7: Defeat of the Assyrians – SPD Discipleship Video
This video is produced by the South Pacific Division Discipleship team. Week 7_ Defeat of The Assyrians_ study this lesson for Feb 13 from SPD Discipleship on Vimeo. (6)
Continue reading -->This video is produced by the South Pacific Division Discipleship team. Week 7_ Defeat of The Assyrians_ study this lesson for Feb 13 from SPD Discipleship on Vimeo. (6)
Continue reading -->You can view an in-depth discussion of “Defeat of the Assyrians” in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. Click on the image to view: With thanks to Hope Channel – Television that will change your life. (4)
Continue reading -->Isa: 36:21-37:20 How did the clever oratory of the rabshakeh affect Hezekiah and his officials? 2 Kings 18:37-19:4, Isa: 36:21-37:4. Shaken to the core and mourning in distress, Hezekiah turned to God, humbly seeking the intercession of Isaiah, the very prophet whose counsel his father had ignored. How did God encourage Hezekiah? Isa: 37:5-7. The message was brief, but it was enough. … Continue reading –>
As the Israelites forgot about God and followed so many other gods and nations, God remained faithful to them, with Isaiah and many other prophets working so hard for God to turn His people around, hence I will choose Hymn 100 – Great Is Thy Faithfulness as a theme hymn for this quarter. Secondary to this … Continue reading –>
Key Thought: In response to the pleas of a faithful king, God saved His people and showed who controls the destiny of earth. .February 13, 2021 1. Have a volunteer read 2 Chronicles 32:1-8. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the most important point is in this passage. How did Hezekiah … Continue reading –>
Isa: 36:2-20 The rulers of Assyria were not only brutal, they were intelligent. Their goal was wealth and power, not simply destruction (compare Isaiah 10.13-14). Why use resources to take a city by force if you can persuade its inhabitants to surrender? So, while he was engaged in the siege of Lachish, Sennacherib sent his rabshakeh, a kind … Continue reading –>
Isa: 36:1 What happened to Judah? 2 Kings 18:13, 2 Chron: 32:1, Isa: 36:1. When faithless Ahaz died and his faithful son Hezekiah succeeded him, Hezekiah inherited a kingdom that had lost full independence. Having purchased Assyrian aid against the alliance of Syria and northern Israel, Judah was forced to continue paying “protection money” in the form of tribute … Continue reading –>
Sabbath Afternoon Read for This Week’s Study: Isa: 36:1; Isa: 36:2-20; Isa: 36:21-37:20; Isa: 37:21-38; Isa: 38:1-22, Isa: 39:1-8. Memory Text: “O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, the One who dwells between the cherubim, You are God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth” (Isaiah 37:16). A gaunt man walks barefoot with … Continue reading –>
While Jesus’ popularity was growing, John the Baptist’s friends felt a little slighted for the prophet. John the Baptist, however, said about Jesus, “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” (John 3:30 NLT) John knew that God had appointed him to be the messenger to announce the coming of … Continue reading –>
Missing Commandment By Andrew Mcchesney, Adventist Mission Valentina Shlee was astounded when her older sister, Galina, announced that they were not keeping all Ten Commandments in their hometown in northern Kazakhstan. Valentina opened her Bible and read through the commandments. When she reached the fourth, she stopped. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy,” … Continue reading –>
Further Study: “Is it by conditions that we receive salvation?—Never by conditions that we come to Christ. And if we come to Christ, then what is the condition? The condition is that by living faith we lay hold wholly and entirely upon the merits of the blood of a crucified and risen Saviour. When we … Continue reading –>
Isa: 24:1-27:13 Following oracles against individual nations in Isaiah 13-23, Isaiah 24-27 describes on a worldwide scale the climactic defeat of God’s enemies and the deliverance of His people. Why does Isaiah’s description of the desolation of the earth (Isaiah 24) look like John’s description of events connected with 1,000 years that follow Christ’s second coming … Continue reading –>