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Wednesday: An Unshakeable Kingdom — 9 Comments

  1. The language of stability and shaking are often applied to things we believe in. One cogent example of this is the way we speak about our doctrines. We have enshrined them with the descriptive name, "The Pillars of Adventism". Anyone who deviates from the pillars is described as being subject to the "shaking time."

    The mental images that come most readily to mind when I hear "pillars" and "shaking" used in close proximity to one another are the pictures I see of ancient temples of past civilisations. Their pillars lie scattered and the roofs they supported have disappeared into the oblivion of history. I have to admit that sometimes I ask myself if the Seventh-day Adventist church thought seriously about the metaphor they chose to represent stability.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that doctrine is not important or ephemeral but in the grand scheme of Christianity, there's only one pillar - unselfish love. When we understand God's love towards us in such a way that it reflects into our relationship with others, then the other "pillars" come into perspective.

    And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. 1 Cor 13:2,3 NKJV

    ...and the judgement scene:

    Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Matthew 25:45,46 NKJV

    • Well said, Mr. Ashton.

      Certainly, God treats everyone of us in the most contructive way as possible. Yet, it might be a kind of mistery why some respond positively while others don't (perhaps here we could discuss about the 'freedom of choice' subject, which also reflects God's character). But as a loving Father, He has to shake up the "pillars" His children are founded on, so they can grab and grow rooted on the only pillar that's worth to, JESUS! The question is "Do I accept God's pruning and let Him heal me with LOVE?"

  2. The man made religions and their pillars will be shaken but not those established by the LORD. Dan 2:44
    This is the message of encouragement the LORD sends to those who are facing troubling times.

    I, the LORD, know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close.
    You have little strength, yet you obeyed my Word and did not deny me.
    Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world. I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, never give up, never give in, so that no one will take away your crown that is waiting for you. All who are victorious will become pillars in the Temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. And I will write on them the name of my God, and they will be citizens in the city of my God — the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven from my God. And I will also write on them my new name.
    Rev 3:10-12

  3. We who stand firm on the Cornerstone, Ephesians 2:20. Will be like grain on the thrashing floor. We will still be there after the chaff blows away and is burned. God will gather us up and take us home. Luke 3:17.

    How well do you do now, in terms of being shaken? If not so well, what choices can you make in order to get help in this important area?  Ephesians 4:11-16. In essence, go to church, prayer meeting, get involved helping others using one or two of the gifts. Be doers of the word, not just hearers, so you can be a strong body part of Christ church. All body parts that are strong makes for a healthy church body, unshakable locked in the Love of God.

  4. How many of us have gone on merry go round felt dizzy. The normal reaction is to hold on to something solid. God’s shaking exposes our weaknesses and allows us to hold on to Him tightly while the storm passes through.

  5. Hebrews 12:27 sparked a memory for me.

    My Mother could bake the most wonderful cakes and pies without a Cake or Pie Crust Mix. She'd begin with the basic ingredients. I loved to watch her use the sifter as she shook flour gently into it. Then she'd use one or the other of her utensils and begin to gently shake it. Slowly but surely, the fine flour and alien lumps were separated from each other. Although the 'good' flour went through the sifter and the unwanted material kept in the sifter and discarded, I thought of the separation process...shaking. The process of sifting or shaking made the difference in what went with the rest of the ingredients to make a fine product. May we be like the fine light flour.


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