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Justification by Faith – Hit the Mark — 2 Comments

  1. "God's forgiveness is not merely a judicial act by which He sets us free from condemnation. It is not only forgiveness for sin, but reclaiming from sin. It is the outflow of redeeming love that transforms the heart. David had the true conception of forgiveness when he prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10. --
    {Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings 114.1}.

    True forgiveness includes a changed heart.

  2. In the discussion on faith/grace/law/justification/sanctification/salvation we are often bogged down with definitions and semantics. Coupled with that we often interpret salvation as living "perfectly" (then we have a long protracted argument about what that means).

    So often we think that if we can just get the words right, or establish the routine (with the help of the Holy Spirit, of course!) we will have arrived at the great goal of being saved. A conversation I once heard in a lesson study class typified that thinking of some Adventists about the issue. A man, said that the only thing stopping him from being saved was his love of ice-cream. He prayed every day that the Holy Spirit would take away the desire to eat ice-cream. (We did ask him how long ago he had his last ice-cream and he responded that it was two years!)

    Now I am not arguing that ice-cream is either good or bad for you, but if we are worrying about whether the occasional ice-cream is going to jeopardize our salvation, we have quite possibly not understood what salvation is really about. So much of our salvation talk is about guilt rather than the joy of a really incredible relationship. Living salvation is about sharing, and growing together, not about which law did I break today.

    As I have said on a number of previous occasions, marriage is surrounded by a whole set of laws couched in language that most of us find hard to understand. Yet many of us have successful marriages because we love each other. Growing you love for one another does not invalidate the law, but it means that by concentrating on the relationship we are in fact keeping the law.

    Salvation is like a marriage. Concentrate on the relationship and the law will look after itself.


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