HomeSSLessons2014d The Book of James2014d Teaching Helps04: Being and Doing – Thought Starters    


04: Being and Doing – Thought Starters — 1 Comment

  1. I would like to address the last thought question.

    In light of the counsel God has given Seventh-day Adventists, it appears to me that when we have a desire to live unspotted from the world, we will want to live in a more secluded setting. If we find our mission to be in the city at times we may be unspotted in the city by the Grace of God if we walk in His Spirit.

    But if we allow convenience and the desire for city life to motivate us to live in the city, it may be that spots will get on us because of our desire to be involved in such an environment.

    If we are seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, we are spending just the right amount of time in the city work.


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