03: Enduring Temptation – Thought Starters
Introduction. “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” James 1:12. What does our love for God have to do with victory over temptation? Will we be tempted even if we love God supremely? Will we be lost if we do not withstand all of the trials of being tempted?
[Thought questions for Enduring Temptation October 14, 2014]
1. The source of temptation. Do you believe that Satan and his evil angels created sin to distract us from our work of eliminating evil? Or do you believe that sin was never actively created but just happened? Can you remember ever being tempted to the extent that you couldn’t resist? Or thought that you couldn’t? Do you think that God allows us to be tempted to see if we can resist or not? What is the relationship between temptation and sin? What is the most striking difference between the two?
2. When lust conceives. How was it possible for Satan’s thoughts to become Eve’s? What emotions does the thought of Eve’s turning away from God to obey Satan bring to you? Didn’t God create her to live free from all thoughts not originating with Him? Where does sin always begin? What is the birthing process of sin? How could Eve, from her position in a sin-free paradise, harbor the thoughts that would lead mankind to live and suffer in a stormy world racked by sin? How can we, thousands of years later, persist in wanting to see things “our” way instead of God’s?
3. Every good and perfect gift. What has modern mythology done with the character of Jesus as the great gift giver? In what ways do modern-day Christians, even Seventh-day Adventists, often deal with Jesus as a supernatural Santa Claus? What is the most awesome gift God offers His children? Does God want each of us to obtain that gift? If it is God’s all-consuming will to save all of us through eternity, why doesn’t He just do that? What would be the consequences?
4. Slow to speak. Write down the times in the past few days when you spoke too quickly or without thinking. What were the consequences? What happens when thoughtless speech takes over? Have you ever been a victim of your own desire to set the record straight and tell it like it is–as you see it? How can you and I learn to stop and think, to pray and give our thoughts to Jesus when we’re tempted to spill out our thoughts?
5. Saved by Receiving. James 1:19-20 gives us almost everything we need know about getting angry. “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” What is the “wrath of man” that opposes God’s will? Shouldn’t we get angry when others say things that are plain wrong according to Scripture? How can you and I step aside and let the power of the gentle Jesus working in us do the job of revealing Christ to others?

Do you believe that Satan and his evil angels created sin to distract us from our work of eliminating evil?
Joyce, this question really boggles my mind.
Create sin? Is sin something that exists on its own?
Our work of eliminating evil????
I thought that was God's work?
What is the difference between sin and evil?
Joyce, please explain the context of this question.
Shirley, Joyce's weekly posts are designed to give teachers questions to jump start their classes. She is not making a statement of her beliefs but is presenting suggested questions that sometimes are by contrast.
Hi Tyler, Thank you, I understand, I would like to know the background to this question, are there people who think like that?
There must be a reason why this question was posed.
Thank you, Tyler, for the clarification. I am relatively new to Sabbath School Net, even though I've been Adventist for quite some time. I haven't been to Sabbath School in ages, but this quarterly---I've never been so excited to read one! I'm seeing that after all these years, I'm still on "milk", when I should have moved on to "meat". I am thankful to you, as well as the other regular posters, who take to time to bring understanding to others. May God bless us all as we continue to grow in the knowledge and understanding of His Word!
Did Satan really create any thing? No. So sin was not created.
God did not create sin either. Where ever there is something God created there is always a counterfeit. Where there is good there is evil.
He is the reason behind the mix up. He is the reason behind the struggle. He made sin come to life. It already existed.
While I understand the intent of the thought questions I think it would be prudent to ask questions that do not lead down a questionable trail.
Genesis 3 is the first mention of the serpent and something very negative. The serpent is the one who tempts. Perhaps I might ask at what point did satan realize how much power did he and his angels realize they had in influencing the mind and thus creating confusion.
When the confusion begins the focus is then taken off of God's Power.
Sin is the transgression of God's law. Satan did something new…. he broke God's law. He created a new situation. Why wouldn't we say that Satan created sin then? Instead of peace and love and harmony and happiness in heaven, he created discord, strife, hate, and unhappiness. But where sin abounded, God's love much more abounds!