Tuesday: Preparation and the Shield of Faith
The Roman soldier armed himself to ensure that his steps would not be impeded on rough terrain.

Image © Bill Osborne from GoodSalt.com
To facilitate movement over all kinds of roads, Roman soldiers often wore shoes studded with sharp nails. Such shoes ensured a good grip, and Paul likens the shoes to the “readiness,” or “preparation,” of the gospel of peace (Eph. 6:15).
Read Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:15, and Ephesians 6:15. Paul’s idea seems to be steadfastness in the Christian life of warfare. In what sense does the gospel of peace provide the Christian with a “good grip” in spiritual warfare?
Ephesians 6:15 may be translated in different ways: “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace,” “having feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace,” or “having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace.” The key is a Greek word that can mean “preparedness,” as in a prepared foundation or base. Hence, the gospel of peace as a “prepared foundation” is the peace a Christian experiences as a result of having been reconciled with God through the blood of Christ. This reconciliation gives the Christian a firm foothold from which to engage in the spiritual battle that we all face.
The next piece of armor that Paul speaks about is the shield, which he likens to faith (Eph. 6:16). In introducing this armor, the apostle prefaces his point with a phrase that may be translated as “above all,” or “besides or in addition to all.” What do you think the apostle means by this opening phrase?
The word translated as “shield” comes from the word for “a door.” The shield, measuring about four feet by two and a half feet and consisting of two layers of wood glued together, was shaped like a door. Because arrows in those days were dipped in pitch and then set on fire, the wooden shield was covered with leather in order to extinguish the glowing arrows and blunt their tips. This was a most prominent weapon among all the weapons of defense.
The spiritual analogy isn’t hard to see: among the “fiery arrows” of Satan are lust, doubt, greed, vanity, and so forth. “But faith in God, held aloft like a shield, catches them, snuffs out the flame, and makes them fall harmless to the ground.” – The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6, p. 1045.
This kind of faith is primarily faith in action, a faith that, while including doctrinal truth, goes beyond mere belief. It is a faith that manifests itself in an active defense against the assaults of the enemy. Of course, we can’t save ourselves, and we can’t fight the devil ourselves; our battle is to daily choose the Lord and His ways over anything the devil will throw before us.

Thanks for this morning's lesson. This quarters lesson is very practical in our christian life and i can relate to it every morning as something God wants me to know that day. The shield of faith is very important if we are to resist the devil. The allurements and lustful pleasures of this world will always come to us as fiery arrows glowing brightly. But thanks to the faith in Jesus! We are saved. Day by day, one step at a time, we will be able to resist the temptations of the evil one through Christ who strengthens us. 🙂
The example of the "Gospel of Peace" is found in Jesus Christ. He would prepare for the events of the day, the distractions, the fiery darts, through prayer and a devotion of spending time with the Father, prior to the interaction with humanity. We are drawn to Him through His peace, through His compassion for us, not to enter into disagreement with Him, but to know more of the peace that surrounded Him. We are to come to this peace as well, being prepared for whatever might assail us, even the car that cut you off, or the discouraging word, or the rejection of your faith. How we respond is an indicator on what we have done to prepare for those events that might present themselves. Its not easy, I know, but being prepared for it will help discern it and overcome it. With the "Shield of Faith". WOW, the depths of faith will enable one to understand the controversy, will overcome the 'fiery darts' and enable the healing restoration, as rest affords itself through the Sabbath hours. I know, that the shield of faith plays a huge part of my own personal sanctification, healing and restoration of soul, for it is by faith I accept God as my Lord and Jesus as my Saviour. It is the faith of Jesus, that we will need to finish the battle, it is the faith of Jesus that saves us. Here are they...
I absolutely love this quarters lessons. This is what I was asking for from the lesson . Its practical, while focusing on the word of God with beautiful text you can carry throughout the day.The incorporation of Ellen G. White readings is so simple anyone can understand. Wonderful job by the writers KEEP IT UP.
Faith will give us courage to ace dissapointments and hardships in their true perspective.
Thank you for this lesson addition. As a single older female, I find that it is very important to stay in the Word of God for strength. Seniors are seemingly targeted by every kind of riffraff and negative spirit trying to get over in one way or the other. These reminders help me to stay focused on the fact that God has my back; but I must stay under the armor of God. I must also exercise my faith by doing what God requires of me and choosing Him and His ways daily.
These verses helped me understand the lesson more:
Sandals of Peace: Eph 2:14, Rom 5:1, John 16:33
Shield of Faith: 1 Pet 1: 6,7.
Only through faith in Jesus we can obtain the victory.
In fact, the church of God are NATO. In discussions lesson, we are so very clever and smart.
Thank you Lord for revealing all this in my life.