Monday: A Vision of the Prince
Read Daniel 10:4-9. What happens to Daniel here?
As Daniel describes his experience, we can hardly imagine the overwhelming splendor of what he sees. That human appearance (Dan. 10:5-6) harks back to the “Son of man” depicted in the vision of the heavenly judgment (Dan. 7:13). His linen clothing is reminiscent of priestly garments (Lev. 16:4), an aspect that likens this personage to the “Prince of the host” depicted in connection with the heavenly sanctuary (Daniel chapter 8, NKJV).
Gold is also associated with the priestly regalia as a sign of royal dignity. Last, the likening of this figure to lightning, fire, bronze, and a powerful voice portrays him as a supernatural being. This is someone invested with priestly, royal, and military attributes. This figure also displays interesting similarities to the heavenly being who appears to Joshua shortly before the battle against Jericho (Josh. 5:13-14). In the vision, Joshua sees the “Commander of the army of the LORD” (NKJV). Interestingly, the Hebrew word translated as “commander” (sar) here is the same word translated as “prince” in reference to Michael in Daniel 10:21. But a closer parallel occurs between Daniel and John, who received a vision of the risen Lord on the Sabbath day.
What similarities do we find between Daniel‘s vision of the Son of God in Daniel chapter 10 and those in Joshua 5:13-15 and Revelation 1:12-18?
According to Daniel, those who are with him are frightened off, and Daniel himself falls weak and frail to the ground. The manifestation of God’s presence simply overwhelms him. Yet whatever his immediate fears, Daniel’s vision shows that God is in control of history. Indeed, as the vision unfolds, we will see that God provides Daniel with an outline of human history from the times of the prophet until the establishment of God’s kingdom (Daniel chapters 11 and 12).
If, as we have seen over and over in Daniel, the Lord can keep human history under control, what can He do for our individual lives? |

Epiphanies are pretty rare events and an indication that God has a really special purpose in one's life. Even in the Bible direct visions of heavenly beings do not occur very often, but are typically associated with events that have changed the course of history in some way.
For the rest of us, God speaks to us quietly and persistently and charges us with revealing him to others. When you think about it that is an "awesome" responsibility.
Thank God He has always been in control of history. Perhaps men are probably the ones trying to change that. But it is impossible. God has provided a way for human salvation, Jesus! He can truly change our own personal history. Through the relationship with the Son, we get to the Father. May we surrender all our plans to Him, Who loved us so much that was able to die for us.
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart. Holy Spirit I seek light from you. For I am not alone but my father is with me.
Daniel 10:4-9. I like to prayerfully study the word, the Bible because so many people have so many different interpretations of the Bible. The Bible interprets itself because it the living word, it has life and power. It is alive and has the power to make dead things come alive. Son of man, can these dry bones live? Eze 37:1-14. The Power of the Spirit of God entering into humans. Throughout the book of Ezekiel, he is referred to as the Son of man.
Isa 28:10-13 gave us the guidance how to study the scriptures; precepts upon precepts, line upon line, here a little, and there a little.
Studying Daniel 10, Daniel saw a man dress in linen. Ezekiel 9: 2-11 mentioned a man dress in linen. Should I come to the conclusion that everything man dress in linen mentioned in the Bible is Christ?
Daniel 10, this man Daniel saw in vision, touched him and strengthen him, told him he was sent to him. Who sent this man to Daniel? He spoke to him about the reason for the delay in the answer to prayer. This man dress in linen said Michael came to help him.
My question is:
how can the man dressed in linen that Daniel saw and Michael be the same person?
Can someone shed light on this for me.
Lyn, that is also my question, which is Jesus and which is the angel Gabriel.
Dan 8:18-19 And as he was speaking with me, I was stunned, on my face toward the ground. But he touched me and set me upright. 19 And he said, Behold, I will make you know what shall happen in the last end of the indignation. For it is for the time appointed for the end.
In Chapter 9 we learned: Dan 9:21-23 yes, while I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, touched me in my severe exhaustion, about the time of the evening sacrifice. 22 And he enlightened me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I have now come out to give you skill and understanding. 23 At the beginning of your prayers the commandment came out, and I have come to explain. For you are greatly beloved; therefore understand the matter, and attend to the vision:
So I could suggest that when Daniel sees the vision Dan 10:5,6 that it is Jesus but the rest of the time Daniel is interacting with the angel Gabriel based on his experiences in chapters 8 & 9. Would be interested to hear other opinions with reasons.
So, Lyn & Shirley, I have no answer, just questions. The description of the being Daniel saw, is almost identical to the being John saw. My confusion is this; if Daniel was seeing the Son of God, how would the prince of Persia have any power to hold him away from answering Daniels prayer? It would not have been a physical battle that detained him, it is possible that both this being and the prince of Persia were pleading with those being harassed by the Samaritan’s while rebuilding the temple, and I suppose that could be what would detain him. But, how does Gabriel then fit in here? I’m sure someone with more wisdom will have an answer.
Gabriel was the one having problems until Michael, who is Christ came.
The appearance of Christ to Joshua is different as in Daniel 10. Here, he is in the battlefield from driving away the concentrated demons of the adversary. His countenance is strange and fearful. He assumes the role of a 'field marshal at war'. Angel Gabriel, humanly speaking, failed to penetrate the band of principalities for 20 days or so until when the Master Himself came and drove the adversary away.
The question, supposedly Daniel had given up in prayer and supplication, could the Angel Gabriel continued keeping virgil with the devil lurking nearby?
Our life friends should be a constant meditation on the word of God. Our adversary is ever lurking for a careless moment to upset the fortunes prepared for the faithful. When the intensity of the struggle surpass our human capabilities Christ our commander of all the angelic hosts shall appear in a twinkle to rescue. He is a personal saviour. He's such a friend.
Who is the Prince? I do believe Jesus our Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit said through Paul, that we need to have holiness(righteousness), otherwise we will not be able to see God. Hebrews 12:14. Now In the sermon on the mount Christ said, your righteousness needs to be greater than the Pharisees. Matthew 5:20. When He was preaching here on earth there was a lack of dependence on Him, which led to self reliance, then salvation through our own merits. Christ was teaching them to hang their staff on Christ righteousness. We want to see God, so we hang our hat on Christ righteousness(love and obedience). To have a vision of the Prince, we turn to Christ for our holiness, by faith through the grace of God giving us His Son. 1John 4:9.
“If, as we have seen over and over in Daniel, the Lord can keep human history under control, what can He do for our individual lives?” Jesus taught that no one can be filled with holiness unless they understand that this holiness will not come from their own good deeds. Matthew 5:20. 2Timothy 1:9.
Good day,
Gabriel was specifically identified on each occasion of his appearance. This being who strengthened Daniel after his vision of the Lord was not identified. I don’t think Gabriel would need Michael’s help... Scripture emphasizes that Christ “did not take hold of angels”(Heb 2:16,17). Michael is “who is like God”. Christ is God. Adam was made in the image and likeness of God. Christ is “the Image of God”. Christ is the Prince of princes. Michael is “one of the chief princes”.
The fact that what happened to the 3 persons who saw Christ in his Glory that's Joshau Daniel and John shows how our righteousness can not cover us in the presence of God