This Quarter’s Study Contents

The Book of James

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Study References(“Helps”)

Current Daily Discussion Online

Teacher Resources

Additional Resources

Our main lesson version, using Reftagger from and works well on most devices.

Lesson ReferencesOur “Mobile” version uses BibleGateway, with all content left-aligned, which works better for some smart phones.

Lesson ReferencesThe References (formerly called “Helps”) include all related Scripture and most Ellen White quotations.

  Lesson References Mobile
1 James, the Lord’s Brother • Sep 27 – Oct 3 Lesson References Mobile Verson
2 The Perfecting of Our Faith • October 4 – 10 Lesson References Mobile Verson
3 Enduring Temptation • October 11 – 17 Lesson References Mobile Verson
4 Being and Doing • October 18 – 24 Lesson References Mobile Verson
5 Love and the Law • October 25 – 31 Lesson References Mobile Verson
6 Faith That Works • November 1 – 7 Lesson References Mobile Verson
7 Taming the Tongue • November 8 – 14 Lesson References Mobile Verson
8 The Humility of Heavenly Wisdom • Nov 15 – 21 Lesson References Mobile Verson
9 One Lawgiver and Judge • November 22 – 28  Lesson References Mobile Verson
10 Weep and Howl! • November 29 – Dec 5 Lesson References Mobile Verson
11 Getting Ready for the Harvest • Dec – 12 Lesson References Mobile Verson
12 Prayer, Healing, and Restoration • Dec – 19 Lesson References Mobile Verson
13 The Everlasting Gospel • December 20 – 26 Lesson References Mobile Verson

 Resources for the Book of James (click on the covers):

Faith and Works by Ellen G. White

James, the Brother of Jesus, by Trudy Morgan

Faith and Works, by Ellen White


James, The Brother of Jesus, by Trudy J. Morgan-Cole (right)


Sabbath School Lesson Comments by Ellen G. White – 4th Quarter 2014, edited by  J L MalmedeVanAllen


Lesson companion book, The Practical Christian: Mouth, Money, and Mind




2014 Q4: The Book of James — 1 Comment

  1. DOES James the elder or young brother of Jesus. the statement which says it seems like Joseph had a previous marriage before. The issue of tempetation is a critical issue in our society , so what are possible measures to deal with such behaviour problem. The book of James is full of amazing facts which promotes spiritual development of the readers especially on the concept of quick to hear but slow to talk or speak.
