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My Shortest Prayer — 11 Comments

  1. At times I have learnt to understand that we need not to be accustomed to the recoted or any ordinary prayer because God isn't inerested in fluensy of my language or grammar but understands just what I ment. He doesnt need the geniouses of speech for as long as one is in a private room , speaking yp jos GOD. When all alone, I do use the language that understand better.
    It must not be taken for granted that this GOD is A KING, CREATOR and any other title of honour this deserves choice of words that exhalt him.

  2. I am working in a place that has many warning sign. In your first day they send you for induction to teach you and make sore that you know and understand the dengers of the environment you are working under by following the safety signs. For your safety you must always follow what is indicated to you by the signs. Our bible indicate some of our warning signs to our safe travel to God.

  3. We only need to say it cos we got the voice-but He sure knows it even before we say them out. And can any one doubt that? Well, only the ignorant could....

    • [Moderator's note: Please use full name.]

      just God needs to hear we pray and recognise our needs but he knows what we need b4 we say it

  4. After two courses of antibiotics taken consectively,we got worried about going for the third one for our two years old daughter.

    In the night,we were awake because of her coughing. Then she said," mom ask Jesus to heal me". Quickly I said" yes, pray babie". This was her prayer:"Jesus, please heal me",and we said Amen. That was the end of her cough and we slept.

  5. You surely knew whom you called out for, one who is unfailling and is never caught unaware of events. Its your relation with him that made you know that he was the right one to call. Some would call out dad,mommy. Praise God for you.

  6. this verse is the most inspiring about depending or why we should depend on God. I have seen the Lord's hand work miracles for me and my family before I even asked or even thought of it. He is a wonderful and marvelous and Merciful and above all very Gracious Father who dwells in heaven. Praises be unto His Holy Name. Amen


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