HomeSSLessons2020c Making Friends for God2020c Teaching Helps01: Why Witness? – SPD Discipleship Video    


01: Why Witness? – SPD Discipleship Video — 1 Comment

  1. I have learned that joyful witness for eternity with Jesus should never be put on pause.
    We must move in the face of persecution. We must move, propelled by the witnessing tool of our personal testimony.
    We must move for, … It is imperative that out of our lives must flow to others – action – the grace and joy placed there, through our personal relationship with God.

    We must move in order to strengthen and preserve our faith; … to be friendly; … not to avoid, but to protect the church from the enemy’s attacks; … to serve and educate those waiting to be led to salvation and ultimate satisfaction in Christ.
    “For me to live is Christ.” He commissions and leads the way.


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