8: The Promise – Teaching Plan
Key Thought: Abraham arranges the marriage of his son to Rebekah and Abraham marries Keturah. But the promise of an heir was Jesus, which Abraham didn’t understand at that time.. May 21, 2022 1. Have a volunteer read Genesis 22: 1-12. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the most important point … Continue reading –>
8: The Promise – Singing With Inspiration
The book of Genesis offers us so many and vast topics from which to choose a theme hymn. As we are starting at the very beginning, I would like to give praise to our Creator of heaven and earth in singing Hymn 320 – Lord of Creation and Hymn 2 – All Creatures of Our God … Continue reading –>
Tuesday: The Death of Sarah
In Genesis 22:23, we see the report of the birth of Rebekah, which anticipates the future marriage between Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 24:1-67). Likewise, the report of the death and burial of Abraham’s wife, Sarah (Genesis 23:1-20), anticipates his future marriage with Keturah (Genesis 25:1-4). Read Genesis 23:1-20. What function does the story of Sarah’s death and burial … Continue reading –>
Monday: God Will Provide
Read Genesis 22:8, Genesis 22:14, Genesis 22:18. How did God fulfill His promise that He will provide? What was provided? When Isaac asked about the sacrificial animal, Abraham gave an intriguing answer: God will “provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering” (Genesis 22:8, NKJV). Yet, the Hebrew verbal form can actually mean “God will provide Himself as … Continue reading –>
Sunday: Mount Moriah
Read Genesis 22:1-12 and Hebrews 11:17. What was the meaning of this test? What spiritual lessons come from this amazing event? Genesis chapter 22 has become a classic in world literature and has inspired philosophers and artists, not just theologians. The meaning of God’s test is difficult to comprehend, however. This divine command contradicted the later biblical prohibition … Continue reading –>
Sabbath: The Promise
Sabbath Afternoon Read for This Week’s Study: Genesis 22:1-24, Hebrews 11:17, Leviticus 18:21, John 1:1-3, Romans 5:6-8, Genesis 23:1-25:34, Romans 4:1-12. Memory Text: “Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things” (Genesis 24:1, NKJV). Finally, as God had promised, Sarah bore Abraham a son, “in his old age” (Genesis 21:2), and he named the baby … Continue reading –>
Inside Story: A Teacher’s Prayer
A Teacher’s Prayer By Andrew McChesney A school friend told Selinah that she should worship Jesus. “You need to go to church because Jesus is coming and, when He comes, He will take His own,” she said. The friend also said only two churches exist in the world — the Seventh-day Adventist Church and another … Continue reading –>
Friday: Further Thought ~ The Covenant With Abraham
Further Thought: Read Ellen G. White, “The Law and the Covenants,” Pages 370-373, in Patriarchs and Prophets. Abraham’s patient and tenacious plea with God on behalf of the people of Sodom (Genesis 18:22-33) should encourage us to pray for the wicked, even though they appear to be in a hopeless condition of sin. Furthermore, God’s attentive response to Abraham’s … Continue reading –>
7: The Covenant With Abraham – Singing With Inspiration
The book of Genesis offers us so many and vast topics from which to choose a theme hymn. As we are starting at the very beginning, I would like to give praise to our Creator of heaven and earth in singing Hymn 320 – Lord of Creation and Hymn 2 – All Creatures of Our God and King. … Continue reading –>