02 Winsome Witnesses – Discussion Starters
- Unlikely witnesses. Living as he did in a region of 10 seashore cities boundu do together as a big neighborhood, the demoniac was well known but not well liked. In fact he was hated, despised, and mocked. But he had a good streak in him. What was it? How did Jesus relate to
the demoniac’s hidden desire for a better life? How do you think the demoniac’s life changed from that moment?
- Proclaiming the risen Christ. Instead of embalming the body of Crist, how did the women who came to His grave respond when they were told that Jesus was risen from the dead? Mary didn’t wait a minute to accept the report of His resurrection, but how did the disciples respond to the news that He had risen? Why did the disciples doubt Mary’s story?
- Changed lives make a difference. What if any impact did the changed lives of Jesus’ followers have on those who heard their story? How was it possible for the disciples to be so successful in reaching thousands of people to join the early church and be baptized? Can we hope for a conversion experience that dramatic to waken the world to the witness of Jesus and His followers today? What can you and I do to prepare the way for such a happening in these days?
- Sharing our experience. Paul was not one of Jesus’ close friends or disciples but there he was, imprisoned and standing before King Agrippa. How did Paul use that experience to advance the cause of Jesus? Couldn’t he have done as well accusing the authorities of false accusations? Or were they false accusations? What experience similar to Paul’s did the disciple John have? Your lesson states that it is essential for each of us to have a personal relationship with Jesus every day. Do you agree? How do you put your belief into action?
- The power of a personal testimony. How did Paul show kindness and grace in his conversation with the godless king Agrippa? What was Paul’s most effective witness? Fill in the blanks: There is no witness as effective as a ________ _______. Do you believe that? What can you and I do to give a life-changing testimony of God’s love for us to those who need to hear it?
- True or False: As important as correct doctrine is, it cannot substitute for a life transformed by grace and changed by love. How important is it for us as Christians to live a life that can “melt hard hearts or break through the crust of worldliness and selfishness”? Do you have any suggestions for a person who wants to live such a life in Jesus?

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