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1939 Collection

1939 October – December: The Captivity and Restoration of Israel

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Captivity of the Ten Tribes
  2. Jeremiah the Prophet
  3. In the Reign of Jehoiakim
  4. Jehoiachin and Zedekiah
  5. The Third Captivity
  6. The Return From the Captivity
  7. The Samaritan Adversaries
  8. Arise and Build
  9. “I Am With You, Saith the Lord”
  10. Difficulties Surmounted
  11. The Glory of the Second Temple
  12. Blessings Upon Condition of Obedience
  13. The Decree of Artaxerxes

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1939 July – September: God in Nature: Fundamental Principles in Creation and Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. In the Beginning God Created
  2. The Entrance of Sin, Suffering, and Death
  3. Creation Not Now Going On
  4. The Literal Week
  5. Natural Law and Miracle of Grace
  6. The Significance of the Modern Sabbath Reform
  7. Why God Permits Suffering
  8. How Does Apostasy Arise?
  9. Probation
  10. Lessons From Nature and From God’s Providences
  11. The First Great World Disaster
  12. The Effects of the Flood
  13. Creation as a Part of the Last-Day Message

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1939 April – June: The Church: Responsibilities and Privileges of Church Fellowship

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Family
  2. The Church the Object of God’s Love
  3. The Church the Temple of God
  4. The Kingdom of God
  5. Allegiance Founded on Love
  6. Organization and Order
  7. Authority in the Church
  8. The Depository of Heavenly Treasure
  9. Truth in the Apostolic Church
  10. The Church Militant
  11. Life and Good, Death and Evil
  12. Importance of Sound Doctrine
  13. The Last Message of Mercy

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1939 January – March: The Ministry of Healing

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Weekly Topics

  1. Life—Its Source and Continuance
  2. The Medical Missionary
  3. Disease, Its Cause and True Healing
  4. God’s Plan of Social Justice
  5. Ministry to the Sick
  6. Health Principles
  7. Diet and Health
  8. Flesh as Food
  9. Extremes in Diet
  10. True Temperance
  11. Ministry of the Home
  12. The Worker’s Need

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1938 Collection

1938 October – December: The Plan of Salvation

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Weekly Topics

  1. Condemnation
  2. Salvation
  3. What Must I Do to Be Saved?
  4. Justifying Guilty Men
  5. Righteousness by Faith
  6. Faith an Absolute Necessity
  7. The Law and the Gospel
  8. Regeneration
  9. Evidences of Regeneration
  10. Sanctification
  11. Falling From Grace
  12. Growth in Grace
  13. A Life of Victory
  14. Glorification

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1938 July – September: Studies in the Books of Ruth and Esther

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Weekly Topics

  1. Ruth Chooses the God of Israel
  2. Ruth Gleans in the Fields of Boaz
  3. Ruth and Her Kinsman
  4. Elimelech’s Inheritance Is Redeemed by Boaz
  5. The Feast of Ahasuerus
  6. Esther Chosen Queen of Persia
  7. The Plot to Destroy Israel
  8. Esther’s Call to Service
  9. Esther Moves to Save Her People
  10. Mordecai Is Honored
  11. The Second Banquet—Rescue for Israel
  12. Defeat Turned to Victory
  13. The Christian’s Relation to Civil Government

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1938 April – June: Bible Doctrines: “Go Ye Into All the World” – Number Seven

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Gospel of Salvation
  2. The Right of the Heathen to Receive the Gospel
  3. The Power of the Gospel
  4. The Gospel Does Change Lives
  5. “Go Preach My Gospel”
  6. Who Are to Give the Gospel?
  7. The Support of Missionaries
  8. The Spirit of Sacrifice
  9. The Spirit of the Worker
  10. A United Church
  11. Zeal of the Church for Missions
  12. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Giving the Gospel
  13. Reward of Christ’s Servants

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1938 January – March: Bible Doctrines – Number Six

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Weekly Topics

  1. Man’s Nature—His Condition in Death
  2. Spiritism, Ancient and Modern
  3. Immortality, and the Destruction of the Wicked
  4. The Ministry of Angels
  5. The Church of God
  6. Spiritual Gifts
  7. Spiritual Gifts (Concluded)
  8. Memorials and Ordinances
  9. Memorials and Ordinances (Concluded)
  10. Christian Health and Temperance
  11. Christian Dress and Conduct
  12. Reverence for the House of God
  13. Prayer

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1937 Collection

1937 October – December: Bible Doctrines (The Sanctuary) – Number Five

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Gospel in Type
  2. The Lamb of God
  3. The Sanctuaries of God
  4. The Sacrificial System Fulfilled
  5. Our Great High Priest
  6. Christ Fulfills the Types
  7. The Cleansing of the Earthly Sanctuary
  8. The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary
  9. The Time of Cleansing and of Judgment
  10. The Judgment Scene
  11. The Judgment-Hour Message
  12. Full Pardon Through the Atonement
  13. The Lord Our Righteousness

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1937 July – September: Bible Doctrines – Number Four

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Perpetuity of the Law
  2. The Law and the Gospel
  3. The Two Laws
  4. The Two Covenants
  5. The Sabbath
  6. The Sabbath in the New Testament
  7. The First Day of the Week in the New Testament
  8. From Sabbath to Sunday
  9. The Sabbath in Prophecy
  10. Proper Observance of the Sabbath
  11. The Sabbath as the Seal
  12. The Mark of Apostasy
  13. The Great Threefold Message

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1937 April – June: Bible Doctrines – Number Three

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Millennium
  2. Inheritance of the Saints
  3. The New Earth
  4. The New Jerusalem
  5. The Prophecy of Daniel 7
  6. The Little-Horn Power
  7. The Christian Church in Prophecy
  8. The Prophecy of Revelation 13
  9. Modern Babylon
  10. Babylon the Great Is Fallen
  11. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
  12. The Principles of Religious Liberty
  13. The Final Conflict

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1937 January – March: Bible Doctrines – Number Two

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Weekly Topics

  1. Prophecy
  2. Prophecies of the First Advent
  3. Ancient Babylon
  4. Prophecy of Daniel 2
  5. The Kingdoms of Grace and Glory
  6. The Second Coming of Christ
  7. Our Lord’s Great Prophecy
  8. Signs in the Heavens
  9. Distress of Nations
  10. Social and Religious Conditions in the Last Days
  11. Capital and Labor
  12. Signs in the Physical World
  13. Review of the Quarter’s Lessons

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1936 Collection

1936 October – December: Bible Doctrines – Number One

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Word—Its Origin, Inspiration, and Purpose
  2. God’s Word—Its Scope, Its Study, Its Power
  3. The Godhead
  4. Deity and Pre-existence of Christ
  5. The Origin of Evil
  6. Creation the Direct Act of God
  7. The Creation and Fall of Man
  8. Sin and Its Penalty
  9. The Plan of Redemption
  10. The Promise and Work of the Holy Spirit
  11. Conversion
  12. Justification by Faith
  13. Sanctification

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1936 July – September: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Comforts His Disciples
  2. The Vine and the Branches; Jesus’ Last Prayer With His Disciples
  3. In the Garden of Gethsemane
  4. Jesus Before the High Priest; Peter’s Denial
  5. Jesus Before the Sanhedrin; Jesus Before Pilate; The Death of Judas
  6. Jesus Before Herod; Pilate Seeks to Release Jesus
  7. Jesus Mocked; The Crucifixion
  8. Jesus on the Cross
  9. Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
  10. Visits to the Sepulcher
  11. On the Way to Emmaus; Jesus Appears to the Disciples
  12. Jesus Appears Again to the Disciples; His Ascension
  13. The Quarter’s Lessons

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1936 April – June: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Parable of the Vineyard and the Wicked Husbandman
  2. Marriage of the King’s Son; Tribute to Caesar
  3. The Commandments; the Gift of the Poor Widow
  4. Jesus Foretells Events Then Future
  5. The Destruction of Jerusalem; Signs of the Second Coming of Christ
  6. Watchful Preparation
  7. The Parable of the Virgins
  8. The Parable of the Talents
  9. The Judgment Scene
  10. Plottings Against Jesus; Preparation for the Passover
  11. Strife for Superiority; Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
  12. The Lord’s Supper Instituted; Jesus Points Out His Betrayer
  13. The Quarter’s Lessons

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1936 January – March: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Dines With a Pharisee; Parable of the Great Supper
  2. Parables; a Lost Sheep; a Lost Coin; a Lost Son
  3. Parable of the Dishonest Steward
  4. The Resurrection of Lazarus; the Pharisees Hold a Council
  5. The Importunate Widow; Two Men Praying; Blessing Little Children
  6. A Rich Young Man
  7. Parable of Laborers in the Vineyard
  8. Jesus Again Foretells His Death; James and John Seek Honor
  9. A Blind Man’s Sight Restored; Jesus Visits Zacchaeus
  10. The Anointing of Jesus
  11. Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem; Second Cleansing of the Temple
  12. The Fruitless Fig Tree; Jesus and the Pharisees
  13. Summary of the Quarter’s Lessons

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1935 Collection

1935 October – December: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Foretells His Death; Provides Tribute Money; Teaches Humility
  2. Gaining Thy Brother; The Measure of Forgiveness
  3. Test of Discipleship; The Seventy Sent Forth; Upbraiding the Cities
  4. Jesus Prays; Ten Lepers Cleansed
  5. Healing a Blind Man on the Sabbath
  6. The Good Shepherd
  7. The Good Samaritan
  8. At the Home of Mary and Martha; Dining With a Pharisee
  9. Warnings and Instructions; Parable of the Rich Man
  10. Waiting Servants
  11. A Barren Fig Tree; Healing the Infirm Woman
  12. Jesus Teaching the People
  13. The Quarter’s Lessons

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1935 July – September: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Five Parables
  2. Stilling the Tempest; The Demoniacs of Gadara
  3. The Daughter of Jairus; The Afflicted Woman
  4. Blind Men .Healed; A Dumb Spirit Cast Out
  5. Sending Out the Twelve
  6. Instruction to the Twelve
  7. Feeding Five Thousand; Jesus Walks on the Sea
  8. Jesus the Bread of Life
  9. Healing the Syrophoenician’s Daughter; Healing the Man Who Was Deaf and Stammering
  10. Four Thousand Fed; Healing a Blind Man; Teaching the Disciples
  11. The Transfiguration
  12. Healing a Demoniac
  13. The Quarter’s Lessons

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1935 April – June: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Great Physician; Call of Levi-Matthew
  2. Healing the Infirm Man at the Pool of Bethesda
  3. True Sabbath Keeping; Apostles Ordained
  4. The Sermon on the Mount—The Beatitudes
  5. The Sermon on the Mount; Jesus Magnifies the Law
  6. The Sermon on the Mount; Giving Alms; Prayer
  7. The Sermon on the Mount; The Father’s Care for His Children
  8. The Sermon on the Mount; Judging; Fruit Bearing; Right Building
  9. The Word and Touch of Jesus
  10. John the Baptist
  11. The Parable of the Sower
  12. The Parable of the Tares
  13. Summary of the Quarter’s Lessons

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1935 January – March: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Parents of John the Baptist
  2. Unto You Is Born a Saviour
  3. The Visit of the Shepherds; the Dedication
  4. Visit of the Wise Men; Flight Into Egypt; the Boyhood of Jesus
  5. The Voice in the Wilderness; the Baptism of Jesus
  6. The Temptation of Jesus
  7. The First Disciples; the First Miracle; Cleansing the Temple
  8. Nicodemus Visits Jesus; John Again Testifies of Jesus
  9. At Jacob’s Well
  10. Healing the Nobleman’s Son; Jesus at Nazareth
  11. A Sabbath at Capernaum
  12. Calling the Fishermen; Healing the Leper
  13. Summary of the Quarter’s Lessons

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1934 Collection

1934 October – December: God’s Greatest Gift: 1 Corinthians 13

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Weekly Topics

  1. Love and Speech
  2. Love and the Prophetic Gift
  3. Faith and Love
  4. Love and Christian Duty
  5. Love With Long-suffering and Kindness
  6. Love and Our Neighbor
  7. Love and the Thought of Evil
  8. Love the Companion of Patience and Perseverance
  9. Unfailing Love
  10. From Christian Childhood to Christian Manhood
  11. The Unknown Becomes the Known
  12. The Greatest of These Graces
  13. The Best Gift

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1934 July – September: The Exodus and the Advent Movement

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Meaning of Israel
  2. The Exodus Foretold
  3. The Exodus a Fulfilment of Prophecy
  4. Conditions of Success of the Exodus
  5. Reasons for a Delayed Arrival in Canaan
  6. The Advent Movement—Spiritual Israel
  7. Parallels Between the Exodus and the Advent Movement
  8. Reforms by Means of the Advent Movement
  9. Israel’s Final Crisis
  10. God’s Solemn Message to Remnant Israel
  11. Character of the Remnant of Israel
  12. A Holy Character Made Possible to the Remnant
  13. The Review

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1934 April – June: The Epistles of Paul to Timothy

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Weekly Topics

  1. False Teachers; Christ’s Abundant Grace
  2. Instruction in Church Matters
  3. Qualifications of Bishops and Deacons
  4. Apostasy Foretold; “Be Thou an Example”
  5. Gentleness in Rebuke; Directions Concerning Widows
  6. Elders; Personal Advice
  7. False Teaching; True Wealth
  8. A Stirring Appeal; Counsel to the Rich
  9. Exhortations to Timothy
  10. Enduring Hardship; the Danger of Controversy
  11. The Danger of Controversy; the Work of a Servant of God
  12. The Sin and Error of the Last Days
  13. A Solemn Charge; Paul’s Work Ended

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1934 January – March: The Holy Spirit

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Great Open Secret of the Universe
  2. The First Advent of Christ
  3. The Advent of the Holy Spirit
  4. Personality of the Holy Spirit
  5. Intercession in Our Behalf
  6. The Holy Spirit as Teacher
  7. The Holy Spirit and the New Birth
  8. Indwelling and Abiding Presence of the Holy Spirit
  9. The Holy Spirit and the New Covenant
  10. The Fruits of the Spirit
  11. The Holy Spirit and the Sealing Work
  12. The Holy Spirit and the Latter Rain
  13. The Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of God

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1933 Collection

1933 October – December: Bible Health and Temperance

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Weekly Topics

  1. Man’s High Estate
  2. The Body’s Highest Use
  3. The Christian Race
  4. The Flesh and the Spirit
  5. The Full Christian Growth
  6. The Sin of Intemperance
  7. Eating for Strength
  8. The Better Diet
  9. Ancient and Modern Israel
  10. Temperance in All Things
  11. The True Reformer
  12. The Source of Health
  13. Complete Healing

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1933 July – September: The Ministry of Angels

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Weekly Topics

  1. Angels Real Created Beings
  2. Angels Higher Order of Being Than Man
  3. Number and Glory of the Angels
  4. Power of the Angels
  5. Guardian Angels
  6. Angels and the Judgment Books
  7. Agents in Divine Revelation
  8. Angel Ministry to Men
  9. Angel Ministry to Men (Continued)
  10. Angel Ministry to Jesus
  11. Angel Ministry in the Gospel
  12. Angel Ministry in the Gospel (Continued)
  13. Angels in the World Harvest
  14. The Review

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1933 April – June: The Bible

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Bible—Its Origin
  2. The Bible—An Inspired Book
  3. The Bible—Prophetic Evidences of Inspiration
  4. The Bible and the Archaeologist—I
  5. The Bible and the Archaeologist—II
  6. Peter and the Scriptures
  7. James and the Scriptures
  8. Paul and the Scriptures
  9. Jesus and the Scriptures—I
  10. Jesus and the Scriptures—II
  11. Jesus and the Scriptures—III
  12. The Psalms and the New Testament
  13. The Message and the Power of the Bible

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1933 January – March: The Epistles of John

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Weekly Topics

  1. Witnesses of the Living Word
  2. “God Is Light”
  3. The New Commandment; Vanity of the World
  4. Last-Day Antichrists
  5. Sin and Righteousness
  6. The Measure of True Love
  7. Confessors of Christ
  8. Love Made Perfect
  9. Life Only in Christ
  10. Walking in the Truth
  11. The Apostle’s Joy and Admonition
  12. To Save the Lost

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1932 Collection

1932 October – December: The Lord’s Prayer

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Weekly Topics

  1. “Our Father Which Art in Heaven” A Father and His Child
  2. “Hallowed Be Thy Name” A Worshiper and His God
  3. “Thy Kingdom Come” A Subject and His King
  4. “Thy Will Be Done in Earth, as It Is in Heaven” A Servant and His Master
  5. “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” A Suppliant and His Benefactor
  6. “Forgive Us Our Debts, as We Forgive Our Debtors” A Sinner and His Saviour
  7. “Lead Us Not Into Temptation” The Pilgrim and His Guide
  8. “But Deliver Us From Evil” The Captive and His Deliverer
  9. “Thine Is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever. Amen” Reasons for Surrender
  10. Hindrances to Prayer
  11. Intercessory Prayer
  12. Intercessory Prayer (Concluded)
  13. Hindrances to Intercessory Prayer
  14. Constraints to Prayer

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1932 July – September: The Stewardship of Life

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Weekly Topics

  1. Creation: Sons of God
  2. The Slavery of Self-Seeking
  3. The Supremacy of Love
  4. A New Creation
  5. Living the New Life
  6. Works of Righteousness
  7. A Building of Living Stones
  8. The Church—Christ’s Body
  9. Christ’s Parting Gift to the Church
  10. One Talent or Many
  11. All the Word to All the World
  12. Finishing God’s Work
  13. The Review

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1932 April – June: The Science of Salvation

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Eternal Purpose
  2. The One Mediator
  3. Sin in the Light of Calvary
  4. Godly Sorrow and Repentance
  5. Justification by Faith
  6. Imparted Righteousness
  7. The Fruits of Righteousness
  8. The Reins of the Heart
  9. Changed by Beholding
  10. Christian Growth
  11. The Mystery of Godliness
  12. The Kingdom Within
  13. The Hope of Reward

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1932 January – March: The Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The New Birth
  2. The Water of Life
  3. The Bread of Life
  4. The Good Shepherd
  5. Seeking Eternal Life; Seeking Honor
  6. The Great Commandment
  7. Teaching Humility—the Communion Service
  8. The Second Coming of Jesus
  9. The Anointing of Jesus
  10. Jesus Comforts His Disciples
  11. The Vine and the Branches
  12. Christ’s Intercessory Prayer
  13. The Last Teachings of Jesus

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1931 Collection

1931 October – December: The Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Mount of Blessing
  2. Admonitions to Believers
  3. Magnifying the Law
  4. Love for Others
  5. Giving Alms; Prayer
  6. Our Father’s Care for His Children
  7. Judging Others; Asking of the Lord
  8. Fruit Bearing; Doing; Right Building
  9. The Sending Forth of the Twelve
  10. Instruction for Personal Ministry
  11. Instruction for Personal Ministry (Concluded)
  12. Conditions of Entering the Kingdom
  13. True Sabbath Keeping

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1931 July – September: Character Building

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Weekly Topics

  1. Truthfulness
  2. Reliability—Faithfulness
  3. Unselfishness
  4. Earnestness—Zeal
  5. Conscientiousness
  6. Honesty
  7. Acquaintance With God
  8. Responsibility
  9. Amiability
  10. Constancy
  11. Temperance
  12. Economy
  13. Reverence

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1931 April – June: The Epistle to the Romans

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Weekly Topics

  1. Righteousness by Faith
  2. Election by Grace
  3. The Fullness of Jew and Gentile
  4. A Living Sacrifice
  5. Practical Duties and Privileges
  6. Duty Toward Governments; Last-Day Warnings
  7. Judge Not
  8. The Call of Faith
  9. Helping the Weak; Glorifying God
  10. Ministering God’s Blessings
  11. Greetings and Unity
  12. The Obedience of Faith
  13. The Review

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1931 January – March: The Epistle to the Romans

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Ordinance of Baptism; Its Meaning
  2. Righteousness and Life
  3. The Sinner and the Law
  4. Deliverance From Sin
  5. The Flesh and the Spirit
  6. Children of Adoption; The Twofold Witness
  7. Glory and Deliverance
  8. The Infinite God Working for Our Good
  9. The Purpose and Love of God
  10. The Israel of God and Her Privileges
  11. God’s Mercy in Election
  12. God’s Mercy in Election (Continued)
  13. The Review

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1930 Collection

1930 October – December: The Epistle to the Romans

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Weekly Topics

  1. Servants Of The Son
  2. Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
  3. Results of Rejecting the Gospel
  4. The Reprobate Mind
  5. Condemnation
  6. The True Jew
  7. Standing Of Humanity Before God
  8. Establishing The Law
  9. Justified By Faith
  10. An Example And A Father
  11. Saved By His Life
  12. Abounding Grace
  13. The Review

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1930 July – September: Old Testament Experiences

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Repentance of Nineveh
  2. Israel Taken Captive Into Assyria; The Impiety of Uzziah
  3. The Prayer of Hezekiah; The Sundial of Ahaz
  4. Judah Carried Captive to Babylon
  5. Trained to Loyalty; The King’s Dream
  6. A King’s Pride Humbled; The Handwriting on the Wall
  7. The Days of Queen Esther
  8. The Return From Exile
  9. Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem
  10. Teaching the Law of God Anew
  11. Looking for the Deliverer
  12. The Messiah That Was to Come
  13. The Hope of His People Israel

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1930 April – June: Old Testament Experiences

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Weekly Topics

  1. A Warning Against Disobedience
  2. Saul Rejected—David Called to the Kingdom
  3. David—King, Psalmist, and Prophet
  4. The Wisdom of Solomon
  5. Ten Tribes Secede; The Disobedient Prophet
  6. Elijah at Cherith and Zarephath
  7. The Prophets of Baal Destroyed
  8. Elijah a Fugitive
  9. The Vineyard of Naboth
  10. The Mantle of Elijah
  11. Elisha and the Shunammite; The Poisoned Meal; The Hundred Miraculously Fed
  12. Naaman the Syrian
  13. The Swimming Axe; The Invading Syrians; Siege of Samaria

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1930 January – March: Old Testament Experiences

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Weekly Topics

  1. To Honor God’s Servants Is To Honour Him
  2. God Rewards Faith And Loyalty
  3. Dallying With Evil Leads To Sin
  4. In Impatience And Anger Moses Forgets God
  5. God Makes A Way For His People
  6. Worldly Surroundings Endanger The Spiritual Life Of Israel
  7. A Lesson From Gideon’s Fleece
  8. Success Does Not Depend Upon Numbers
  9. Lessons From The Life Of Samson
  10. The Reward Of Love And Loyalty
  11. God’s Acceptance And Reward Of A Mother’s Gift
  12. Samuel Called To Be A Prophet: The Ark Of God Captured
  13. Israel Demands A King

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1930-1939 — No Comments

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