Sabbath: Salvation
Read for This Week’s Study: Luke 18:9-14; John 6:44; Luke 15:3-10; Matt. 20:28; John 8:34-36; John 6:35, John 6:47-51.
Memory Text: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16, NKJV).
Death, we often say, is just part of life. No, death is the negation of life, not part of it. Yet, so used to death, we mislabel it, calling it the opposite of what it really is. However we understand it, one point is certain: without divine help, eternal death would be the fate of us all.
Fortunately, that help has come. God, in His infinite love, offers us salvation through Christ. When the angel announced the birth of the Messiah, he named Him Jesus (from a Hebrew word that means salvation), for He will save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21, NKJV).
This week we will consider Jesus’ saving work. First, our attention will focus on the basis of our salvation and later on the results of it.
The Bible is clear. We have only two choices regarding our sins: either we pay for our sins in the lake of fire, or we accept Christ’s payment for them on the cross. As we review the generous gift of God’s grace through Christ, let us once again humbly renew our faith in Jesus as our personal Savior.
*Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, July 26.

My Jesus i love u for giving me salvation, i accept ur death on the cross. I surrender to ur authority, work in me and help me. On my own i can't. I really wanna thank u face to face. For u became human just for us, so that we will be save, u let go ur omnipresent just for us. I appreciate ur unconditional love for me. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!. I know ma brethren feel d same. God bless u saints of GOD.
Oh what a wonderful Savior. Weak is the effort of my heart and cold my warmest thought but the Lord says I have pay it all for I care. Thank you Jesus for saving me and the saints
Beautiful poetic writing! Something to remember. Thank you for your contribution.
Father, without you we are nothing, it is so easy to be side tracked without your guidance so I am asking you to please continue to be merciful to us and continue to help us be more like you. Help us to accept and appreciate your death as payment for our sins and live the way you want us to so we can be an example to others and have no fear for death.
I've heard this saying often. "Death is part of life." By studying the Bible I understand that we are actually the walking dead until we find the giver of life, Christ the Savior. Since Jesus revealed himself to me Thirty some odd years ago I've known what true life is, that is when we are connected to the source which is Jesus Christ. I still experience walking-death when I seem to brake that connection. It is as different as night and day. Thank God He is always there to accept us back into the light where life exists.