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13dcoverWhere God and I Meet: The Sanctuary, by Companion Book (left), Where God and I Meet: The Sanctuary, by Martin Pröbstle, is available on Amazon in Kindle or Paperback format. 


You can also get The Sanctuary Adult Bible Study Guide in Kindle format on Amazon. 



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Lesson Introductions on Youtube can be found on the BogiChannel (from Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen)

Weekly Lesson Index

The References (formerly called “Helps”) include all related Scripture and most EGW quotations. You will find the links in the third column of the Contents section below.

  Lesson References Mobile
1 The Heavenly Sanctuary • September 28 – October 4 Lesson References Mobile Verson
2 “Heaven” on Earth • October 5 – 11 Lesson References Mobile Verson
3 Sacrifices • October 12 – 18 Lesson References Mobile Verson
4 Lessons From the Sanctuary • October 19 – 25 Lesson References Mobile Verson
5 Atonement: Purification Offering • October 26 – November 1 Lesson References Mobile Verson
6 The Day of Atonement • November 2 – 8 Lesson References Mobile Verson
7 Christ, Our Sacrifice • November 9 – 15 Lesson References Mobile Verson
8 Christ, Our Priest • November 16 – 22 Lesson References Mobile Verson
9 The Pre-Advent Judgment • November 23 – 29 Lesson References Mobile Verson
10 The Eschatological Day of Atonement • November 30 – December 6 Lesson References Mobile Verson
11 Our Prophetic Message • December 7 – 13 Lesson References Mobile Verson
12 The Cosmic Conflict Over God’s Character • December 14 – 20 Lesson References Mobile Verson
13 Exhortations From the Sanctuary • December 21 – 27 Lesson References Mobile Verson

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Editor: Clifford R. Goldstein
Associate Editor: Soraya L. Homayouni
Publication Manager: Lea Alexander GreveEditorial Assistant: Sharon Thomas-Crews
Pacific Press Coordinator: Wendy Marcum
Art Director and Illustrator: Lars Justinen
Concept Design: Dever Designs
Principal Contributor:
Martin PröbstleMartin Pröbstle

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide is prepared by the Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The preparation of the guides is under the general direction of the Sabbath School Publications Board, a subcommittee of the General Conference Administrative Committee (ADCOM), publisher of the Bible study guides. The published guide reflects the input of worldwide evaluation committees and the approval of the Sabbath School Publications Board and thus does not solely or necessarily represent the intent of the author(s).

Editorial Office: 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904.

Sabbath School Lesson Copyright © 2012 by the Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. All Rights Reserved.
For questions and concerns about the Study Guide,
please contact the editor of the Bible Study Guide, Clifford Goldstein.



2013 Q4: The Sanctuary — 4 Comments

  1. Notice from the editor of the Sabbath School Lessons:

    In the printed Sabbath School lesson, sentences in the paragraph (below this notice) in Monday's study of Lesson 2 are incorrect in their explanation of type and antitype and should read as follows:

    The relationship between the two is called typology. Typology is a divinely designed, prophetic prefiguration that involves two corresponding historical realities, called antitype (original) and type (copy). Because the correspondence runs from the antitype (original) to the type (copy), we can see in Hebrews that the heavenly model that Moses had seen is referred to as “pattern” (Heb. 8:5), that is, the original, and the earthly sanctuary as “copy” (Heb. 9:24). This truth presents more evidence that the heavenly existed prior to the earthly. As Seventh-day Adventists, we are on solid biblical ground when we emphasize the physical reality of the heavenly sanctuary.

    Here's how I personally understand type and antitype (which is also the theological dictionary definition):
    In typology, the "type" prefigures the "antitype" or fulfillment. Thus Christ was the great Antitype of all the sacrifices in the Hebrew sanctuary. It is also apparent that the work of Christ in the plan of salvation is the antitype of all the sanctuary services, since every article in the sanctuary and every rite typified some aspect of the plan of salvation.

    Please check the links I gave above for more background. I'd be interested in any documentation that the heavenly sanctuary is an "antitype."

  2. a question has come up in regard to Jesus being a sanctuary for us and he is the sanctuary to be cleansed. The question is, is there any text from the Bible or Ellen White regarding this thought about Jesus being the sanctuary that is to be cleansed?

    • James, I do not know of anyone who says that Jesus is the sanctuary to be cleansed. And there is certainly nothing in the Bible or the writings of Ellen White that says this.

      Lesson 1 tells us that the heavenly sanctuary is the "home" of God. Lesson 2 tells us that the earthly sanctuary made it possible for God to live with His people in visible form. And Tuesday's portion of Lesson 2 teaches that through Jesus, God lived with us in human form. It did not teach that Jesus is the sanctuary to be cleansed.

      The earthly sanctuary teaches many things. It is symbolic of the work of Christ. And the work of Christ includes the high-priestly work of cleansing the sanctuary. (See particularly Lesson 6, Lesson 8 and Lesson 9.)

      Jesus Christ is the one who does the cleansing of the sanctuary in heaven. Jesus Christ is also the one who cleanses the heart sanctuary of each of His followers who make up His body on earth.

    • The fact is that Jesus never sinned BUT He did take on our sin and accepted responsibility for them on the cross, in our place. “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor 5:21 NKJV). In that sense He needs cleansing or vindication. It is basically the same as saying that He will be justified and considered not guilty of any sin.

      I believe that the sanctuary represents both Jesus and His church and that, because of the sins we all too often commit along with Satan’s charges against both God and His church, the sanctuary needs to be cleansed (vindicated). After all, what does the transfer of sin to the sanctuary really symbolize? That is why to me it is important to think of the judgment as clearing God’s kingdom of all charges rather than a decision concerning who will be saved and who will be lost.
