03: Seeing People Through Jesus Eyes – Discussion Starters
- Start where you are. You may be a fully trained literature evangelist. Or a wife and mother with three wiggly pre-school youngsters at home with you. Or, the book of Mark may lie open on your desk as you pray for courage to walk through the neighborhood. Jesus, the master soul winner, is by your side to comfort and guide you. You have some colorful printed pieces to give away. Does the thought of talking to a total stranger about Jesus’ love send chills into your body? Can you “start where you are” no matter what the challenge may be?
- The second touch. Why did Jesus bring sight to the blind man (Mark 8:22-26) in two stages rather than in one miracle? What can be the importance of a “second touch” in reaching people for Jesus? Do you ever have the opportunity of sharing a few words about Jesus to someone and following up a few days later with a special invitation or word of encouragement?
- A lesson in acceptance. If we can see people “through heaven’s eyes,” what will be different about what we see? How can we obtain the gift of spiritual vision so that we can reach out to people from any background? What were some indications that the people of Samaria did not have a high regard for their Jewish neighbors? Wasn’t Jesus of Jewish descent? If so why did He spend His valuable time reaching out to the Samaritan woman? Shouldn’t we try to reach people with backgrounds similar to ours?
- Begin where you are. Think about it. Is there a better place? Is there a place other than our neighborhood, home, workplace, and entertainment site where you and I should start witnessing of Jesus’ love for others? What examples did Andrew give to us about starting where we are and depending on God to show us what to share with others? And how to share it? Imagine a group of twelve new Christians coming to your neighborhood. What would your task with them be?
- Dealing with difficult people. Oh, how hard it is to witness of God’s love when we find ourselves facing troublesome folks with short tempers, critical spirits, and a general disregard for Jesus and His will for us. Think of the times when Jesus faced difficult people. Do you sometimes feel your fists clenching when you read about rude, thoughtless, and even dangerous confrontations Jesus endured? Does God’s word give us any help in dealing with such people?
- Sensing providential opportunities. “I could have,” “I should have,” “I wish I had,” “I wonder what God would have done…” Every time you hear a story someone is sharing about sensing a need for a spiritual boost, what happens to your heart? Does it beat a little faster? Do you pray a little more earnestly? As we wrestle with the horrible Corona virus, do we pray for opportunities to reach out to those stricken by this disease? Or to keep us from helping to spread the disease?

Is the bible text Mark 8:22-26? Not mark 18:22-26?
Thanks Dudie. Fixed it.