Tuesday: Touched by an Angel
Read Daniel 10:10-19. What happens each time an angel touches Daniel?
Overwhelmed with the radiance of divine light, the prophet falls. Then an angel appears to touch him and comfort him. As we read the narrative, notice that the angel touches Daniel three times.
The first touch enables the prophet to stand and hear the words of comfort coming from heaven: “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words” (Dan. 10:12, NKJV). Daniel’s prayer has moved the heavens. For us this comes as an assurance that God hears our prayers, which is a great comfort in times of trouble.
The second touch enables Daniel to speak. The prophet pours out his words before the Lord, expressing his feelings of fear and emotion: “My lord, because of the vision my sorrows have overwhelmed me, and I have retained no strength. For how can this servant of my lord talk with you, my lord? As for me, no strength remains in me now, nor is any breath left in me” (Dan. 10:16-17, NKJV). So, God does not only speak to us; He wants us to open our mouths so that we can tell Him about our feelings, needs, and aspirations.
The third touch brings him strength. As Daniel recognizes his inadequacy, the angel touches him and comforts him with God’s peace: “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!” (Dan. 10:19, NKJV). Remember that the angel has been sent to Daniel in response to his prayers, in order to give him insight and understanding. In other words, the vision that follows in chapter 11 will be one that is intended to encourage Daniel in response to his mourning and meditation over the present situation in Jerusalem. With God on our side, then, we can have peace even as we face affliction. His loving touch enables us to look into the future with hope.
“To us in the common walks of life, heaven may be very near”. — Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 48. How often do you think about just how closely tied heaven and earth are? How might you live differently if you always kept this truth alive in your heart and mind? |

I am sure that there are those among us who feel overwhelmed by the time prophecies and all the possible interpretations and the implications for our system of beliefs. We can share some empathy with Daniel who experienced the beginning and was without the 2500 years of history to try and match the vision with reality. The ministry of an angel to encourage him was indeed a reality check for him.
While we may not have a dream or vision of an angel helping and encouraging us now, the lesson may indeed be a message encouraging us to get on with the task of why we are here. We could perhaps start thinking about what is the big idea contained in this lesson series. Here is my take:
2000 years ago the principles of love were laid out by Jesus as the basis of Christianity. Within 300 years Christianity had become a political entity intent on power and control and a complete antithesis of what Jesus had taught. It had morphed into the same sort of empire as the pagan kingdoms that had preceded it in the pages of history. The time has come to claim back the principles of Christianity, not by creating another kingdom, but by the transformation of individual hearts.
“The light that Daniel received direct from God was given especially for these last days. The visions he saw by the banks of the Ulai [Daniel 8] and the Hiddekel [Daniel 10-11], the great rivers of Shinar, are now in the process of fulfillment, and all the events foretold will soon have come to pass.” Ellen G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, volume 4, p. 1166.
Daniel 8 - 11 BEAUTIFULLY fits together! Watch this:
Daniel 8
The chazon (vision) has the following sequence: Persia (8:3-4, 20), Greece (8:3-8, 21), Pagan Rome (8:9-10), Papal Rome (8:11-12), and the cleansing of the sanctuary in 1844 (8:13-14). Thus Daniel 8 leads us only to the beginning of the investigative judgment. But, when will this judgment end? In Daniel 8 just a few remarks are made by Gabriel about events to transpire after 1844 (8:19, 25). Gabriel was told to make Daniel understand the vision (mareh; 8:16) and Daniel was then informed that the vision (mareh) was for the time of the end (8:16). At the conclusion of Daniel 8 we are told that Daniel was astonished at the mareh and did not understand it. (8:27).
Daniel 9
Daniel was confused over the mareh of Daniel 8 so he studied Jeremiah’s prophecy of the seventy years and prayed for understanding (9:1-19). In response to Daniel’s prayer, actually, from the beginning of his supplications (9:23) Gabriel was sent to give Daniel understanding of the vision (mareh) of Daniel 8 (9:22-23). Gabriel explained that the answer was given because Daniel was a man greatly beloved (9:23) Gabriel then explained the first part of the prophecy of the 2300 days, that is to say, the seventy weeks. In his explanation, Gabriel emphasized that this portion of the 2300 days was for Daniel’s literal city and people (9:24). There is no reference to the time of the end in Daniel 9 because this prophecy does not deal with end-time events but rather with the probationary period for the Jewish theocracy. Notably, the seventy weeks begin with the kingdom of Persia and end with Pagan Rome. Thus they begin with the same kingdom as Daniel 8 but only reach until the time period of Pagan Rome. But what about the event to transpire beyond the period of Pagan Rome? Obviously, we would expect Gabriel to come back at some point to explain the events beyond the period of Pagan Rome and he did!!
Daniel 10-11
Daniel 10 begins with the statement that Daniel understood the mareh (10:1). But he wanted further light so he prayed to God (10:2-3, 12). In response to Daniel’s prayer, nay, at the beginning of Daniel’s supplication (10:12) Gabriel was sent to give the prophet understanding (10:14) because Daniel was greatly beloved (10:11). The understanding which Gabriel came to give Daniel includes the totality of the chazon but deals particularly with the latter days (10:14). As he did in Daniel 8, Gabriel began his explanation with Persia and continued with Greece, Pagan Rome, and Papal Rome during its 1260 years of dominion (11:31-39). This much had already been revealed in Daniel 8. But as Gabriel very briefly insinuated in Daniel 8, there was more to Papal Rome than its 1260 year career. So in Daniel 11 Gabriel takes us far beyond 1798 and 1844. He explains that the Papacy would receive a mortal wound from France in 1798 (11:40), that the deadly wound would be healed (11:40-41), and that the Papacy would yet exercise world dominion. Also included in his explanation was the shaking, the loud cry, the death decree, the close of probation, the time of trouble, the deliverance of God’s people, the special resurrection and the everlasting kingdom (Daniel 11:2-12:3). Needless to say, all these events would be further explained in the book of Revelation.
As we look at the relationship between Daniel 10 and 11-12 we see that in chapter 10, Michael is standing watch over Daniel’s literal people to save them from their literal enemies as they return from their literal captivity to rebuild the literal temple. But at the end, Michael is standing watch over Daniel’s spiritual people who have returned from their spiritual captivity in spiritual Babylon to rebuild the spiritual temple and who are opposed by spiritual enemies. The end of the seventy weeks marks the transition point from the literal to the spiritual. That is to say, at the center of Daniel 9 is Messiah’s work for literal Israel while at the center of Daniel 10-11 is Messiah’s work for spiritual Israel.
Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 12:1 mark the beginning and ending points of the investigative judgment. In Daniel 8:14 Jesus goes in to His Father to receive the kingdom and in Daniel 12:1 Jesus stands up to take over the kingdom. Thus the literary structure of Daniel 8-12 reveals, without any shadow of doubt that these chapters constitute a unified whole. They are, so to speak, a book within a book.
Wow! That was really great! Thanks for that recap, it really put things in perspective for me. Tammy
William, I like how you have put everything together, is it possible to provide more detailed explanation for Dan 11 step by step?
Hello Shirley,
Indeed I shall. Could I do so next week when we are covering Daniel 11? This is to ensure the commentary is in the context of what we shall be discussing.
Although we are living in this terminal world, God sent His Consolator to help us in our labors. He is near and watching us, protecting us. God's angels are too, protective beings on our side. Maybe the most difficult battle relies within our own degenerative body and mind. By keeping the Word in the heart we may find peace to our soul.
Holy Spirit I seek your help for myself and others. I am not alone for my father is with me.
Jesus, I am confused. As many are, so am I. Yesterday we looked at Daniel 10. It was said who Daniel saw was Christ the Lord, now today the continuation of the same chapter with the same being touched Daniel, now today he is an angel.
Can anyone help me with some clarify?
I personally pray and ask the Holy Ghost for clarity and understanding of his words. Looking like Christ and resembling Christ doesn’t make an angel Christ.
Paul writing to young Timothy in 2 Tim 2:15-16 encouraged him to study to shew himself approved of God. So let us study
We are told Satan will appear like Christ and he will deceived many. At this stage of our Christian journey let us pray for wisdom and understanding for more clarity of the word of God.
Lyn, I note that no one else has responded to our query on Dan 10, however I think that the study guide has implied an answer by stating the the vision of v 5 & 6 are of Jesus and then stating that Daniel was touched by an angel.
I believe there were two beings - Daniel saw Jesus and talked to Him and Gabriel touched and talked to Daniel.
I suggest the verses are divided as follows:
5-6 = Jesus
10-15 = Gabriel
16-17 = Daniel to Jesus
18-21 = Gabriel
What amazes me most is the reply by the Angel at the first touch(Daniel 10:12)."Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words". This shows that it is only when we humble ourselves and set our hearts to understand, that our prayers will be heard.