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1949 Collection

1949 October – December: Studies in the Book of Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Age-Long Conflict Between Christ and Satan
  2. The Era of Papal Supremacy
  3. The United States in Prophecy
  4. The First Angel’s Message
  5. The First Angel’s Message (Continued)
  6. The Second Angel’s Message
  7. The Third Angel’s Message
  8. The Testimony of Jesus in the Remnant Church
  9. The Seven Last Plagues
  10. The Sins and the Doom of Spiritual Babylon
  11. The King of Kings and the Marriage Supper
  12. The Millennium
  13. The New Earth and Its Inhabitants
  14. The New Earth Metropolis

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1949 July – September:  Studies in the Book of Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. Two Prophets and Their Writings
  2.  The Revelation of Jesus Christ
  3. Christ’s Message to Ephesus and Smyrna
  4. Christ’s Message to Pergamos and Thyatira
  5. Christ’s Message to Sardis and Philadelphia
  6.  Christ’s Message to Laodicea
  7. A Vision of the Throne
  8.  The Seven Seals of Prophecy
  9.   The Seven Seals of Prophecy (Concluded)
  10.  The Seal of the Living God
  11.  The Downfall of the Roman Empire
  12.  The Three “Woe” Trumpets: Moslem Supremacy and the End of the World
  13.  The Two Witnesses

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1949 April – June: The Messages of Daniel the Prophet

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Weekly Topics

  1. Ambassadors to Babylon
  2. A Dream of Empire
  3. Tested by. Fire
  4. The Most High Ruleth
  5. The Handwriting on the Wall
  6. Deliverance From the Den of Lions
  7. Great Empires of Prophecy
  8. Church History in Advance
  9. The Wonderful Numberer
  10. Unto the Messiah the Prince
  11. The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
  12. Daniel’s Last Prophecy
  13. Nearing the Journey’s End

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1949 January – March: Studies on the Decalogue

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Law and the Gospel
  2. The Decalogue
  3. No Other Gods
  4. True Worship
  5. The Holy Name
  6. Creation’s Memorial
  7. Parents and Children
  8. The Gift of Life
  9. Pure in Heart and Life
  10. Honesty in All Things
  11. Truthful Lips
  12. Holy Contentment
  13. The Supreme Motive

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1948 Collection

1948 October – December: Studies From the Book of Hebrews – Part III

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Weekly Topics

  1. Faith and Creation
  2. Abel and Enoch
  3. Noah
  4. Abraham
  5. Abraham and Isaac
  6. Jacob, Laban, Esau, and Joseph
  7. Moses Called to Leadership
  8. The Passover; the Exodus; the Fall of Jericho
  9. Gideon and Other Heroes of Faith
  10. The Christian Race; Chastening
  11. Esau; the Two Covenants
  12. Admonitions; Going Without the Camp
  13. Praise to God; Obedience; Closing Admonitions

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1948 July – September: Studies From the Book of Hebrews – Part II

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Weekly Topics

  1. The New Covenant
  2. The Mosaic Sanctuary
  3. The Daily Service: Burnt Offerings
  4. The Daily Service: Meat and Peace Offerings
  5. The Daily Service: Sin Offerings
  6. The Day of Atonement
  7. A High Priest of Good Things to Come
  8. The Red Heifer; the Ratification of the Covenant
  9. The Cleansing of Heavenly Things; Christ Appears for Us
  10. The Twenty-Three Hundred Days
  11. An End of Sin; Christ Establishes the Law
  12. Perfection and Sanctification—a New and Living Way
  13. Christian Steadfastness

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1948 April – June: Studies From the Book of Hebrews – Part I

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Weekly Topics

  1. Christ as Creator and Redeemer
  2. Christ Superior to the Angels
  3. Christ Made Lower Than the Angels
  4. Christ’s Preparation for the Office of High Priest
  5. Christ and Moses
  6. God’s Rest
  7. God’s Rest and the Sabbath
  8. Our Perfect High Priest
  9. Peril of Apostasy
  10. God’s Promise and Oath
  11. An Anchor of the Soul; Melchizedek
  12. Melchizedek; the Levitical Priesthood
  13. The Surety of a Better Testament

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1948 January – March: Bulwarks of Faith: Bible Doctrines for our Day

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Weekly Topics

  1. Searching for Hidden Treasure
  2. The Memorial of Creation
  3. The Sign of Sanctification
  4. True Sabbath Observance
  5. The Kingdom of Antichrist
  6. The Two Mysteries
  7. The Symbol of Righteousness
  8. Restoring God’s Image
  9. Recognizing God’s Ownership
  10. Ordinances — Memorials
  11. The Gifts of the Spirit
  12. The Spirit of Prophecy
  13. Finishing the Mystery of God

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1947 Collection

1947 October – December: Bulwarks of Faith: Bible Doctrines for our Day

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Message of Salvation
  2. The Coming of Immanuel
  3. The Second Coming of Christ
  4. Signs of the End
  5. The Testimony of Prophecy
  6. The Standard of Righteousness
  7. The Result of Disobedience
  8. The Sanctuary
  9. The Great Prophetic Period
  10. The Judgment
  11. The Millennium
  12. The Punishment of the Wicked
  13. The Reward of the Righteous

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1947 July – September: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. “In Remembrance of Me”
  2. Our Blessed Hope; Our Mighty Helper
  3. The Heavenly Vine; a Most Wonderful Prayer
  4. Jesus in Gethsemane
  5. Jesus Before Annas and Caiaphas
  6. The Son of God Before the Sanhedrin and Pilate
  7. Jesus Before Herod and Pilate
  8. The Supreme Sacrifice
  9. The Prince of Sufferers
  10. Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
  11. Christ Is Risen
  12. The Resurrection Confirmed
  13. Last Appearances of Jesus; His Ascension

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1947 April – June: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Feast at Simon’s House
  2. “Behold, Thy King Cometh”
  3. Eternal Truths Illustrated
  4. Marriage of the King’s Son; Tribute
  5. Great Commandments; a Widow’s Gift
  6. Jesus Foretells the Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the World
  7. The Destruction of Jerusalem; Signs of Christ’s Coming
  8. Watchful Waiting
  9. To Meet the Bridegroom
  10. The Parable of the Talents
  11. At the Bar of Eternal Justice
  12. Plotting Against Jesus; Preparation for the Passover
  13. Principles of True Greatness

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1947 January – March: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Healing a Man Born Blind
  2. The Good Shepherd
  3. Love in Action
  4. The Christian Home, a Lighthouse in a Dark World
  5. Communion With God
  6. Gain That Is Loss
  7. Waiting for the Coming of Jesus
  8. True Worship and Service, and Their Rewards
  9. The Invitation to the Gospel Feast
  10. The Lost Is Found
  11. The Crowning Miracle of Jesus
  12. The Reward of Grace
  13. The Law of the Eternal Kingdom

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1946 Collection

1946 October – December: Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Instructing the First Evangelists
  2. Teaching the Disciples and Feeding the Multitude
  3. Jesus Walks on the Water
  4. The Crisis in Galilee
  5. Answering the Pharisees; Visiting Syrophoenicia
  6. Healing the Afflicted; Feeding the Hungry; Uncovering Wickedness
  7. Healing, Teaching, and Revealing the Cross
  8. “Eyewitnesses of His Majesty”
  9. The Triumph of Faith
  10. The Shadow of a Great Sorrow
  11. Love, the Principle of Action
  12. The Feast of Tabernacles
  13. The Light and Life of the World

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1946 July – September: Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Sincerity and Simplicity in Service and Devotion
  2. Prayer and Daily Living
  3. Our Father’s Care for His Children
  4. Practical Religion
  5. Health for the Palsied; Life for the Dead
  6. John the Baptist
  7. The Parable of the Sower
  8. Other Parables of the Kingdom
  9. The Parable of the Tares
  10. An Eventful Day in the Life of Jesus
  11. Teaching and Healing
  12. Healing the Blind and the Dumb
  13. The First Evangelists

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1946 April – June: Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Begins His Public Ministry
  2. The New Birth; God’s Gift of Love
  3. Unfathomed Love; God’s Messengers
  4. At Jacob’s Well
  5. Preparing the Way in Samaria and in Capernaum
  6. The Call by the Sea; the Demoniac Healed
  7. Mighty Works Wrought
  8. The Great Physician; Call of Levi-Matthew
  9. Fasting; Healing an Infirm Man
  10. Teaching and Healing
  11. The Choice and Ordination of the Apostles
  12. The Sermon on the Mount — Part 1
  13. The Sermon on the Mount — Part 2

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1946 January – March: Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Pre-Existence of Christ and the First Rebellion
  2. God’s Eternal Purpose
  3. The Fall in Adam and Redemption in Christ
  4. A Foreview of the Coming Deliverer
  5. The Long-Looked-for Deliverer
  6. The Parents of John the Baptist
  7. The Promised Redeemer
  8. Birth and Dedication of Jesus
  9. Childhood of Jesus
  10. The Early Life of Jesus
  11. The Voice in the Wilderness
  12. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
  13. Last Conflict in the Wilderness; First Disciples Called

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1945 Collection

1945 October – December: Epistles to the Thessalonians and Philemon

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Effectiveness of Paul’s Ministry in Thessalonica
  2. Examples of Kindly Ministry
  3. Paul’s Crown of Rejoicing
  4. To Strengthen and to Comfort
  5. Growing Up Into Christ
  6. The Blessed Hope
  7. Peace and Safety; Faithfulness
  8. Preparing to Meet the Lord
  9. Resting With Christ
  10. The Mystery of Iniquity
  11. Comfort and Admonition
  12. Warning and Encouragement
  13. Paul’s Letter to Philemon

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1945 July – September: The Way to Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Love for Man
  2. The Sinner’s Need of Christ
  3. Repentance
  4. Confession
  5. Consecration
  6. Faith and Acceptance
  7. The Test of Discipleship
  8. Growing Up Into Christ
  9. The Work and the Life
  10. A Knowledge of God
  11. The Privilege of Prayer
  12. What to Do With Doubt
  13. Rejoicing in the Lord

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1945 April – June: Ephesians

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Weekly Topics

  1. A Heaven on Earth
  2. A Prayer for the Church
  3. Salvation the Gift of God
  4. Unity and Peace in Christ
  5. God’s Care for His Church
  6. Glorious Privileges in Christ
  7. The Unity of the Spirit
  8. Following Christ
  9. Walking in God’s Path
  10. Fruits of the Spirit
  11. The Christian Home
  12. The Spirit of Obedience and Service
  13. The Christian’s Armor

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1945 January – March: The Remnant Church

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Church in All Ages
  2. The Remnant Church and the Commandments of God
  3. The Remnant Church and the Testimony of Jesus
  4. The Remnant Church and the Everlasting Gospel
  5. The Remnant Church and the Laodicean Message
  6. The Remnant Church and the First Angel’s Message
  7. The Remnant Church and the Second Angel’s Message
  8. The Remnant Church and the Third Angel’s Message
  9. The Remnant Church and the Sealing Work
  10. The Remnant Church and the Latter Rain
  11. The Remnant Church and Its Dangers
  12. The Remnant Church in the Time of Trouble
  13. The Remnant Church Triumphant

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1944 Collection

1944 October – December: Lessons from the Minor Prophets

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Weekly Topics

  1. Hosea—the Prophet of Love
  2. Joel—the Prophet of Pentecost
  3. Amos—the Prophet of Justice
  4. Obadiah — the Prophet of Doom
  5. Jonah—the Reluctant Missionary
  6. Micah—the Prophet of the Poor
  7. Nahum—the Prophet of Consolation
  8. Habakkuk—the Prophet of Faith
  9. Zephaniah—the Prophet of Judgment
  10. Haggai—the Prophet of Temple Building
  11. Zechariah—the Messianic Prophet—I
  12. Zechariah—the Messianic Prophet—II
  13. Malachi—Last of the Old Testament Prophets

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1944 July – September: Lessons from the Days of Patriarchs and Prophets: From the Captivity in Babylon to the Restoration of the First Dominion

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Weekly Topics

  1. Trained to Loyalty; the King’s Dream
  2. The Fiery Furnace; Its Significance
  3. A King’s Pride Humbled; the Handwriting on the Wall
  4. A Prime Minister Tested
  5. History Unfolded to Daniel
  6. God Answers Daniel’s Prayer for Understanding
  7. The Days of Queen Esther
  8. The Return From Exile
  9. Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem
  10. Reteaching the Law of God
  11. Looking for the Deliverer
  12. “This Is Indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the World”
  13. The Hope of His People Israel
  14. The Restoration of the First Dominion

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1944 April – June: Lessons from the Days of Patriarchs and Prophets: From Elijah’s Flight to the Babylonian Captivity

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Weekly Topics

  1. Elijah a Fugitive
  2. The Syrians Are Defeated
  3. The Vineyard of Naboth
  4. As Sheep That Have No Shepherd
  5. The Mantle of Elijah
  6. Elisha’s Ministry of Miracles
  7. Naaman the Syrian
  8. The Swimming Axe; the Invading Syrians; Siege of Samaria
  9. The Repentance of Nineveh
  10. Israel Taken Captive Into Assyria
  11. Hezekiah Restores the Worship of Jehovah
  12. God Delivers Judah From the Assyrian Invasion; Hezekiah’s Illness and Miraculous Healing
  13. Judah Is Carried Captive to Babylon

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1944 January – March: Lessons from the Days of Patriarchs and Prophets: From Saul’s Disobedience to the Destruction of the Prophets of Baal

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Weekly Topics

  1. Saul’s Disobedience and Its Consequences
  2. David Is Called to the Kingdom
  3. David and Goliath
  4. David a Fugitive
  5. The Magnanimity of David
  6. David’s Call to the Throne; His Reign
  7. David’s Sin and Repentance
  8. Absalom’s Rebellion; Last Years of David
  9. The Wisdom of Solomon
  10. Solomon’s Apostasy; His Proverbs and Songs
  11. Ten Tribes Secede; The Disobedient Prophet
  12. Elijah at Cherith and Zarephath
  13. The Prophets of Baal Destroyed

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1943 Collection

1943 October – December: Lessons from the Days of Patriarchs and Prophets: From the Death of Moses to the Anointing of Saul

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Weekly Topics

  1. Impatience and Anger Lead Moses to Sin
  2. God Makes a Way for His People
  3. Cities of Refuge; Levitical Cities
  4. Joshua’s Final Admonition to Faithfulness
  5. Israel’s Spiritual Life Imperiled by Worldly Surroundings
  6. Deborah and Barak; a Song of Deliverance
  7. The Call of Gideon
  8. Success Does Not Depend Upon Numbers
  9. Lessons From the Life of Samson
  10. The Rewards of Love and Loyalty
  11. God’s Acceptance and Reward of a Mother’s Gift
  12. Samuel Called to Be a Prophet; the Ark of God Taken
  13. Israel Demands a King

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1943 July – September: Lessons from the Days of Patriarchs and Prophets: From the Deliverance at the Red Sea to Balaam

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Deliverance at the Red Sea; Complaints & Murmurings
  2. God’s Patience; Food From Heaven; Organizing Israel
  3. Israel Camps Before Sinai
  4. The Giving of the Law
  5. The Law and the Gospel
  6. The Ten Commandments the Law of Love; Rewards of Obedience
  7. God’s Dwelling Place in Israel
  8. The Service for Sin
  9. The Day of Atonement
  10. The Final Day of Judgment
  11. To Honor God’s Servants Is to Honor Him
  12. God Rewards Faith and Loyalty
  13. Dallying With Evil Leads to Sin

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1943 April – June: Lessons from the Days of Patriarchs and Prophets: From the Call of Abraham to the Exodus

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Call of Abraham, Father of the Faithful
  2. Lot Pitched His Tent Toward Sodom
  3. The Evil Results of Lot’s Choice
  4. Isaac, Son of Promise
  5. The Twin Sons of Isaac and Rebekah
  6. Jacob the Supplanter Becomes Israel, a Prince with God
  7. Jacob and His Twelve Sons
  8. God’s Care Over Joseph in Egypt
  9. Joseph and His Brethren
  10. Israel in Bondage
  11. Moses Called to Deliver God’s People
  12. The Plagues of Egypt
  13. The Passover

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1943 January – March: Lessons from the Days of Patriarchs and Prophets: Creation and Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  2. The Word of God
  3. Creation the Direct Act of God
  4. The Gift of Life
  5. Creation Week and the Sabbath
  6. Beginning of Sin, Suffering, and Death
  7. Re-Creation Through Redemption
  8. A World-Wide Disaster Sin’s Fruitage
  9. The Effects of the Flood
  10. Creation and Re-Creation
  11. The Scripture and True Science
  12. The Character of the Creator Revealed in Nature
  13. The New Creation

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1942 Collection

1942 October – December: Steps in the Christian Walk

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Guidance and Care
  2. Reverence for God’s Presence
  3. Obedience
  4. Christian Living
  5. Tests of Discipleship
  6. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit—I
  7. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit—II
  8. Patience; Power of the Tongue
  9. Christian Temperance
  10. Tithes and Offerings
  11. The Ordinances of the Church
  12. Consecration
  13. The Rewards of Service With Christ

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1942 July – September: The Epistle of  James

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Weekly Topics

  1. Under Trial; Source of Wisdom
  2. Man’s Frailty; The Source of Temptation
  3. The Engrafted Word; True Religion
  4. God No Respecter of Persons; Standard of Judgment
  5. The Relation of Faith and Works
  6. The Power of the Tongue
  7. Known by Their Fruits
  8. Hindrances to Prayer; Friendship With the World
  9. Judging Others; Vanity of Earthly Plans
  10. Last Day Labor Conditions; Patience Enjoined
  11. Enduring; Prayer for the Sick; Salvation for Sinners
  12. Covetousness and Idolatry
  13. The Privilege of Prayer

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1942 April – June: Our Spiritual Relationships

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Weekly Topics

  1. Reconciled to God
  2. The Christian’s Relationship to the Heavenly Father
  3. The Relation of the Christian to Jesus, the Son of God
  4. The Christian’s Relation to the Holy Spirit
  5. The Christian’s Relation to the Bible
  6. The Christian’s Relation to Prayer
  7. The Christian in His Home
  8. The Christian in the Church
  9. The Christian in the World
  10. The Christian’s Call to Service
  11. The Christian as a Steward
  12. The Christian and the Sabbath
  13. Walking With Jesus

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1942 January – March: Our Lord Shall Come

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Plan for Man’s Salvation
  2. Promises of the Coming One
  3. Prophecies of the Messiah
  4. Is Not This He? Israel’s Reactions to Christ’s First Appearing
  5. “My Lord and My God” – Recognition of Christ’s Mission by His Disciples
  6. “I Will Come Again”
  7. Old Testament Prophecies of Christ’s Second Appearing
  8. New Testament Prophecies of Christ’s Second Appearing
  9. The Time of Christ’s Second Coming
  10. The Remnant Church
  11. The Gathering of the Remnant
  12. Conflict Before Deliverance
  13. At Home With Our Saviour

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1941 Collection

1941 October – December: Christian Experience and Growth

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Problem of Sin
  2. Life Through Christ .
  3. Choice and Obedience
  4. The Place of the Spirit in Victory
  5. Righteousness Imputed
  6. Living the New Life
  7. Consecration
  8. The Blessedness of Consecrated Service
  9. The Word and Prayer in Victory
  10. Spiritual Growth
  11. Sanctification
  12. Confidence and Assurance Unto Victory
  13. God’s Purpose Fulfilled

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1941 July – September: Guiding Principles of Life

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Weekly Topics

  1. Counsel Concerning Right Living
  2. The Fear of the Lord
  3. Hezekiah—the King Who Feared the Lord
  4. Fear of Man
  5. Moses—The Fearless
  6. Straightforwardness
  7. Joseph the Upright
  8. Obedience to God
  9. Two Brothers: Abel Obedient; Cain Rebellious
  10. Friendship
  11. Loyalty in Friendship
  12. The Tongue—Truth and Falsehood
  13. Examples of Wrong and Right Living

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1941 April – June: The Acts of the Apostles — III

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Weekly Topics

  1. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey; Paul and Apollos at Ephesus
  2. Trouble at Ephesus
  3. Paul Journeys Toward Jerusalem
  4. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Ended at Jerusalem
  5. Paul at Jerusalem; Arrested in the Temple
  6. Paul’s Address on the Castle Stairs
  7. Paul Before the Council; The Plot Against His Life
  8. Paul Accused Before Felix
  9. Paul Accused Before Festus; Agrippa’s Counsel Sought
  10. Paul’s Defense Before Agrippa
  11. Beginning the Voyage to Rome
  12. The Shipwreck
  13. On the Island of Melita (Malta); Paul Reaches Rome

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1941 January – March: The Acts of the Apostles — II

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Weekly Topics

  1. Saul Leaves Damascus; Peter’s Ministry
  2. Cornelius, the Gentile; Peter, the Jew
  3. Cornelius, the Gentile; Peter, the Jew (Concluded)
  4. Peter Rehearses His Experience; The Gospel Reaches Antioch
  5. Death of James; Peter Delivered From Prison
  6. Beginning of Paul’s First Missionary Journey
  7. Paul Preaches to the Jews; Then to the Gentiles
  8. Paul and Barnabas at Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe
  9. The General Council in Jerusalem
  10. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey; Paul and Silas at Philippi
  11. At Thessalonica and Berea
  12. Paul at Athens
  13. Paul at Corinth; End of His Second Missionary Journey

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1940 Collection

1940 October – December: The Acts of the Apostles — I

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Ascends to Heaven; Disciples Tarry at Jerusalem
  2. A Promise Fulfilled; The Holy Spirit Given
  3. A Multitude Converted
  4. At the Temple Gate
  5. Peter and John Brought to Trial
  6. True and False Brotherhood
  7. Imprisonment and Trial of the Apostles
  8. Deacons Appointed; Stephen Arrested
  9. Stephen’s Sermon Before the Council
  10. Stephen’s Sermon Before the Council (Concluded); Stephen’s Death
  11. Philip Preaches in Samaria
  12. Philip and the Officer From Ethiopia
  13. From Persecutor to Disciple

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1940 July – September: The Sure Word of Prophecy

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Weekly Topics

  1. Communication With Heaven—Lost Through Sin; Restored Through Christ
  2. God’s Messages in Antediluvian Days
  3. Abraham, and the Gospel of Righteousness by Faith
  4. With Moses From Egypt to Canaan
  5. Elijah in Defense of Jehovah Against Baal
  6. Prophetic Guidance of the Theocracy and Kingdom of Israel
  7. Later Messages to Israel and Judah
  8. Glorious Messages During the Years of Exile
  9. Divine Guidance in the Early Christian Church
  10. The Prophetic Gift Counterfeited
  11. Further Distinctions Between True and False Prophets
  12. The Spirit of Prophecy in the Remnant Church
  13. Confidence in the Prophetic Gift

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1940 April – June: God’s Infinite Love

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Weekly Topics

  1. God Is Love
  2. The Word of Promise
  3. The Word Made Flesh
  4. The Cross in the Light of God’s Love
  5. The Sinner Chastened
  6. Final Purification of Sin
  7. The Final Restoration
  8. Attributes of God
  9. God’s Dealings With Men (A Record of Love)
  10. God’s Love for His People
  11. Parables Illustrating the Love of God
  12. God’s Love Leads to Repentance
  13. Witnessing to the Love of God

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1940 January – March: Studies on the Home

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Origin of the Home and Its Corruption
  2. Husbands and Wives
  3. The Work of Parents
  4. Duties of Children
  5. The Home and Religion
  6. The Home and Prayer
  7. The Home and the Sabbath
  8. Christian Education
  9. True Education Illustrated by Experience
  10. Christ the Centre of True Education
  11. The Home and Character Building
  12. The Home a Soul Winner
  13. Our Father’s Home

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