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What did Christ Abolish at the Cross? — 17 Comments

  1. Not everything handwritten by Moses was ceremonial law. Much of it was moral instruction, applying the principles of the Ten Commandments. As applicable, these precepts are of course still guidance for us today. For instance, swine's flesh did not suddenly become fit for food at the cross.

        • I highly agree with what you have said because Paul in Colossians was talking about the hard written law of Moses that support the God's hand written 10 commandments moreover the law that Moses wrote was to support the principles of the 10 commandments that God gave to Moses so nothing changes like it was written He is the same yesterday, today and forever in addition Jesus Christ Himself said this. The sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, not people to meet the requirements of the sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the sabbath this I think is what Paul was referring to in Colossians

    • Thank you, William. I merely mentioned that as one example. The cross didn't suddenly make it all right for you to marry your sister, nor did a man lying with a man, as one might lie with a woman -- or the eating of shrimp -- suddenly become less detestable.

      • Since I concentrate so much on the dietary laws, I have conveniently forgotten how much more the laws of Moses are applicable to our every day life. Thank you so much for both of your comments bringing to light the laws of life.

        10 Now as for you, son of man, tell the house of Israel that this is what they have said: ‘Our transgressions and our sins are heavy upon us, and we are wasting away because of them! How can we live?’ 11 Say to them: ‘As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’
        Ezekiel 33:10-11

        • Thanks for this quotation Newbegin.

          This is an excellent passage illustrating that it is not God that is the causative-source of death - it is “our transgressions and our sins” (ie living in violation of the Law/laws that are essential to maintain life: 1 John 3:4).

          The cause and effect relationship is reflected: transgression and sin leads to (causes) “wasting away” unto death. Hence the question, “how can we live?”

          God’s response affirms this reality that transgression and sin is the direct causative-source of death. God takes no pleasure in seeing this phenomenon take place.

          Because it is transgression and sin that is the direct causative-source of death, God’s desire is that people instead would “turn, turn from their evil ways” that are directly causing their demise.

          Key to being able to understand this is keeping in mind what transgression and sin actually is - lawlessness. Lawlessness means attempting to live without law. How that actually plays-out is that people attempt ‘living’ in a manner that is out of harmony with the Law/laws of life that are essential/necessary for maintenance of life. While they may believe they are living, the reality is they are actually merely “wasting away”.

          This passage is also reflected in Psalm 1:6; Galatians 6:7,8; James 1:14,15; Romans 6:23 and 2 Samuel 14:14. So the above ‘worldview’ is not resting on merely one single passage.

          Sin (lawlessness) is the causative-source of death. And sin is the causative-source of sin-consequences (ie ‘punishment’ - negative consequences that are inherent to the process of wasting away). This world-view casts God in a very different light.

          • I appreciate your pointing out that God is not the cause of death but that "lawlessness" is. However, putting it that way sounds rather theoretical.

            The way I see it, God's Law is the transcript of His character, which is self-giving love. Thus "lawlessness" is living out of harmony with self-giving love. In other words, it is selfishness. It is disconnection from the Creator and Upholder of life. Very simply, sinners choose to disconnect from the Source of life and therefore they die - as a light bulb goes out when disconnected from the source of power.

            A relationship with God - evidenced by obedience - is being connected to the Lifegiver both in this life and the life to come.

          • Thanks.

            I agree with what you wrote about the way you see it.

            I have written in a more ‘theoretical’ way in order to ground what I am outlining in solid biblical evidence and reasoning. This is to substantiate that it is not merely personal opinion that I am outlining/proposing. It also outlines the details that comprise the worldview so that others can make more focussed critique if they feel some aspect is in error.

            I have a variety of ways I write depending on the purpose at the time.

          • The only death that really counts is the Second Death, which is directly meted out by God in accordance with each one's just deserts, fire raining down on him from the sky. He who is destroyed will have destroyed himself, because persistence in sin so hardens the heart that repentance becomes literally impossible. The finally impenitent is permanently and irrevocably unfit to live in God's good universe, and even he has to agree that his own destruction is the only way forward. By God's grace, may this never be your fate or mine!

      • I guess that you are a farmer, Willie. This Old Testament requirement was based on God's ownership of the land of Canaan, and the idea that the children of Israel were His servants. That said, if this is also how you view your land, it's hard to see how something that was such a good idea, back then, could be a bad idea now.

      • Nowadays, the practice of cover-cropping between normally harvested crops would seem to serve the same purpose. It is particularly beneficial for soil life to be undisturbed for a full year. Judging by God's direction to the Israelites, the best practice would be to do this every 7 years.

        Putting 1/7 of the land into cover crops every year would ensure that all the land gets the benefit.

  2. Clean and unclean were ceremonial from the first sin. Noah made that very clear. Washing dishes and bathing were also ceremonial but with a little common sense we use those laws to our benefit. The apostles taught that the only laws of Moses that were to be required of the church had to do with blood and food offered to idols. The apostles also said that the rest of Moses would be taught from Sabbath to Sabbath.

  3. I have to go back to RG. Washing hands was instructional as much as digging a hole outside the camp to bury human excrement. Yes the priest washing of hands was in the bowl outside the temple inside the court, was ceremonial as well as cleanly, and done away at the Cross, along with killing of the lamb without blemish. However I would not say that washing hands inside the family tent or outside the camp was ceremonial, rather instructional for the health of the people.

    Touching on keeping the law. When we die in Christ we have put ourselves at the foot of the Cross. Being at the foot of the Cross empowers us to do the will of the Father. I believe the will of the Father is to obey out of love, seeing what He has done for us, and He lives forever to intercede for us who turn to Him, a daily mental process as we read, meditate, and pray, we are mentally being born again. Christ told Nicodemus, to be born of the Holy Spirit(a mental process between us and the Holy Spirit)as well as the water. John 3:1-5.

  4. It is very simple concerning the Laws of Moses. When Christ died on the cross, the Mosaic Laws were abolished. Not just one or two but all. The laws were a burden to the people and served as a yoke upon their necks. They were freed of that bondage then and forever. On the cross Jesus provided a new salvation and a new covenant. Even today most churches and pastors strive to place that yoke and burden back on our necks for their greed and self gain. Ephesians 2:15.


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