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Hugs From Heaven — 11 Comments

  1. This is wonderful. Every time I get a bear hug from God's Holy Spirit it fills my heart with such incredible joy and often brings me to tears. Thank you God for your love! 🙂

  2. Thank you for this post. I'm a Trinidadian, now living in Toronto and a member of Smyrna. Our congregation is built on heavenly bear hugs. Young, middle aged, elderly, children - we hug each other every chance we get, even in the super market. Like you, I believe that these hugs are a gift from God. One, Sabbath, not too long ago, one of my very young friends (she's about 10 years old) gave me, what I term a lingering hug, straight from Jesus, and I felt her arms around me all week - what a gift! I'm old enough to be her grandmother and she spontaneously reached for me. One of the joys in belonging to the family of God!

  3. Appreciate your affirmation in your last paragraph to those who find themselves in this situation. I feel for those who have been "labeled" from a false accusation as well as those who made a
    "mistake" in the past.

  4. I love hugs. But coming from a culture that does not really hug i sometimes freeze just before the hug, but what i get after the hug is still phenomenal. Thank you.

  5. William,

    It's amazing the range of topics you can write about! This is yet another gem. I am grateful for the insights God gives you to share with us!

    You wrote: "Some people are afraid to hug or touch others, it may be misinterpreted."

    Lack of expressing affection may not be connected to being misinterpreted and may be from a problem in the background of the person. Many people are not brought up in a loving, caring home with hugs and affection expressed. We had a family of 10 people, with lots of relatives, and hugs were not common until I was older, somewhere in my 20's. My parents grew up with no love expressed including affection and hugs and didn't know how to give it to their children and this is in America!

    God loves us with an everlasting love, yet He wants His love shown through His people by loving everyone. Lots of people are hurting big time today and yet we Christians don't know how to love one another because we are often carrying much pain inside. We can't give, care, or give hugs because we are bound up in ourselves. So we preach about caring and loving but can't give the example of loving even those closet to us.

    I am not sure what you mean about "some unfortunate experiences that prohibit you from giving hugs or receiving them...even be legally prohibited because of a mistake you made in the past"?

    I do agree that God wants to restore and heal every one of us hurting people. Many of us rely on God's love and as you have expressed it, "Holy Spirit’s hugs". It is something of great value! Thank you for the post!

  6. One of the issues that I face currently is that hugging and effusive greeting has suddenly become an orchestrated part of the worship service. I am not a naturally "huggy" effusive person, but I will happily hug someone if they show signs of really needing a hug. And I appreciate hugs and other physical shows of concern when I need emotional support as well. But the hugging that occurs when the minister or whoever says in the welcome, "OK folk move around and make everyone feel welcome at church today!" makes me cringe into my little shell of solitude. If only someone could tell them that orchestrated hugs do not count in the great scheme of things. Hugs meaningfully but spontaneously given when the need is great are important but orchestrated hugging is just a bit of a show.

    • I agree.I do not like that part of"worship" after we have invited the Holy Spirit to have everyone moving around meeting and greeting.I think that should be done after worship and in the fellowship hall.I know that touch is very important and I make it part of my routine to touch and hug as appropriate.

  7. Thank you .......usually I am very respectful in prayer .
    I don't try to visualize chatting with God. Today a vision of me hugging Our father?/Savior?/Holy Spirit???
    This is a first....yes I am an old lady and being a tad bit
    autistic do not feel good with body contact,
    Also; being respectful, I would never assault another's personal space.
    Just like in the picture you posted with the article....
    I was dumbfounded when I saw it on Google images.
    Thank you for the picture and the article. Clarity and your faith.......

  8. I am a Scripture teacher and one day as I was leaving the school ground a little girl came out of nowhere and gave me a hug. I don't teach her class. I was not only surprised but so happy about it . But after reading all this I understand it's from our Heavenly Father.


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