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1959 Collection
1959 October – December: Christian Stewardship in its Broader Aspects
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Weekly Topics
- God, the Owner of All
- God’s Reserved Portions
- The Stewardship of Life
- Stewards of the Mysteries of God
- The Stewardship of Time and Talents
- The Stewardship of Our Abilities
- Stewardship Recognized in Worship
- God’s Security Plan
- Sharing in Stewardship
- The Spiritual Stewardship of the Home
- Covetousness, a Hindrance to True Stewardship
- God’s Supreme Gift to Man
- The Rewards of Faithful Stewardship
1959 July – September: Great Themes of the New Testament
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Weekly Topics
- The Eternal Fatherhood of God
- The Word Was Made Flesh
- Reconciliation Through Jesus Christ
- The Kingdom of Divine Grace
- Justification
- Sanctification
- Doing God’s Will
- Faith and Trust
- Love—The Crowning Virtue
- Christian Maturity and Perfection
- The Return of Our Lord
- The Resurrection and Life Everlasting
- The Coming Kingdom of Glory
1959 April – June: Our Wonderful God
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Weekly Topics
- God’s Satisfying Friendship
- God’s Transcendent and Mysterious Nature
- God’s Ceaseless Work as Creator and Sustainer
- God’s Perfect Character
- God’s Perfect Character—Continued
- God’s Unsearchable Wisdom
- God’s Universal Government
- God’s Immutable Law
- God’s Sacred Name
- God’s Omnipotence
- God’s Consuming Glory
- God’s Holy Word
- God’s Wonderful Fatherhood
1959 January – March: Studies on the Epistle to the Romans
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Weekly Topics
- God’s Righteousness in Judging Sin
- The Unbiased Judgment of God
- Justification by Means of Faith
- Justification and Life Instead of Condemnation and Death
- Christ Jesus the Only Deliverer From Sin
- Walking With Christ
- God Vindicated in Dealing With Jew and Gentile
- Righteousness by Faith an Old Testament Principle
- The Sovereignty of God Made Plain in His Gracious Mercy
- Exhortation to Church Members
- Love and Tolerance in the Life of the Christian
- Mercy Extended to the Gentiles
- The Review
1958 Collection
1958 October – December: New Testament Biographies
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Weekly Topics
- John the Baptist, Forerunner of Christ
- Levi-Matthew, the Publican
- John Mark, Missionary and Author
- Luke, the Beloved Physician
- John, the Beloved Disciple
- Simon Peter, the Apostle of Hope
- Judas, the Betrayer
- Stephen, the First Christian Martyr
- Philip the Evangelist
- Barnabas and Timothy
- Saul of Tarsus: From Persecutor to Apostle
- Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles
- Paul: A Prisoner and Martyr
1958 July – September: Christian Ideals
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Weekly Topics
- God’s Ideal for His Children
- The Christian and the World
- The Christian’s Banner
- The Christian Home
- Christian Character
- The Conscience
- Christian Education
- The Home and the School
- Church Life and the Christian
- Christian Social Relations
- Sabbath Observance
- The Whole Armor of God
- Living Up to the Standard
1958 April – June: Studies in the Book of Revelation
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Weekly Topics
- The Counsel of Jesus Christ to His Church Through the Ages
- A Glimpse of the Throne of God
- The Seven Seals
- The Sealing
- The Glorious Reign of Christ
- The Church Victorious
- The Three Angels’ Messages
- The Seven Last Plagues
- The Judgment of the Apostate Church
- The Triumph of the King of Kings
- The Millennium
- The New Jerusalem
- The Saints’ Inheritance
1958 January – March: The Parables of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Jesus’ Model Parable, the Sower
- The Tares; The Net
- The Leaven; The Mustard Seed
- The Hidden Treasure; The Pearl of Great Price; The Rich Fool
- The Rich Young Ruler; Laborers in the Vineyard
- The Two Sons; The Unmerciful Servant
- The Lost and Found
- The Growing Seed; The Barren Fig Tree
- The Importunate Friend; The Unjust Judge
- The Wicked Husbandmen; The Great Supper
- The Two Worshipers; The Marriage Feast
- The Good Samaritan; The Entrusted Talents
- The Ten Virgins
1957 Collection
1957 October – December: Lessons from the lives of the Old Testament Prophets
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Weekly Topics
- Abraham, Friend of God—Part I
- Abraham, Friend of God—Part II
- Abraham, Friend of God—Part III
- Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part I
- Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part II
- Samuel, the Prophet and Judge
- Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part I
- Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part II
- Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part I
- Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part II
- The Prophet Jonah
- Daniel, the Prophet—Part I
- Daniel, the Prophet—Part II
1957 July – September: Lessons from the Acts of the Apostles—II
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Weekly Topics
- Paul’s First Missionary Journey; Cyprus and Pisidia
- The Apostles in Conflict With Heathenism
- The Council of Jerusalem Brings Harmony
- Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
- The Gospel in Macedonia and Greece
- The Gospel in Corinth; Beginnings in Ephesus
- Paul’s Three Years at Ephesus
- Paul’s Journey to Jerusalem
- Paul’s Imprisonment
- Paul Before Felix and Festus
- Paul Before King Agrippa
- The Journey to Rome
- Paul’s Last Years
1957 April – June: Lessons from the Acts of the Apostles—I
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Weekly Topics
- The Great Commission; The Twelve Apostles
- The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- The Healing of the Lame Man
- The First Persecution
- The Spirit of God at Work
- The Second Persecution
- The Seven Deacons
- The Third Persecution; The Martyrdom of Stephen
- Missionary Expansion: From Judea to Samaria
- The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
- The Ministry of Peter
- Peter Renders an Account; The Word at Antioch
- The Fourth Persecution; An Attack on James and Peter
1957 January – March: Christian Virtues
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Weekly Topics
- Goodness and Nobility
- Faithfulness and dependability
- Temperance and Sobriety
- Liberality and Benevolence
- Self-Denial and Sacrifice
- Purity and Morality
- Patience and Forbearance
- Meekness and Humility
- Reverence and Worship
- Diligence and Industry
- Kindness and Sympathy
- Justice and Equity
- Zeal and Soul saving
1956 Collection
1956 October – December: Lessons from the Life of Christ—II
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Weekly Topics
- Vital Christian Principles Set Forth
- Lessons on the Kingdom
- Christ in Conflict With Jewish Leaders
- Jesus Seeking the Lost
- Our Lord’s Great Prophecy
- Jesus’ Last Passover; A Transition Service
- Jesus Gives Final Instructions
- Gethsemane
- Christ Rejected of Men
- Jesus on Trial Before the Roman Law
- Calvary
- The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
- Forty Days of Fellowship Following Christ’s Passion
1956 July – September: Lessons from the Life of Christ—I
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Weekly Topics
- God With Us.
- The Reception of Jesus.
- Early Life of Jesus; The Voice in the Wilderness.
- The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus.
- The Early Events of Public Ministry.
- Christ a Personal Worker.
- The Baptist’s Death; Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee.
- Calling the Twelve.
- Commission and Witness of the Apostles.
- The Sermon on the Mount.
- Christ and the Sabbath.
- Vain Traditions Refuted.
- The Great Confession Confirmed.
1956 April – June: Lessons from the Gospel Prophet—II
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Weekly Topics
- Thy Saviour and Thy Redeemer
- The Righteousness and Power of God
- From Defeat to Victory
- The Man of Sorrows
- The God of Comfort
- Sabbath keeping a Blessing to All
- The Righteous and the Wicked in the Day of Trouble
- A Call for Reformation
- A Redeemer Promised; Final Triumph of the Righteous
- The Mission of Christ
- A Saviour Revealed
- Preparing a People for the New Earth
- The Church Triumphant
1956 January – March: Lessons from the Gospel Prophet—I
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Weekly Topics
- God’s Arraignment of Israel
- Rebuke and Triumph of Zion
- The Vineyard of the Lord; A Vision of God
- The Government of God Established in Righteousness, Peace, and Joy
- The Day of the Lord; The Refuge of the Remnant
- The Trials and Triumph of God’s People; The New Earth
- Behold Your God
- Jehovah’s Challenge to False Gods
- The Elect of God, a Light to the Gentiles
- Gathering of Israel; Witnesses for God
- Worship of the True God
- Only One Saviour
- God’s Care for His People
1955 Collection
1955 October – December: The Ministry of Angels
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Weekly Topics
- Angels Created Beings; Disaffection and Conflict
- Angels a Higher Order of Being Than Man
- The Dominion of God and the Number and Glory of His Messengers
- Power and Speed of the Angels
- Guardian Angels
- Angels and the Judgment
- Angels Agents in Divine Revelation
- Angel Ministry to Men
- Angel Ministry to Men (Continued)
- Angel Ministry to Jesus
- Angel Ministry to the Apostles
- Angels in the Final Gospel Work
- Angels in the World Harvest
- Review
1955 July – September: Redeeming Grace
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Weekly Topics
- The Problem of Sin
- Meaning and Necessity of Grace
- God’s Plan
- The Gift of God
- The Grace of God
- God’s Grace Complements God’s Law
- Redemption
- The Atonement
- Calling and Election
- Justification
- Regeneration
- Sanctification
- The Restoration of All Things
1955 April – June: The Church: Its Struggles and Victories
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Weekly Topics
- The Early Church
- The Church in Prophecy
- The Time of the End
- The Judgment-Hour Message
- The Rise of the Remnant Church
- The Threefold Message
- Signs of the End Multiply
- God’s People Tested
- Assaults of the Enemy
- The Crisis of the Ages
- The Time of Trouble
- The Final Deliverance
- The Church Triumphant
1955 January – March: Lessons from the Miracles of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Faith at a Wedding Feast
- A Nobleman and a Centurion Believe in Jesus
- Faith Rewarded at Capernaum
- Forgiveness Through Faith
- Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
- Power Over Tempests and Demons
- The Faith That Heals
- Temporal Food or Spiritual Faith
- A Heathen Woman’s Faith
- A Father’s Faith
- A Blind Man Sees and Believes
- Faith, Stronger Than the Grave
- The Greatest Miracle of All
1954 Collection
1954 October – December: Triumphant in Suffering
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Weekly Topics
- The Origin of Sin and Suffering
- Men Who Endured Suffering
- David’s Victory Over Sorrow
- Job, a Man Tested and Tried
- Why Jesus Suffered
- God’s Presence With the Suffering
- What Suffering Can Do
- Beyond the Shadow of Death
- Facing Our Sorrow
- Yielding to God’s Will
- Comforting Those Who Mourn
- Preparing for the Time of Trouble
- When Sorrow and Suffering End
1954 July – September: Studies in Doctrine
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Weekly Topics
- Sound Doctrine
- Christ, the Son of God
- Christ Our Salvation
- Christ Our Righteousness
- The New Birth
- The Second Coming of Jesus
- Manner and Purpose of Christ’s Coming
- Immortality Through Christ
- The Millennium
- The Law of God
- The Sabbath
- Baptism
- Obedience
1954 April – June: Love
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Weekly Topics
- The Way of Love
- The Power of Love
- The Law of Love
- The Rule of Love
- The Commandment of Love
- The Supremacy of Love
- The Character of Love
- The Humility of Love
- The Behavior of Love
- The Thoughts of Love
- The Forbearance of Love
- The Growth of Love
- The Permanence and Pre-eminence of Love
1954 January – March: Christian Life and Service
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Weekly Topics
- God Is Fitting Men for His Eternal Kingdom
- How a Sinner Becomes a Saint
- Christianity and the Christian
- On Becoming a Christian—Steps to Christ
- The Christian’s Heart and Mind
- The Christian’s Body
- The Christian’s Possessions
- The Christian’s Time
- The Christian’s Home and Family
- The Christian’s Friends and Recreation
- The Christian and His Church
- The Christian and His Community
- The Christian and His Eternal Reward
1953 Collection
1953 October – December: Unity in Christ: Lessons from the Lord’s Supper
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Weekly Topics
- The Lord’s Supper—Its Setting and Significance
- The Lord’s Supper and Life
- Who Shall Be the Greatest
- The Preparatory Service
- Relation of Foot Washing to Baptism
- Symbolic Bread
- The Body of Jesus
- The Symbolic Cup
- “My Flesh Is Meat”
- Spiritual Food in Christ; Quickening and Cleansing by the Spirit
- The Vine
- The New Commandment
- “That They All May Be One”
1953 July – September: The Power of the Blood of Jesus
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Weekly Topics
- Sacrificial Blood in the Plan of Redemption (Before Sinai)
- The Sacrificial Blood in the History of Israel
- The Cross in Prophecy and in the Teachings of Christ
- Christ’s Sacrifice on Calvary
- The Resurrection and the Ascension: The Cross in the Teachings of the Apostles
- Redemption and Reconciliation Through the Blood
- Cleansing and Sanctification Through the Blood
- The Relation of Faith to the Blood
- Victory and Fellowship Through the Blood
- Service Through the Blood
- Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
- The Executive Judgment With No Atoning Blood
- Heavenly Joy Through the Blood
1953 April – June: Lessons from the Lives of the Patriarchs
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Weekly Topics
- The Father of Our Race
- The Antediluvian Patriarchs
- Noah, a Preacher of Righteousness
- Noah’s Experiences After the Flood
- Noah’s Descendants and the Tower of Babel
- Abram, the First Missionary to Palestine
- Abram and Lot
- Abraham’s Victory of Faith
- Isaac and His Sons
- Jacob, and His New Name
- Joseph, the Favorite Son
- Joseph, the Prime Minister
- The Legacy of the Great Prince
1953 January – March: Three Avenues of Divine Witness
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Weekly Topics
- The Holy Scriptures
- Christ and the Holy Scriptures
- Searching the Scriptures
- The Word of God
- The Perpetuity of the Prophetic Gift
- The Prophetic Gift
- The Testimony of Jesus—The Spirit of Prophecy
- The Relationship of the Spirit of Prophecy to the Bible
- The Church’s Relation to the Prophets
- The Nature of the Church of Christ
- The Organization of the Church of Christ
- Leadership in the Church of Christ
- The Objectives of the Church of Christ
1952 Collection
1952 October – December: Lessons from the Experiences of Israel
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Weekly Topics
- The Call of Abraham
- The Exodus Movement
- The Two Covenants
- A Chosen People
- For Our Admonition
- Wilderness Wanderings
- Rebellion and Apostasy
- Lessons From the Life of Moses
- The Fall of Jericho
- Lessons From the Life of Solomon
- The Elijah Message
- Why Israel Failed
- God’s Purpose Fulfilled
1952 July – September: The Holy Spirit
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Weekly Topics
- Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures
- The Holy Spirit From Creation to Christ
- The Holy Spirit in the Life and Ministry of Christ
- The Comforter—a New Relationship
- The Comforter at Work
- Pentecost—The Early Rain
- The Apostasy: Loss of the Spirit’s Power
- The Latter Rain
- The Loud Cry
- Warnings Against Counterfeit Spirits
- The Unpardonable Sin
- Receiving the Spirit
1952 April – June: The Apostle Peter and his Epistles – Part II
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Weekly Topics
- Christian Life and Conduct
- The Christian Facing Persecution
- The Reward of Christ’s Suffering
- Living to Glorify God
- Partakers of Christ’s Suffering
- The Grace of Humility
- Admonitions and Greetings
- Diligence in Spiritual Development
- The Certainty of Our Faith
- Delivered From Impending Perils
- The Tragic Result of Apostasy
- The Day of the Lord
- Watch and Be Ready
1952 January – March: The Apostle Peter and his Epistles – Part I
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Weekly Topics
- The Conversion of Simon Peter
- Simon Peter’s Call to the Ministry
- Peter’s Faith Tested
- Peter’s Fall and Restoration
- The Apostle Peter’s Ministry
- The Elect and Their Inheritance
- The Gospel in Prophecy
- Holiness and Redemption
- The Significance of the New Birth
- The Priesthood of Believers
- The Deportment of the Christian
- Our Great Example
- The Christian Home
1951 Collection
1951 October – December: Studies on Creation & Redemption – Part II
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Weekly Topics
- Creation Completed: The Sabbath of Rest
- Sabbath Activities and Blessings
- The Dominion of Man
- The Eden School: Principles of True Education
- The Loss of the Dominion
- The Plan of Redemption
- The World That Then Was; Under the Curse
- The Deluge and the Bow of Promise
- God Still Speaks Through Nature
- True Science Versus Present-Day Theories
- The Earth Desolated and Purified With Fire
- The Restoration of the Dominion
- The New Earth and Its Capital
1951 July – September: Studies on Creation & Redemption – Part I
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Weekly Topics
- The Eternal One; the Trinity
- The Creator of All, the True God
- The Origin of the Universe: the Rebellion of Lucifer
- Creation: Light and Air
- Creation: Sea and Land
- Creation: Plant Life
- Lessons From the Plants
- Creation: the Solar System and the Seasons
- Lessons From the Stars
- Creation: Animal Life
- Lessons From the Animal Creation
- Creation of Man
- The Eden Home
1951 April – June: The Finishing of the Work
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Weekly Topics
- The Gospel Commission
- My Father’s Business
- The Early Church and the Gospel Commission
- Through Long Centuries
- The Gospel Message for Today
- Christ’s Message to the Remnant Church
- The Essential Foundational Experience
- The Life and the Work
- The Great Revival and the Final Reformatory Movement
- Stewardship in View of the End
- The Latter Rain and the Loud Cry
- The Impending Conflict
- Final Events in the Great Controversy
1951 January – March: Last-Day Events
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Weekly Topics
- The Fall of Empires
- Last-Day Signs
- A Last-Day Message
- The Investigative Judgment
- Last-Day Delusions
- Last-Day Dangers
- The Impending Conflict
- The Sealing Work
- The Latter Rain
- The Time of Trouble
- God’s People Delivered
- The Binding of Satan
- The Controversy Ended
1950 Collection
1950 October – December: Studies in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
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Weekly Topics
- The Beginning of Knowledge
- The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
- The Rewards of Wisdom
- The Unsearchable Worth of Wisdom
- Solomon Reviews the Teachings of David
- God’s Response to Solomon’s Humble Request
- Godly Traits of True Womanhood
- The True Pleasures of Life
- God’s Hand in Times and Events
- A United Church in a Divided World
- The Right and Wrong Use of our Possessions
- Some Manifestations of Wisdom
- The Final Summary and Forecast of Life
1950 July – September: The Victorious Life
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Weekly Topics
- The Word of God the Basis of Victory
- Power of God’s Word in Victorious Living
- Victory—The Mission of Jesus
- Promises of Victory
- Victory Through Surrender
- Victory Through an Indwelling Christ
- Victory in Word and Thought
- Victory Through Prayer
- Examples of Victory Through Prayer
- Victory Through Faith
- Victory Through the Spirit
- Repentance and Confession Precede Victory
- Obedience and Victory
- Ultimate Victory in Translation
1950 April – June: Christian Stewardship: It’s Responsibilities and Blessings
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Weekly Topics
- The Creator and Upholder of All
- Ancient Israel’s Call to Service
- A Spiritual Stewardship Neglected
- Stewardship of Time and Other Talents
- The Stewardship of Physical Health
- Stewardship in the Home
- Jesus, Our Example in Stewardship
- The Steward’s Responsibility to the World
- Our Stewardship in Tithe Paying
- Our Stewardship in Free-will Offerings
- The Blessings of Faithful Stewardship
- Divinely Endowed for Stewardship
- The Triumphs of Faithful Stewardship
1950 January – March: Our Lord’s Prayer
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Weekly Topics
- God and Prayer
- “Teach Us to Pray”
- “Our Father”
- “Which Art in Heaven”
- “Hallowed Be Thy Name”
- “Thy Kingdom Come”
- “Thy Will Be Done in Earth, as It Is in Heaven”
- “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”
- “Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors”
- “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”
- “But Deliver Us From Evil”
- “For Thine Is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever. Amen.”