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1959 Collection

1959 October – December: Christian Stewardship in its Broader Aspects

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Weekly Topics

  1. God, the Owner of All
  2. God’s Reserved Portions
  3. The Stewardship of Life
  4. Stewards of the Mysteries of God
  5. The Stewardship of Time and Talents
  6. The Stewardship of Our Abilities
  7. Stewardship Recognized in Worship
  8. God’s Security Plan
  9. Sharing in Stewardship
  10. The Spiritual Stewardship of the Home
  11. Covetousness, a Hindrance to True Stewardship
  12. God’s Supreme Gift to Man
  13. The Rewards of Faithful Stewardship

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1959 July – September: Great Themes of the New Testament

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Eternal Fatherhood of God
  2. The Word Was Made Flesh
  3. Reconciliation Through Jesus Christ
  4. The Kingdom of Divine Grace
  5. Justification
  6. Sanctification
  7. Doing God’s Will
  8. Faith and Trust
  9. Love—The Crowning Virtue
  10. Christian Maturity and Perfection
  11. The Return of Our Lord
  12. The Resurrection and Life Everlasting
  13. The Coming Kingdom of Glory

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1959 April – June: Our Wonderful God

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Satisfying Friendship
  2. God’s Transcendent and Mysterious Nature
  3. God’s Ceaseless Work as Creator and Sustainer
  4. God’s Perfect Character
  5. God’s Perfect Character—Continued
  6. God’s Unsearchable Wisdom
  7. God’s Universal Government
  8. God’s Immutable Law
  9. God’s Sacred Name
  10. God’s Omnipotence
  11. God’s Consuming Glory
  12. God’s Holy Word
  13. God’s Wonderful Fatherhood

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1959 January – March: Studies on the Epistle to the Romans

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Righteousness in Judging Sin
  2. The Unbiased Judgment of God
  3. Justification by Means of Faith
  4. Justification and Life Instead of Condemnation and Death
  5. Christ Jesus the Only Deliverer From Sin
  6. Walking With Christ
  7. God Vindicated in Dealing With Jew and Gentile
  8. Righteousness by Faith an Old Testament Principle
  9. The Sovereignty of God Made Plain in His Gracious Mercy
  10. Exhortation to Church Members
  11. Love and Tolerance in the Life of the Christian
  12. Mercy Extended to the Gentiles
  13. The Review

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1958 Collection

1958 October – December: New Testament Biographies

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Weekly Topics

  1. John the Baptist, Forerunner of Christ
  2. Levi-Matthew, the Publican
  3. John Mark, Missionary and Author
  4. Luke, the Beloved Physician
  5. John, the Beloved Disciple
  6. Simon Peter, the Apostle of Hope
  7. Judas, the Betrayer
  8. Stephen, the First Christian Martyr
  9. Philip the Evangelist
  10. Barnabas and Timothy
  11. Saul of Tarsus: From Persecutor to Apostle
  12. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles
  13. Paul: A Prisoner and Martyr

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1958 July – September: Christian Ideals

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Ideal for His Children
  2. The Christian and the World
  3. The Christian’s Banner
  4. The Christian Home
  5. Christian Character
  6. The Conscience
  7. Christian Education
  8. The Home and the School
  9. Church Life and the Christian
  10. Christian Social Relations
  11. Sabbath Observance
  12. The Whole Armor of God
  13. Living Up to the Standard

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1958 April – June: Studies in the Book of Revelation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Counsel of Jesus Christ to His Church Through the Ages
  2. A Glimpse of the Throne of God
  3. The Seven Seals
  4. The Sealing
  5. The Glorious Reign of Christ
  6. The Church Victorious
  7. The Three Angels’ Messages
  8. The Seven Last Plagues
  9. The Judgment of the Apostate Church
  10. The Triumph of the King of Kings
  11. The Millennium
  12. The New Jerusalem
  13. The Saints’ Inheritance

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1958 January – March: The Parables of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus’ Model Parable, the Sower
  2. The Tares; The Net
  3. The Leaven; The Mustard Seed
  4. The Hidden Treasure; The Pearl of Great Price; The Rich Fool
  5. The Rich Young Ruler; Laborers in the Vineyard
  6. The Two Sons; The Unmerciful Servant
  7. The Lost and Found
  8. The Growing Seed; The Barren Fig Tree
  9. The Importunate Friend; The Unjust Judge
  10. The Wicked Husbandmen; The Great Supper
  11. The Two Worshipers; The Marriage Feast
  12. The Good Samaritan; The Entrusted Talents
  13. The Ten Virgins

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1957 Collection

1957 October – December: Lessons from the lives of the Old Testament Prophets

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Weekly Topics

  1. Abraham, Friend of God—Part I
  2. Abraham, Friend of God—Part II
  3. Abraham, Friend of God—Part III
  4. Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part I
  5. Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part II
  6. Samuel, the Prophet and Judge
  7. Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part I
  8. Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part II
  9. Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part I
  10. Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part II
  11. The Prophet Jonah
  12. Daniel, the Prophet—Part I
  13. Daniel, the Prophet—Part II

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1957 July – September: Lessons from the Acts of the Apostles—II

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Weekly Topics

  1. Paul’s First Missionary Journey; Cyprus and Pisidia
  2. The Apostles in Conflict With Heathenism
  3. The Council of Jerusalem Brings Harmony
  4. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
  5. The Gospel in Macedonia and Greece
  6. The Gospel in Corinth; Beginnings in Ephesus
  7. Paul’s Three Years at Ephesus
  8. Paul’s Journey to Jerusalem
  9. Paul’s Imprisonment
  10. Paul Before Felix and Festus
  11. Paul Before King Agrippa
  12. The Journey to Rome
  13. Paul’s Last Years

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1957 April – June: Lessons from the Acts of the Apostles—I

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Great Commission; The Twelve Apostles
  2. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  3. The Healing of the Lame Man
  4. The First Persecution
  5. The Spirit of God at Work
  6. The Second Persecution
  7. The Seven Deacons
  8. The Third Persecution; The Martyrdom of Stephen
  9. Missionary Expansion: From Judea to Samaria
  10. The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
  11. The Ministry of Peter
  12. Peter Renders an Account; The Word at Antioch
  13. The Fourth Persecution; An Attack on James and Peter

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1957 January – March: Christian Virtues

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Weekly Topics

  1. Goodness and Nobility
  2. Faithfulness and dependability
  3. Temperance and Sobriety
  4. Liberality and Benevolence
  5. Self-Denial and Sacrifice
  6. Purity and Morality
  7. Patience and Forbearance
  8. Meekness and Humility
  9. Reverence and Worship
  10. Diligence and Industry
  11. Kindness and Sympathy
  12. Justice and Equity
  13. Zeal and Soul saving

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1956 Collection

1956 October – December: Lessons from the Life of Christ—II

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Weekly Topics

  1. Vital Christian Principles Set Forth
  2. Lessons on the Kingdom
  3. Christ in Conflict With Jewish Leaders
  4. Jesus Seeking the Lost
  5. Our Lord’s Great Prophecy
  6. Jesus’ Last Passover; A Transition Service
  7. Jesus Gives Final Instructions
  8. Gethsemane
  9. Christ Rejected of Men
  10. Jesus on Trial Before the Roman Law
  11. Calvary
  12. The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
  13. Forty Days of Fellowship Following Christ’s Passion

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1956 July – September: Lessons from the Life of Christ—I

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Weekly Topics

  1. God With Us.
  2. The Reception of Jesus.
  3. Early Life of Jesus; The Voice in the Wilderness.
  4. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus.
  5. The Early Events of Public Ministry.
  6. Christ a Personal Worker.
  7. The Baptist’s Death; Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee.
  8. Calling the Twelve.
  9. Commission and Witness of the Apostles.
  10. The Sermon on the Mount.
  11. Christ and the Sabbath.
  12. Vain Traditions Refuted.
  13. The Great Confession Confirmed.

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1956 April – June: Lessons from the Gospel Prophet—II

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Weekly Topics

  1. Thy Saviour and Thy Redeemer
  2. The Righteousness and Power of God
  3. From Defeat to Victory
  4. The Man of Sorrows
  5. The God of Comfort
  6. Sabbath keeping a Blessing to All
  7. The Righteous and the Wicked in the Day of Trouble
  8. A Call for Reformation
  9. A Redeemer Promised; Final Triumph of the Righteous
  10. The Mission of Christ
  11. A Saviour Revealed
  12. Preparing a People for the New Earth
  13. The Church Triumphant

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1956 January – March: Lessons from the Gospel Prophet—I

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Weekly Topics

  1. God’s Arraignment of Israel
  2. Rebuke and Triumph of Zion
  3. The Vineyard of the Lord; A Vision of God
  4. The Government of God Established in Righteousness, Peace, and Joy
  5. The Day of the Lord; The Refuge of the Remnant
  6. The Trials and Triumph of God’s People; The New Earth
  7. Behold Your God
  8. Jehovah’s Challenge to False Gods
  9. The Elect of God, a Light to the Gentiles
  10. Gathering of Israel; Witnesses for God
  11. Worship of the True God
  12. Only One Saviour
  13. God’s Care for His People

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1955 Collection

1955 October – December: The Ministry of Angels

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Weekly Topics

  1. Angels Created Beings; Disaffection and Conflict
  2. Angels a Higher Order of Being Than Man
  3. The Dominion of God and the Number and Glory of His Messengers
  4. Power and Speed of the Angels
  5. Guardian Angels
  6. Angels and the Judgment
  7. Angels Agents in Divine Revelation
  8. Angel Ministry to Men
  9. Angel Ministry to Men (Continued)
  10. Angel Ministry to Jesus
  11. Angel Ministry to the Apostles
  12. Angels in the Final Gospel Work
  13. Angels in the World Harvest
  14. Review

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1955 July – September: Redeeming Grace

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Problem of Sin
  2. Meaning and Necessity of Grace
  3. God’s Plan
  4. The Gift of God
  5. The Grace of God
  6. God’s Grace Complements God’s Law
  7. Redemption
  8. The Atonement
  9. Calling and Election
  10. Justification
  11. Regeneration
  12. Sanctification
  13. The Restoration of All Things

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1955 April – June: The Church: Its Struggles and Victories

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Early Church
  2. The Church in Prophecy
  3. The Time of the End
  4. The Judgment-Hour Message
  5. The Rise of the Remnant Church
  6. The Threefold Message
  7. Signs of the End Multiply
  8. God’s People Tested
  9. Assaults of the Enemy
  10. The Crisis of the Ages
  11. The Time of Trouble
  12. The Final Deliverance
  13. The Church Triumphant

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1955 January – March: Lessons from the Miracles of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Faith at a Wedding Feast
  2. A Nobleman and a Centurion Believe in Jesus
  3. Faith Rewarded at Capernaum
  4. Forgiveness Through Faith
  5. Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
  6. Power Over Tempests and Demons
  7. The Faith That Heals
  8. Temporal Food or Spiritual Faith
  9. A Heathen Woman’s Faith
  10. A Father’s Faith
  11. A Blind Man Sees and Believes
  12. Faith, Stronger Than the Grave
  13. The Greatest Miracle of All

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1954 Collection

1954 October – December: Triumphant in Suffering

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Origin of Sin and Suffering
  2. Men Who Endured Suffering
  3. David’s Victory Over Sorrow
  4. Job, a Man Tested and Tried
  5. Why Jesus Suffered
  6. God’s Presence With the Suffering
  7. What Suffering Can Do
  8. Beyond the Shadow of Death
  9. Facing Our Sorrow
  10. Yielding to God’s Will
  11. Comforting Those Who Mourn
  12. Preparing for the Time of Trouble
  13. When Sorrow and Suffering End

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1954 July – September: Studies in Doctrine

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Weekly Topics

  1. Sound Doctrine
  2. Christ, the Son of God
  3. Christ Our Salvation
  4. Christ Our Righteousness
  5. The New Birth
  6. The Second Coming of Jesus
  7. Manner and Purpose of Christ’s Coming
  8. Immortality Through Christ
  9. The Millennium
  10. The Law of God
  11. The Sabbath
  12. Baptism
  13. Obedience

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1954 April – June: Love

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Way of Love
  2. The Power of Love
  3. The Law of Love
  4. The Rule of Love
  5. The Commandment of Love
  6. The Supremacy of Love
  7. The Character of Love
  8. The Humility of Love
  9. The Behavior of Love
  10. The Thoughts of Love
  11. The Forbearance of Love
  12. The Growth of Love
  13. The Permanence and Pre-eminence of Love

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1954 January – March: Christian Life and Service

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Weekly Topics

  1. God Is Fitting Men for His Eternal Kingdom
  2. How a Sinner Becomes a Saint
  3. Christianity and the Christian
  4. On Becoming a Christian—Steps to Christ
  5. The Christian’s Heart and Mind
  6. The Christian’s Body
  7. The Christian’s Possessions
  8. The Christian’s Time
  9. The Christian’s Home and Family
  10. The Christian’s Friends and Recreation
  11. The Christian and His Church
  12. The Christian and His Community
  13. The Christian and His Eternal Reward

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1953 Collection

1953 October – December: Unity in Christ: Lessons from the Lord’s Supper

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Lord’s Supper—Its Setting and Significance
  2. The Lord’s Supper and Life
  3. Who Shall Be the Greatest
  4. The Preparatory Service
  5. Relation of Foot Washing to Baptism
  6. Symbolic Bread
  7. The Body of Jesus
  8. The Symbolic Cup
  9. “My Flesh Is Meat”
  10. Spiritual Food in Christ; Quickening and Cleansing by the Spirit
  11. The Vine
  12. The New Commandment
  13. “That They All May Be One”

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1953 July – September: The Power of the Blood of Jesus

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Weekly Topics

  1. Sacrificial Blood in the Plan of Redemption (Before Sinai)
  2. The Sacrificial Blood in the History of Israel
  3. The Cross in Prophecy and in the Teachings of Christ
  4. Christ’s Sacrifice on Calvary
  5. The Resurrection and the Ascension: The Cross in the Teachings of the Apostles
  6. Redemption and Reconciliation Through the Blood
  7. Cleansing and Sanctification Through the Blood
  8. The Relation of Faith to the Blood
  9. Victory and Fellowship Through the Blood
  10. Service Through the Blood
  11. Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
  12. The Executive Judgment With No Atoning Blood
  13. Heavenly Joy Through the Blood

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1953 April – June: Lessons from the Lives of the Patriarchs

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Father of Our Race
  2. The Antediluvian Patriarchs
  3. Noah, a Preacher of Righteousness
  4. Noah’s Experiences After the Flood
  5. Noah’s Descendants and the Tower of Babel
  6. Abram, the First Missionary to Palestine
  7. Abram and Lot
  8. Abraham’s Victory of Faith
  9. Isaac and His Sons
  10. Jacob, and His New Name
  11. Joseph, the Favorite Son
  12. Joseph, the Prime Minister
  13. The Legacy of the Great Prince

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1953 January – March: Three Avenues of Divine Witness

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Holy Scriptures
  2. Christ and the Holy Scriptures
  3. Searching the Scriptures
  4. The Word of God
  5. The Perpetuity of the Prophetic Gift
  6. The Prophetic Gift
  7. The Testimony of Jesus—The Spirit of Prophecy
  8. The Relationship of the Spirit of Prophecy to the Bible
  9. The Church’s Relation to the Prophets
  10. The Nature of the Church of Christ
  11. The Organization of the Church of Christ
  12. Leadership in the Church of Christ
  13. The Objectives of the Church of Christ

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1952 Collection

1952 October – December: Lessons from the Experiences of Israel

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Call of Abraham
  2. The Exodus Movement
  3. The Two Covenants
  4. A Chosen People
  5. For Our Admonition
  6. Wilderness Wanderings
  7. Rebellion and Apostasy
  8. Lessons From the Life of Moses
  9. The Fall of Jericho
  10. Lessons From the Life of Solomon
  11. The Elijah Message
  12. Why Israel Failed
  13. God’s Purpose Fulfilled

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1952 July – September: The Holy Spirit

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Weekly Topics

  1. Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit
  2. The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures
  3. The Holy Spirit From Creation to Christ
  4. The Holy Spirit in the Life and Ministry of Christ
  5. The Comforter—a New Relationship
  6. The Comforter at Work
  7. Pentecost—The Early Rain
  8. The Apostasy: Loss of the Spirit’s Power
  9. The Latter Rain
  10. The Loud Cry
  11. Warnings Against Counterfeit Spirits
  12. The Unpardonable Sin
  13. Receiving the Spirit

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1952 April – June: The Apostle Peter and his Epistles – Part II

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Weekly Topics

  1. Christian Life and Conduct
  2. The Christian Facing Persecution
  3. The Reward of Christ’s Suffering
  4. Living to Glorify God
  5. Partakers of Christ’s Suffering
  6. The Grace of Humility
  7. Admonitions and Greetings
  8. Diligence in Spiritual Development
  9. The Certainty of Our Faith
  10. Delivered From Impending Perils
  11. The Tragic Result of Apostasy
  12. The Day of the Lord
  13. Watch and Be Ready

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1952 January – March: The Apostle Peter and his Epistles – Part I

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Conversion of Simon Peter
  2. Simon Peter’s Call to the Ministry
  3. Peter’s Faith Tested
  4. Peter’s Fall and Restoration
  5. The Apostle Peter’s Ministry
  6. The Elect and Their Inheritance
  7. The Gospel in Prophecy
  8. Holiness and Redemption
  9. The Significance of the New Birth
  10. The Priesthood of Believers
  11. The Deportment of the Christian
  12. Our Great Example
  13. The Christian Home

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1951 Collection

1951 October – December: Studies on Creation & Redemption – Part II

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Weekly Topics

  1. Creation Completed: The Sabbath of Rest
  2. Sabbath Activities and Blessings
  3. The Dominion of Man
  4. The Eden School: Principles of True Education
  5. The Loss of the Dominion
  6. The Plan of Redemption
  7. The World That Then Was; Under the Curse
  8. The Deluge and the Bow of Promise
  9. God Still Speaks Through Nature
  10. True Science Versus Present-Day Theories
  11. The Earth Desolated and Purified With Fire
  12. The Restoration of the Dominion
  13. The New Earth and Its Capital

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1951 July – September: Studies on Creation & Redemption – Part I

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Eternal One; the Trinity
  2. The Creator of All, the True God
  3. The Origin of the Universe: the Rebellion of Lucifer
  4. Creation: Light and Air
  5. Creation: Sea and Land
  6. Creation: Plant Life
  7. Lessons From the Plants
  8. Creation: the Solar System and the Seasons
  9. Lessons From the Stars
  10. Creation: Animal Life
  11. Lessons From the Animal Creation
  12. Creation of Man
  13. The Eden Home

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1951 April – June: The Finishing of the Work

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Gospel Commission
  2. My Father’s Business
  3. The Early Church and the Gospel Commission
  4. Through Long Centuries
  5. The Gospel Message for Today
  6. Christ’s Message to the Remnant Church
  7. The Essential Foundational Experience
  8. The Life and the Work
  9. The Great Revival and the Final Reformatory Movement
  10. Stewardship in View of the End
  11. The Latter Rain and the Loud Cry
  12. The Impending Conflict
  13. Final Events in the Great Controversy

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1951 January – March: Last-Day Events

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Fall of Empires
  2. Last-Day Signs
  3. A Last-Day Message
  4. The Investigative Judgment
  5. Last-Day Delusions
  6. Last-Day Dangers
  7. The Impending Conflict
  8. The Sealing Work
  9. The Latter Rain
  10. The Time of Trouble
  11. God’s People Delivered
  12. The Binding of Satan
  13. The Controversy Ended

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1950 Collection

1950 October – December: Studies in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Beginning of Knowledge
  2. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  3. The Rewards of Wisdom
  4. The Unsearchable Worth of Wisdom
  5. Solomon Reviews the Teachings of David
  6. God’s Response to Solomon’s Humble Request
  7. Godly Traits of True Womanhood
  8. The True Pleasures of Life
  9. God’s Hand in Times and Events
  10. A United Church in a Divided World
  11. The Right and Wrong Use of our Possessions
  12. Some Manifestations of Wisdom
  13. The Final Summary and Forecast of Life

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1950 July – September: The Victorious Life

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Word of God the Basis of Victory
  2. Power of God’s Word in Victorious Living
  3. Victory—The Mission of Jesus
  4. Promises of Victory
  5. Victory Through Surrender
  6. Victory Through an Indwelling Christ
  7. Victory in Word and Thought
  8. Victory Through Prayer
  9. Examples of Victory Through Prayer
  10. Victory Through Faith
  11. Victory Through the Spirit
  12. Repentance and Confession Precede Victory
  13. Obedience and Victory
  14. Ultimate Victory in Translation

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1950 April – June: Christian Stewardship: It’s Responsibilities and Blessings

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Creator and Upholder of All
  2. Ancient Israel’s Call to Service
  3. A Spiritual Stewardship Neglected
  4. Stewardship of Time and Other Talents
  5. The Stewardship of Physical Health
  6. Stewardship in the Home
  7. Jesus, Our Example in Stewardship
  8. The Steward’s Responsibility to the World
  9. Our Stewardship in Tithe Paying
  10. Our Stewardship in Free-will Offerings
  11. The Blessings of Faithful Stewardship
  12. Divinely Endowed for Stewardship
  13. The Triumphs of Faithful Stewardship

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1950 January – March: Our Lord’s Prayer

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Weekly Topics


  1. God and Prayer
  2. “Teach Us to Pray”
  3. “Our Father”
  4. “Which Art in Heaven”
  5. “Hallowed Be Thy Name”
  6. “Thy Kingdom Come”
  7. “Thy Will Be Done in Earth, as It Is in Heaven”
  8. “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”
  9. “Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors”
  10. “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”
  11. “But Deliver Us From Evil”
  12. “For Thine Is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever. Amen.”

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