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Winning the Great Controversy in Every-day Life — 8 Comments

  1. Blessed be GOD for giving you the light and wisdom to show clearly how the 3 angels messages - are a revelation of GOD’s character of love and the righteousness of GOD which is by faith. (Romans 3:22; Philippians 3:9)

  2. I really appreciate this article. Very apropos to our embarkment of the study of the Great Controversy. Yes the love of God is not only at the begining and end of the conflict series but permitted throughout The Great Controversy. As example the chapters on the origin of sin explain the Love of God through the conflict. The distruction of Jerusalem and following persecution emphasize God's Love through these times, watching over those faithful to Him.

    We cannot know how much we owe to Christ for the peace and protection which we enjoy. It is the restraining power of God that prevents mankind from passing fully under the control of Satan." The Great Controversy 36.1. The Love of God shines through.

    I am glad that the lessons are not merely a history lesson, rather they bring out the Chactor of God, the love of God. I hope our people read the chapters of the Great Controversy along with the lesson and don't shy away. Yes I know just reading the lesson is tremendous in itself.

    Thank you for giving us the insight with details that the Gospel is given by also the Three Angels Message.

    We have this hope that burns with­in our hearts,
    Hope in the com­ing of the Lord.
    We have this faith that Christ alone im­parts,
    Faith in the pro­mise of His Word...


    We are unit­ed in Je­sus Christ our Lord.
    We are unit­ed in His love.
    Love for the wait­ing peo­ple of the world,
    People who need our Sav­iour’s love...

  3. I suggested if we promoted books like The Desire of Ages, and encouraged people to fall in love with Jesus, then when the mark of the beast becomes an issue, people will make the obvious choice and follow Jesus.

    Yes, yes....to falling in love with Jesus as the fertile soil for good works, and to your whole message here, Pastor Earnhardt....

    Jesus said “IF YOU LOVE ME, you will obey me and keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Obeying God in Spirit and doing things truly for God is the FRUIT of loving God. We know that loving God does not equal simply obeying God because Jesus warns us about being in the group who did good, and even miraculous, things and yet He will say, "I never knew you" (Matt.7:21-23). He wants our hearts before our hands.

    Humans may love each other, but they may love family more than they love God. A parent may treasure and delight in their children more than treasuring and delighting in God. Fallen people who don't believe in Jesus as Savior can make great personal sacrifices for many reasons, but not out of love for God.

    Loving God is getting to know Him and being in an intimate relationship with Him. Communicating with Him all day long. Trusting Him. Loving God is being satisfied in God more than anyone or anything - spouse, family, children, friends, work, health, entertainment, creativity, life, knowledge (Matt.10:37). Loving God is experiencing God as our greatest delight. Loving God is treasuring Him more than anything or anyone else. We feel our strongest commitment and binding affections for Him. We cherish Him..in sickness and in health. And out of that, our love for people simultaneously grows...if we love God we will love people and all that God loves (1 John 4:20).

  4. Amen and amen, Pastor Earnhardt. Thank you for sharing such wisdom. And amen to other comments.

    Growing up, my parents stressed family devotion daily - sometimes twice a day - to the chagrin of us children. My siblings and I weren't always fond of it. I preferred my own personal devotion. My parents didn't force us to read the Conflict of the Ages series, but they did have these incredible treasures on a bookshelf. And the Holy Spirit led me to read some of them. I can't say how many times I've read the Desire of Ages.

    Also growing up, having experienced consistent rejection by boys/young men, I subconsciously felt inadequate and experienced some measure of depression as a teen. Wondering why I was excluded from this wonderful thing of being loved (or liked), like other girls/young women, my heart was often heavy. I didn't feel like I belonged here. On earth. Among others. I suppose I didn't feel human, as I was not allowed to participate in this element of humanity.

    During my teen years, I gravitated to two books that continue to inspire me and undergird my faith at the age of 55. They are Patriarchs & Prophets and the Desire of Ages - the best two books I've ever read, alongside the Bible. I'm convinced that Ellen White's visions and subsequent writings are an incredible gift from God to mankind. I wonder how many of us know just how miraculously God shared these precious truths with her. How while in vision, Ellen White didn't breathe - anywhere from a few minutes to hours. Physicians tested her physically while she was in vision and concluded that she wasn't breathing for impossible spans of time. Also, how many of us know that as a young girl, Ellen White was injured while being bullied, which left her sickly, feeble and unable to be educated in school. Due to physical deficits from her injury, reading and writing literally made her sick. In her human capacity, Ellen White may have been incapable of authoring anything. Yet, how great, powerful and gracious is our God. Rising from her visions, Ellen White penned the most eloquent manuscripts written on earth, illustrating our Father's love. Her words are like nothing I've ever heard before. And I completely believe they are inspired by God. How just like God: He gifted the capacity to one most unlikely. Perhaps so readers would understand that this message about Him - this description of His character (Love) was a gift from Him.

    In Patriarchs & Prophets, God's love is beautifully illustrated in stories about the life journeys of Adam & Eve, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, etc. In every story, the Spirit whispers in heart-gripping ways: "God is love." Despite what we've done. Despite what we've experienced. And we can't possibly miss God's love expressed through the character, teachings, deliverance and miracles of Emmanuel - God with us, as described in the Desire of Ages. He has also blessed us through The Great Controversy with knowledge and prophetic insight about the war between good and evil, from the beginning until the end of time.

    I cherish the Conflict of the Ages series, as a message from God's heart. Weaving through it and the Biblical message is the question and answer of who God is. Who we are. And whose we are. In order to truly know who we are, we have to first know who God is. That He is Alpha and Omega. He is our Omnipotent Creator. And Redeemer. He is our Father. And we must know that He is love (His character). And that He loves us. This IS the great controversy. (1) Who is God? (versus who the enemy says He is). (2) What will He do if we sin? (He showed us in the Garden of Eden, and one starry night in Bethlehem - He comes to us in our sin. Because He loves us. (3) How can God truly love us, because ____ (we might fill in the blank).

    Woven consistently throughout scripture, I find that our God wants to show us and tell us who He is, and He's honored when we believe in Him. Like Job. Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do men say that I am? Who do you say that I am?" This is the great controversy. Is God faithful? Is He selfish? Is He just? Is He a good Father? Is He the Messiah? Is He forgiving? Trustworthy? Will He provide? All answers are predicated on His love for us. So, how fitting (as Pastor Earnhardt shares): that Patriarchs & Prophets begins: "God is love." And The Great Controversy ends:

    "The great controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The entire universe is clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate, in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love."

    (Whew... my. Such writing from the pen of a sickly, feeble, informally educated being. Little does become much in our Creator and Miracle-working Re-creator's hands).

    I am facilitating a Bible Study/Support Group for individuals who have been challenged by addiction and/or are struggling with childhood trauma (mostly a lack of love or support from their parents growing up). Each group member has received a copy of Patriarchs & Prophets and The Desire of Ages. For starters. Yes, it's important that they understand about the Sabbath, earth's history and what's to come. But first, they must know Him. In order to love Him. In order to worship Him on Sabbath - or at all. And in order to serve Him, come what may. As our sister, Esther Pelletier writes so beautifully, "God wants our hearts before our hands."

    I believe that when people see God as He truly is, they will fall in love with Him. Yes, it is God's goodness (and love) that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). And our Redeemer says, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me."(John 12:32). Jesus is our example. He met the needs of men and women, then taught truths. Love has always been a great need in our world. So, I choose to share God's love first. And I pray that when people love God, that they (and I) will walk with Him, abide in Him, and serve and follow Him, come what may.

  5. I think this should be presented at church as a sermon
    If one of the Elders agrees, do we have permission to give this as it is written, if you are given credit?


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