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Does Intercessory Prayer Matter? — 2 Comments

  1. Yes, it does.. It has done a lot in my life.. When my daughter was sick like a vegetable when she was just 7 months old, when the doctors who checked has got no clue why..

    God sent miracle, a help arrived from source unknown diagnosing her & helped her come back to normal.. She's now a happy 5 year child.. I see her as an answered intercessory prayers of the family, the church & many more..

    One of my uncles had cardiac arrest on his way to work, but God led him miraculously after a critical bypass surgery cuz of intercessory prayers.. he's now ministering unto God..

    There are many more..

    But I see these two people in my life everyday & always thank God for them & also for giving a beautiful gift of intercession..

    I believe Jesus doing the same for us will definitely find a place for us in the eternal home..

    • Praise God Daphney for your answers to prayer! I am sure your little girl is a loving reminder of God's goodnes that will lead all those around her to repentance and salvation! And thank God for your uncle who is sharing the love of God. God had a plan for his life that Satan could not stop. Thank you for sharing the good news and thank God for intercessory prayer!


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