Monday: The Consequences of the Fall
The consequences of the Fall were enormous. The disobedience of Adam and Eve started the rupture of a harmonious interdependence between all life forms. Even worse, it started the disunity, discord, and divisions among human beings that exist even today.
The disharmony is seen immediately in how Adam and Eve sought to put the blame for the Fall on others (Gen. 3:12-13). Things have become only worse since.
Read Genesis 3:16-19 and Genesis 4:1-15. What in these verses reveal the results of sin and its impact on the harmonious world God had created?
Adam’s disobedience became the source of many events and consequences that over time affected all of God’s creation. The natural world itself began to suffer from the consequences of sin. Human relationships also were affected. Cain and Abel, two brothers who should have loved and cared for each other, were estranged because one wished to follow his own selfish inclinations instead of following God’s prescribed mode of worship. This estrangement resulted in violence and death. Cain’s reaction, however, was more directed at God than at Abel. He felt angry toward God (Gen. 4:5), and this anger led to resentment toward Abel. Disobedience further ruptured human relationships.
“Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5, NKJV). This evil ultimately led to the Flood and to the incredible devastation of God’s original creation left in the Flood’s wake. But even then God did not give up on the human race but left a remnant, Noah and his family, to start again.
After the Flood, God gave a promise to Noah and his family. The rainbow in the sky would always remind them of His care and promises, of His kindness and mercy (Gen. 9:12-17, Isa. 54:7-10). God instituted a covenant with Noah and reinstated His original plan to have a united human family faithful to Him and His Word.
What are the ways that sin brings disharmony? What choices can you make right now to help restore harmony among those whom your choices can impact in a powerful way? |

The Consequences of the Fall
Every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually
This verse comes as a result when God said, My Spirit will not content with humans forever.
The moment the Spirit of God stops intervening in the life of humans there was utter destruction of the world by flood.
Thus it will be in the end time. When the Spirit of God will be removed in the end time, the destruction of the world alone will save humanity.
Have you been heeding the call of the Spirit of God?
I have been a Believer for many many years study the Bible for many many years and I still have a problem comprehending how God knew the fall was going to happen and its disastrous results. I don't see the bigger picture somehow? Can someone shed some light on this for me.
It is difficult to accept how God, who knows everything, let sin get into the perfectly created Earth. The answer is in God´s own characteristic, which is that He created man with freedom of choice! Man chose evil! It is tricky for us to understand that... The first thing Adam answer God when asked was "the woman that You gave me..." Because we do not want to take the responsabilities for our own choices! We are where and who we are because we chose to. But we also have a hope, something to hold on to, which is to wait in God´s Himself for the ultimate salvation. We hope for Him in the future, and we hope for Him now. Now, we have JESUS! Jesus is the answer for all our troubles! Without Him, we are completely lost. And this is also a choice that since Adam we were presented with! Adam waited for Jesus to come, we are waiting too! WE CAN CHOOSE JESUS.
Hi Robert, as a parent we know the consequence of some action and how it can lead to terrible result because we have either been through it or have heard other people's story; we will also want what is best for children / associates and would try to share with them our knowledge but people will still make their own decision.God knows the beginning from the end as shown through His words(especially Daniel). He knew humanity would fall but love would not allow Him not to create us. A woman knows that childbirth could take her life but most female prefer to take the chance of loosing their life while bring one into the world. Thats what love does, think of others first and self after.God had plan to make man even before sin. God puts His plan in place to save us even before He created us. We will not understand everything now we only need to understand God's unconditional love for you and me and everyone else.
God's love for humanity outweighs disasterous results and He knows what the end result will be! He loves you too much to let you go!
Hi Robert, let us all bear in mind that He is God. He knows the end from the beginning,to include the future. His ways are higher, even your question for assistance has been recorded on His time table long before you ask.He made us from dust and because we all have a choice, God knows what we are capably of doing. We still have the privilege of choice. We shall continue to rejoice in that He made a way of escape, by the way of the cross. Be blessed.
What would life be like if we were prevented from making a wrong choice? Ellen White comments on this very question/issue:
"God might have created humans without the power to transgress His law; He might have withheld the hand of Adam from touching the forbidden fruit; but in that case people would have been, not free moral agents, but mere automatons. Without freedom of choice, their obedience would not have been voluntary, but forced. There could have been no development of character. Such a course would have been contrary to God's plan in dealing with the inhabitants of other worlds. It would have been unworthy of humans as intelligent beings, and would have sustained Satan's charge of God's arbitrary rule...." (Be Like Jesus 230:2)
Unfortunately, with freedom of choice it was essentially inevitable that sooner or later something would choose to take a different path - Lucifer was that someone. God could have wiped him out - but because Lucifer had made accusations about God's methods and motives, doubt as to whether Lucifer was actually on to something would have remained. Not good!
So God had to allow Lucifer/Satan's allegations to be played out. Was Satan's insinuated way superior to the one God lived under? Our sad history is the evidence that answers that question.
However, 2 things to keep in mind:
1) This process cost God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit dearly and permanently - their lives were forever irreversibly altered.
2) Not only will this plan permanently remove any doubt as to who's way of abundant life actually works, it will also remove the risk of any future recurrence of sin due to the legacy of that experience. Sin (due to its inherent nature) will have self-eradicated the risk of freedom every being exercised this way again. Thus, risk-free freedom will have been achieved via freedom!
Hey Robert, I too have asked this question on a number of occasions, but have come to realize that truly God knows everything and as other commentators have said He gave us one of the most amazing gifts..that of choice. He loves us so very much that He could not force us to love and obey Him, loving and obeying Him had to come from the choice we as humans make. David said in Ps. 139 that He understands our thoughts from afar off, therefore, God has shown throughout the ages that every choice we make has consequences. Let us by His grace make the right choices.
In a nutshell, sin will never, ever, ever happen again. This small blip in eternity is necessary to ensure that sin will never happen again. Remember that Lucifer sinned when everything was perfect. Since then, all creation has been choosing sides. But to ensure that sin can be eradicated forever and God vindicated as Just - the human experience (including the fall) was necessary. Otherwise, God could have wiped out Lucifer and those that followed him immediately and been left with robotic followers that "love" Him out of fear and/or duty.
Hi Robert, i will suggest you get the Patriarchs and Prophets, go through the first two chapters, i think you will find more light on your question or doubts. No wonder Ellen G. White said her writings are a lesser light to the Bible. I think God knew this will happen (questions or doubts) in the hearts of men and that is why He revealed somethings (Not All) to His servants for His people. Get the book and learn of Gods amazing Love and Grace instead of the unpardonable punishment we deserve.
I had a problem with the issue too until I understood that there are some things God cannot do. He cannot create a stone that is so large that he cannot lift it! Why? It is a logical contradiction. By similar reasoning, God cannot create loving intelligent beings without free choice. That too is a logical contradiction. When God created us he had to include free choice as part of the package, otherwise we are automatons and not intelligent. And with free choice comes the option to rebel, which unfortunately has consequences.
God created man with choice to follow Him and obey Him or not . Love is choice. In love there is no fear. We still live and care for our children even when they commit murder or steal or use drugs. Yet before the foundation of the earth God planned for our fall. He knew we needed a Reedemer, a bondsman who would take the cost of bailing us out from the debt of sin which is death. That's were Jesus comes
One of the most fundamental consequences of the Fall is the carnal nature. I pray to be baptised of the Holy spirit to rule over my life and to put death to the carnal nature.
Gen3:7 After the sin of Adam,they knew they were naked, having their shame exposed to all the creation.
There own attempt to cover themselves took much ingenuity but not much wisdom. Fig leaves are pricky.
They knew their own attempt to cover themselves failed. They didn't show up when the lord appeared.
Sin made Adam afraid of God. Ever since men run from God's presence.
Gen 3:14 The animal Satan used to bring temptation was cursed. Another curse is directed towards Satan himself.The animosity between Satan and mankind is created. The friendship Eve and Satan enjoyed was over.
The woman is cursed with multiple sorrow.
Gen 2:18 as a result of fall, man no longer rules easily, he must fight for his headship. Sin has corrupted both the willing submission of the wife and the loving headship of the man. The woman's desire is to control her husband and he must master her if he can. The rule of love founded in Eden is replaced by struggle, tyranny and dominion.
The earth produce good fruits but thorns and thistles come faster and easier than good fruits.
Now work has a cursed element in it, pain and weariness. Job 7:1-2.
An end to toil and labour is death Rom 5:12.
A sacrifice had to be made Heb9:22 and they were covered with a garment that was purchased with the life of another. They expected Cain to be the Messiah God had promised but he turned to be a killer. Now the hoped-for redeemer Was a murderer and the second son the victim of murder. Sin wasn't nipped in the bud and it couldn't be contained.
Then came Lamech with his chest thumping Gen 4:23-24, things are going down hill fast. He boast about his murder of another,and the way he believes he can promise a greater retribution than God.
Gen 6:1-2 They reach a point of no return,the intermarriage between the godly and the ungodly.
We have only known the consequences of the fall, since no one today has seen perfection as it was before the fall, except as it exists in all who are perfectly obedient to the Lord in all things. Jesus is the great example of a perfect life, though it was exhibited in an imperfect world, which resulted in great hatred towards Him, and ultimately, His death at the hands of those who opposed Him. Though that death brings eternal life to all who believe, it will often bring hatred against those who are obedient to God as well. Such is the consequences of the fall, where good is called evil, and evil is called good.
Those who remain perfectly in unity with God will soon be seen as the cause of disunity in this world, and will become hated by society to a most extreme measure.
So we need to have a perfect understanding of what unity is to be achieved in this life, and of the consequences this will bring.
I believe we should understand what happened in their hearts to cause the actions, this will help us to remember that God looks at the heart first and the actions are the consequence of changes to the hearts.
Before Eve took of the fruit, she thought she knew better than God, and considered what she wanted - to be wise. Cain apparently did not understand why God required a substitute sacrifice he thought so long as the offering was from his work it would be accepted.
So in the days of Noah, the Bible tells us that God saw the evil in their hearts.
So often when we talk about obedience we immediately think about actions rather than the condition of a person's heart. In fact we should remember God is looking for a changed heart & character which results in changed behaviour, not actions done only as a duty or to earn a reward.
What did Paul say about Israel?
Rom 9:31 But Israel, who followed after a law of righteousness did not arrive at a law of righteousness. Rom 9:32 Why? Because it was not of faith, but as it were by the works of the Law.
Adam & Eve were created in the image of God but after the fall Jesus said we must be born again
Paul says: 2Co 5:17 So that if any one is in Christ, that one is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Gen 6:5 And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually
Hi Shirley
I just wanted to affirm that you draw attention to a vitally significant and important concept for Christian life and living when you empahsise the need to go beyond consideration of outward actions by stating that "God is looking for a changed heart & character which results in changed behaviour, not actions done only as a duty or to earn a reward".
I believe the answers you are looking for Robert are found here in these verses:
Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is above our comprehension the love He has for us, and the whys behind why He created us, knowing we would fall and have to be rescued. All we know is that He is God and He knows and He is Just and Good and Righteous and ONE DAY...we will understand, but for now, we just have to trust Him.
take time during your meditation and Worship and imagine the feelings of Adam and Eve after they had sinned....i refer everyone to the commentary provided by Ellen White for todays lesson from her writings "The Story of Redemption" p. 55
Jesus knew that in the beginning men will surely fall but the blood that precious blood covers it all.
Think about the verses related to the temptation and what immediately followed.
We inherit these propensities from Adam & Eve.
God wannabes-You shall be like God
Gamblers-Maybe I really won't die
Greedy-I have all the fruit but I want this one too
Glutton-Given over to appetite
Guilt shifter-The WOMAN which YOU gave me...
Gender conflict- your dominating controlling desire will be for your husband but he will rule over you
Disloyalty/perversion- Putting the spouse before God
Death drive
Hi Robert, I think, many questions will remain unanswered as yet. However, building on the fundamental Principal that God is love, we will have to say: A loving God cannot be alone and just be by Himself in all eternity existing as a lonely, compassionless God. He needs the other ones for the sake of loving them. So He created angels knowing that part of them would corrupt their way; and He created man and nature knowing beforehand that sin would corrupt all of His creation, which He is very sorry for (Genesis 6:6). Knowing all that beforehand He nevertheless was taking the risk, but not without making provision in the plan of salvation connected with the purpose of saving the lost ones for eternity, providing that His creatures as free moral agents would respond to His love with the right choice. (John 5:24)
Winfrid Stolpmann