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Why Did Heaven Need to be Reconciled? — 12 Comments

  1. Even before the cross, there was never any reason to rebel. Yes, it will be important for the loyal angels (as well as all the rest of us) to get their questions answered, but I believe they were always loyal in heart, not just in actions.

  2. Re Eve, who, essentially, led Adam into sin: How ever could Eve have doubted God's regard/concern/care for her?!!! That is an explanation altogether untenable. Eve had free will as we all do. Her first transgression was failing to remain by the side of her husband. Wandering off as she did and indulging her curiosity about the forbidden tree weakened her resolve to obey God's requirements not to either touch or eat from it. Had she been with her husband, he, very likely, would have been a restraining influence. Eve, in my opinion, was self willed and minimized the danger of disobeying even what may have seemed to her to be a minor (maybe even optional) directive of God to explore the Garden TOGETHER with Adam. / I have other descriptors for Eve which, though not obscene, are still profoundly unflattering (and most likely accurate -- when we recall that she engaged in dialogue with a snake!).

    • Didn't Adam have free will? And did he not have enough intelligence to make his own decisions?

      Shall we blame Eve for "wandering off," but not Adam for failing to stay with Eve or keep her by his side?

      It doesn't seem like that's the way God evaluated the situation. He confronted Adam directly about his sin. Adam blamed Eve. But remember that this blame game was inspired by Satan. How quickly sin changes people!

      After God spoke to Adam and foretold the consequences of his sin, He spoke to Eve and foretold the consequences of her sin. And then He gave to Eve the promise of a Savior. She became the human forebear of Christ.

      It also occurs to me that blaming the woman for the state of humanity, would make it very difficult for men to follow the counsel of Paul to love a wife as Christ loved the church.

      Paul makes it very clear that men and women are mutually dependent on each other and are to relate to each other in the mutual submission of love. (Eph. 5:21-25) It was through absolute submission in love that Christ won the victory over the ruler of this world. And I conclude that that is the only path to victory over the same enemy for us.

    • Taken in isolation, your indignant comments concerning Eve might be hard to counter. Sin doesn't make sense. There isn't the slightest excuse for it. However, this righteous indignation, if applied fairly and reasonably, could equally be directed against the course of action of anyone who has ever sinned, including Adam, and yes, including you and me.

      The glorious truth is that pardon, full and free, is accorded to every penitent sinner, through the cross of Christ. As one who even dimly appreciates the cost involved in this, and the egregious character of my own sin, I can only hope that the grace of God, manifested in this incredible sacrifice, was able to prevail in transforming a repentant Eve, and a repentant Adam, back into a true son and daughter of God -- and that it will not be lost on you and me.

  3. If the Cross will keep us from sinning in heaven because it removes all doubt and answers all questions about God's love for us, why does it not keep us, who believe in the Cross, from sinning now?

    • Because we do not adequately appreciate it. We are so inherently depraved that only a miracle of divine grace, by the power of the Holy Spirit, can save us. If we really want heaven, and if we manifest an interest proportionate to its value, then God will come through by doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

    • Good question Joe. I have wondered this many times myself after my many fallings. I totally agree with R.G. White's reply. I also see the Holy Spirit working in me making me more and more like Jesus every day. I know I will overcome because of the cross, because Revelation 12:11 says they overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb. Meanwhile I am very thankful for God's continual forgiveness while He works on my character.

      • I agree with R.G. White's comment that we cannot appreciate what God has done for us and that we need for Him to do a work for us that we cannot do ourselves. We cannot by ourselves change our very nature. I think this means that for us, there is a "switch flipping" that must be done. God is doing that for us now through His Spirit. I wish it could be a little more automatic, but He seems to work more by growth than sudden change. This indicates to me that we need more than Christ's death on the cross to complete our transformation. Paul says in 1 Cor 15:17 that if Christ were not risen, we would still be in our sins. We need not only Christ's death (and life) but also His resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

        But for those children of God who have not fallen, I believe that the Cross is sufficient to answer any question of God's love for us and His willingness to give all for us.

        • I completely agree Joe. The “switch flipping” is not automatic but a process illustrated for us throughout the sanctuary service. That is actually what I originally meant by using the term “switch flipping.” It is not just automatic. It is a process. The plan of salvation does not stop at the cross, just like the plan of salvation does not stop in the courtyard of the sanctuary. It continues into the Most Holy Place. The cross is where that process begins. Thank you for reminding us about the importance of the sanctuary service as we celebrate Adventist heritage month here in October.

  4. I think too, the source of temptation will also be gone, as Satan and his angels will be out of the picture. I feel that Adam and Eve would likely not have fallen if Satan had not tempted them, though having free will, there would always be that possibility.

    In eternity, we will see everything the way all the unfallen universes do, and I think that will also give us strong evidence that sin is not the way to go.

  5. Back to reconciliation. Thank God He reconciled not only heaven but also us to Himself by His Sons death, more important by Christ life he saved us. Some may say that Christ did not have to die to save us from our sins, but that is taking verse 10 of Romans chapter 5, out of context. Read: Romans 5:6-11. 1Peter 2:24. 1Corinthians 15:3. Yes thankyou William, also Revelation 12:11. Again thank God He also reconciled us to Himself.


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