Official GC Lessons for young people between the ages of 14-18:

  • Cornerstone Connections – Official Sabbath Resources for youth (15-18) and youth leaders. The current lesson link is on the home page. If you want to see other lessons, you need to click on the “For Teachers” or “For Students” links.

Cornerstone Topic Resources Resources for students and teachers.

Alternative Lessons for young people between the ages of 13-18:

  • Youth lessons from My Bible First!

    Are your current lessons working for you and your class? If not, you can check out this alternative. You can download a sample copy and perhaps even ask your youth if they would like to study the Bible with these lessons.This is a 6-year cycle for Youth published by My Bible First. Topics covered in the Bible lesson include Relationships, How to study the Bible, Life of Jesus, Sanctuary, Christian Lifestyle, Church history, Ellen White, Salvation, Bible doctrines, Prophecy, Three Angels’ Messages, Christian Service, and Finances. You can download an overview chart.

Mission Resources

This is the age to inspire an interest in Seventh-day Adventist missions. We need to teach our  young people to look beyond themselves to the work that Jesus wants them to do. They are at the age of idealism when they are eager to respond to a challenge. Don’t waste it by just trying to entertain them. Challenge them!

Other Youth Resources



Youth Sabbath School — 44 Comments

      • Ah, yes, thank you! I knew they had lessons for Kindergarten, Primary and Junior ages, and both teachers and students in one of our previous churches really appreciated them. The lessons appear to have more solid Bible teaching in them than the "regular" lessons, and they still engage the children and youth.

        I personally used their Truth for Youth songs, and the songs are catchy, lively and Bible-based.

        I see that they have now added Youth lessons as well. And you can even download a sample lesson before ordering.

  1. I think your website shows confusion for the lesson plans. The ages overlap. Is there a reason the lesson plans are not based on grades since the ages don't really match up? For example, my daughter is 14 in the 9th grade. She won't be 15 until school begins in August. Nonetheless, I have a 16 year old student in the 10th grade. I don't know the situation with that though. Thanks,


  2. Question: Should our youth (ages 16 and up) attend the first phase of the Sabbath School, rather than hang around until lesson study time?

    • Perhaps the adult Sabbath School leaders should keep the youth in mind and ask them to participate in the program. If two young people participate every Sabbath, their friends will come to see them participate.

      Make the adult programs appealing to youth, and they are more likely to attend.

  3. Thankyou for the resoures outlined for the Youth Sabbath School,once i was a cornerstone teacher, and i used only Resources for students and teachers. now i found other resources from this website.Thankyou.

  4. The idea of "separating youth from adults" during worship is not found in Scripture. Luke 2:40-52 states that Jesus was 12 years old and "with His parents" when they attended the feast of the Passover. When they found Him missing on their return journey, they returned to Jerusalem and found Him sitting amid the elders in the temple, both hearing them and asking questions. It is believed that as "youth don't think like adults" or because of the "generation gap" that separation from adults is necessary. Not so. Children who sit with their parents from a young age, (as did I) observe and learn from them and adults around them, the important truths taught in their particular denomination, as well as how to behave in God's house. Hence they grow up very loyal to their faith and have a healthy respect for God. Sister White states "for ‘in the multitude of counselors there is safety’( although this statement is found in her health message, should this not be more important when it comes to spiritual guidance? We should revert to Biblical standards of worship when "all flesh shall come and worship before Me" Isa 66:23. There will be no segregation in heaven, so let us begin the practise here on earth.

    • As I see it, having Sabbath School classes with teaching suited to different age levels is not "separating for worship," because our Sabbath School classes are distinct from our worship services.

      If you are in a church where it is practical to have 12-year-olds in a Sabbath class with adults, then by all means do so. And make sure that the teaching is interesting enough and understandable for 12-year-olds. And be sure to choose songs that make sense to 12-year-olds. (Some old hymns don't even make a lot of sense to adults, let alone children. Others are timeless in their appeal.)

      That said, I think you make a good point in that we often do not expect enough of 12-year-olds.

      Just curious: Would you be willing to have your adult Sabbath School adapted to the point that it will maintain the interest of modern 6-year-olds? Would that same class hold your interest?

    • Mr. Gotting

      I would have to ask how many children you have seen or raised who sat in the adult sabbath school are still in church. What is the comparison to those who attend a sabbath school directed to their specific age group? As a parent of 2 girls, I know they appreciate the opportunity to sing youthful songs, and participate in bible drills and other advantageous activities.

  5. I'm teaching ages 12-18 this year for sabbath school. We have a small church will are down to classrooms this year my class and ages 5-11. So can I get suggestion on what book I would need to go by I was thinking RealTime Faith. If anyone have suggestions let me know.

    • Sheila, the RealTime Faith lessons are aimed at 13-14 year-olds and are not particularly challenging even for them. They will not challenge the older youths. If in doubt, it is always best to use materials for the older members of your class and adapt for the younger ones. I recommend checking out the Upstream lessons from My Bible First. (See links above) The lessons in the 6-year cycle should fit your situation perfectly, and they will engage your students in a meaningful way. You download a sample lesson and an overview, and you can give the publishers a call. Your church will have to order these directly from the publisher. (I am not connected with the publisher, but I am favorably impressed by their approach.)

      I also recommend studying the book, Teaching to Change Lives, by Howard Hendricks, and applying the lessons to your teaching.

      Above all, pray that God will give you the needed wisdom. He will not disappoint you. May God bless you as you take up this rewarding challenge!

  6. Living in a world that is so very busy, I as a mother and sabbath school teacher have always wished that our lessons for the young people and adults, would be based on the same information from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, only made simpler to understand for the young people. Trying to find time to study the young peoples lessons as well as my own - being on totally different subjects is most challenging. I feel that having one topic to study each week for adults who are S.S. teachers would be a blessing and would enable that person to have even deeper S.S classes as they would have more time to study the extra readings and be able to share a richer knowledge of what they are teaching.

    • Sometimes Roxanne, there are topics that need to be discussed by adults that are not really suitable for children. It would be very difficult to have lesson topics all the time that are suitable for both adults and children. Having said that though. It would be nice to have a lesson topic now and then that spanned generations. It would not hurt us to see the truth again through the eyes of a child

  7. Are the teens and Junior lessons the same all around the world like the Adult Sabbath School Lesson?

  8. Iam a sabbath school cornerstone teacher and i found out that this lesson is for young youths of age 15- 18 but the children in my class are ages 13- 14 is that oright for them to use this corner stone lesson or what? so some got this corner stone and others are junior and teens lesson so which lesson really suits this age group 13-15.

  9. May God bless us and give us more knowledge to encourage youth to be good future leader to lead the next coming generation and to spread the word of God to all nation

  10. What we can do, when the youth doesn't study their lesson? And In the class they start watching their phones (Facebook, games, internet, etc)?... and during the worship service, parents and others members do the same think?
    I believe and prayer, but what else can I do? God bless His people and give us patience and knowledge to help the weak people too.

    • Do like Jesus did. Give them something to eat. Begin building relationships with them outside of lesson study time. Take them outdoors sometimes. Turn the lesson study into a nature study. Tell them stories. Familiarize yourself with their text language. Ask them to use the shortest no. of symbols to text the lesson they learned from each daily topic. Let them share each other's texts. Remember their birthdays and organize a special thanksgiving for God's watch care. Visit with their parents/guardians. Try to address their needs. Begin a prayer group with your class. Organize a prayer breakfast. Let them hear you praying for them. Google your question and select the most suitable responses with biblical support. God bless.

  11. I believe Jesus will do a mighty work in our young people. The Spirit Of Prophecy says in Education pg. 271 that " God wants an army of youth rightly trained in the gospel how soon the message of a crucified savior will go out into the entire world. Our mission for Youth Sabbath school is to uplift Jesus in their lives. Yes age does affect learning but kingdom building begins with our spiritual lives connected with God. We must ask him to fill us with his Spirit that through his power the gospel can be shared. As Adventists we should be communicating with one another, sitting at the same table, and keeping them involved in the church.

  12. Kindly email me a soft copy of the Youth Sabbath School study guide. i am having challenges downloading from here. Please......

    • We only provide links to the Youth Sabbath School resources. Sabbath School Net is not responsible for their content or distribution. We suggest that you contact the publishers of the Youth Sabbath School materials directly to see what they have available.

  13. I thank God do far on gracelink series's we are blessed here in Mombasa Kenya.the only problem is collegiate quarterly for our young adults.they are in need.pls do something about it.

    • Hi Jane, The Collegiate Quarterly has been replaced by a new publication called Inverse.

      Youth Quarterly Link

      I to am sad that they stopped producing the Collegiate. It was like an old friend.
      I have not read the new Inverse one myself - a bit old for it I guess. 🙂

      If you feel the need to communicate with those that produce it, use the links on their website. Sabbath School Net is an independent ministry and is not responsible for the production or preparation of the lesson materials.

      [NB - I just did a check and the "Inverse" site appears to be down. I will check in the next 48 hours to see if it is just a temporary problem]

      Update: I just checked the InVerse Links. They are all running again, so it was just a temporary hiccup! June 28, 2020

  14. bonjou.que le SEIGNEUR benisse le travail que vous faites. excusez moi .je ne trouve pas la leçon en francais pour les enfants de 10 et plus.pouvrez vous m'aidez?

    Translates to:

    Hello, may the LORD bless the work you do. excuse me. I can't find the French lesson for children aged 10 and over. Can you help me?

    • It seems you answered your own question. We are glad that some of the resources we listed are a great help to you. That's why they are for sale. (It costs to create the resources; thus they are for sale, rather than given away.)


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