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1919 Collection
1919 October – December: Studies on the Church: Its Work and Financial Support
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Weekly Topics
- The Church
- The Organization of the Church
- The Unity of the Church
- Baptism
- The Ordinances of the Church
- The Mission of the Church
- The Anointing of the Church for Service
- Covetousness
- The Blessing of Giving
- Offerings
- The Lord’s Ownership
- Tithing
- God’s Plan for Support of Workers
1919 July – September: Parables of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Teaching in Parables
- The Parable of the Sower
- The Parable of the Tares
- The Parable of the Two Debtors
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan
- The Parable of the Foolish Rich Man
- The Parable of the Prodigal Son
- The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
- The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen
- The Marriage of the King’s Son
- The Parable of the Ten Virgins
- The Parable of the Ten Talents
- The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
1919 April – June: Fundamentals of the Christian Life
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Weekly Topics
- Our Hope of Salvation
- Conversion
- Conversion (Continued)
- Regeneration, or the New Birth
- Justification by Faith
- Adoption
- Union with God and Christ
- Sanctification
- Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer
- Prayer
- Feeding on the Word
- Christian Service
- The Ministry of Trials
1919 January – March: Psalms of Trust
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Weekly Topics
- The Greatness of Jehovah
- The Great Provider
- God’s Care for His Creatures
- An Exhortation to Make Known the Wondrous Works of God
- God’s Care for His People
- God’s Power Manifested in Deliverance
- God’s Purpose in Deliverance
- Experiences of Israel for Our Learning
- Experiences in the Wilderness
- The Result of Disobedience
- Deliverance from Sin
- A Saviour from Sin and Distress
- The Wisdom of the Righteous
1918 Collection
1918 October – December: Studies in the Revelation
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Weekly Topics
- The One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand, and the Threefold Message
- The Harvest of the Earth; the Angels of the Seven Plagues
- The Plagues
- The Call out of Babylon; the Cup of Babylon’s Woe
- The Final Overthrow of Babylon
- The Hallelujah Song; the Marriage . of the Lamb
- The Smiting of the Nations
- The Millennium; the First Resurrection; the Destruction of the Wicked
- The New Earth and the Holy City
- The Glories of the New Jerusalem
- The Paradise of God
- The Closing Announcements; Invitations and Warnings
- Review
1918 July – September: Studies in the Revelation
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Weekly Topics
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- The Living One Among the Churches
- The Church of the First Centuries
- The Church of the Middle Ages
- The Church of the Last Days
- Exaltation of the Lamb
- The Opening of the Seals
- Latter-Day Signs and the Sealing Work
- The Great Controversy
- Persecution of the Dragon
- The Beast and Its Character
- A Latter-Day Persecutor
- A Review of Revelation, Chapters 1 to 7; 12; 13.
1918 April – June: Studies in the Book of Daniel
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Weekly Topics
- The Fulfilling of God’s Purpose for the Nations
- The Establishment of the Everlasting Kingdom Foretold
- The Gospel of the Kingdom
- A Test of Faith
- God’s Dealings with Nebuchadnezzar
- The Fall of Ancient Babylon
- The Gospel Message to Medo-Persia
- The Message of Deliverance from Babylon
- The Rise and Work of Modern Babylon
- The Time of the Domination of Modern Babylon
- The Message of the Sanctuary and Its Cleansing
- Daniel’s Prayer and the Explanation of the 2,300 Days
- The Review
1918 January – March: Topical Bible Studies
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Weekly Topics
- The One Mediator
- Our Great High Priest
- The Advocate with the Father
- The Sanctuary in the Wilderness—Its Construction and General Services
- Daniel 8 and 9 Outlined, with Exposition of the 2,300 Days
- The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
- The Judgment
- Life in Christ: The Nature of Man
- Condition of Man in Death
- The Destiny of the Wicked
- The Ministry of Angels
- Spiritualism— Ancient and Modern
- Spiritual Gifts
1917 Collection
1917 October – December: Topical Bible Studies
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Weekly Topics
- The Hope of the Church— When Will It Be Realized?
- Signs of Christ’s Coming
- Present-Day Tokens
- Events of the Day of the Lord
- The Saints’ Inheritance
- Nature of the Law of God
- Relation of the Law and the Gospel
- The Sabbath in the Old Testament
- The Sabbath in the New Testament
- The Change of the Sabbath
- Proper Sabbath Observance, and Sabbath Reform in the Last Days
- The Support of the Gospel Work
- Christian Temperance
1917 July – September: Topical Bible Studies
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Weekly Topics
- Foundation Principles of the Gospel
- The Light of the World
- Christ and His Church
- Christ and His Church (Continued)
- Privileges and Responsibilities of Each Member of the Church
- Behavior in the House of God
- God’s Ownership
- Man’s Stewardship
- The Support of God’s Work (Old Testament Teaching)
- The Support of God’s Work (New Testament Teaching)
- Duty of the Church Toward Those in Need
- The Young People of the Church
- The Christian Home
1917 April – June: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- Paul Arrested in the Temple
- Paul’s Address on the Castle Stairs
- Paul Before the Council
- A Conspiracy; Paul a Prisoner in Caesarea
- Paul’s Defense Before Felix
- Paul Before Festus
- Paul Before Agrippa
- Paul Before Agrippa (Concluded)
- Paul Begins His Journey to Rome
- Shipwrecked and Saved
- On the Island of Malta; Arrival at Rome
- Preaching the Gospel in Rome
- The Review
1917 January – March: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- The Council at Jerusalem
- The Council at Jerusalem (Concluded)
- Paul and Silas at Derbe, Lystra, and Philippi
- Paul and Silas in Prison
- Paul at Thessalonica and Berea
- Paul at Athens
- Paul at Corinth
- Paul at Ephesus
- The Gospel Opposed at Ephesus
- Paul’s Visit to Macedonia
- Paul’s Farewell Meeting with the Elders at Ephesus
- Paul’s Further Ministry
- The Review
1916 Collection
1916 October – December: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- Philip Preaching in Samaria
- Philip and the Eunuch
- The Conversion of Saul
- Ministry of Saul and Peter
- Vision of Cornelius; Vision of Peter
- The Gospel to the Gentiles
- Peter’s Experience Retold; The Gospel in Antioch
- Peter Delivered from Prison
- Paul Begins His First Missionary Journey; Paul’s Sermon at Antioch in Pisidia
- Paul’s Sermon at Antioch (Concluded)
- The Gospel Rejected at Pisidia; Preaching at Iconium
- Preaching at Lystra and Derbe; Paul’s First Missionary Journey Ended
- Review
1916 July – September: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- Power for Witnessing
- The Ascension of Jesus
- Outpouring of the Spirit
- A Multitude Converted
- The Lame Man Healed
- Peter and John Witness for Jesus
- The Experience of Ananias and Sapphira
- Prison Doors Opened
- Gamaliel Gives Counsel
- Deacons Appointed; Arrest of Stephen
- Stephen’s Address Before the Sanhedrin
- Stephen’s Address(Continued)
- Stephen’s Address (Concluded); Stephen Stoned
- The Review
1916 April – June: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew
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Weekly Topics
- “Ye Have Done It unto Me”
- The Anointing at Simon’s House
- The First Lord’s Supper
- Gethsemane
- The Betrayal of Jesus
- The Trial of Jesus
- Jesus Before Pilate
- Trial and Crucifixion
- The Victory of the Cross
- In Joseph’s New Tomb
- “He Is Risen”
- The Great Commission
- Summary and Review
1916 January – March: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew
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Weekly Topics
- Many Called, but Few Chosen
- Knowing the Scriptures
- Love God and Your Neighbor
- Self-Love and Humility
- Hypocrisy and Its Remedy
- Works of Unbelief
- “When Shall These Things Be?”
- For the Elect’s Sake
- Gathering the Elect
- Get Ready
- The Tarrying Time
- Use of the Lord’s Goods
- Chapter Outlines and Review
1915 Collection
1915 October – December: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew
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Weekly Topics
- The Service of Christ
- Coming in His Kingdom
- Jesus the Deliverer
- Entering the Kingdom
- Forgiveness
- Loyalty to God’s Plan
- Commandment Keeping
- The Spirit of Service
- Self-Seeking, Asking, and Receiving
- Hosanna to the Son of David
- Faith and Repentance
- Parable of the Vineyard
- Review
1915 July – September: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew
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Weekly Topics
- With or Against Christ
- Repentance and Obedience
- Living by the Word
- Parable of the Tares
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- The Carpenter’s Son
- Death of John the Baptist
- Feeding the Multitude
- “Lord, Save Me”
- Heart Service
- The Fruit of Faith
- Spiritual Discernment
- Review
1915 April – June: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew
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Weekly Topics
- Judging; Asking; Walking
- Fruit Bearing; Doing; Building
- The Touch and Word of Jesus
- Mighty to Save
- The Great Physician
- Healing and Teaching
- Sending Out of the Twelve
- As Sheep among Wolves
- Bearing the Cross
- Pressing into the Kingdom
- Come unto Me
- Sabbath Keeping
- Summary and Review
1915 January – March: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew
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Weekly Topics
- The Lineage and Birth of Jesus
- Visit of the Wise Men
- Flight into Egypt and the Return
- Work of John the Baptist
- The Temptation of Jesus
- Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry
- The Mount of Blessing
- Work of Believers in the World
- Interpreting the Law
- Treatment of Enemies
- Motive and Manner of Service
- Two Masters
- Summary of Chapters 1 to 6
1914 Collection
1914 October – December: Epistle of James
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Weekly Topics
- Trials; Seeking Wisdom
- The Frailty of Man; The Root of Temptation
- The Engrafted Word; Pure Religion
- God No Respecter of Persons; The Judgment Standard
- Faith and Works
- The Tongue
- The Tree Known by the Fruit
- Friendship with the World; Its Results
- Judging; Vanity of Earthly Things
- Last Day Conditions; Exhortations to Patience
- Patience; Prayer for the Sick; Saving a Sinner
- Covetousness
- Review
1914 July – September: · Second Epistle of Peter
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Weekly Topics
- Simon Peter
- Christian Growth
- Remembrance and Surety
- Warnings and Safety Measures
- Warnings and Safety Measures (Continued)
- Surety of the Lord’s Promises
- The Coming of the Lord
- Carefulness in the Christian Walk as the End Draws Near
- Sabbath-Keeping
- Returning to God the Tithe
- Health and Temperance
- Christian Education
- Our Duty to Labor for the Salvation of Others
1914 April – June: Epistle to the Romans
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Weekly Topics
- Righteousness, tut How?
- Election by Grace
- “The Fullness” of Jew and Gentile
- A Living Sacrifice
- Practical Duties and Privileges
- Duty Toward Governments; Last-Day Warnings
- Each to His Own Master; Judge Not
- The Call of Faith
- Helping the Weak; Glorifying God
- Ministering God’s Blessings
- Greetings and Unity
- The Obedience of Faith
- Review
1914 January – March: Epistle to the Romans
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Weekly Topics
- Baptism and Its Meaning
- Righteousness and Life
- The Sinner and the Law
- Deliverance from Sin
- The. Flesh and the Spirit
- Children of Adoption, the Twofold Witness
- All-Comprehending Glory and Deliverance
- The Infinite Working for Our Good
- The Purpose and Love of God
- The Israel of God and Her Privileges
- God’s Mercy in Election
- God’s Mercy in Election (Continued)
- Review
1913 Collection
1913 October – December: Epistle to the Romans
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Weekly Topics
- Servants of the Son
- Something Not to Be Ashamed Of
- Results of Rejecting the Gospel
- The Reprobate Mind
- Condemnation
- The True Jew
- Standing of Humanity Before God
- Establishing the Law
- Justified by Faith
- An Example and a Father
- Saved by His Life
- Abounding Grace
- Review of Romans, Chapters 1 to 5
1913 July – September: Studies on the Prophecy of Joel and the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Titus
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Weekly Topics
- Destructive Pests; A Call to Mourning and Repentance
- Appointing a Fast; The Lord’s Army
- Rending the Heart; Pleading for the People; Promise of Deliverance
- Zion’s Children Rejoice; the Spirit Poured Out; Signs of the Day of the Lord
- Gathering the Nations; The Day of Recompense; Preparation for War
- The Ripened Harvest; The Lord’s Voice Heard from Zion; Jerusalem Restored
- The Apostle’s Salutation; Qualifications of Church Elders
- Unruly Members; A False Profession
- Sound Doctrine; Exemplary Conduct
- Christian Servants; Looking for His Glorious Appearing
- Our Attitude Toward Civil Government; The Love of God; Righteousness by Faith
- Maintaining Good Works; Avoiding Contention; Closing Words of Instruction
- Review
1913 April – June: The Mediation of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- The Man of Sin in the Temple of God
- Ancient and Modern Babylon
- The Sanctuary in Prophecy
- The Sanctuary in Prophecy (Continued)
- A Further Interpretation of the Vision of the Twenty-Three Hundred Days
- The Great Prophetic Period and Its Application in History
- God Manifest in the Flesh
- The Blessing Ministered from the Sanctuary
- The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
- The Sanctuary and the Sabbath
- The Meaning of Christ’s Ministry for Us
- The Everlasting Gospel to the World
- Review
1913 January – March: The Mediation of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- Creation and Redemption
- The One Mediator
- The Continual Mediation
- The Son of God as Priest
- The Incarnation and the Priesthood
- Our Great High Priest
- The High Priest as Builder of the House of God
- Establishing the House and the Kingdom Through the Mediation of the High Priest
- The Gospel in Type and in Reality
- Taking Away the Typical Service
- Taking Away the Typical Service (Continued)
- The Law and the Sanctuary
- Drawing Near to God
1912 Collection
1912 October – December: Topical Studies on the Message
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Weekly Topics
- What Jesus Is to Us
- The High Calling of the Believer
- Tests of Discipleship
- Obedience
- Value of Trials
- God’s Guidance and Care
- Patience; Power of the Tongue
- A Christian Home
- Reverence in the House of God
- Warning and Invitation
- Consecration
- A Missionary Lesson
- Review
1912 July – September: Topical Studies on the Message
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Weekly Topics
- Search the Scriptures
- Prayer
- Prayer (Continued)
- Answers to Prayer
- Faith
- Justified by Faith
- Personal Victory Through Believing
- The Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit (Continued)
- Fruits of the Spirit; Works of the Flesh
- The Gifts of the Spirit
- The Gift of Prophecy
- Review
1912 April – June: Topical Studies on the Message
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Weekly Topics
- The Nature of Man
- Man’s Condition in Death
- The Judgment
- The Resurrection
- The Ministry of Angels
- Spiritualism; Evil Angels and Their Work
- Conversion
- Baptism
- The Ordinances
- Temperance
- Religious Liberty
- Tithes and Offerings
- Review
1912 January – March: Topical Studies on the Message
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Weekly Topics
- Creation
- The Earth Lost; Its Restoration
- The Coming of the Lord
- Signs of Christ’s Coming
- Signs of Christ’s Coming (Concluded)
- The Binding of Satan; the Millennium
- The Law of God
- The Law of God: Its Character and Perpetuity
- The Sabbath; Its Institution
- The Sabbath in the New Testament
- The Sabbath; Its Change and Restoration
- Proper Observance of the Sabbath
- Review
1911 Collection
1911 October – December: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Concluded; Miletus to Jerusalem
- Paul Arrested in the Temple
- Paul’s Address on the Castle Stairs
- Paul Before the Council; a Division
- The Conspiracy; Paul a Prisoner in Caesarea
- Paul’s Defense Before Felix
- Paul a Prisoner Before Felix
- Paul Before Agrippa
- Paul Starts on the Journey to Rome
- Shipwrecked and Saved
- Preaching the Gospel in Rome
- Review
- Offerings
1911 July – Sept: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- Labors at Iconium and Lystra
- The First Missionary Journey Ended; Return to Antioch; the Council at Jerusalem
- Decision of the Council
- Paul’s Second Missionary Journey Commenced; Antioch to Philippi
- Labors of Paul and Silas at Philippi; Conversion of the Jailer
- The Gospel Preached at Thessalonica and Berea
- Paul Preaching at Athens
- Close of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey; the Gospel at Corinth
- Paul Begins His Third Missionary Journey; Paul and Apollos at Ephesus
- Opposition at Ephesus
- Paul’s Labor in Macedonia
- Paul’s Farewell Meeting with the Elders at Ephesus
- Rendering to God His Own in Tithes and Offerings
- Review
1911 April – June: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- The Gospel Sent to Ethiopia
- Saul of Tarsus Converted
- Ministry of Paul and Peter
- The Vision of Peter
- The Gospel to the Gentiles
- The Spirit Poured Out upon the Gentiles; Peter Rehearses His Experiences
- The Gospel at Antioch; a New Center Open for Missionary Work
- Death of James; Peter Delivered from Prison; Death of Herod
- Paul’s First Missionary Journey Commenced; Ordination of Paul and Barnabas; Elymas the Sorcerer
- The Gospel Preached at Antioch in Pisidia
- The Gospel Rejected by the Jews in Pisidia
- Support of the Gospel Work
- Review
1911 January – March: Lessons on the Book of Acts
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Weekly Topics
- Ascension of Christ; Tarrying at Jerusalem
- The Holy Spirit Given
- Christ and Him Crucified
- A Multitude Converted; the Lame Man Healed
- The Trial of Peter and John
- True and False Giving
- The Prison Opened; Counsel of Gamaliel
- Deacons Appointed; Arrest of Stephen
- Stephen’s Address before the Sanhedrin
- Stephen’s Address before the Sanhedrin (Continued); Stephen Stoned to Death
- The Gospel in Samaria
- Review
1910 Collection
1910 October – December: Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- The Agony in Gethsemane
- Jesus Betrayed and Arrested; Brought before Annas
- Jesus Before Caiaphas and Sanhedrin at Night; Peter’s Denials
- Jesus before the Sanhedrin in the Morning; before Pilate; Death of Judas
- Jesus before Herod; Pilate Seeks to Release Jesus
- Jesus Mocked by Soldiers; Pilate’s Last Effort to Release Him
- The Crucifixion; the Penitent Thief
- Jesus on the Cross
- Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
- Visits to the Sepulcher
- Jesus Seen at Jerusalem; Joins Two Disciples on the Way to Emmaus; Appears to the Apostles
- Jesus Appears Again to the Apostles; at the Sea of Tiberias
- Last Appearances of Jesus to His Disciples; Ascension
- Tithes and Offerings
1910 July – September: Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- Warnings and Woes
- The Widow’s Mites; Tithing; The Coming Agony
- Unbelief of the Jews; Jesus Foretells the End of the World
- The Destruction of Jerusalem; Signs of the Coming of Christ
- Watchful Preparation Urged; The Parable of the Virgins
- Parable of the Talents; The Judgment Scene
- Enemies Plan Jesus’ Death; Preparation for the Passover; Beginning of the Passover Meal
- Contention among the Twelve; Jesus Washing the Disciples’ Feet
- Jesus Points Out the Traitor; The Lord’s Supper Instituted; Dispersion and Denial Foretold
- Jesus Comforts His Disciples
- The Vine and the Branches
- Jesus Warns His Disciples; Promises the Holy Spirit; Prayer in Christ’s Name
- Christ’s Last Prayer with His Disciples
1910 April – June: Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- The Prodigal Son; The Unjust Steward.
- The Rich Man and Lazarus; Forgiveness and Faith.
- The Resurrection of Lazarus and Priestly Plottings.
- The Coming of the Kingdom; The Importunate Widow.
- The Pharisee and the Publican; Christ Blessing Little Children.
- Danger in Riches; Laborers in the Vineyard.
- Jesus Again Foretells His Death; James and John Reproved; Two Blind Men Healed.
- Jesus Visits Zaccheus; At the House of Simon the Leper.
- Jesus Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem; Cleansing the Temple
- The Barren Fig Tree; Christ’s Authority Questioned.
- Parables of Warning.
- Marriage of the King’s Son; Tribute to Caesar.
- Questions Concerning the Resurrection, the Greatest Commandment, and Christ.
1910 January – March: Lessons on the Life of Christ
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Weekly Topics
- Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles.
- Last Day of the Feast; Woman Taken in Adultery.
- Jesus Teaching in the Temple.
- Jesus Reproves the Jews.
- Healing of the Blind Man on the Sabbath.
- The Good Shepherd.
- Return of the Seventy; Parable of the Good Samaritan; Jesus at the Home of Martha and Mary.
- Jesus Dines with a Pharisee; Pronounces Woes Against Hypocrisy and Worldliness.
- Jesus Refuses to Be a Judge; Parable of the Rich Man; Further Instruction; Parable of Waiting Servants.
- Divisions; Spiritual Discernment; Repentance Urged; The Barren Fig-Tree; A Woman Healed on the Sabbath.
- Jesus at the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem; Visit to Perea; Teaching on the Way.
- Jesus Dines with a Pharisee on the Sabbath; Heals Man with Dropsy; Parable of the Great Supper.
- Test of Discipleship; Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Piece of Money.

1910-1919 — No Comments
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