9: To Serve and to Save – SPD Discipleship Video
This video is produced by the South Pacific Division Discipleship team. Week 9_ To Serve And To Save_ study this lesson for Feb 27 from SPD Discipleship on Vimeo. (5)
Continue reading -->This video is produced by the South Pacific Division Discipleship team. Week 9_ To Serve And To Save_ study this lesson for Feb 27 from SPD Discipleship on Vimeo. (5)
Continue reading -->Isaiah 44:26-45:6 What stunning prediction appears in Isaiah 44:26-45:6? Isaiah’s ministry lasted from about 745 B.C. to about 685 B.C. After mentioning a conqueror from the east and from the north (Isaiah 41:2-3, Isaiah 41:25) and implying that this was to be good news for Jerusalem (Isaiah 41:27), Isaiah accurately predicted Cyrus by name and described his activities. He did come from north … Continue reading –>
As the Israelites forgot about God and followed so many other gods and nations, God remained faithful to them, with Isaiah and many other prophets working so hard for God to turn His people around, hence I will choose Hymn 100 – Great Is Thy Faithfulness as a theme hymn for this quarter. Secondary to this … Continue reading –>
Key Thought: Deliverance requires a deliverer. Israel was delivered by Cyrus who set them free from Babylonian exile, and by the Servant Messiah that would restore justice and bring the survivors back to God February 27, 2021 1. Have a volunteer read Isaiah 41:10-17 Ask class members to share a short thought on what the … Continue reading –>
Isa: 42:1-7 What is the role and character of God’s unnamed servant, whom God chooses and on whom He puts His Spirit? Isa: 42:1-7. Choose the best answer or combination of answers: He provides justice for the nations. He accomplishes his goals quietly and gently, but successfully. He is a teacher. He serves as a covenant between … Continue reading –>
Isaiah 41:1-29 In Isaiah 41:8 God speaks of “Israel, my servant,” (NRSV) and in 42:1 he introduces “my servant.” Who is this servant? Is it Israel/Jacob, the ancestor of the Israelites? The nation of Israel? The Messiah/Christ, identified in the New Testament as Jesus? There are two kinds of references to servants of God woven through Isaiah 41-53. … Continue reading –>
Sabbath Afternoon Read for This Week’s Study: Isa: 41:1-29, Isa: 42:1-7, Isa: 44:26-45:6, Isa: 49:1-12. Memory Text: “Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles” (Isaiah 42:1). “Many feel that it would be a great privilege to visit the scenes … Continue reading –>
Seven Little Fishers of Men By Andrew Mcchesney, Adventist Mission What is the power of a small group? The pastor of a Seventh-day Adventist church in northeastern Mexico announced to its 60 members that they should form small groups to meet during the week. Each group should have a name, a motto, a goal, and … Continue reading –>
Further Study: Read Ellen G. White, “Behold Your God!” in Prophets and Kings, pages 311-321. “In Isaiah’s day the spiritual understanding of mankind was dark through misapprehension of God. Long had Satan sought to lead men to look upon their Creator as the author of sin and suffering and death. Those whom he had thus deceived, … Continue reading –>
Isa: 40:19-20 Idolatry destroys a unique, intimate relationship with God by replacing Him with something else ( Exodus 20.4-5; Isa: 42:8). So, prophets refer to idolatry as spiritual “adultery” (Jer: 3:6-9, Ezek: 16:15-19). Read Isaiah 41:29. How does Isaiah characterize idols? How do you understand what he is saying there about them? Why is that so accurate a depiction of … Continue reading –>