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What Really Counts — 6 Comments

  1. "Thou shall not" does not only implicate the negative but affirms the positve. If you do not steal...then you will be just and kind to your fellowmen. If you do not call the name of GOD in vain...you will call HIS name in praises and thanksgiving. The decalogue affirms the positive relationship between me and GOD and between me and mankind.

    • Hi, Delroy. Thanks for your comment. I'm not sure I understand your entire point, though. Are you saying that keeping the law automatically makes you just and kind? I know several people who do not steal, but they are neither just nor kind. Perhaps you can clarify what you are saying.

      • I think this is what Delroy is trying to say.. If a person obeys the LAW,. Meaning, not just the ten commandments but also what the whole BIBLE says.. I say that person is just and kind..

      • Since the whole Law can be summarized in true love for God and self-sacrificing love for one's neighbor, it would seem that "keeping" this Law does, indeed, make a person "just and kind."

        I think we often view the Law as separate from God's character when, rightly understood, it reflects His character, even to the motives of the heart.

    • In my younger days I enjoyed teaching in the children's classes. I especialy enjoyed teaching the 10 comandments God's Happyness Rules. I explained to my children they are not you cannot but you will be so happy when you do not lie. You will not feel guilt in your heart and your friends will always know that they can believe what you say. Each rule is to show us how to truly enjoy all the blessings God has given us. They are our guidelines. They do not constrain us but build a wall of protection around us. God is so good to have given us these guidelines to happyness. We cannot see ahead to the future and see all the pain that breaking these rules can do but God can and He wants to spare us this pain. Following these rules draws us closer to God and our fellow man.

      • This is true, the commandments were not made to make us unhappy but to bring us close to God, to become like him in character. Satan is angry with God and any one who stands on the side of God.


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