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1909 Collection

Oct-Dec 1909  ·  the Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jairus’ Daughter; the Afflicted Woman.
  2. Blind Men Healed; Dumb Spirit Cast Out; Jesus Rejected at Nazareth; His Third Visit to Galilee; the Twelve Sent Forth.
  3. Instruction to the Twelve—(Continued).
  4. Death of John the Baptist.
  5. Apostles Return to Jesus; Five Thousand Fed; Jesus Walking on the Sea.
  6. The Bread of Life.
  7. Vain Tradition; the Syro-Phoenician’s Daughter Healed.
  8. Healing the People; Four Thousand Fed; Seeking a Sign.
  9. Jesus Teaching His Disciples.
  10. The Transfiguration; Healing of a Demoniac.
  11. Jesus Foretells His Death; Provides Tribute Money; Teaches Humility
  12. The Lost Sheep; Gaining Thy Brother; Reckoning with Servants; the Feast at Jerusalem.
  13. Test of Discipleship; the Seventy Sent- Forth; the Impenitent Cities; Ten Lepers Cleansed.

July-Sept 1909  ·  the Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. In Galilee; the Healing of the Leper and the Paralytic; Call of Levi; Fasting.
  2. At the Feast; Healing the Infirm Man.
  3. True Sabbath-Keeping; Working of Miracles; Apostles Chosen.
  4. The Sermon on the Mount; the Beatitudes.
  5. The Sermon on the Mount (Continued); Magnifying the Law
  6. The Sermon on the Mount (Continued); Giving of Alms; Prayer.
  7. The Sermon on the Mount (Continued); the Father’s Care; Judging.
  8. The Sermon on the Mount (Concluded); God’s Willingness to Help; Test of Discipleship.
  9. The Centurion’s Servant; the Widow’s Son; John in Prison; Anointing of Jesus.
  10. Second Visit to Galilee; Healing of the Blind and Dumb Demoniac; Seeking a Sign; True Kinship..
  11. The Parable of the Sower.
  12. Parables: The Tares; the Mustard Seed; the Leaven; the Hidden Treasure; the Pearl; the Fish; the Householder.
  13. Stilling the Tempest; the Demoniac of Gadara.

Apr-June 1909  ·  the Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Word Made Flesh.
  2. Parents of John the Baptist; The Angel Appears to Mary
  3. Birth of John the Baptist; Birth of Jesus.
  4. Visit of the Shepherds; The Dedication.
  5. Visit of the Wise Men; Flight Into Egypt; The Childhood of Jesus.
  6. The Voice in the Wilderness.
  7. Baptism and Temptation of Jesus.
  8. Testimony of John; The First Disciples.
  9. The First Miracle; The First Passover.
  10. The New Birth; John Again Testifies of Jesus.
  11. The Woman of Samaria.
  12. Healing the Nobleman’s Son; at Nazareth.
  13. Calling of Fisherman; Healing of Demoniac; Healing of Peter’s Wife’s Mother.

Jan-Mar 1909  ·  Phillipians

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Weekly Topics

  1. Introduction of the Gospel into Philippi.
  2. Sharing the Consolation of Christ.
  3. Paul’s Desire for -the Church. Phil. 1:1-11.
  4. Paul’s Unselfish Devotion to Christ. Phil. 1:12-21.
  5. The Blessed Hope. Phil. 1:22-30.
  6. In Honor Preferring Another. Phil. 2:1-11.
  7. The Light of the World. Phil 2:12-16.
  8. Faithful Servants. Phil. 2:17-30.
  9. Knowing Christ. Phil. 3:1-7.
  10. The Heavenly Calling. Phil. 3: 7-14.
  11. The Heavenly Citizenship. Phil. 3:15-21. .
  12. Faith and Peace. Phil. 4:1-8.
  13. Godliness with Contentment. Phil. 4:9-23.

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1908 Collection

Oct-Dec 1908  ·  Ephesians

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Election by Grace. Eph. i: 1-6.
  2. God’s Eternal Purpose. Eph. 1:7-23.
  3. Out of Darkness into Light. . Eph. 2:1-13.
  4. The At-one-ment. Eph. 2:14-18.
  5. Change of Family Name and Relationship. Eph. 2:19-22.
  6. The Mystery of the Gospel. Eph. 3:1-13.
  7. An Inspired Prayer. Eph. 3:14-21.
  8. The Unity of the Church. Eph. 4:1-13. .
  9. Spiritual Gifts. Eph. 4:11-14.
  10. Putting Off the Old Man: Putting On the New. Eph. 4:15-32.
  11. Our Walk and Conversation. Eph. 5:1-16.
  12. Christ, the Family, and the Church, Eph. 5:17-33; 6:1-4.
  13. The Soldier and His Armor. . Eph. 6:5-24.

July-Sept 1908  ·  Nehemiah

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Weekly Topics

  1. Prevailing Prayer
  2. Preparation for a Great Work.
  3. Working with Difficulties.
  4. Difficulties Overcome.
  5. New Difficulties.
  6. The Controversy Intensified.
  7. The Purification of the Priesthood.
  8. The Reading of the Law.
  9. Israel Continues to Seek God.
  10. Reform in Worship.
  11. Dedication of the Wall.
  12. Proper Sabbath Observance.
  13. Separation from the World

Apr-June 1908  ·  Great Reform Movements: In the Light of the Threefold Message of Revelation 14

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Fundamental Truth of the Gospel.
  2. The Flood and the Preaching of Noah.
  3. The Call of Abraham and the Inheritance – I.
  4. The Call of Abraham and the Inheritance – II.
  5. The Deliverance from Egypt.
  6. The Restoration from Babylon.
  7. The Work of John the Baptist – I
  8. The Work of John the Baptist – II.
  9. The Reformation from Popery.
  10. The Second Advent Movement – The Last Gospel Message
  11. The Second Advent Movement; A Message against the Beast and His Image.
  12. The Second Advent Movement; The Everlasting Gospel.
  13. A Review

Jan-Mar 1908  ·  A Synopsis of Present Truth

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Judgment Hour; A World-Wide Message
  2. The Dragon, the Leopard Beast, and the Two-Horned Beast.
  3. The Image to the Beast.
  4. The Mark of the Beast.
  5. The Seal of God..
  6. The Second Coming of Christ.
  7. Signs of Our Lord’s Return.
  8. The Nature of Man; Life in .Christ.
  9. The Nature of Man; Immortality through Christ.
  10. The Resurrection of the Righteous.
  11. The Millennium and Destruction of the Wicked.
  12. The Saints’ Inheritance.
  13. The City of God.

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1907 Collection

Oct-Dec 1907  ·  A Synopsis of Present Truth

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Weekly Topics

  1. Creation by the Word of the Lord.
  2. The Sabbath of the Creator.
  3. The Sure Word of Prophecy; The Great Prophetic Image.
  4. The Four Great Kingdoms of Daniel’s Vision.
  5. The Papacy, or Little Horn.
  6. The Change of the Sabbath.
  7. The Sanctuary.
  8. The Cleansing of the Sanctuary.
  9. The 2300 Days.
  10. God’s Law and its Relation to the Sanctuary
  11. The First Advent of Christ.
  12. Christ Offered for Sin.
  13. Resurrection, Ascension, and Heavenly Ministration, of Christ.

July-Sept 1907  ·  God’s Everlasting Covenant

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Weekly Topics

  1. One Universal Covenant.
  2. Power of Choice in God’s Covenant.
  3. God’s Covenant Broken.
  4. God’s Eternal Covenant Renewed in Christ.
  5. Steps in Renewing the Covenant.
  6. Letter and Spirit of the New Covenant
  7. The New Covenant; Covenant of Liberty.
  8. The Covenant of Bondage
  9. The Covenant of Bondage (Concluded).
  10. Other Names Applied to New Covenant.
  11. Confirming the Covenant.
  12. Ratification of the Covenant.
  13. The New Covenant and Its Possessions.

Apr-June 1907  ·  Studies on Bible Election

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Calling
  2. The Election
  3. The Purpose.
  4. The Fullness of the Purpose.
  5. The Extent of His Purpose.
  6. God’s Eternal Purpose.
  7. The Tried and Triumphant.
  8. The Threefold Manifestation of God.
  9. Man’s Need; God’s Fullness.
  10. Spiritual Gifts.
  11. To Every One for Service.
  12. Important Gifts.
  13. The Gift of Prophecy.

Jan-Mar 1907  ·  Ezra

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Weekly Topics

  1. Going Out of Babylon.
  2. The First Company to Leave Babylon.
  3. The Foundation of the Temple Laid.
  4. The First Protest Against the Work.
  5. The Work Revived
  6. Difficulties Arise.
  7. The Second Part of the Great Decree.
  8. The Third and Last Part of the Great Decree.
  9. The Complete Decree.
  10. An Important Prophetic Period.
  11. Ezra’s Journey to Jerusalem.
  12. The Condition of the Jews in Jerusalem.
  13. A Separation.

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1906 Collection

Oct-Dec 1906  ·  Agencies of the Plan of Salvation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Salvation Provided for All.
  2. The Head of the Plan of Salvation.
  3. A Just God and a Saviour.
  4. The Captain of Our Salvation.
  5. The Holy Spirit; Receiving the Seal.
  6. Work of the Angels in the Plan of Salvation.
  7. The Word of the Plan of Salvation.
  8. The Testimony of- Nature Concerning God’s Power in Salvation.
  9. The World to Come
  10. Testimony of the Ages.
  11. The Ministry.
  12. The High Calling.
  13. Ye Are My Witnesses.

July-Sept 1906  ·  Topical Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Home.
  2. Relation of Parents and Children.
  3. Duty of Children Toward Their Parents.
  4. Duties and Work of the Young.
  5. Our Words and Thoughts.
  6. Family Prayer.
  7. The Fruit of the Spirit.
  8. The Fruits of the Spirit; Love and Joy
  9. The Fruit of the Spirit; Peace and Long-suffering
  10. The Fruit of the Spirit; Goodness, Faith, Meekness
  11. Temperance.
  12. Patience.
  13. The Proper Observance of the Sabbath.

Apr-June 1906  ·  Topical Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. Walking in the Light. 1 John 1: 1-10.
  2. Love and Obedience. 1 John 2:1-8.
  3. True Love. 1 John 2:9-17.
  4. Antichrists. 1 John 2:18-25.
  5. Abiding in Christ. 1 John 2:26 to 3:3.
  6. Sin and Righteousness. 1 John 3:4-15.
  7. Love for One Another. 1 John 3:16-24.
  8. Test of False Teachers. 1 John 4:1-6
  9. The Source of Love 1 John 4:7-11
  10. The Influence of Love. 1 John 4:15-21
  11. The New Birth. 1 John 5:1-6
  12. Eternal Life. 1 John 5:7-15.
  13. Knowing the True God. 1 John 5:16-21.

Jan-Mar 1906  ·  Topical Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Word of God – 1
  2. The Word of God – 2
  3. The Testimony of the Scriptures Concerning the Being and Attributes of God – 1
  4. The Testimony of the Scriptures Concerning the Being and Attributes of God – 2
  5. The Divinity of Christ..
  6. Creation and Redemption.
  7. The Miracles of the Bible.
  8. The New Birth.
  9. The Obedience of Faith.
  10. Prayer.
  11. A Modern Apostasy.
  12. The Old Paths.
  13. Rewards and Punishments.

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1905 Collection

Oct-Dec 1905  ·  Esther

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Rich King.
  2. Effect of Home Training.
  3. The History of Haman’s Family.
  4. Christian Integrity.
  5. Haman’s Plot.
  6. Promulgation of the Decree.
  7. Esther’s First Banquet.
  8. God’s Providence.
  9. The Crisis.
  10. Captivity Turned.
  11. God Will Deliver.
  12. A Glimpse into the Near Future.
  13. Need of Preparation.

July-Sept 1905  ·  Studies on Tithes and Offerings

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Weekly Topics

  1. Lost and Redeemed.
  2. The Church, Indicted.
  3. The Sabbath and the Tithe.
  4. The Spirit of Sacrifice
  5. The Lord’s Witnesses.
  6. Trying the Heart.
  7. The Tithing System Founded upon Moral Obligations, and Is a Part of the Gospel Plan of Salvation.
  8. The Tithe Reserved for the Support of Christ’s Ambassadors.
  9. What Is the Tithe? When and Where Should It Be Paid?
  10. The Spirit of Sacrifice Is an Essential Part of Acceptable Worship.
  11. The Holy Spirit Grieved.
  12. Responsibility of Parents and Church Officers
  13. The Latter Rain and the Closing Work.
  14. Review.

Apr-June 1905  ·  Topical Studies on the Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. Nature of Man.
  2. The State of the Dead.
  3. The Resurrection.
  4. Destiny of the Wicked.
  5. Some Questions Considered.
  6. Ministration of Good Angels.
  7. The Fallen Angels and Their Work.
  8. Spiritualism.
  9. The Holy Spirit.
  10. The Gifts of the Spirit.
  11. The Gift of Prophecy.
  12. Baptism.
  13. The Lord’s Supper and Ordinance of Humility

Jan-Mar 1905  ·  Religious Liberty & Health and Temperance

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Bible and Liberty.
  2. The Sabbath and Liberty.
  3. Sunday and Slavery,
  4. An Epoch of Freedom.
  5. The Powers That Be; When, by Whom, and for What Purpose Ordained.
  6. The Final Conflict.
  7. Appetite and Its Control.
  8. Daniel That Was and Daniels That May Be.
  9. John the Baptist, Type and Antitype.
  10. Our Pattern and Our Sufficiency.
  11. Our Reasonable Service.
  12. Temperance in All Things.

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1904 Collection

Oct-Dec 1904  ·  the Great Three-Fold Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Christian’s Hope.
  2. Some Will Be Looking for the Lord’s Return.
  3. Manner of Christ’s Coming
  4. Signs in the Heavens.
  5. Signs on the Earth.
  6. Last-day Conditions.
  7. The Home of the Saved.
  8. The Law of God,
  9. The Institution of the Sabbath
  10. The Sabbath in the New Testament
  11. The First Day of the Week.
  12. Who Changed the Sabbath?
  13. -The Seal of God.
  14. God’s Ownership

July-Sept 1904  ·  Outline Studies in the Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. Prophetic Outline of the Church till the End.
  2. A Terrible Persecutor.
  3. Another Persecuting Power.
  4. The Victory of the Remnant
  5. The Judgment Message.
  6. The Final Warning.
  7. The Last Plagues.
  8. Babylon
  9. The Song of Triumph and the Marriage
  10. The Return of the King.
  11. Satan Bound.
  12. The New Earth.
  13. The Eternal City.

Apr-June 1904  ·  Outline Studies in the Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
  2. The Seven Churches—Ephesus and Smyrna.
  3. The Seven Churches. Pergamos and Thyatira.
  4. The Seven Churches. Sardis and Philadelphia.
  5. The Seven Churches. Philadelphia and
  6. Scenes in Heaven.
  7. The Seven Seals.
  8. Events under the Sixth and Seventh Seals
  9. The Seven Trumpets – The Breaking up of the Empire of Rome – Fall of the Western Empire
  10. The Seven Trumpets (Continued}—The Fall of the Eastern Empire of Rome.
  11. The Early Advent Movement.
  12. The Measuring of the Temple and the Two Witnesses
  13. Events of the Seventh Trumpet.

Jan-Mar 1904  ·  The Prophecies of Daniel

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Weekly Topics

  1. Prophecy Illustrated by Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream.
  2. The History of Nations Foretold.
  3. The Papacy and Its Work.
  4. The Vision of Daniel 8.
  5. The Two Thousand Three Hundred Days.
  6. The Sanctuary and Its Cleansing—in Type.
  7. The Sanctuary and Its Cleansing—in Antitype.
  8. The Judgment.
  9. The Eastern Question.
  10. The Eastern Question (continued).
  11. The Eastern Question (concluded).
  12. The Standing up of Michael.
  13. The Battle of Armageddon.

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1903 Collection

Oct-Dec 1903  ·  God’s Kingdom in this World

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Weekly Topics

  1. Adam as Sub-Ruler in God’s Kingdom.
  2. Noah as Sub-Ruler in God’s Kingdom.
  3. The Call of Abraham.
  4. Israel’s Mission as a Nation.
  5. The Seventy Years’ Captivity in Babylon.
  6. The Restoration of Israel to Their Own Land.
  7. God’s Promises and Israel’s Failure.
  8. Israel’s Rejection as a Nation.
  9. The Establishment of David’s Throne and Kingdom
  10. A Great Threefold Message
  11. The Second Angel’s Message—The Fall of Babylon.
  12. The Third Angel’s Message—The Closing Conflict.
  13. Gathering Out of His Kingdom All Things That Offend.

July-Sept 1903  ·  Ephesians

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Weekly Topics

  1. Blessings of God.
  2. The Fullness of His Power
  3. Living in Christ.
  4. The Household of God.
  5. The Mystery of God.
  6. Glorious Privileges in God.
  7. The Unity of God.
  8. The Gifts and Their Purpose.
  9. The Godly Life.
  10. Children of Light.
  11. Practical Instruction.
  12. Home Instruction.
  13. The Christian Soldier.

Apr-June 1903  ·  1 & 2 Thessalonians

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Founding of the Church.
  2. Preacher and People.
  3. The Manner of the Preacher.
  4. The Reception of His Message.
  5. Comforted in Their Faithfulness.
  6. Walking with God.
  7. The Coming of Christ.
  8. The Children of Light.
  9. Practical Instruction for the Children
  10. A Message of Comfort.
  11. The Lawless One.
  12. Chosen of God.
  13. Important Instruction.

Jan-Mar 1903  ·  Studies in the Psalms

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Greatness of Jehovah.
  2. The Great Provider.
  3. God’s Care for His Creatures.
  4. An Exhortation to Make Known the Wondrous Works of God.
  5. God’s Care for His People.
  6. God’s Power Manifested in Deliverance.
  7. God’s Purpose in Deliverance.
  8. Experiences of Israel for Our Learning
  9. Experiences in the Wilderness.
  10. The Result of Disobedience.
  11. Deliverance from Sin.
  12. A Saviour from Sin and Distress.
  13. The Wisdom of the Righteous.

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1902 Collection

Oct-Dec 1902  ·  Studies in the Gospel Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. the Vision of the Four Beasts.
  2. the Judgment the Possession of the Kingdom.
  3. the Fourth Kingdom and the Little Horn.
  4. Modern Babylon.
  5. the Perversion of Christianity in Modern Babylon.
  6. the Kingdom of Antichrist.
  7. Changing the Law of the Kingdom
  8. the Vision of the Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn.
  9. the interpretation of the Vision.
  10. the Continual Service.
  11. Taking Away the Real Presence.
  12. the Two Mysteries.
  13. The Real Presence Restored.

July-Sept 1902  ·  Studies in the Gospel Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. the Gospel Message Is for all the World.
  2. Ceremonialism Leads to Bondage.
  3. the Curse of formalism
  4. Living Temples Are Found in Babylon.
  5. Preserving the Temple from Defilement.
  6. the Glory Revealed in the Temple.
  7. the Religion of Babylon does Not Recognize the True Temple.
  8. the Living Temple Reveals the Mystery of Godliness.
  9. the Living Principle in History.
  10. the Revealed Secret.
  11. the Secret of Continuance.
  12. Justification By Faith, the Basis of the Continuance of the Kingdom
  13. the Message of Justification By Faith Will Establish the Everlasting Kingdom.

Apr-June 1902  ·  Studies in the Gospel Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. the Gospel Of the Kingdom and the Coming of the Lord.
  2. the Question of Supremacy.
  3. the Great Controversy Transferred to the Earth
  4. the Two Mysteries.
  5. the Gift of the Seed.
  6. Faith Is the Victory.
  7. the Coming of the Seed
  8. A Tent of Meeting and the True Temple
  9. the Law of God in the Ark and in the Heart
  10. the Promises to David.
  11. David’s Response to the Lord’s Promises
  12. Building the House of David.
  13. the Sure Mercies of David.

Jan-Mar 1902  ·  The Parables of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. the Barren Fig Tree.
  2. the Parable of the Great Supper.
  3. the Parable of the Great Supper (Continued)
  4. the Parable of the Two Debtors.
  5. the Parable of the Foolish Rich Man
  6. allegory of the Rich Man and Lazarus.
  7. the Two Sons.
  8. Parable of the Lord’s Vineyard.
  9. the Marriage Supper.
  10. the Parable of the Talents.
  11. the Parable of the Good Samaritan
  12. the Laborers in the Vineyard.
  13. the Parable of Ten Virgins.

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1901 Collection

Oct-Dec 1901  ·  The Parables of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Teaching in Parables
  2. Parable of the Sower
  3. Parable of the Sower – Wayside and Stony Ground Hearers
  4. Parable of the Sower – Seed Among Thorns and Good Ground
  5. Christian Growth
  6. Tares
  7. the Mustard Seed, Other Lessons
  8. the Kingdom of Heaven, Various Comparisons
  9. Prayer
  10. the Worshippers
  11. Shall Not God Avenge His Own?
  12. “This Man Receiveth Sinners”
  13. “Lost, and Is Found.”

July-Sept 1901  ·  the Sanctuary (page order out?)

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Weekly Topics

  1. the Services of the Sanctuary – A Transfer of Sins
  2. Cleansing of the Sanctuary – Final Disposal of Sins
  3. the Vision of Daniel in Chapters 8 and 9
  4. the Twenty-Three Hundred Days
  5. the First Angel’s Message
  6. the Disappointment
  7. the Marriage
  8. Time of the investigative Judgment
  9. Work of the Judgment
  10. Rule of the Judgment.
  11. the Seven Last Plagues – Time of Trouble
  12. the Coming of Christ – its Results to the Righteous and the Wicked.
  13. the Execution of the Judgment

Apr-June 1901  ·  the Sanctuary

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Weekly Topics

  1. Preparation of Christ for the Priesthood
  2. Our Great High Priest
  3. Position of Our High Priest
  4. Dwelling Place for the Lord
  5. the Sanctuary and It’s Coverings
  6. the Court, Altar of Burnt offerings and Laver
  7. Table of Showbread and Golden Candlestick
  8. Altar of incense, the Vail, and Ark
  9. the offerings – the Sin offering
  10. the offerings (Continued) – the Burnt offerings
  11. the offerings (Continued) – the Peace offerings
  12. the offerings (Concluded) – the Purification offerings
  13. the Cleansing of the Leper

Jan-Mar 1901  ·  Galatians and Malachi

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Weekly Topics

  1. Debtors to do the Whole Law.
  2. the Fulfilling of the Law.
  3. the Flesh Against the Spirit.
  4. the Works of the Flesh.
  5. the Fruit of the Spirit.
  6. Fulfilling the Law of Christ.
  7. Sowing and Reaping.
  8. Glorying in the Cross.
  9. General Review.
  10. Lessons from Malachi – Unholy offerings.
  11. Lessons from Malachi – Wearying God.
  12. Lessons from Malachi – Rendering the Lord His Own.
  13. Lessons from Malachi – the Final Reckoning.

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1900 Collection

Oct-Dec 1900  ·  Galatians

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Weekly Topics

  1. the Curse of the Law.
  2. the Curse Removed,
  3. the Promise of the inheritance Sure
  4. the Law Not Against the Promise
  5. Prisoners of Hope
  6. Putting On Christ – One in Him
  7. Review
  8. the Adoption of Sons
  9. Going Back into Bondage
  10. the Blessedness Lost
  11. Bondage and Freedom
  12. “the Son Abideth Ever”
  13. Review

July-Sept 1900  ·  Galatians

[ Download the Complete Quarterly Lesson PDF – 1.42Mb ]

Weekly Topics

  1. Our Sins Purchased.
  2. Only One Gospel of Salvation.
  3. the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
  4. the Persecutor A Preacher. Paul’s Rehearsal of His Experience.
  5. Review of Chapter One.
  6. Holding to the Truth of the Gospel.
  7. the Meeting in Jerusalem – A Question of Salvation
  8. No Respect of Persons.
  9. Dissimulation Exposed.
  10. Sin and its Remedy.
  11. Crucified With Christ.
  12. Review.
  13. Receiving the Spirit By Faith.

Apr-June 1900  ·  The Life of Christ and the Sermon on the Mount

[ Download the Complete Quarterly Lesson PDF – 1.10Mb ]

Weekly Topics

  1. the Resurrection Announced.
  2. Meeting With the Disciples
  3. Unbelief of the Disciples.
  4. Third Meeting With the Disciples.
  5. the Great Commission.
  6. Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry, and His Ascension.
  7. Day of Pentecost, and Gifts of the Spirit,
  8. the Beatitudes.
  9. Magnifying the Law.
  10. Heart Work Not formalism
  11. the Christian’s Treasure house and Provider.
  12. Judging, Asking, Living.
  13. Character-Test and Divine Assurance.

Jan-Mar 1900  ·  The Life of Christ

[ Download the Complete Quarterly Lesson PDF – 0.88Mb ]

Weekly Topics

  1. the Passover Feast, and the Ordinance of Humility.
  2. the Communion
  3. After Supper Discourses
  4. the Heavenly Vine and its Fruit.
  5. the Mission of the Holy Spirit.
  6. in the Garden.
  7. the Betrayal.
  8. Before the High Priest
  9. Taken Before Pilate.
  10. Scourged and Condemned.
  11. Crowned and Crucified.
  12. the Agony of the Cross.
  13. the Burial and Resurrection.

(goto top menu)

 This page was created by the late Robbie Noordzy.
