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1909 Collection
1909 October – December: Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- Jairus’ Daughter; the Afflicted Woman.
- Blind Men Healed; Dumb Spirit Cast Out; Jesus Rejected at Nazareth; His Third Visit to Galilee; the Twelve Sent Forth.
- Instruction to the Twelve—(Continued).
- Death of John the Baptist.
- Apostles Return to Jesus; Five Thousand Fed; Jesus Walking on the Sea.
- The Bread of Life.
- Vain Tradition; the Syrophoenician’s Daughter Healed.
- Healing the People; Four Thousand Fed; Seeking a Sign.
- Jesus Teaching His Disciples.
- The Transfiguration; Healing of a Demoniac.
- Jesus Foretells His Death; Provides Tribute Money; Teaches Humility
- The Lost Sheep; Gaining Thy Brother; Reckoning with Servants; the Feast at Jerusalem.
- Test of Discipleship; the Seventy Sent Forth; the Impenitent Cities; Ten Lepers Cleansed.
1909 July – September: Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- In Galilee; the Healing of the Leper and the Paralytic; Call of Levi; Fasting.
- At the Feast; Healing the Infirm Man.
- True Sabbath-Keeping; Working of Miracles; Apostles Chosen.
- The Sermon on the Mount; the Beatitudes.
- The Sermon on the Mount (Continued); Magnifying the Law
- The Sermon on the Mount (Continued); Giving of Alms; Prayer.
- The Sermon on the Mount (Continued); the Father’s Care; Judging.
- The Sermon on the Mount (Concluded); God’s Willingness to Help; Test of Discipleship.
- The Centurion’s Servant; the Widow’s Son; John in Prison; Anointing of Jesus.
- Second Visit to Galilee; Healing of the Blind and Dumb Demoniac; Seeking a Sign; True Kinship..
- The Parable of the Sower.
- Parables: The Tares; the Mustard Seed; the Leaven; the Hidden Treasure; the Pearl; the Fish; the Householder.
- Stilling the Tempest; the Demoniac of Gadara.
1909 April – June: Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- The Word Made Flesh.
- Parents of John the Baptist; The Angel Appears to Mary
- Birth of John the Baptist; Birth of Jesus.
- Visit of the Shepherds; The Dedication.
- Visit of the Wise Men; Flight Into Egypt; The Childhood of Jesus.
- The Voice in the Wilderness.
- Baptism and Temptation of Jesus.
- Testimony of John; The First Disciples.
- The First Miracle; The First Passover.
- The New Birth; John Again Testifies of Jesus.
- The Woman of Samaria.
- Healing the Nobleman’s Son — at Nazareth.
- Calling of Fisherman — Healing of Demoniac — Healing of Peter’s Wife’s Mother.
1909 January – March: Lessons on the Epistle to the Philippians
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Weekly Topics
- Introduction of the Gospel into Philippi.
- Sharing the Consolation of Christ.
- Paul’s Desire for the Church. Phil. 1:1-11.
- Paul’s Unselfish Devotion to Christ. Phil. 1:12-21.
- The Blessed Hope. Phil. 1:22-30.
- In Honor Preferring Another. Phil. 2:1-11.
- The Light of the World. Phil 2:12-16.
- Faithful Servants. Phil. 2:17-30.
- Knowing Christ. Phil. 3:1-7.
- The Heavenly Calling. Phil. 3: 7-14.
- The Heavenly Citizenship. Phil. 3:15-21. .
- Faith and Peace. Phil. 4:1-8.
- Godliness with Contentment. Phil. 4:9-23.
1908 Collection
1908 October – December: Studies on the Epistle to the Ephesians
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Weekly Topics
- The Election by Grace. Eph. 1:1-6.
- God’s Eternal Purpose. Eph. 1:7-23.
- Out of Darkness into Light. . Eph. 2:1-13.
- The At-one-ment. Eph. 2:14-18.
- Change of Family Name and Relationship. Eph. 2:19-22.
- The Mystery of the Gospel. Eph. 3:1-13.
- An Inspired Prayer. Eph. 3:14-21.
- The Unity of the Church. Eph. 4:1-13. .
- Spiritual Gifts. Eph. 4:11-14.
- Putting Off the Old Man: Putting On the New. Eph. 4:15-32.
- Our Walk and Conversation. Eph. 5:1-16.
- Christ, the Family, and the Church, Eph. 5:17-33; 6:1-4.
- The Soldier and His Armor. . Eph. 6:5-24.
1908 July – September: Sabbath-School Lessons on the Book of Nehemiah
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Weekly Topics
- Prevailing Prayer
- Preparation for a Great Work.
- Working with Difficulties.
- Difficulties Overcome.
- New Difficulties.
- The Controversy Intensified.
- The Purification of the Priesthood.
- The Reading of the Law.
- Israel Continues to Seek God.
- Reform in Worship.
- Dedication of the Wall.
- Proper Sabbath Observance.
- Separation from the World
1908 April – June: Great Reform Movements: In the Light of the Threefold Message of Revelation 14
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Weekly Topics
- The Fundamental Truth of the Gospel.
- The Flood and the Preaching of Noah.
- The Call of Abraham and the Inheritance – I.
- The Call of Abraham and the Inheritance – II.
- The Deliverance from Egypt.
- The Restoration from Babylon.
- The Work of John the Baptist – I
- The Work of John the Baptist – II.
- The Reformation from Popery.
- The Second Advent Movement – The Last Gospel Message
- The Second Advent Movement; A Message against the Beast and His Image.
- The Second Advent Movement; The Everlasting Gospel.
- A Review
(goto top menu)
1908 January – March: A Synopsis of Present Truth – No. 2
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Weekly Topics
- The Judgment Hour — A World-Wide Message
- The Dragon, the Leopard Beast, and the Two-Horned Beast.
- The Image to the Beast.
- The Mark of the Beast.
- The Seal of God..
- The Second Coming of Christ.
- Signs of Our Lord’s Return.
- The Nature of Man; Life in .Christ.
- The Nature of Man — Immortality through Christ.
- The Resurrection of the Righteous.
- The Millennium and Destruction of the Wicked.
- The Saints’ Inheritance.
- The City of God.
1907 Collection
1907 October – December: A Synopsis of Present Truth
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Weekly Topics
- Creation by the Word of the Lord.
- The Sabbath of the Creator.
- The Sure Word of Prophecy — The Great Prophetic Image.
- The Four Great Kingdoms of Daniel’s Vision.
- The Papacy, or Little Horn.
- The Change of the Sabbath.
- The Sanctuary.
- The Cleansing of the Sanctuary.
- The 2300 Days.
- God’s Law and its Relation to the Sanctuary
- The First Advent of Christ.
- Christ Offered for Sin.
- Resurrection, Ascension, and Heavenly Ministration, of Christ.
1907 July – September: Sabbath-School Lessons on God’s Everlasting Covenant
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Weekly Topics
- One Universal Covenant.
- Power of Choice in God’s Covenant.
- God’s Covenant Broken.
- God’s Eternal Covenant Renewed in Christ.
- Steps in Renewing the Covenant.
- Letter and Spirit of the New Covenant
- The New Covenant — Covenant of Liberty.
- The Covenant of Bondage
- The Covenant of Bondage (Concluded).
- Other Names Applied to New Covenant.
- Confirming the Covenant.
- Ratification of the Covenant.
- The New Covenant and Its Possessions.
1907 April – June: Studies on Bible Election
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Weekly Topics
- The Calling
- The Election
- The Purpose.
- The Fullness of the Purpose.
- The Extent of His Purpose.
- God’s Eternal Purpose.
- The Tried and Triumphant.
- The Threefold Manifestation of God.
- Man’s Need — God’s Fullness.
- Spiritual Gifts.
- To Every One for Service.
- Important Gifts.
- The Gift of Prophecy.
1907 January – March: A Study of the Book of Ezra
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Weekly Topics
- Going Out of Babylon.
- The First Company to Leave Babylon.
- The Foundation of the Temple Laid.
- The First Protest Against the Work.
- The Work Revived
- Difficulties Arise.
- The Second Part of the Great Decree.
- The Third and Last Part of the Great Decree.
- The Complete Decree.
- An Important Prophetic Period.
- Ezra’s Journey to Jerusalem.
- The Condition of the Jews in Jerusalem.
- A Separation.
1906 Collection
1906 October – December: Agencies of the Plan of Salvation
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Weekly Topics
- The Salvation Provided for All.
- The Head of the Plan of Salvation.
- A Just God and a Saviour.
- The Captain of Our Salvation.
- The Holy Spirit — Receiving the Seal.
- Work of the Angels in the Plan of Salvation.
- The Word of the Plan of Salvation.
- The Testimony of Nature Concerning God’s Power in Salvation.
- The World to Come
- Testimony of the Ages.
- The Ministry.
- The High Calling.
- Ye Are My Witnesses.
1906 July – September: Topical Studies: Studies on Practical Religion in the Home
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Weekly Topics
- The Home.
- Relation of Parents and Children.
- Duty of Children Toward Their Parents.
- Duties and Work of the Young.
- Our Words and Thoughts.
- Family Prayer.
- The Fruit of the Spirit.
- The Fruits of the Spirit— Love and Joy
- The Fruit of the Spirit—Peace and Long-suffering
- The Fruit of the Spirit—Goodness, Faith, Meekness
- Temperance.
- Patience.
- The Proper Observance of the Sabbath.
1906 April – June: Topical Studies: A Study of the First Epistle of John
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Weekly Topics
- Walking in the Light. 1 John 1:1-10.
- Love and Obedience. 1 John 2:1-8.
- True Love. 1 John 2:9-17.
- Antichrists. 1 John 2:18-25.
- Abiding in Christ. 1 John 2:26 to 1 John 3:3.
- Sin and Righteousness. 1 John 3:4-15.
- Love for One Another. 1 John 3:16-24.
- Test of False Teachers. 1 John 4:1-6
- The Source of Love 1 John 4:7-14
- The Influence of Love. 1 John 4:15-21
- The New Birth. 1 John 5:1-6
- Eternal Life. 1 John 5:7-15.
- Knowing the True God. 1 John 5:16-21.
1906 January – March: Topical Studies
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Weekly Topics
- The Word of God – No. 1
- The Word of God – No. 2
- The Testimony of the Scriptures Concerning the Being and Attributes of God – No. 1
- The Testimony of the Scriptures Concerning the Being and Attributes of God – No. 2
- The Divinity of Christ..
- Creation and Redemption.
- The Miracles of the Bible.
- The New Birth.
- The Obedience of Faith.
- Prayer.
- A Modern Apostasy.
- The Old Paths.
- Rewards and Punishments.
1905 Collection
1905 October – December: A Study of the Book of Esther
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Weekly Topics
- The Rich King.
- Effect of Home Training.
- The History of Haman’s Family.
- Christian Integrity.
- Haman’s Plot.
- Promulgation of the Decree.
- Esther’s First Banquet.
- God’s Providence.
- The Crisis.
- Captivity Turned.
- God Will Deliver.
- A Glimpse into the Near Future.
- Need of Preparation.
1905 July – September: Studies on Tithes and Offerings
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Weekly Topics
- Lost and Redeemed.
- The Church Indicted.
- The Sabbath and the Tithe.
- The Spirit of Sacrifice
- The Lord’s Witnesses.
- Trying the Heart.
- The Tithing System Founded upon Moral Obligations, and Is a Part of the Gospel Plan of Salvation.
- The Tithe Reserved for the Support of Christ’s Ambassadors.
- What Is the Tithe? When and Where Should It Be Paid?
- The Spirit of Sacrifice Is an Essential Part of Acceptable Worship.
- The Holy Spirit Grieved.
- Responsibility of Parents and Church Officers
- The Latter Rain and the Closing Work.
- Review.
1905 April – June: Topical Studies on the Message
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Weekly Topics
- Nature of Man.
- The State of the Dead.
- The Resurrection.
- Destiny of the Wicked.
- Some Questions Considered.
- Ministration of Good Angels.
- The Fallen Angels and Their Work.
- Spiritualism.
- The Holy Spirit.
- The Gifts of the Spirit.
- The Gift of Prophecy.
- Baptism.
- The Lord’s Supper and Ordinance of Humility
1905 January – March: Religious Liberty and Health and Temperance
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Weekly Topics
- The Bible and Liberty.
- The Sabbath and Liberty.
- Sunday and Slavery.
- An Epoch of Freedom.
- The Powers That Be; When, by Whom, and for What Purpose Ordained.
- The Final Conflict.
- Appetite and Its Control.
- Daniel That Was and Daniels That May Be.
- John the Baptist, Type and Antitype.
- Our Pattern and Our Sufficiency.
- Our Reasonable Service.
- Temperance in All Things.
1904 Collection
1904 October – December: Topical Studies on the Great Threefold Gospel Message
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Weekly Topics
- The Christian’s Hope.
- Some Will Be Looking for the Lord’s Return.
- Manner of Christ’s Coming.
- Signs in the Heavens.
- Signs on the Earth.
- Last-day Conditions.
- The Home of the Saved.
- The Law of God.
- The Institution of the Sabbath.
- The Sabbath in the New Testament.
- The First Day of the Week.
- Who Changed the Sabbath?
- The Seal of God.
- God’s Ownership.
1904 July – September: Sabbath-School Lessons on Outline Studies in the Revelation
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Weekly Topics
- Prophetic Outline of the Church till the End.
- A Terrible Persecutor.
- Another Persecuting Power.
- The Victory of the Remnant.
- The Judgment Message.
- The Final Warning.
- The Last Plagues.
- Babylon.
- The Song of Triumph and the Marriage Supper.
- The Return of the King.
- Satan Bound.
- The New Earth.
- The Eternal City.
1904 April – June: Sabbath-School Lessons on Outline Studies in the Revelation
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Weekly Topics
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
- The Seven Churches—Ephesus and Smyrna.
- The Seven Churches. Pergamos and Thyatira.
- The Seven Churches. Sardis and Philadelphia.
- The Seven Churches. Philadelphia and Laodicea.
- Scenes in Heaven.
- The Seven Seals.
- Events under the Sixth and Seventh Seals.
- The Seven Trumpets – The Breaking up of the Empire of Rome. – Fall of the Western Empire.
- The Seven Trumpets (Continued)—The Fall of the Eastern Empire of Rome.
- The Early Advent Movement.
- The Measuring of the Temple and the Two Witnesses.
- Events of the Seventh Trumpet.
1904 January – March: Sabbath-School Lessons on the Prophecies of Daniel
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Weekly Topics
- Prophecy Illustrated by Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream.
- The History of Nations Foretold.
- The Papacy and Its Work.
- The Vision of Daniel 8.
- The Two Thousand Three Hundred Days.
- The Sanctuary and Its Cleansing—in Type.
- The Sanctuary and Its Cleansing—in Antitype.
- The Judgment.
- The Eastern Question.
- The Eastern Question (continued).
- The Eastern Question (concluded).
- The Standing up of Michael.
- The Battle of Armageddon.
1903 Collection
1903 October – December: Sabbath-School Lessons on God’s Kingdom in this World
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Weekly Topics
- Adam as Sub-Ruler in God’s Kingdom.
- Noah as Sub-Ruler in God’s Kingdom.
- The Call of Abraham.
- Israel’s Mission as a Nation.
- The Seventy Years’ Captivity in Babylon.
- The Restoration of Israel to Their Own Land.
- God’s Promises and Israel’s Failure.
- Israel’s Rejection as a Nation.
- The Establishment of David’s Throne and Kingdom
- A Great Threefold Message
- The Second Angel’s Message—The Fall of Babylon.
- The Third Angel’s Message—The Closing Conflict.
- Gathering Out of His Kingdom All Things That Offend.
1903 July – September: Sabbath-School Lessons on Ephesians
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Weekly Topics
- Blessings of God.
- The Fullness of His Power.
- Living in Christ.
- The Household of God.
- The Mystery of God.
- Glorious Privileges in God.
- The Unity of God.
- The Gifts and Their Purpose.
- The Godly Life.
- Children of Light.
- Practical Instruction.
- Home Instruction.
- The Christian Soldier.
1903 April – June: Sabbath-School Lessons on First and Second Thessalonians
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Weekly Topics
- The Founding of the Church.
- Preacher and People.
- The Manner of the Preacher.
- The Reception of His Message.
- Comforted in Their Faithfulness.
- Walking with God.
- The Coming of Christ.
- The Children of Light.
- Practical Instruction for the Children of Light
- A Message of Comfort.
- The Lawless One.
- Chosen of God.
- Important Instruction.
1903 January – March: Sabbath-School Lessons on Studies in the Psalms
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Weekly Topics
- The Greatness of Jehovah.
- The Great Provider.
- God’s Care for His Creatures.
- An Exhortation to Make Known the Wondrous Works of God.
- God’s Care for His People.
- God’s Power Manifested in Deliverance.
- God’s Purpose in Deliverance.
- Experiences of Israel for Our Learning.
- Experiences in the Wilderness.
- The Result of Disobedience.
- Deliverance from Sin.
- A Saviour from Sin and Distress.
- The Wisdom of the Righteous.
1902 Collection
1902 October – December: Sabbath-School Lessons on Studies in the Gospel Message
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Weekly Topics
- The Vision of the Four Beasts.
- The Judgment. — The Possession of the Kingdom.
- The Fourth Kingdom and the Little Horn.
- Modern Babylon.
- The Perversion of Christianity in Modern Babylon.
- The Kingdom of Antichrist.
- Changing the Law of the Kingdom.
- The Vision of the Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn.
- The interpretation of the Vision.
- The Continual Service.
- Taking Away the Real Presence.
- The Two Mysteries.
- The Real Presence Restored.
1902 July – September: Sabbath-School Lessons on Studies in the Gospel Message
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Weekly Topics
- The Gospel Message Is for all the World.
- Ceremonialism Leads to Bondage.
- The Curse of Formalism.
- Living Temples Are Found in Babylon.
- Preserving the Temple from Defilement.
- The Glory Revealed in the Temple.
- The Religion of Babylon does Not Recognize the True Temple.
- The Living Temple Reveals the Mystery of Godliness.
- The Living Principle in History.
- The Revealed Secret.
- The Secret of Continuance.
- Justification By Faith, the Basis of the Continuance of the Kingdom.
- The Message of Justification By Faith Will Establish the Everlasting Kingdom.
1902 April – June: Sabbath-School Lessons on Studies in the Gospel Message
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Weekly Topics
- The Gospel Of the Kingdom and the Coming of the Lord.
- The Question of Supremacy.
- The Great Controversy Transferred to the Earth.
- The Two Mysteries.
- The Gift of the Seed.
- Faith Is the Victory.
- The Coming of the Seed.
- A Tent of Meeting and the True Temple.
- The Law of God in the Ark and in the Heart.
- The Promises to David.
- David’s Response to the Lord’s Promises.
- Building the House of David.
- The Sure Mercies of David.
1902 January – March: Sabbath-School Lessons on Studies in the Parables of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- The Barren Fig Tree.
- The Parable of the Great Supper.
- The Parable of the Great Supper (Continued).
- The Parable of the Two Debtors.
- The Parable of the Foolish Rich Man.
- Allegory of the Rich Man and Lazarus.
- The Two Sons.
- Parable of the Lord’s Vineyard.
- The Marriage Supper.
- The Parable of the Talents.
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan.
- The Laborers in the Vineyard.
- The Parable of Ten Virgins.
1901 Collection
1901 October – December: Sabbath-School Lessons on the Parables of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Teaching in Parables.
- Parable of the Sower.
- Parable of the Sower – Wayside and Stony-Ground Hearers.
- Parable of the Sower – Seed Among Thorns and on Good Ground.
- Christian Growth.
- Tares.
- The Mustard Seed. Other Lessons.
- The Kingdom of Heaven. Various Comparisons.
- Prayer.
- The Worshipers.
- Shall Not God Avenge His Own?
- “This Man Receiveth Sinners.”
- “Lost, and Is Found.”
1901 July – September: Sabbath-School Lessons on the Sanctuary
(Lesson one is at the bottom so scroll up to see the lessons from the bottom up)
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Weekly Topics
- The Services of the Sanctuary – A Transfer of Sins.
- Cleansing of the Sanctuary – Final Disposal of Sins.
- The Vision of Daniel in Chapters 8 and 9.
- The Twenty-Three Hundred Days.
- The First Angel’s Message.
- The Disappointment.
- The Marriage.
- Time of the investigative Judgment.
- Work of the Judgment.
- Rule of the Judgment.
- The Seven Last Plagues – Time of Trouble.
- The Coming of Christ – Its Results to the Righteous and the Wicked.
- The Execution of the Judgment.
1901 April – June: Sabbath-School Lessons on the Sanctuary
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Weekly Topics
- Preparation of Christ for the Priesthood.
- Our Great High Priest.
- Position of Our High Priest.
- Dwelling-Place for the Lord.
- The Sanctuary and Its Coverings.
- The Court, Altar of Burnt-Offering and Laver.
- Table of Showbread and Golden Candlestick.
- Altar of Incense, the Vail, and Ark.
- The Offerings – The Sin-Offering.
- The Offerings (Continued) – the Burnt-Offering.
- The Offerings (Continued) – the Peace-Offering.
- The Offerings (Concluded) – the Purification-Offering.
- The Cleansing of the Leper.
1901 January – March: Sabbath-School Lessons from Galatians and Malachi
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Weekly Topics
- Debtors to do the Whole Law.
- The Fulfilling of the Law.
- The Flesh Against the Spirit.
- The Works of the Flesh.
- The Fruit of the Spirit.
- Fulfilling the Law of Christ.
- Sowing and Reaping.
- Glorying in the Cross.
- General Review.
- Lessons from Malachi – Unholy Offerings.
- Lessons from Malachi – Wearying God.
- Lessons from Malachi – Rendering the Lord His Own.
- Lessons from Malachi – The Final Reckoning.
1900 Collection
1900 October – December: Sabbath-School Lessons in Galatians
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Weekly Topics
- The Curse of the Law.
- The Curse Removed.
- The Promise of the Inheritance Sure.
- The Law Not Against the Promise.
- Prisoners of Hope.
- Putting On Christ; One In Him.
- Review.
- The Adoption of Sons.
- Going Back Into Bondage.
- The Blessedness Lost.
- Bondage and Freedom.
- “The Son Abideth Ever.”
- Review.
1900 July – September: Sabbath-School Lessons in Galatians
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Weekly Topics
- Our Sins Purchased.
- Only One Gospel of Salvation.
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
- The Persecutor A Preacher – Paul’s Rehearsal of His Experience.
- Review of Chapter One.
- Holding to the Truth of the Gospel – A Meeting in Jerusalem
- The Meeting in Jerusalem – A Question of Salvation.
- No Respect of Persons.
- Dissimulation Exposed.
- Sin and its Remedy.
- Crucified With Christ.
- Review.
- Receiving the Spirit By Faith.
1900 April – June: Sabbath-School Lessons on the Life of Christ and the Sermon on the Mount
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Weekly Topics
- The Resurrection Announced.
- Meeting With the Disciples
- Unbelief of the Disciples.
- Third Meeting with the Disciples.
- The Great Commission.
- Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry, and His Ascension.
- Day of Pentecost, and Gifts of the Spirit.
- The Beatitudes.
- Magnifying the Law.
- Heart Work Not Formalism.
- The Christian’s Treasure-House and Provider.
- Judging, Asking, Living.
- Character-Test and Divine Assurance.
1900 January – March: Sabbath-School Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- The Passover Feast, and the Ordinance of Humility.
- The Communion.
- After-Supper Discourses.
- The Heavenly Vine and its Fruit.
- The Mission of the Holy Spirit.
- In the Garden.
- The Betrayal.
- Before the High Priest.
- Taken Before Pilate.
- Scourged and Condemned.
- Crowned and Crucified.
- The Agony of the Cross.
- The Burial and Resurrection.
This page was created by the late Robbie Noordzy.
