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1919 Collection

1919 October – December: Studies on the Church: Its Work and Financial Support

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Church
  2. The Organization of the Church
  3. The Unity of the Church
  4. Baptism
  5. The Ordinances of the Church
  6. The Mission of the Church
  7. The Anointing of the Church for Service
  8. Covetousness
  9. The Blessing of Giving
  10. Offerings
  11. The Lord’s Ownership
  12. Tithing
  13. God’s Plan for Support of Workers

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1919 July – September: Parables of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Teaching in Parables
  2. The Parable of the Sower
  3. The Parable of the Tares
  4. The Parable of the Two Debtors
  5. The Parable of the Good Samaritan
  6. The Parable of the Foolish Rich Man
  7. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
  8. The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
  9. The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen
  10. The Marriage of the King’s Son
  11. The Parable of the Ten Virgins
  12. The Parable of the Ten Talents
  13. The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

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1919 April – June: Fundamentals of the Christian Life

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Weekly Topics

  1. Our Hope of Salvation
  2. Conversion
  3. Conversion (Continued)
  4. Regeneration, or the New Birth
  5. Justification by Faith
  6. Adoption
  7. Union with God and Christ
  8. Sanctification
  9. Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer
  10. Prayer
  11. Feeding on the Word
  12. Christian Service
  13. The Ministry of Trials

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1919 January – March: Psalms of Trust

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Greatness of Jehovah
  2. The Great Provider
  3. God’s Care for His Creatures
  4. An Exhortation to Make Known the Wondrous Works of God
  5. God’s Care for His People
  6. God’s Power Manifested in Deliverance
  7. God’s Purpose in Deliverance
  8. Experiences of Israel for Our Learning
  9. Experiences in the Wilderness
  10. The Result of Disobedience
  11. Deliverance from Sin
  12. A Saviour from Sin and Distress
  13. The Wisdom of the Righteous

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1918 Collection

1918 October – December: Studies in the Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand, and the Threefold Message
  2. The Harvest of the Earth; the Angels of the Seven Plagues
  3. The Plagues
  4. The Call out of Babylon; the Cup of Babylon’s Woe
  5. The Final Overthrow of Babylon
  6. The Hallelujah Song; the Marriage . of the Lamb
  7. The Smiting of the Nations
  8. The Millennium; the First Resurrection; the Destruction of the Wicked
  9. The New Earth and the Holy City
  10. The Glories of the New Jerusalem
  11. The Paradise of God
  12. The Closing Announcements; Invitations and Warnings
  13. Review

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1918 July – September: Studies in the Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
  2. The Living One Among the Churches
  3. The Church of the First Centuries
  4. The Church of the Middle Ages
  5. The Church of the Last Days
  6. Exaltation of the Lamb
  7. The Opening of the Seals
  8. Latter-Day Signs and the Sealing Work
  9. The Great Controversy
  10. Persecution of the Dragon
  11. The Beast and Its Character
  12. A Latter-Day Persecutor
  13. A Review of Revelation, Chapters 1 to 7; 12; 13.

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1918 April – June: Studies in the Book of Daniel

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Fulfilling of God’s Purpose for the Nations
  2. The Establishment of the Everlasting Kingdom Foretold
  3. The Gospel of the Kingdom
  4. A Test of Faith
  5. God’s Dealings with Nebuchadnezzar
  6. The Fall of Ancient Babylon
  7. The Gospel Message to Medo-Persia
  8. The Message of Deliverance from Babylon
  9. The Rise and Work of Modern Babylon
  10. The Time of the Domination of Modern Babylon
  11. The Message of the Sanctuary and Its Cleansing
  12. Daniel’s Prayer and the Explanation of the 2,300 Days
  13. The Review

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1918 January – March: Topical Bible Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. The One Mediator
  2. Our Great High Priest
  3. The Advocate with the Father
  4. The Sanctuary in the Wilderness—Its Construction and General Services
  5. Daniel 8 and 9 Outlined, with Exposition of the 2,300 Days
  6. The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
  7. The Judgment
  8. Life in Christ: The Nature of Man
  9. Condition of Man in Death
  10. The Destiny of the Wicked
  11. The Ministry of Angels
  12. Spiritualism— Ancient and Modern
  13. Spiritual Gifts

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1917 Collection

1917 October – December: Topical Bible Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Hope of the Church— When Will It Be Realized?
  2. Signs of Christ’s Coming
  3. Present-Day Tokens
  4. Events of the Day of the Lord
  5. The Saints’ Inheritance
  6. Nature of the Law of God
  7. Relation of the Law and the Gospel
  8. The Sabbath in the Old Testament
  9. The Sabbath in the New Testament
  10. The Change of the Sabbath
  11. Proper Sabbath Observance, and Sabbath Reform in the Last Days
  12. The Support of the Gospel Work
  13. Christian Temperance

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1917 July – September: Topical Bible Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. Foundation Principles of the Gospel
  2. The Light of the World
  3. Christ and His Church
  4. Christ and His Church (Continued)
  5. Privileges and Responsibilities of Each Member of the Church
  6. Behavior in the House of God
  7. God’s Ownership
  8. Man’s Stewardship
  9. The Support of God’s Work (Old Testament Teaching)
  10. The Support of God’s Work (New Testament Teaching)
  11. Duty of the Church Toward Those in Need
  12. The Young People of the Church
  13. The Christian Home

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1917 April – June: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. Paul Arrested in the Temple
  2. Paul’s Address on the Castle Stairs
  3. Paul Before the Council
  4. A Conspiracy; Paul a Prisoner in Caesarea
  5. Paul’s Defense Before Felix
  6. Paul Before Festus
  7. Paul Before Agrippa
  8. Paul Before Agrippa (Concluded)
  9. Paul Begins His Journey to Rome
  10. Shipwrecked and Saved
  11. On the Island of Malta; Arrival at Rome
  12. Preaching the Gospel in Rome
  13. The Review

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1917 January – March: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Council at Jerusalem
  2. The Council at Jerusalem (Concluded)
  3. Paul and Silas at Derbe, Lystra, and Philippi
  4. Paul and Silas in Prison
  5. Paul at Thessalonica and Berea
  6. Paul at Athens
  7. Paul at Corinth
  8. Paul at Ephesus
  9. The Gospel Opposed at Ephesus
  10. Paul’s Visit to Macedonia
  11. Paul’s Farewell Meeting with the Elders at Ephesus
  12. Paul’s Further Ministry
  13. The Review

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1916 Collection

1916 October – December: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. Philip Preaching in Samaria
  2. Philip and the Eunuch
  3. The Conversion of Saul
  4. Ministry of Saul and Peter
  5. Vision of Cornelius; Vision of Peter
  6. The Gospel to the Gentiles
  7. Peter’s Experience Retold; The Gospel in Antioch
  8. Peter Delivered from Prison
  9. Paul Begins His First Missionary Journey; Paul’s Sermon at Antioch in Pisidia
  10. Paul’s Sermon at Antioch (Concluded)
  11. The Gospel Rejected at Pisidia; Preaching at Iconium
  12. Preaching at Lystra and Derbe; Paul’s First Missionary Journey Ended
  13. Review

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1916 July – September: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. Power for Witnessing
  2. The Ascension of Jesus
  3. Outpouring of the Spirit
  4. A Multitude Converted
  5. The Lame Man Healed
  6. Peter and John Witness for Jesus
  7. The Experience of Ananias and Sapphira
  8. Prison Doors Opened
  9. Gamaliel Gives Counsel
  10. Deacons Appointed; Arrest of Stephen
  11. Stephen’s Address Before the Sanhedrin
  12. Stephen’s Address(Continued)
  13. Stephen’s Address (Concluded); Stephen Stoned
  14. The Review

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1916 April – June: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew

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Weekly Topics

  1. “Ye Have Done It unto Me”
  2. The Anointing at Simon’s House
  3. The First Lord’s Supper
  4. Gethsemane
  5. The Betrayal of Jesus
  6. The Trial of Jesus
  7. Jesus Before Pilate
  8. Trial and Crucifixion
  9. The Victory of the Cross
  10. In Joseph’s New Tomb
  11. “He Is Risen”
  12. The Great Commission
  13. Summary and Review

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1916 January – March: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew

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Weekly Topics

  1. Many Called, but Few Chosen
  2. Knowing the Scriptures
  3. Love God and Your Neighbor
  4. Self-Love and Humility
  5. Hypocrisy and Its Remedy
  6. Works of Unbelief
  7. “When Shall These Things Be?”
  8. For the Elect’s Sake
  9. Gathering the Elect
  10. Get Ready
  11. The Tarrying Time
  12. Use of the Lord’s Goods
  13. Chapter Outlines and Review

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1915 Collection

1915 October – December: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Service of Christ
  2. Coming in His Kingdom
  3. Jesus the Deliverer
  4. Entering the Kingdom
  5. Forgiveness
  6. Loyalty to God’s Plan
  7. Commandment Keeping
  8. The Spirit of Service
  9. Self-Seeking, Asking, and Receiving
  10. Hosanna to the Son of David
  11. Faith and Repentance
  12. Parable of the Vineyard
  13. Review

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1915 July – September: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew

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Weekly Topics

  1. With or Against Christ
  2. Repentance and Obedience
  3. Living by the Word
  4. Parable of the Tares
  5. The Kingdom of Heaven
  6. The Carpenter’s Son
  7. Death of John the Baptist
  8. Feeding the Multitude
  9. “Lord, Save Me”
  10. Heart Service
  11. The Fruit of Faith
  12. Spiritual Discernment
  13. Review

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1915 April – June: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew

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Weekly Topics

  1. Judging; Asking; Walking
  2. Fruit Bearing; Doing; Building
  3. The Touch and Word of Jesus
  4. Mighty to Save
  5. The Great Physician
  6. Healing and Teaching
  7. Sending Out of the Twelve
  8. As Sheep among Wolves
  9. Bearing the Cross
  10. Pressing into the Kingdom
  11. Come unto Me
  12. Sabbath Keeping
  13. Summary and Review

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1915 January – March: Life and Teachings of Jesus… As Recorded in the Book of Matthew

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Lineage and Birth of Jesus
  2. Visit of the Wise Men
  3. Flight into Egypt and the Return
  4. Work of John the Baptist
  5. The Temptation of Jesus
  6. Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry
  7. The Mount of Blessing
  8. Work of Believers in the World
  9. Interpreting the Law
  10. Treatment of Enemies
  11. Motive and Manner of Service
  12. Two Masters
  13. Summary of Chapters 1 to 6

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1914 Collection

1914 October – December: Epistle of  James

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Weekly Topics

  1. Trials; Seeking Wisdom
  2. The Frailty of Man; The Root of Temptation
  3. The Engrafted Word; Pure Religion
  4. God No Respecter of Persons; The Judgment Standard
  5. Faith and Works
  6. The Tongue
  7. The Tree Known by the Fruit
  8. Friendship with the World; Its Results
  9. Judging; Vanity of Earthly Things
  10. Last Day Conditions; Exhortations to Patience
  11. Patience; Prayer for the Sick; Saving a Sinner
  12. Covetousness
  13. Review

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1914 July – September:  ·  Second Epistle of Peter

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Weekly Topics

  1. Simon Peter
  2. Christian Growth
  3. Remembrance and Surety
  4. Warnings and Safety Measures
  5. Warnings and Safety Measures (Continued)
  6. Surety of the Lord’s Promises
  7. The Coming of the Lord
  8. Carefulness in the Christian Walk as the End Draws Near
  9. Sabbath-Keeping
  10. Returning to God the Tithe
  11. Health and Temperance
  12. Christian Education
  13. Our Duty to Labor for the Salvation of Others

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1914 April – June: Epistle to the Romans

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Weekly Topics

  1. Righteousness, tut How?
  2. Election by Grace
  3. “The Fullness” of Jew and Gentile
  4. A Living Sacrifice
  5. Practical Duties and Privileges
  6. Duty Toward Governments; Last-Day Warnings
  7. Each to His Own Master; Judge Not
  8. The Call of Faith
  9. Helping the Weak; Glorifying God
  10. Ministering God’s Blessings
  11. Greetings and Unity
  12. The Obedience of Faith
  13. Review

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1914 January – March: Epistle to the Romans

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Weekly Topics

  1. Baptism and Its Meaning
  2. Righteousness and Life
  3. The Sinner and the Law
  4. Deliverance from Sin
  5. The. Flesh and the Spirit
  6. Children of Adoption, the Twofold Witness
  7. All-Comprehending Glory and Deliverance
  8. The Infinite Working for Our Good
  9. The Purpose and Love of God
  10. The Israel of God and Her Privileges
  11. God’s Mercy in Election
  12. God’s Mercy in Election (Continued)
  13. Review

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1913 Collection

1913 October – December: Epistle to the Romans

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Weekly Topics

  1. Servants of the Son
  2. Something Not to Be Ashamed Of
  3. Results of Rejecting the Gospel
  4. The Reprobate Mind
  5. Condemnation
  6. The True Jew
  7. Standing of Humanity Before God
  8. Establishing the Law
  9. Justified by Faith
  10. An Example and a Father
  11. Saved by His Life
  12. Abounding Grace
  13. Review of Romans, Chapters 1 to 5

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1913 July – September: Studies on the Prophecy of Joel and the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Titus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Destructive Pests; A Call to Mourning and Repentance
  2. Appointing a Fast; The Lord’s Army
  3. Rending the Heart; Pleading for the People; Promise of Deliverance
  4. Zion’s Children Rejoice; the Spirit Poured Out; Signs of the Day of the Lord
  5. Gathering the Nations; The Day of Recompense; Preparation for War
  6. The Ripened Harvest; The Lord’s Voice Heard from Zion; Jerusalem Restored
  7. The Apostle’s Salutation; Qualifications of Church Elders
  8. Unruly Members; A False Profession
  9. Sound Doctrine; Exemplary Conduct
  10. Christian Servants; Looking for His Glorious Appearing
  11. Our Attitude Toward Civil Government; The Love of God; Righteousness by Faith
  12. Maintaining Good Works; Avoiding Contention; Closing Words of Instruction
  13. Review

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1913 April – June: The Mediation of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Man of Sin in the Temple of God
  2. Ancient and Modern Babylon
  3. The Sanctuary in Prophecy
  4. The Sanctuary in Prophecy (Continued)
  5. A Further Interpretation of the Vision of the Twenty-Three Hundred Days
  6. The Great Prophetic Period and Its Application in History
  7. God Manifest in the Flesh
  8. The Blessing Ministered from the Sanctuary
  9. The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
  10. The Sanctuary and the Sabbath
  11. The Meaning of Christ’s Ministry for Us
  12. The Everlasting Gospel to the World
  13. Review

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1913 January – March: The Mediation of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Creation and Redemption
  2. The One Mediator
  3. The Continual Mediation
  4. The Son of God as Priest 
  5. The Incarnation and the Priesthood
  6. Our Great High Priest
  7. The High Priest as Builder of the House of God
  8. Establishing the House and the Kingdom Through the Mediation of the High Priest
  9. The Gospel in Type and in Reality
  10. Taking Away the Typical Service
  11. Taking Away the Typical Service (Continued)
  12. The Law and the Sanctuary
  13. Drawing Near to God

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1912 Collection

1912 October – December: Topical Studies on the Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. What Jesus Is to Us
  2. The High Calling of the Believer
  3. Tests of Discipleship
  4. Obedience
  5. Value of Trials
  6. God’s Guidance and Care
  7. Patience; Power of the Tongue
  8. A Christian Home
  9. Reverence in the House of God
  10. Warning and Invitation
  11. Consecration
  12. A Missionary Lesson
  13. Review

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1912 July – September: Topical Studies on the Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. Search the Scriptures
  2. Prayer
  3. Prayer (Continued)
  4. Answers to Prayer
  5. Faith
  6. Justified by Faith
  7. Personal Victory Through Believing
  8. The Holy Spirit
  9. The Holy Spirit (Continued)
  10. Fruits of the Spirit; Works of the Flesh
  11. The Gifts of the Spirit
  12. The Gift of Prophecy
  13. Review

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1912 April – June: Topical Studies on the Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Nature of Man
  2. Man’s Condition in Death
  3. The Judgment
  4. The Resurrection
  5. The Ministry of Angels
  6. Spiritualism; Evil Angels and Their Work
  7. Conversion
  8. Baptism
  9. The Ordinances
  10. Temperance
  11. Religious Liberty
  12. Tithes and Offerings
  13. Review

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1912 January – March: Topical Studies on the Message

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Weekly Topics

  1. Creation
  2. The Earth Lost; Its Restoration
  3. The Coming of the Lord
  4. Signs of Christ’s Coming
  5. Signs of Christ’s Coming (Concluded)
  6. The Binding of Satan; the Millennium
  7. The Law of God
  8. The Law of God: Its Character and Perpetuity
  9. The Sabbath; Its Institution
  10. The Sabbath in the New Testament
  11. The Sabbath; Its Change and Restoration
  12. Proper Observance of the Sabbath
  13. Review

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1911 Collection

1911 October – December: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Concluded; Miletus to Jerusalem
  2. Paul Arrested in the Temple
  3. Paul’s Address on the Castle Stairs
  4. Paul Before the Council; a Division
  5. The Conspiracy; Paul a Prisoner in Caesarea
  6. Paul’s Defense Before Felix
  7. Paul a Prisoner Before Felix
  8. Paul Before Agrippa
  9. Paul Starts on the Journey to Rome
  10. Shipwrecked and Saved
  11. Preaching the Gospel in Rome
  12. Review
  13. Offerings

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1911 July – Sept: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. Labors at Iconium and Lystra
  2. The First Missionary Journey Ended; Return to Antioch; the Council at Jerusalem
  3. Decision of the Council
  4. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey Commenced; Antioch to Philippi
  5. Labors of Paul and Silas at Philippi; Conversion of the Jailer
  6. The Gospel Preached at Thessalonica and Berea
  7. Paul Preaching at Athens
  8. Close of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey; the Gospel at Corinth
  9. Paul Begins His Third Missionary Journey; Paul and Apollos at Ephesus
  10. Opposition at Ephesus
  11. Paul’s Labor in Macedonia
  12. Paul’s Farewell Meeting with the Elders at Ephesus
  13. Rendering to God His Own in Tithes and Offerings
  14. Review

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1911 April – June: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Gospel Sent to Ethiopia
  2. Saul of Tarsus Converted
  3. Ministry of Paul and Peter
  4. The Vision of Peter
  5. The Gospel to the Gentiles
  6. The Spirit Poured Out upon the Gentiles; Peter Rehearses His Experiences
  7. The Gospel at Antioch; a New Center Open for Missionary Work
  8. Death of James; Peter Delivered from Prison; Death of Herod
  9. Paul’s First Missionary Journey Commenced; Ordination of Paul and Barnabas; Elymas the Sorcerer
  10. The Gospel Preached at Antioch in Pisidia
  11. The Gospel Rejected by the Jews in Pisidia
  12. Support of the Gospel Work
  13. Review

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1911 January – March: Lessons on the Book of Acts

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Weekly Topics

  1. Ascension of Christ; Tarrying at Jerusalem
  2. The Holy Spirit Given
  3. Christ and Him Crucified
  4. A Multitude Converted; the Lame Man Healed
  5. The Trial of Peter and John
  6. True and False Giving
  7. The Prison Opened; Counsel of Gamaliel
  8. Deacons Appointed; Arrest of Stephen
  9. Stephen’s Address before the Sanhedrin
  10. Stephen’s Address before the Sanhedrin (Continued); Stephen Stoned to Death
  11. The Gospel in Samaria
  12. Review

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1910 Collection

1910 October – December: Lessons on the Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Agony in Gethsemane
  2. Jesus Betrayed and Arrested; Brought before Annas
  3. Jesus Before Caiaphas and Sanhedrin at Night; Peter’s Denials
  4. Jesus before the Sanhedrin in the Morning; before Pilate; Death of Judas
  5. Jesus before Herod; Pilate Seeks to Release Jesus
  6. Jesus Mocked by Soldiers; Pilate’s Last Effort to Release Him
  7. The Crucifixion; the Penitent Thief
  8. Jesus on the Cross
  9. Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
  10. Visits to the Sepulcher
  11. Jesus Seen at Jerusalem; Joins Two Disciples on the Way to Emmaus; Appears to the Apostles
  12. Jesus Appears Again to the Apostles; at the Sea of Tiberias
  13. Last Appearances of Jesus to His Disciples; Ascension
  14. Tithes and Offerings

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1910 July – September: Lessons on the Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Warnings and Woes
  2. The Widow’s Mites; Tithing; The Coming Agony
  3. Unbelief of the Jews; Jesus Foretells the End of the World
  4. The Destruction of Jerusalem; Signs of the Coming of Christ
  5. Watchful Preparation Urged; The Parable of the Virgins
  6. Parable of the Talents; The Judgment Scene
  7. Enemies Plan Jesus’ Death; Preparation for the Passover; Beginning of the Passover Meal
  8. Contention among the Twelve; Jesus Washing the Disciples’ Feet
  9. Jesus Points Out the Traitor; The Lord’s Supper Instituted; Dispersion and Denial Foretold
  10. Jesus Comforts His Disciples
  11. The Vine and the Branches
  12. Jesus Warns His Disciples; Promises the Holy Spirit; Prayer in Christ’s Name
  13. Christ’s Last Prayer with His Disciples

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1910 April – June: Lessons on the Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Prodigal Son; The Unjust Steward.
  2. The Rich Man and Lazarus; Forgiveness and Faith.
  3. The Resurrection of Lazarus and Priestly Plottings.
  4. The Coming of the Kingdom; The Importunate Widow.
  5. The Pharisee and the Publican; Christ Blessing Little Children.
  6. Danger in Riches; Laborers in the Vineyard.
  7. Jesus Again Foretells His Death; James and John Reproved; Two Blind Men Healed.
  8. Jesus Visits Zaccheus; At the House of Simon the Leper.
  9. Jesus Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem; Cleansing the Temple
  10. The Barren Fig Tree; Christ’s Authority Questioned.
  11. Parables of Warning.
  12. Marriage of the King’s Son; Tribute to Caesar.
  13. Questions Concerning the Resurrection, the Greatest Commandment, and Christ.

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1910 January – March: Lessons on the Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles.
  2. Last Day of the Feast; Woman Taken in Adultery.
  3. Jesus Teaching in the Temple.
  4. Jesus Reproves the Jews.
  5. Healing of the Blind Man on the Sabbath.
  6. The Good Shepherd.
  7. Return of the Seventy; Parable of the Good Samaritan; Jesus at the Home of Martha and Mary.
  8. Jesus Dines with a Pharisee; Pronounces Woes Against Hypocrisy and Worldliness.
  9. Jesus Refuses to Be a Judge; Parable of the Rich Man; Further Instruction; Parable of Waiting Servants.
  10. Divisions; Spiritual Discernment; Repentance Urged; The Barren Fig-Tree; A Woman Healed on the Sabbath.
  11. Jesus at the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem; Visit to Perea; Teaching on the Way.
  12. Jesus Dines with a Pharisee on the Sabbath; Heals Man with Dropsy; Parable of the Great Supper.
  13. Test of Discipleship; Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Piece of Money.

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1910-1919 — No Comments

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