich more insight everytime i come here, Maurice am Greatfull to God that you've healed, I've also be getting news of the devastating fires in Australia, I hope that you're safe, God bless all of you😊