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1939 Collection
1939 October – December: The Captivity and Restoration of Israel
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Weekly Topics
- The Captivity of the Ten Tribes
- Jeremiah the Prophet
- In the Reign of Jehoiakim
- Jehoiachin and Zedekiah
- The Third Captivity
- The Return From the Captivity
- The Samaritan Adversaries
- Arise and Build
- “I Am With You, Saith the Lord”
- Difficulties Surmounted
- The Glory of the Second Temple
- Blessings Upon Condition of Obedience
- The Decree of Artaxerxes
1939 July – September: God in Nature: Fundamental Principles in Creation and Revelation
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Weekly Topics
- In the Beginning God Created
- The Entrance of Sin, Suffering, and Death
- Creation Not Now Going On
- The Literal Week
- Natural Law and Miracle of Grace
- The Significance of the Modern Sabbath Reform
- Why God Permits Suffering
- How Does Apostasy Arise?
- Probation
- Lessons From Nature and From God’s Providences
- The First Great World Disaster
- The Effects of the Flood
- Creation as a Part of the Last-Day Message
1939 April – June: The Church: Responsibilities and Privileges of Church Fellowship
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Weekly Topics
- God’s Family
- The Church the Object of God’s Love
- The Church the Temple of God
- The Kingdom of God
- Allegiance Founded on Love
- Organization and Order
- Authority in the Church
- The Depository of Heavenly Treasure
- Truth in the Apostolic Church
- The Church Militant
- Life and Good, Death and Evil
- Importance of Sound Doctrine
- The Last Message of Mercy
1939 January – March: The Ministry of Healing
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Weekly Topics
- Life—Its Source and Continuance
- The Medical Missionary
- Disease, Its Cause and True Healing
- God’s Plan of Social Justice
- Ministry to the Sick
- Health Principles
- Diet and Health
- Flesh as Food
- Extremes in Diet
- True Temperance
- Ministry of the Home
- The Worker’s Need
1938 Collection
1938 October – December: The Plan of Salvation
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Weekly Topics
- Condemnation
- Salvation
- What Must I Do to Be Saved?
- Justifying Guilty Men
- Righteousness by Faith
- Faith an Absolute Necessity
- The Law and the Gospel
- Regeneration
- Evidences of Regeneration
- Sanctification
- Falling From Grace
- Growth in Grace
- A Life of Victory
- Glorification
1938 July – September: Studies in the Books of Ruth and Esther
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Weekly Topics
- Ruth Chooses the God of Israel
- Ruth Gleans in the Fields of Boaz
- Ruth and Her Kinsman
- Elimelech’s Inheritance Is Redeemed by Boaz
- The Feast of Ahasuerus
- Esther Chosen Queen of Persia
- The Plot to Destroy Israel
- Esther’s Call to Service
- Esther Moves to Save Her People
- Mordecai Is Honored
- The Second Banquet—Rescue for Israel
- Defeat Turned to Victory
- The Christian’s Relation to Civil Government
1938 April – June: Bible Doctrines: “Go Ye Into All the World” – Number Seven
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Weekly Topics
- The Gospel of Salvation
- The Right of the Heathen to Receive the Gospel
- The Power of the Gospel
- The Gospel Does Change Lives
- “Go Preach My Gospel”
- Who Are to Give the Gospel?
- The Support of Missionaries
- The Spirit of Sacrifice
- The Spirit of the Worker
- A United Church
- Zeal of the Church for Missions
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in Giving the Gospel
- Reward of Christ’s Servants
1938 January – March: Bible Doctrines – Number Six
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Weekly Topics
- Man’s Nature—His Condition in Death
- Spiritism, Ancient and Modern
- Immortality, and the Destruction of the Wicked
- The Ministry of Angels
- The Church of God
- Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Gifts (Concluded)
- Memorials and Ordinances
- Memorials and Ordinances (Concluded)
- Christian Health and Temperance
- Christian Dress and Conduct
- Reverence for the House of God
- Prayer
1937 Collection
1937 October – December: Bible Doctrines (The Sanctuary) – Number Five
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Weekly Topics
- The Gospel in Type
- The Lamb of God
- The Sanctuaries of God
- The Sacrificial System Fulfilled
- Our Great High Priest
- Christ Fulfills the Types
- The Cleansing of the Earthly Sanctuary
- The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary
- The Time of Cleansing and of Judgment
- The Judgment Scene
- The Judgment-Hour Message
- Full Pardon Through the Atonement
- The Lord Our Righteousness
1937 July – September: Bible Doctrines – Number Four
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Weekly Topics
- The Perpetuity of the Law
- The Law and the Gospel
- The Two Laws
- The Two Covenants
- The Sabbath
- The Sabbath in the New Testament
- The First Day of the Week in the New Testament
- From Sabbath to Sunday
- The Sabbath in Prophecy
- Proper Observance of the Sabbath
- The Sabbath as the Seal
- The Mark of Apostasy
- The Great Threefold Message
1937 April – June: Bible Doctrines – Number Three
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Weekly Topics
- The Millennium
- Inheritance of the Saints
- The New Earth
- The New Jerusalem
- The Prophecy of Daniel 7
- The Little-Horn Power
- The Christian Church in Prophecy
- The Prophecy of Revelation 13
- Modern Babylon
- Babylon the Great Is Fallen
- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
- The Principles of Religious Liberty
- The Final Conflict
1937 January – March: Bible Doctrines – Number Two
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Weekly Topics
- Prophecy
- Prophecies of the First Advent
- Ancient Babylon
- Prophecy of Daniel 2
- The Kingdoms of Grace and Glory
- The Second Coming of Christ
- Our Lord’s Great Prophecy
- Signs in the Heavens
- Distress of Nations
- Social and Religious Conditions in the Last Days
- Capital and Labor
- Signs in the Physical World
- Review of the Quarter’s Lessons
1936 Collection
1936 October – December: Bible Doctrines – Number One
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Weekly Topics
- God’s Word—Its Origin, Inspiration, and Purpose
- God’s Word—Its Scope, Its Study, Its Power
- The Godhead
- Deity and Pre-existence of Christ
- The Origin of Evil
- Creation the Direct Act of God
- The Creation and Fall of Man
- Sin and Its Penalty
- The Plan of Redemption
- The Promise and Work of the Holy Spirit
- Conversion
- Justification by Faith
- Sanctification
1936 July – September: The Life and Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Jesus Comforts His Disciples
- The Vine and the Branches; Jesus’ Last Prayer With His Disciples
- In the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus Before the High Priest; Peter’s Denial
- Jesus Before the Sanhedrin; Jesus Before Pilate; The Death of Judas
- Jesus Before Herod; Pilate Seeks to Release Jesus
- Jesus Mocked; The Crucifixion
- Jesus on the Cross
- Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
- Visits to the Sepulcher
- On the Way to Emmaus; Jesus Appears to the Disciples
- Jesus Appears Again to the Disciples; His Ascension
- The Quarter’s Lessons
1936 April – June: The Life and Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- The Parable of the Vineyard and the Wicked Husbandman
- Marriage of the King’s Son; Tribute to Caesar
- The Commandments; the Gift of the Poor Widow
- Jesus Foretells Events Then Future
- The Destruction of Jerusalem; Signs of the Second Coming of Christ
- Watchful Preparation
- The Parable of the Virgins
- The Parable of the Talents
- The Judgment Scene
- Plottings Against Jesus; Preparation for the Passover
- Strife for Superiority; Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
- The Lord’s Supper Instituted; Jesus Points Out His Betrayer
- The Quarter’s Lessons
1936 January – March: The Life and Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Jesus Dines With a Pharisee; Parable of the Great Supper
- Parables; a Lost Sheep; a Lost Coin; a Lost Son
- Parable of the Dishonest Steward
- The Resurrection of Lazarus; the Pharisees Hold a Council
- The Importunate Widow; Two Men Praying; Blessing Little Children
- A Rich Young Man
- Parable of Laborers in the Vineyard
- Jesus Again Foretells His Death; James and John Seek Honor
- A Blind Man’s Sight Restored; Jesus Visits Zacchaeus
- The Anointing of Jesus
- Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem; Second Cleansing of the Temple
- The Fruitless Fig Tree; Jesus and the Pharisees
- Summary of the Quarter’s Lessons
1935 Collection
1935 October – December: The Life and Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Jesus Foretells His Death; Provides Tribute Money; Teaches Humility
- Gaining Thy Brother; The Measure of Forgiveness
- Test of Discipleship; The Seventy Sent Forth; Upbraiding the Cities
- Jesus Prays; Ten Lepers Cleansed
- Healing a Blind Man on the Sabbath
- The Good Shepherd
- The Good Samaritan
- At the Home of Mary and Martha; Dining With a Pharisee
- Warnings and Instructions; Parable of the Rich Man
- Waiting Servants
- A Barren Fig Tree; Healing the Infirm Woman
- Jesus Teaching the People
- The Quarter’s Lessons
1935 July – September: The Life and Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Five Parables
- Stilling the Tempest; The Demoniacs of Gadara
- The Daughter of Jairus; The Afflicted Woman
- Blind Men .Healed; A Dumb Spirit Cast Out
- Sending Out the Twelve
- Instruction to the Twelve
- Feeding Five Thousand; Jesus Walks on the Sea
- Jesus the Bread of Life
- Healing the Syrophoenician’s Daughter; Healing the Man Who Was Deaf and Stammering
- Four Thousand Fed; Healing a Blind Man; Teaching the Disciples
- The Transfiguration
- Healing a Demoniac
- The Quarter’s Lessons
1935 April – June: The Life and Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- The Great Physician; Call of Levi-Matthew
- Healing the Infirm Man at the Pool of Bethesda
- True Sabbath Keeping; Apostles Ordained
- The Sermon on the Mount—The Beatitudes
- The Sermon on the Mount; Jesus Magnifies the Law
- The Sermon on the Mount; Giving Alms; Prayer
- The Sermon on the Mount; The Father’s Care for His Children
- The Sermon on the Mount; Judging; Fruit Bearing; Right Building
- The Word and Touch of Jesus
- John the Baptist
- The Parable of the Sower
- The Parable of the Tares
- Summary of the Quarter’s Lessons
1935 January – March: The Life and Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- The Parents of John the Baptist
- Unto You Is Born a Saviour
- The Visit of the Shepherds; the Dedication
- Visit of the Wise Men; Flight Into Egypt; the Boyhood of Jesus
- The Voice in the Wilderness; the Baptism of Jesus
- The Temptation of Jesus
- The First Disciples; the First Miracle; Cleansing the Temple
- Nicodemus Visits Jesus; John Again Testifies of Jesus
- At Jacob’s Well
- Healing the Nobleman’s Son; Jesus at Nazareth
- A Sabbath at Capernaum
- Calling the Fishermen; Healing the Leper
- Summary of the Quarter’s Lessons
1934 Collection
1934 October – December: God’s Greatest Gift: 1 Corinthians 13
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Weekly Topics
- Love and Speech
- Love and the Prophetic Gift
- Faith and Love
- Love and Christian Duty
- Love With Long-suffering and Kindness
- Love and Our Neighbor
- Love and the Thought of Evil
- Love the Companion of Patience and Perseverance
- Unfailing Love
- From Christian Childhood to Christian Manhood
- The Unknown Becomes the Known
- The Greatest of These Graces
- The Best Gift
1934 July – September: The Exodus and the Advent Movement
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Weekly Topics
- The Meaning of Israel
- The Exodus Foretold
- The Exodus a Fulfilment of Prophecy
- Conditions of Success of the Exodus
- Reasons for a Delayed Arrival in Canaan
- The Advent Movement—Spiritual Israel
- Parallels Between the Exodus and the Advent Movement
- Reforms by Means of the Advent Movement
- Israel’s Final Crisis
- God’s Solemn Message to Remnant Israel
- Character of the Remnant of Israel
- A Holy Character Made Possible to the Remnant
- The Review
1934 April – June: The Epistles of Paul to Timothy
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Weekly Topics
- False Teachers; Christ’s Abundant Grace
- Instruction in Church Matters
- Qualifications of Bishops and Deacons
- Apostasy Foretold; “Be Thou an Example”
- Gentleness in Rebuke; Directions Concerning Widows
- Elders; Personal Advice
- False Teaching; True Wealth
- A Stirring Appeal; Counsel to the Rich
- Exhortations to Timothy
- Enduring Hardship; the Danger of Controversy
- The Danger of Controversy; the Work of a Servant of God
- The Sin and Error of the Last Days
- A Solemn Charge; Paul’s Work Ended
1934 January – March: The Holy Spirit
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Weekly Topics
- The Great Open Secret of the Universe
- The First Advent of Christ
- The Advent of the Holy Spirit
- Personality of the Holy Spirit
- Intercession in Our Behalf
- The Holy Spirit as Teacher
- The Holy Spirit and the New Birth
- Indwelling and Abiding Presence of the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit and the New Covenant
- The Fruits of the Spirit
- The Holy Spirit and the Sealing Work
- The Holy Spirit and the Latter Rain
- The Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of God
1933 Collection
1933 October – December: Bible Health and Temperance
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Weekly Topics
- Man’s High Estate
- The Body’s Highest Use
- The Christian Race
- The Flesh and the Spirit
- The Full Christian Growth
- The Sin of Intemperance
- Eating for Strength
- The Better Diet
- Ancient and Modern Israel
- Temperance in All Things
- The True Reformer
- The Source of Health
- Complete Healing
1933 July – September: The Ministry of Angels
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Weekly Topics
- Angels Real Created Beings
- Angels Higher Order of Being Than Man
- Number and Glory of the Angels
- Power of the Angels
- Guardian Angels
- Angels and the Judgment Books
- Agents in Divine Revelation
- Angel Ministry to Men
- Angel Ministry to Men (Continued)
- Angel Ministry to Jesus
- Angel Ministry in the Gospel
- Angel Ministry in the Gospel (Continued)
- Angels in the World Harvest
- The Review
1933 April – June: The Bible
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Weekly Topics
- The Bible—Its Origin
- The Bible—An Inspired Book
- The Bible—Prophetic Evidences of Inspiration
- The Bible and the Archaeologist—I
- The Bible and the Archaeologist—II
- Peter and the Scriptures
- James and the Scriptures
- Paul and the Scriptures
- Jesus and the Scriptures—I
- Jesus and the Scriptures—II
- Jesus and the Scriptures—III
- The Psalms and the New Testament
- The Message and the Power of the Bible
1933 January – March: The Epistles of John
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Weekly Topics
- Witnesses of the Living Word
- “God Is Light”
- The New Commandment; Vanity of the World
- Last-Day Antichrists
- Sin and Righteousness
- The Measure of True Love
- Confessors of Christ
- Love Made Perfect
- Life Only in Christ
- Walking in the Truth
- The Apostle’s Joy and Admonition
- To Save the Lost
1932 Collection
1932 October – December: The Lord’s Prayer
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Weekly Topics
- “Our Father Which Art in Heaven” A Father and His Child
- “Hallowed Be Thy Name” A Worshiper and His God
- “Thy Kingdom Come” A Subject and His King
- “Thy Will Be Done in Earth, as It Is in Heaven” A Servant and His Master
- “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” A Suppliant and His Benefactor
- “Forgive Us Our Debts, as We Forgive Our Debtors” A Sinner and His Saviour
- “Lead Us Not Into Temptation” The Pilgrim and His Guide
- “But Deliver Us From Evil” The Captive and His Deliverer
- “Thine Is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever. Amen” Reasons for Surrender
- Hindrances to Prayer
- Intercessory Prayer
- Intercessory Prayer (Concluded)
- Hindrances to Intercessory Prayer
- Constraints to Prayer
1932 July – September: The Stewardship of Life
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Weekly Topics
- Creation: Sons of God
- The Slavery of Self-Seeking
- The Supremacy of Love
- A New Creation
- Living the New Life
- Works of Righteousness
- A Building of Living Stones
- The Church—Christ’s Body
- Christ’s Parting Gift to the Church
- One Talent or Many
- All the Word to All the World
- Finishing God’s Work
- The Review
1932 April – June: The Science of Salvation
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Weekly Topics
- God’s Eternal Purpose
- The One Mediator
- Sin in the Light of Calvary
- Godly Sorrow and Repentance
- Justification by Faith
- Imparted Righteousness
- The Fruits of Righteousness
- The Reins of the Heart
- Changed by Beholding
- Christian Growth
- The Mystery of Godliness
- The Kingdom Within
- The Hope of Reward
1932 January – March: The Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- The New Birth
- The Water of Life
- The Bread of Life
- The Good Shepherd
- Seeking Eternal Life; Seeking Honor
- The Great Commandment
- Teaching Humility—the Communion Service
- The Second Coming of Jesus
- The Anointing of Jesus
- Jesus Comforts His Disciples
- The Vine and the Branches
- Christ’s Intercessory Prayer
- The Last Teachings of Jesus
1931 Collection
1931 October – December: The Teachings of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- The Mount of Blessing
- Admonitions to Believers
- Magnifying the Law
- Love for Others
- Giving Alms; Prayer
- Our Father’s Care for His Children
- Judging Others; Asking of the Lord
- Fruit Bearing; Doing; Right Building
- The Sending Forth of the Twelve
- Instruction for Personal Ministry
- Instruction for Personal Ministry (Concluded)
- Conditions of Entering the Kingdom
- True Sabbath Keeping
1931 July – September: Character Building
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Weekly Topics
- Truthfulness
- Reliability—Faithfulness
- Unselfishness
- Earnestness—Zeal
- Conscientiousness
- Honesty
- Acquaintance With God
- Responsibility
- Amiability
- Constancy
- Temperance
- Economy
- Reverence
1931 April – June: The Epistle to the Romans
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Weekly Topics
- Righteousness by Faith
- Election by Grace
- The Fullness of Jew and Gentile
- A Living Sacrifice
- Practical Duties and Privileges
- Duty Toward Governments; Last-Day Warnings
- Judge Not
- The Call of Faith
- Helping the Weak; Glorifying God
- Ministering God’s Blessings
- Greetings and Unity
- The Obedience of Faith
- The Review
1931 January – March: The Epistle to the Romans
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Weekly Topics
- The Ordinance of Baptism; Its Meaning
- Righteousness and Life
- The Sinner and the Law
- Deliverance From Sin
- The Flesh and the Spirit
- Children of Adoption; The Twofold Witness
- Glory and Deliverance
- The Infinite God Working for Our Good
- The Purpose and Love of God
- The Israel of God and Her Privileges
- God’s Mercy in Election
- God’s Mercy in Election (Continued)
- The Review
1930 Collection
1930 October – December: The Epistle to the Romans
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Weekly Topics
- Servants Of The Son
- Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
- Results of Rejecting the Gospel
- The Reprobate Mind
- Condemnation
- The True Jew
- Standing Of Humanity Before God
- Establishing The Law
- Justified By Faith
- An Example And A Father
- Saved By His Life
- Abounding Grace
- The Review
1930 July – September: Old Testament Experiences
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Weekly Topics
- The Repentance of Nineveh
- Israel Taken Captive Into Assyria; The Impiety of Uzziah
- The Prayer of Hezekiah; The Sundial of Ahaz
- Judah Carried Captive to Babylon
- Trained to Loyalty; The King’s Dream
- A King’s Pride Humbled; The Handwriting on the Wall
- The Days of Queen Esther
- The Return From Exile
- Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem
- Teaching the Law of God Anew
- Looking for the Deliverer
- The Messiah That Was to Come
- The Hope of His People Israel
1930 April – June: Old Testament Experiences
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Weekly Topics
- A Warning Against Disobedience
- Saul Rejected—David Called to the Kingdom
- David—King, Psalmist, and Prophet
- The Wisdom of Solomon
- Ten Tribes Secede; The Disobedient Prophet
- Elijah at Cherith and Zarephath
- The Prophets of Baal Destroyed
- Elijah a Fugitive
- The Vineyard of Naboth
- The Mantle of Elijah
- Elisha and the Shunammite; The Poisoned Meal; The Hundred Miraculously Fed
- Naaman the Syrian
- The Swimming Axe; The Invading Syrians; Siege of Samaria
1930 January – March: Old Testament Experiences
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Weekly Topics
- To Honor God’s Servants Is To Honour Him
- God Rewards Faith And Loyalty
- Dallying With Evil Leads To Sin
- In Impatience And Anger Moses Forgets God
- God Makes A Way For His People
- Worldly Surroundings Endanger The Spiritual Life Of Israel
- A Lesson From Gideon’s Fleece
- Success Does Not Depend Upon Numbers
- Lessons From The Life Of Samson
- The Reward Of Love And Loyalty
- God’s Acceptance And Reward Of A Mother’s Gift
- Samuel Called To Be A Prophet: The Ark Of God Captured
- Israel Demands A King

1930-1939 — No Comments
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