HomeDailyInside Story: Home Turned Into a Church    


Inside Story: Home Turned Into a Church — 4 Comments

  1. Wow,great story there.Cant wait to read next week's part to see how father went to church.
    Happy Sabbath to you all.

  2. I thought so too when I read it in last week's lesson. Such a powerful testimony. I loved the respect shown by his wife and daughter to the father although he was stubborn as a mule! How many of us would have displayed such a genteel spirit. May we too learn to display the same meekness in our dealings with others and follow our saviour's example in all aspects of our lives..like Moses our record should be unblemished. Are you struggling to keep an harmonious environment in your home? Do you feel isolated being the only Christian in your home, lay all your burdens at Our Saviour's feet. He will give you the courage and strength to bear. Never give up HOPE!


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