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What if I Told You Life Is Not About Being Married? — 12 Comments

  1. The greatest deception about marriage is what part love should play.marriage must be received and not proposed for that is rebellion, marriage first love when in marriage.

    • I am not sure exactly what you are saying here Nobukhosi, but if you are saying that for marriage to work it must be based on selfless love then you are right. Christians have been set an example of selfless love by Jesus and that sort of love should be the basis of all relationships. It is no coincidence that Jesus said:

      By this shall all men know you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35

      And that is what should define us, not our marital status.

  2. Marriage is usually a life of ups and downs. It is never an even flow of steady togetherness. My wife and I were married for fifty years. Cancer ended her life. We had our disagreements, however we never know what our immediate future holds. I thank God for every new day.

  3. Sadly, some of the loneliest people I know are married. Perhaps that is because single people are freer to seek companionship to relieve their loneliness whereas married people are "bound" in many ways to their spouse and thus may have few if any such options.

  4. Best happy marriage is likened to being in the presence of GOD at worship where both parties are good stewards

  5. The human soul craves love in companionship, but it is rare to find a companion to whom one can bare one’s soul and still be loved without condition. One quickly learns to bare a little of the soul to test how much love the other has, but that is where the hurt starts. And each hurt callouses the soul, so there is no true healing, only a thicker callous. So the desire for love often leads to deeper isolation. The human soul craves love in companionship, but finds instead increasingly profound isolation.

  6. Shabbat Shalom, yes, I understand the Agape Love that King David
    felt for Jonathan. it was a feeling of deep intimacy or closeness if you will that allowed David to love his friend in spite of any shortcomings, arguments, disagreements, failures, it is a love that has no bitterness or hatred, or malice, or jealousy towards his friend in spite of any wrongdoings. LOVE Quickly forgives .


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